Why Trump will never release his tax returns.

Obama still refuses to obey court orders to release Fast-and-Furious documents, that ARE required by law to be turned over....documents he has been hiding for 7+ years.

Libs are silent as a dead man...

Hillary refused to turn over documents according to the FOIA and The Federal Records Act, breaking the law by refusing to do so....more keep being released....documents that should have already been released a long time now.

Libs are silent as a dead man...

Trump doesn't immediately hand over his tax returns.

Libs are squealing like stuck pigs.

No rabid partisanship or f*ed up prioritization here! Nothing to see...move along....
The above post is complete bullshit.
Why won't Rdean and you other Hillary supporters discuss Hillary's tax proposals, immigration plan, refugee plan, or some actual proposed policies of Hillary's?

I'm fine with discussing the macroeconomic impact of them; however, I don't know that there's much to say now that they've been evaluated quite critically. What I'm very reluctant to do, however, is engage in a discussion about economics with folks who don't have a strong economics background. I've tried doing that and it just angers me and I spend more time in didactic mode because the remarks I get in reply show little or no real understanding of econ.

In other words, you had rather bash the opposition, his wife and children than debate the issues.

That is not an accurate summarization of what I wrote.

Works for me.
Not being very smart you gave the expected answer.
Wow you liberals are LIARS does your mom know what a liar you turned out to be? Trump is audited every single year you lying filth, the IRS makes sure Trump pays his share now stop lying you pukes.

So why do you think that Trump is scared of voters seeing his tax returns?

Remember- not only did Trump say he would release his tax returns if he ran for President- not only did he tell Romney he should release his tax returns- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades who has not shown the voters his tax returns.

Hell Tricky Dick was more transparent than Tricky Trump.

What is he scared of voters seeing?
Obviously, he is hiding something. Likely it is that he makes far less than he alleges. I’m pretty sure that in the ensuing 8-10 years (if that long), you’ll see a very public, very painful selloff.

Have you released yours? If not you are obviously hiding something, right?

Non sequitur:

I’m not running for President. And before you come back with the standard enabler line of “it’s not required”…it’s been a time honored tradition for 4 decades that the nominees release their tax returns. That Mr. Trump refuses…well, it speaks volumes. Now please hit me with “when hillary does this….” or something equally as impotent….

It's also time honored for those that ask for more than is required to provide theirs first.

So dimwit, where's yours?

Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.
Why won't Rdean and you other Hillary supporters discuss Hillary's tax proposals, immigration plan, refugee plan, or some actual proposed policies of Hillary's?
We have many times. Republicans only want to talk about Hillary Clinton. So we end up talking about Hillary Clinton.

Republicans totally ignore the fact they are being scammed. This from the first post:

Once a swindler, always a swindler. Once the donations started pouring in from Trump supporters who probably worked hard to scrape together a few bucks just to send to Donald, Trump raises the rent on every campaign office that's in a building owned by Trump. A clever way to scam those people sending him money. Completely legal. I suspect that no one running before actually owned the buildings that housed their campaign offices. So no laws exist protecting the donors from being scammed.

And of course, I provided multiple links, like I usually do.

There you go again. You simply refuse to enter into any discussion at about Hillary's proposed policies. You just want to trash-talk. I don't blame you though, Hillary will not grant an interview to discuss her policies either. She is in hiding.
"B-b-b-but Clinton!":crybaby:

This is about Trump hiding his tax returns from you Chumps.

Right. Like I care about his tax returns. His tax returns have nothing to do with the issues.

Of course you don't care about his tax returns.
Just like you don't care that Trump had declared that he would release his tax returns if he decided to run for President.
Just like you don't care about his hypocrisy of telling Romney to release his tax returns but then not doing it himself.
Just like you don't care that he is the ONLY Presidential candidate in decades to not show voters his tax returns.

