Why the fuck aren't we stopping all passengers from IBOLA infected regions?

Clearly, any and all visitors from the Hot Zone need a tour of the White House when the First Family is home
I think stopping all traffic out of Texas might cause some political problems.
Yup, politics is much more important than life or death.

Then I guess you can't dispute the idea that it is in fact a legitimate responsibility of the federal government to protect the nation's health, and, therefore,

federally provided universal healthcare is constitutionally justifiable.
Why do you conservatives want the federal government meddling in disease monitoring and control?

Where is that enumerated in the Constitution?

What in the hell is wrong with you? Are you truly so partisan? That is really a "virus" in itself, I think. It is our government's responsibility to protect us from "foreign invaders."

You apparently haven't read many of the rants by the so-called constitutional conservatives around here.

They think healthcare is none of the federal government's business.

This is not about healthcare. This is about preventing/containing a very contagious and deadly disease!
Because we don't make policy decisions based on the irrational and uninformed panic of people who don't actually know what they're talking about.

But we SHOULD be making policy decisions based upon COMMON SENSE.

Common sense dictates that every closed avenue of entry reduces the number of potential carriers that we have to deal with.

Common sense dictates that the lower the number of potential carriers, the better chance we have of keeping The Beast at bay.

This is not rocket science.

One does not require a medical degree nor even any particular medical trainiing or expertise nor knowledge, in order to reach such a sensible conclusion.

Temporary disruptions to trade, etc., are insignificant, when weighed in the scales alongside the health and safety of the Nation and its People.

So far, collectively, we have NOT been utilizing our common sense, in this context.

It's time to change that.

Better safe than sorry.
Why are people acting like nothing is being done?

Travelers from West African countries will face stronger Ebola screening at U.S. airports - The Washington Post

Enhanced screening measures aimed at finding travelers infected with Ebola will be utilized at five of the busiest international airports in the United States, federal authorities said Wednesday...There are no direct flights on U.S. carriers from these countries to the United States, so people arrive through connections in other cities. More than 90 percent of people who fly to the United States from the three Ebola-ridden countries arrive at one of these five airports. During a recent 12-month period, nearly half of travelers from these countries flew through Kennedy Airport, the CDC says.

The nurse who called the CDC to ask if it was okay for her to travel because she was feeling ill and had been exposed to Ebola was told it was fine for her to travel because her temperature did not meet their standards for an Ebola infection. Well, guess what? She actually does have Ebola and traveled on an airplane.

Screening can only do so much, especially if a person isn't showing signs yet or only minimal signs, and the symptoms develop quite rapidly and transmission of this disease is easier than the CDC first thought. It is not smart to minimize the effects that disease has and could have.
Why are people acting like nothing is being done?

Travelers from West African countries will face stronger Ebola screening at U.S. airports - The Washington Post

Enhanced screening measures aimed at finding travelers infected with Ebola will be utilized at five of the busiest international airports in the United States, federal authorities said Wednesday...There are no direct flights on U.S. carriers from these countries to the United States, so people arrive through connections in other cities. More than 90 percent of people who fly to the United States from the three Ebola-ridden countries arrive at one of these five airports. During a recent 12-month period, nearly half of travelers from these countries flew through Kennedy Airport, the CDC says.

They should get a guided tour of the White House too
And why the hell are we flying the infected all around the country?

Isolate this shit before it gets out of control.

Flights should have stopped to and from those countries when this thing started, its almost like we want Ebola here.
Yeppers... anbody with the common sense that God gave an ant can figure that out for him-or-herself.

Many of the remaining Orgamisc ObamaBots probably understand this as well, but cannot bring themselves to admit it - publicly, at least - otherwise, it reflects badly upon their faded rock-star and his Administration.

A very troubling state of affairs.
Because we don't make policy decisions based on the irrational and uninformed panic of people who don't actually know what they're talking about.
You're right, bleeding from your eyes just before death is no reason to show concern. Totally explains why Obama keeps canceling his trips to work on a crisis that actually means nothing.

Oh, btw at least we have the cdc allowing infected patients to fly commercially just prior to being locked down. Then they say it was a mistake to allow her to fly. They are so competent right?

