Why this recount is or seriously should not be legal


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
There was a recount between Bush and Gore because the old retards in Florida could not punch out their chads, the chads were used because the election officials in Florida were those same old retards. So the Florida recount was legal because there were errors clearly evident.

Now there are no errors, other than Hillarie's mishandling of classified info that will put her in prison or force her to blow her own brains out to avoid this. Hillary or Stein crying that the Russians did it does not show evidence of this, therefore no judge should allow this recount as this will set a precedent for every election going forward.

This recount is not about hanging chads, but about a hanging Clinton, which would be glorious
The argument is that "too many" didn't indicate a presidential choice.

In Michigan she has a legal right to a recount but because of her we're going to Chang the law so anyone who doesn't get within 5 points of the winner will have no legal standing.

Also, if she wants a recount, SHE will pay for it, not the Michigan Taxpayer
One, of course the recount is legal.

Two, it should be expanded to all fifty states.
One, of course the recount is legal.

Two, it should be expanded to all fifty states.

Do you seriously want to experience Hillary losing again?

Do you remember how you cried like a baby when that happened the first time, to the point of still being in denial. Is a repeat of that in all honesty welcomed by yourself?

I will be enjoying as these people will achieve a permanent state of temper tantrum, something that's very unusual to see in the human animal. The amount of butthurt must be excruciating. This must be the story of how these guys must have evolved:


Butthurtius Liberalias
Liberals have sour grapes over losing so they are being petty and nasty, that's all that's going on here. I love it, whenever they take their mask off and show America who they really are that's a good thing.

You are that butt hurt ^^^^^^ !!! :lol: Norman, you baboon.

I voted for McMullin, as you well know. HRC will lose, as she should, but we will catch Trumpers cheating and rigging as well, I think.

We are going to, now that we got rid of Clinton, to keep working on making Trump less than a one-term President. :lol:
why doent Jill have any photos of white male russians either breaking into a voting precinct or russians actually tampering with these machines {before she starts accusing them?}

You are that butt hurt ^^^^^^ !!! :lol: Norman, you baboon.

I voted for McMullin, as you well know. HRC will lose, as she should, but we will catch Trumpers cheating and rigging as well, I think.

We are going to, now that we got rid of Clinton, to keep working on making Trump less than a one-term President. :lol:

Keep telling yourself that I am the butthurt one, as the regressives establish a new standard for whinery. Which ensures that Trump will have at least two terms.

Will believe anything...

Trumpers don't cheat, that's what you will find out. The butt most feel even more sore now.
the more she keeps this up, the more she will start looking more like Debbie Wasserman and wind up working as a zoo janitor
so is Jill going to assist in counting the 12 million votes in Pennsylvania, or just wait at home or go shopping at Sex Fifth Ave with some of that money, or maybe go shopping for a 2017 Benz?
True, but we have the benefit of seeing Hillary lose twice. Really, three times.

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