Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Agreed however I don't trust corporations to do the right thing either. So what's the third choice?

I can't argue with that. It is just as idiotic to put your trust in corporations. Take illegal immigration for instance. Most sane people on both sides realize it is a bad idea, but the corporations that control both sides make sure the flow never stops. Lawmakers are bought and paid for. Government and business are now the same thing. It would be nice if the government had just enough power to keep corporations from abusing us, while at the same time not becoming a zero option, no market mess. That is the problem, government(business) is policing business. I have no answer.
Agreed however I don't trust corporations to do the right thing either. So what's the third choice?

Competition. If the company down the street pays a better wage and/or has better benefits, the best workers choose that company. All companies want the best employees, so if one is getting stuck with the leftovers, they raise their pay/benefits to attract the better workers back to their side.

With government, there is no compeition. That is the problem.
Agreed however I don't trust corporations to do the right thing either. So what's the third choice?

Competition. If the company down the street pays a better wage and/or has better benefits, the best workers choose that company. All companies want the best employees, so if one is getting stuck with the leftovers, they raise their pay/benefits to attract the better workers back to their side.

With government, there is no competition. That is the problem.

Exactly right, there is no accountability in government. Look at a few examples:
1. Look at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Wikipedia setup to be independent of ANY oversight. The USSC will take case March 2020.
2. Lois Lerner and using the IRS to target conservative groups
3. Government unions and protecting bad workers. Its nearly impossible to fire a government worker
4. Deep State government workers believe that they run the government, not the elected pols.

IMHO we need another "Grace Commission" to streamline government, save money, and get back to a Balanced Budget.
Welfare queens are by far the largest constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.
Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.
Republicans don't come off as labor friendly in many instances. There are those that are against paid sick time, maternity leave, overtime wages, the list goes on. They are anti public worker for the most part. They want people to do those jobs, just with low pay. That doesn't help.
Its up to the employer. It isnt up to the govt to FORCE
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

2 years of repubs in full control of government and deficits increased drastically. Don’t pretend they are a small government party.
Agreed however I don't trust corporations to do the right thing either. So what's the third choice?

Competition. If the company down the street pays a better wage and/or has better benefits, the best workers choose that company. All companies want the best employees, so if one is getting stuck with the leftovers, they raise their pay/benefits to attract the better workers back to their side.

With government, there is no compeition. That is the problem.
Many of our corporations are near monopolies. Non competes are all over. There is lots of wage collusion... our capitalism is broken . Corps have all the power and workers have little.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
Healthcare costs are becoming a bigger and bigger percent of income. Dems are offering ideas to make it more affordable.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because you are degenerate filth.
Because you are a wetback with illegal roots
Because you are a pole puffer or a rug muncher.
Because you are a chick with a dick.
Because you are a feminazi.
Because you are a stoner and love legal drugs.

No other reasons.
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Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

Obama was a narcasist, but that is not why I didn't vote for him.

Democrats don't like Trump's personality and are willing to forfeit our country just so they can get someone in office that speaks softly and gives them the warm fuzzies.

I tend to prefer candidates who aren't narcissistic liars.

That's not forfeiting the country. That's getting someone less terrible (which is just about anyone in my opinion) to replace him.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

So you don't like his personality, therefore you'll vote for people who will take your very last dime and waste it? Between redundancy, waste,corruption, and incompetence you are going to say, yeah , lets do it, that beats competition?

They aren't going to take my very last dime.

There is plenty of corruption and incompetence on both sides. I'll go with the one that isn't run by a narcissistic liar.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!
Democrats are talking about slavery.. green new deal is democrats controlling every aspect of everyone’s life! Why republicans don’t talk more about this is crazy
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

Diversity is fine with me.
Obviously not you want someone removed for doing a great job because how he talks
He’s doing a poor job by his own standards. Remember when he said a president should not rule by executive order? Remember when he claimed he’d get rid of the debt? Remember when he said not hitting 3% gdp growth was awful? Remember when labor force participation rate was important?
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

Diversity is fine with me.
Obviously not you want someone removed for doing a great job because how he talks

I'm not very open to the accepting of narcissistic liars.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
How about: protections for your employer-provided healthcare and pension/401K, protection of worker bargaining rights, and workplace safety and environmental protections

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