Will the voters care? Oh I think voters will certainly wonder why Tricky Trump doesn't want voters to see what his tax returns show.
There may be a couple legit reasons why Trump won't release his tax returns, but all of them have to do with the fact that his businesses are all privately and closely held by him and his family members and their tax status makes the "pass through" organizations, which means we'd not only see Trump's personal data but also detailed data about his companies, all of them. What that means is that if there is anyone out there to whom he's provided financial information and it doesn't jibe with what's in those returns, he'll be in court a lot.

Now there are other reasons why not as well, and all of them have to do mostly with non-business partner folks (the general citizenry of the country) being able to reconcile his various statements about himself with what's in shown in his return.

As for why we won't ever see his returns, the short answer is that he's stated that an IRS audit is the reason why he won't release his return. Well, assuming there was an audit of his returns prior to 2008, they're finished yet he won't release them either. I don't know about you, but my tax information hasn't changed all that much since 2008. Sure I've bought and sold various investments, earned different sums, and donated different sums to charity, but the "general and qualitative picture" of me that one would get from my returns isn't materially different now from what it was then.

But Trump's lawyers say he gets audited every year. That basically means, given that while he's under audit he won't release his returns, we'll never see his returns.

Yet Trump knew all of that when he previously said that he would release his tax returns if he decided to run for President.

More than a year ago, in February of 2015, Donald Trump—who was not yet running for president—said he would "certainly" release his personal tax returns. "I would release tax returns," he told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, reiterating later in the interview that, "I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns."

In January of this year, as Trump was leading in the GOP primary polls, he again said that the returns were forthcoming. "We're working on that now. I have big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time," he said on MSNBC.
Obviously, he is hiding something. Likely it is that he makes far less than he alleges. I’m pretty sure that in the ensuing 8-10 years (if that long), you’ll see a very public, very painful selloff.

Have you released yours? If not you are obviously hiding something, right?

Non sequitur:

I’m not running for President. And before you come back with the standard enabler line of “it’s not required”…it’s been a time honored tradition for 4 decades that the nominees release their tax returns. That Mr. Trump refuses…well, it speaks volumes. Now please hit me with “when hillary does this….” or something equally as impotent….

It's also time honored for those that ask for more than is required to provide theirs first.

So dimwit, where's yours?

Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.

I agree, you’re a total dick. And a not very intelligent one at that.
As for Trump, he knew it would be expected of him to release his tax returns.
That he has something to hide is obvious. I hope he doesn’t release them frankly, I’d rather have another issue to club him over the head with and have the “never trumpers” who are on the bubble continue to question his honesty. The issue is much more damaging to your Messiah than whatever is in the returns.
Trumps taxes? Zero fucks given.

He's not in jail or being investigated for tax fraud so I don't care. I don't care to see Clintons either. As long as they pay them it doesn't mean shit.

You don't care.

Will voters care that Clinton released all of her tax returns- and Trump none?
Will voters care that even Tricky Dick released his tax returns but not Tricky Trump?
Will voters conclude that Trump has something he wants to hide from voters?

Time will tell.
Have you released yours? If not you are obviously hiding something, right?

Non sequitur:

I’m not running for President. And before you come back with the standard enabler line of “it’s not required”…it’s been a time honored tradition for 4 decades that the nominees release their tax returns. That Mr. Trump refuses…well, it speaks volumes. Now please hit me with “when hillary does this….” or something equally as impotent….

It's also time honored for those that ask for more than is required to provide theirs first.

So dimwit, where's yours?

Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.

I agree, you’re a total dick. And a not very intelligent one at that.
As for Trump, he knew it would be expected of him to release his tax returns.
That he has something to hide is obvious. I hope he doesn’t release them frankly, I’d rather have another issue to club him over the head with and have the “never trumpers” who are on the bubble continue to question his honesty. The issue is much more damaging to your Messiah than whatever is in the returns.

Thus admitting the long standing tradition deflection was pure and utter nonsense.