Fuck the government. They are CLEARLY behind the curve on this. They have bungled 3 cases badly. How many more fuck ups before we take some damn common sense preperations?
So, it's not death that scares you, it's the horror movie style of death that has you shaking in your shoes. Ok.
I have no idea why commercial flights weren't stopped long ago. But, practically speaking, we cannot keep HC workers from travelling to and from W. Africa. It was inevitable that eventually someone would bring it here. What's disturbing the CDC appears to have had no plan, or perhaps even clue, how to track and then isolate anyone who was there who then ran a fever. And, the CDC appears to have had no plan, or even clue, how to treat people with Ebola without infecting hospital staff.
I have no idea why commercial flights weren't stopped long ago. But, practically speaking, we cannot keep HC workers from travelling to and from W. Africa. It was inevitable that eventually someone would bring it here. What's disturbing the CDC appears to have had no plan, or perhaps even clue, how to track and then isolate anyone who was there who then ran a fever. And, the CDC appears to have had no plan, or even clue, how to treat people with Ebola without infecting hospital staff.

Healthcare workers and supplies could be delivered by military or private flights. Commercial passenger flights should be stopped NOW.

A basic question: Is the USA responsible to cure all the diseases in the world if doing so puts the american people at risk of death?

What are Russia and China doing to help africa? how about europe? how about the other countries of africa? Why is the USA the world's medical savior and policeman? If thats our world role, why aren't we getting paid to do that?
I have no idea why commercial flights weren't stopped long ago. But, practically speaking, we cannot keep HC workers from travelling to and from W. Africa. It was inevitable that eventually someone would bring it here. What's disturbing the CDC appears to have had no plan, or perhaps even clue, how to track and then isolate anyone who was there who then ran a fever. And, the CDC appears to have had no plan, or even clue, how to treat people with Ebola without infecting hospital staff.

Healthcare workers and supplies could be delivered by military or private flights. Commercial passenger flights should be stopped NOW.

A basic question: Is the USA responsible to cure all the diseases in the world if doing so puts the american people at risk of death?

What are Russia and China doing to help africa? how about europe? how about the other countries of africa? Why is the USA the world's medical savior and policeman? If thats our world role, why aren't we getting paid to do that?
Sure, military (or private contractor) flights could ferry aid and workers. But, that would not prevent an infected worker arriving in the US before he/she showed a fever and became contagious.

The reason to send aid to W.Africa is that if the disease ends up as an epidemic in some place like Algeria or Morocco it may well end up as an epidemic in Europe, or it could pass into the middle east and to asia. The last real pandemic we had was the Spanish Flu in 1918, and that killed 2% of the world's population. This could possibly be worse.
Denying flights from Africa is racist!!!!

Don't care. Self preservation should be our FIRST concern.
Grampa, you are acting like you don't get the president's ambitions, which is to destroy America in one way or another and the sooner the better, so he can get in some golf rounds and go to fundraisers where even the political candidates won't show up for his so-called support. :lmao:
I have no idea why commercial flights weren't stopped long ago. But, practically speaking, we cannot keep HC workers from travelling to and from W. Africa. It was inevitable that eventually someone would bring it here. What's disturbing the CDC appears to have had no plan, or perhaps even clue, how to track and then isolate anyone who was there who then ran a fever. And, the CDC appears to have had no plan, or even clue, how to treat people with Ebola without infecting hospital staff.

Healthcare workers and supplies could be delivered by military or private flights. Commercial passenger flights should be stopped NOW.

A basic question: Is the USA responsible to cure all the diseases in the world if doing so puts the american people at risk of death?

What are Russia and China doing to help africa? how about europe? how about the other countries of africa? Why is the USA the world's medical savior and policeman? If thats our world role, why aren't we getting paid to do that?
Sure, military (or private contractor) flights could ferry aid and workers. But, that would not prevent an infected worker arriving in the US before he/she showed a fever and became contagious.

The reason to send aid to W.Africa is that if the disease ends up as an epidemic in some place like Algeria or Morocco it may well end up as an epidemic in Europe, or it could pass into the middle east and to asia. The last real pandemic we had was the Spanish Flu in 1918, and that killed 2% of the world's population. This could possibly be worse.

Yes, all the more reason to isolate it in two african countries. Quarantine those countries and limit the fight to that small area.

