Why the mantra "Lock Her Up" is even more dangerous than first thought...

You see the hand-writing on the wall...don't you?

We're going to get that 2nd special prosecutor, the FBI files and flubs
on her investigation. And we will...Lock her up.

Get on it then..........You have about 8 months of right wing supremacy....get cracking....LOL
Bottom line is this. We must NEVER circumvent the rule of law for the sake of partisanship, <Quote from your OP that is dripping with 'partisanship'. Maybe you need to understand just what you post, before posting it

What I'm telling a nitwit like you is to go right ahead......Investigate all you want...right now your ILK holds all the powers of government.....lol

And yet Trump isn't being protected by those investigating him now is he?
How about Obama's IRS targeting Tea Party? Is that how democracies are eroded?
Never happened. You just still believe the con job. IRS investigated political activist groups posing as charities to escape paying taxes and regulations as a PAC and qualify for huge donations from donors like the Koch brothers.

Then why did the IRS apologize? Moron

IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups

Trump administration apologizes for IRS tea party targeting
You see the hand-writing on the wall...don't you?

We're going to get that 2nd special prosecutor, the FBI files and flubs
on her investigation. And we will...Lock her up.

Get on it then..........You have about 8 months of right wing supremacy....get cracking....LOL

Once we get the special prosecutor, it won't matter.

She's a private citizen. Congress will have no say in the matter. He'll convene a grand jury, they'll indict her, she be convicted in a court
of law, and she will be fitted with an Orange Pant Suit...that hides the real size of her ass and tummy.
And yet Trump isn't being protected by those investigating him now is he?

why should the orange buffoon need to be "protected"???

This thread is about YOUR fucking ilk wanting to lock up Hillary even AFTER she's been investigated for decades and in that no wrong doings have been found.......
Allow the same scrutiny of the moron in chief, don't you think??? (or do you think?)
Where’s the law that allowed Comey to write up her exoneration before he investigated?

that didn't happen. would you like to keep lying?

and while you're at it, why did comey make a garbage statement about "emails" 10 days before the elction while not announcing that Donald and his campaign were under investigation.

hmmmm? answer that trump troll
And yet Trump isn't being protected by those investigating him now is he?

why should the orange buffoon need to be "protected"???

This thread is about YOUR fucking ilk wanting to lock up Hillary even AFTER she's been investigated for decades and in that no wrong doings have been found.......
Allow the same scrutiny of the moron in chief, don't you think??? (or do you think?)
because their orange jesus told them so in order to protect his truly criminal administration.
and she will be fitted with an Orange Pant Suit...that hides the real size of her ass and tummy.

Do you REALLY want to debate "fat asses"???

How about Obama's IRS targeting Tea Party? Is that how democracies are eroded?
What was really dangerous was when Ambassador Stevens put in many requests for added security to protect him and those with him from an Al Qaeda attack, but those fell on deaf ears because big ears would look bad at his 2012 election. It was more important to win an election than protecting US citizens from harm. Lock her up, bullshit, let her go to Benghazi and live there for a while....
And yet Trump isn't being protected by those investigating him now is he?

why should the orange buffoon need to be "protected"???

This thread is about YOUR fucking ilk wanting to lock up Hillary even AFTER she's been investigated for decades and in that no wrong doings have been found.......
Allow the same scrutiny of the moron in chief, don't you think??? (or do you think?)

(^^see the bold comments).....now back to my original question.........'Does that include being protected by the Dems and ignoring evidence?' as was done with Hillary.
Here you yourself says Trump doesn't need protected and to allow the same scrutiny. So which is it?
What was really dangerous was when Ambassador Stevens put in many requests for added security to protect him and those with him from an Al Qaeda attack, but those fell on deaf ears because big ears would look bad at his 2012 election. It was more important to win an election than protecting US citizens from harm. Lock her up, bullshit, let her go to Benghazi and live there for a while....

Why don't you ask ultra right wing Trey Gowdy how that investigation of his "proved" the above???

Go on, I'll wait.......LOL
Here you yourself says Trump doesn't need protected and to allow the same scrutiny. So which is it?

Moron.......how the fuck was Hillary "protected"????

I mean something OTHER than what Hannity or Jones tells YOU to believe.???
RW's chant "lock her up" - so it comes back and bites them in the ass, and looks like some behind bars time is facing them now.

poor bastards won't ever learn will they ?

Where’s the law that allowed Comey to write up her exoneration before he investigated?

YOUR ilk should erect a statue honoring Comey.......

The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election | FiveThirtyEight

I never understood why Trump made an example out of Comey and why his most ardent supporters still hold this guy up
to be the bad guy. I mean, he gift wrapped the election for Trump. Put a bow on it too. What other pledge of loyalty
could you have been looking for? Trump should have been kissing his ass. But no, he fires Comey...and whoops,
Hello Mr. Mueller. Proving once and for all Trump is dumber than a bag of hammers. And I realize I'm insulting hammers.
RW's chant "lock her up" - so it comes back and bites them in the ass, and looks like some behind bars time is facing them now.

poor bastards won't ever learn will they ?

And to think that the original charge was President Trump and Collusion. Cant wait till a special prosecutor starts looking into the Obama admin and all the bullshit corruption he did. See how many flaming liberals leave the country and not face the charges..
Where’s the law that allowed Comey to write up her exoneration before he investigated?

YOUR ilk should erect a statue honoring Comey.......

The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election | FiveThirtyEight

I never understood why Trump made an example out of Comey and why his most ardent supporters still hold this guy up
to be the bad guy. I mean, he gift wrapped the election for Trump. Put a bow on it too. What other pledge of loyalty
could you have been looking for? Trump should have been kissing his ass. But no, he fires Comey...and whoops,
Hello Mr. Mueller. Proving once and for all Trump is dumber than a bag of hammers. And I realize I'm insulting hammers.
Comey brk the law, so lets reward him for doing it? Yep, liberals are dumber than dirt.

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