Why won't Rdean and you other Hillary supporters discuss Hillary's tax proposals, immigration plan, refugee plan, or some actual proposed policies of Hillary's?
We have many times. Republicans only want to talk about Hillary Clinton. So we end up talking about Hillary Clinton.

Republicans totally ignore the fact they are being scammed. This from the first post:

Once a swindler, always a swindler. Once the donations started pouring in from Trump supporters who probably worked hard to scrape together a few bucks just to send to Donald, Trump raises the rent on every campaign office that's in a building owned by Trump. A clever way to scam those people sending him money. Completely legal. I suspect that no one running before actually owned the buildings that housed their campaign offices. So no laws exist protecting the donors from being scammed.

And of course, I provided multiple links, like I usually do.

There you go again. You simply refuse to enter into any discussion at about Hillary's proposed policies. You just want to trash-talk. I don't blame you though, Hillary will not grant an interview to discuss her policies either. She is in hiding.
"B-b-b-but Clinton!":crybaby:

This is about Trump hiding his tax returns from you Chumps.

Right. Like I care about his tax returns. His tax returns have nothing to do with the issues.

Of course you don't care about his tax returns.
Just like you don't care that Trump had declared that he would release his tax returns if he decided to run for President.
Just like you don't care about his hypocrisy of telling Romney to release his tax returns but then not doing it himself.
Just like you don't care that he is the ONLY Presidential candidate in decades to not show voters his tax returns.

Will the voters care? Oh I think voters will certainly wonder why Tricky Trump doesn't want voters to see what his tax returns show.

I seriously doubt if you could even read my tax returns. Obama's own IRS has and is looking at Trump's tax returns. You can rest assured if Mr. Trump's tax returns have anything illegal in them, Obama's IRS will go after Mr. Trump. Is it that you have so little trust and faith in Obama's own IRS? You wish to check on them? You know that much about tax law?
Trumps taxes? Zero fucks given.

He's not in jail or being investigated for tax fraud so I don't care. I don't care to see Clintons either. As long as they pay them it doesn't mean shit.

You don't care.

Will voters care that Clinton released all of her tax returns- and Trump none?
Will voters care that even Tricky Dick released his tax returns but not Tricky Trump?
Will voters conclude that Trump has something he wants to hide from voters?

Time will tell.
voters don't care about much except for the important issues. Who reveals their tax returns isn't even on the list, the media is telling you to be concerned. The media wants something to talk about, the media wants to stoke the fires. Nobody gives a fuck. Even you don't. Be honest.
I admit that talking about Trump's tax returns keeps Liberals from having to engage in a discussion of Hillary's proposed policies or in discussing the pay for play at the Clinton Foundation.
Wow you liberals are LIARS does your mom know what a liar you turned out to be? Trump is audited every single year you lying filth, the IRS makes sure Trump pays his share now stop lying you pukes.

So why do you think that Trump is scared of voters seeing his tax returns?

Remember- not only did Trump say he would release his tax returns if he ran for President- not only did he tell Romney he should release his tax returns- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades who has not shown the voters his tax returns.

Hell Tricky Dick was more transparent than Tricky Trump.

What is he scared of voters seeing?

Why do you make up lies? Trump isn't "scared of voters seeing his tax returns" and you can't back up that claim.
Non sequitur:

I’m not running for President. And before you come back with the standard enabler line of “it’s not required”…it’s been a time honored tradition for 4 decades that the nominees release their tax returns. That Mr. Trump refuses…well, it speaks volumes. Now please hit me with “when hillary does this….” or something equally as impotent….

It's also time honored for those that ask for more than is required to provide theirs first.

So dimwit, where's yours?

Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.

I agree, you’re a total dick. And a not very intelligent one at that.
As for Trump, he knew it would be expected of him to release his tax returns.
That he has something to hide is obvious. I hope he doesn’t release them frankly, I’d rather have another issue to club him over the head with and have the “never trumpers” who are on the bubble continue to question his honesty. The issue is much more damaging to your Messiah than whatever is in the returns.