But obozo is too worried about hurting someone's feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings or being accused or racism, so he will continue to put the american public at risk.
Denying flights from Africa is racist!!!!

Don't care. Self preservation should be our FIRST concern.
Grampa, you are acting like you don't get the president's ambitions, which is to destroy America in one way or another and the sooner the better, so he can get in some golf rounds and go to fundraisers where even the political candidates won't show up for his so-called support. :lmao:

sadly, there is some truth in your humor.
Because we don't make policy decisions based on the irrational and uninformed panic of people who don't actually know what they're talking about.
You're right, bleeding from your eyes just before death is no reason to show concern. Totally explains why Obama keeps canceling his trips to work on a crisis that actually means nothing.

Oh, btw at least we have the cdc allowing infected patients to fly commercially just prior to being locked down. Then they say it was a mistake to allow her to fly. They are so competent right?

Fuck the government. They are CLEARLY behind the curve on this. They have bungled 3 cases badly. How many more fuck ups before we take some damn common sense preperations?
So, it's not death that scares you, it's the horror movie style of death that has you shaking in your shoes. Ok.

Seeing how the left seem content to minimize the threat I figured a bit of a reminder that this isn't the damn flu was in order.
The typo that stumped a moron apparently
Or you are just drunk
You got owned. You walked right into it. Take it like an adult and move along.
Not really...really full of yourself lately huh
Do you have any opinion on the topic or are you only here to troll as usual?


Do you know what President Obama would face if he used Federal Law to ban "Private" Flights from certain parts of the Country? Look at what happened when his wife told people to drink 1 more glass of water a day. Small bias brains went crazy and attacked the Obama's as Tyrants trying to control people......for a suggestion.........

I think this might be a cry wolf scenario.

Ban flights to a select few regions, why not? I tend to think that Ebola patients could become hero's if they ask for euthanasia. It would be a heroic selfless act. But Big Gov won't allow it even if they asked for it.

Watching Grandpa trying to catch up with politics today is fun, but embarrassing to America. Going to bed.

A dead Ebola infected corpse is actually even more dangerous than a live person so ebola victims killing themselves really does nothing, have to stop them before they get here.
I have no idea why commercial flights weren't stopped long ago. But, practically speaking, we cannot keep HC workers from travelling to and from W. Africa. It was inevitable that eventually someone would bring it here. What's disturbing the CDC appears to have had no plan, or perhaps even clue, how to track and then isolate anyone who was there who then ran a fever. And, the CDC appears to have had no plan, or even clue, how to treat people with Ebola without infecting hospital staff.

Healthcare workers and supplies could be delivered by military or private flights. Commercial passenger flights should be stopped NOW.

A basic question: Is the USA responsible to cure all the diseases in the world if doing so puts the american people at risk of death?

What are Russia and China doing to help africa? how about europe? how about the other countries of africa? Why is the USA the world's medical savior and policeman? If thats our world role, why aren't we getting paid to do that?
Sure, military (or private contractor) flights could ferry aid and workers. But, that would not prevent an infected worker arriving in the US before he/she showed a fever and became contagious.

The reason to send aid to W.Africa is that if the disease ends up as an epidemic in some place like Algeria or Morocco it may well end up as an epidemic in Europe, or it could pass into the middle east and to asia. The last real pandemic we had was the Spanish Flu in 1918, and that killed 2% of the world's population. This could possibly be worse.

Yes, all the more reason to isolate it in two african countries. Quarantine those countries and limit the fight to that small area.

But obozo is too worried about hurting someone's feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings or being accused or racism, so he will continue to put the american public at risk.
I don't have any doubt that for the Obama WH, "crisis mode" is a synonym for "cover Obama's ass mode."

But it seems to me that what the WH is faulty at was assuming the CDC actually knew wtf it was doing. Unfortunately, among Obama's failures of leadership, he tends to stick with "his guy" way to long. For all of BushII's failings, when a plan was clearly not working, he was capable of cutting through the bs and finding someone with a plan that the guys with the plan that wasn't working had dismissed. He did it with Iraq and with TARP. Somewhere out there is a guy who can show hospitals how not to infect nurses and who can find a way to track people coming here and make sure they get isolated as soon as they run a temp.

And commercial flights should have been stopped long ago.

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