Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

People had jobs under the last president

In fact people have been working for a long time but there still was elections

The economy will continue no matter who is the president

The question is what did trump do to improve the economy instead of riding the wave created by the previous guy

giving credit him credit for jobs when the jobless rate has been falling

unemployment rate in 1952 was 2.7

under Regan is was 10.8

2000 it was 3.9

Obama last year it was 4.7 from a high of 9.3

under trump it was 4.7 that he inherited
now its 3.5

certainly a modest drop but has been falling since the recession

jobs will be there no matter who is elected

the clean energy economy remains a big source of jobs – at 4 million, with wind and solar jobs outpacing those in coal.

Solar had the most jobs in the renewables space and was second only to oil in total jobs

In 2017/18, the second shale-oil boom created almost 100,000 new high-paying jobs in oil and gas drilling

with the price of oil falling so will the jobs as layoffs are happening now

So there are a lot of things that contribute to jobs despite who the president is
"the clean energy economy remains a big source of jobs – at 4 million, with wind and solar jobs outpacing those in coal."

I believe the leading state for that is Texas?
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

RE: "Why vote Democrat if you have a job?"

Maybe because you're too busy working to mouth off in public, trolling opponents 24/7.
So you lobby and hire someone else to do a better job entrapping others with hate bait....

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