Thus admitting the long standing tradition deflection was pure and utter nonsense.


Stated (much less admitted) nothing of the sort. It’s a no-win for Trump. When he does release them, it will be because he has to. If he doesn’t, we’ll just keep asking what is he hiding. The same simplistic problem you created for yourself 4 years ago. I would ask if it is impossible for you guys to learn anything. But you’ve answered that question…it’s obviously no. Have fun
I admit that talking about Trump's tax returns keeps Liberals from having to engage in a discussion of Hillary's proposed policies or in discussing the pay for play at the Clinton Foundation.
Unlike you, I am more than capable of talking about several subjects at once.

All you can do is whine, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

It's all you do. In EVERY topic about Trump.

And I SERIOUSLY doubt you even know what Clinton's policies are.
I admit that talking about Trump's tax returns keeps Liberals from having to engage in a discussion of Hillary's proposed policies or in discussing the pay for play at the Clinton Foundation.
Unlike you, I am more than capable of talking about several subjects at once.

All you can do is whine, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

It's all you do. In EVERY topic about Trump.

And I SERIOUSLY doubt you even know what Clinton's policies are.

Yes I certainly do. One of her main things is that she will raises taxes and regulations on corporations and somehow this is magically going to create thousands of new jobs.
It's also time honored for those that ask for more than is required to provide theirs first.

So dimwit, where's yours?

Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.

I agree, you’re a total dick. And a not very intelligent one at that.
As for Trump, he knew it would be expected of him to release his tax returns.
That he has something to hide is obvious. I hope he doesn’t release them frankly, I’d rather have another issue to club him over the head with and have the “never trumpers” who are on the bubble continue to question his honesty. The issue is much more damaging to your Messiah than whatever is in the returns.

Thus admitting the long standing tradition deflection was pure and utter nonsense.


Stated (much less admitted) nothing of the sort. It’s a no-win for Trump. When he does release them, it will be because he has to. If he doesn’t, we’ll just keep asking what is he hiding. The same simplistic problem you created for yourself 4 years ago. I would ask if it is impossible for you guys to learn anything. But you’ve answered that question…it’s obviously no. Have fun

As stated previously, you never believed long standing tradition was a justification for requiring him to release his tax returns. You're like a junior high child making excuses for your bad behavior.

No one really cares a lick what's on his or hillarys tax returns, if they do, they need to get a life.
Again, not running for President.


You hiding something?

You don't give a flying f*** about long standing traditions, that's obvious.

Long standing traditions include marriage between a man and a woman and those with dicks being considered male.

The only long standing tradition you give a rats ass about is political hackery.

I agree, you’re a total dick. And a not very intelligent one at that.
As for Trump, he knew it would be expected of him to release his tax returns.
That he has something to hide is obvious. I hope he doesn’t release them frankly, I’d rather have another issue to club him over the head with and have the “never trumpers” who are on the bubble continue to question his honesty. The issue is much more damaging to your Messiah than whatever is in the returns.

Thus admitting the long standing tradition deflection was pure and utter nonsense.


Stated (much less admitted) nothing of the sort. It’s a no-win for Trump. When he does release them, it will be because he has to. If he doesn’t, we’ll just keep asking what is he hiding. The same simplistic problem you created for yourself 4 years ago. I would ask if it is impossible for you guys to learn anything. But you’ve answered that question…it’s obviously no. Have fun

As stated previously, you never believed long standing tradition was a justification for requiring him to release his tax returns. You're like a junior high child making excuses for your bad behavior.

No one really cares a lick what's on his or hillarys tax returns, if they do, they need to get a life.

And now you’re stumbling onto the truth….he seems to care a great deal. Otherwise he would have released them.
Obviously, he’s hiding something.

We’ll find out.
Or not.

Either way, it’s a win-win and just another example of why politics is a profession; best left to the professionals.

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