Why the dems love Biden's boorish behavior

Desperate time calls for desperate measures...
If you NEED your VP to save the election by having a good debate
your ass is in trouble...
i would not say he was spolit 4 year old but he did try to hard. i would not say though it helps though if conservatives unhappy then start resorting to name calling either. Both sides need to understand It does not further the serious nature of the debate the country is facing by being rude or doing any name calling
true and i think it was out of charater for joe to be that rude.

But look conservatives been no angels on politeness either in the past. Saying that they are in control of this election at the moment and if it was held tonight then romney would win without any doubt.
true and i think it was out of charater for joe to be that rude.

But look conservatives been no angels on politeness either in the past. Saying that they are in control of this election at the moment and if it was held tonight then romney would win without any doubt.

No, he wouldn't.
well i hate to say it but i think romney would win if he was tonight as his turn out would be better and he ahead nationally at the moment. But obama still has time to turn it around. Another bad debate though and its curtains for obama.
I really hope your right. Massive night on tuesday. President must produce the goods
So true. He has to find right balancing act. be more forceful but not to point when he looks rude like joe biden did at times yesterday. Its a tough balancing act and not easy to achive.

my advice to him is keep his point far shorter. sum them up in bullet points and when romney speaks don,t interupt mostly but keep eye contact on him at all times. also with his audience focus in on person who asked the question. People like eye contact. remeber clinton great eye contact with girl who asked hm about debt in 1992.

also make sure that you react to things romney said. i was watching past townhall debates on you tube and person who reacted best to their opponent talk came off best. was case with bush vs kerry in 2004 and obama with mccain in 2008.
He was just a distraction from the lies. In that case, the left sees that as a win!
And, he told a couple of whoppers of his own when he fibbed about that he didn't vote for 2 wars. He did so!

Biden Claims He Voted Against Afghanistan, Iraq Wars

“I was there, I voted against them,” Biden continued. “I said, no, we can’t afford that.”
Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”
And on Oct. 11, 2002, Biden voted for a resolution authorizing unilateral military action in Iraq, according to the Washington Post.

Naughty, naughty, naughty!
"The morning after the vice presidential debate, Democrats are delighted. Vice President Joe Biden’s obnoxious display was exactly what was needed to cheer them up after a week of morose speculation about why President Obama was so passive and uninspired at last week’s first presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Indeed, the more Biden giggled, smirked and interrupted Paul Ryan, the better they liked it. While his condescending and bullying behavior contradicted liberal doctrine about conservatives being the ones guilty of polluting the public square with political incivility, it embodied their complete contempt for both Republicans and their ideas. Biden’s nastiness may have re-invigorated a Democratic base that wanted nothing so much as to tell their opponents to shut up, even if it may have also alienated a great many independents."

Why Dems Loved Biden

They loved it because at their core. They are know it all, Liberal assholes, who truly believe their own Propaganda that all Republicans are retarded, Racist, Inbreeds.

If you think the other side is pure evil, and scum, of course you are going to like seeing your VP treat them with no respect at all in a Debate.
promblem is both sides like to sterotype each other. left sterotype conservatives as racist, out loving the rich and hating the poor. Conservatives sterotype left as commie, america hating, welfare dependent people.

it does neither side any favours
true and i think it was out of charater for joe to be that rude.

But look conservatives been no angels on politeness either in the past. Saying that they are in control of this election at the moment and if it was held tonight then romney would win without any doubt.

No, he wouldn't.

You sure?

I mean, I doubt Acorn has even loaded up car trunks with "missing votes," yet. And I'm sure that several cemeteries in Chicago have yet to be registered.
I know kosher, i mean remember when Joe wilson screamed you lied at the state of the union and afterwords after you guys finished cheering. We saw joe have a flood of money come into his campaign?

what a bunch of whining cry babies you people are. You are so willing to play the game till its turned around on you. Then its "oh noes, my feelings are hurt", and whatever victim angle you can play this off as.

Id wish cancer on you but im not that mean to cancer. It doesnt deserve to be infected with you.
I know kosher, i mean remember when Joe wilson screamed you lied at the state of the union and afterwords after you guys finished cheering. We saw joe have a flood of money come into his campaign?

what a bunch of whining cry babies you people are. You are so willing to play the game till its turned around on you. Then its "oh noes, my feelings are hurt", and whatever victim angle you can play this off as.

Id wish cancer on you but im not that mean to cancer. It doesnt deserve to be infected with you.
You are grossly misinformed. Cancer has been shown to be an autoimmune disease triggered by stress in which cells in the human body commit suicide.

If you're going to speak publicly in a forum, you should understand the facts behind your assertions.

Otherwise, you come across as someone on a continuum somewhere between snakesnot and sophomoric.


National Cancer Institute - What is Cancer?

I hope you never get it.

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