Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

I won't ever vote Democrat and stated I don't accept what they offer. I also don't believe the GOP cares much at all for average workers when they criticize social security, Medicare, etc as bad for the nation..same old empty rhetoric.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

it's not hate. What we have right now is like hiring a Raptor to protect us from the Foxes. Sooner or later, the Raptor is going to want a snack between fox treats.
Ok tds
Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.

Corporate ass kissers??

You mean like Obama when he bailed out mega corporations like GM and Chrysler and gave billions to Wall St Banks??

Obama and Crooked Hillary who Wall Street overwhelmingly supported in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

Obama who gave government subsidies to big Environmental Wacko corporations?

How about the Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood mega millionaires that support the Democrat filth?
No one did more for corporate profits than Trump who lowered corporate tax rate so that they could increase their stock price through buybacks.

Obama gave away billions and billions of taxpayer's money to corporations. The corporations rewarded the sonofabitch by giving money to the Democrat filth running for President.

Trump has been growing the economy and everybody benefits from it.

Big damn difference.

Of course you stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Ethics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.

TARP made a profit for the government. The auto bailout saved tens or hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs. Obama grew the economy because of it and everyone prospered.

Trump is running trillion dollar deficits to line the pockets of his billionaire buddies.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The government gave GM and Chrysler tens of billions of dollars and only a small portion was ever paid back. You would know that if you didn't get all your information for the fake Libtard news.

It didn't save jackshit. It subsidized the filthy greedy UAW jobs with taxpayer's money and the UAW gave hundreds of millions to Obama in 2008 and 2012. That is despicable.

When Trump gets to the $10 trillion in debt that the shithead Obama ran up then we will talk about deficits.

Obama got increased poverty, decreased family income and dismal economic growth for his enormous debt.

Trump's debt is producing a booming economy, increased family income and record low unemployment.

Do you understand the difference Moon Bat?

You really need to pull your head out of your Libtard ass because you are embarrassing yourself with your ignorant TDS comments. Better yet go take your TDS meds.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

it's not hate. What we have right now is like hiring a Raptor to protect us from the Foxes. Sooner or later, the Raptor is going to want a snack between fox treats.
Ok tds

You gone and done it again. Just how many are going to create? Rump doesn't have enough spots open to hire all of them.

Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

it's not hate. What we have right now is like hiring a Raptor to protect us from the Foxes. Sooner or later, the Raptor is going to want a snack between fox treats.
Ok tds

You gone and done it again. Just how many are going to create? Rump doesn't have enough spots open to hire all of them.

Hope all you fellow Americans going through this hard time can pull through
With the amazing president Trump unemployment at a 50 year record low Trump OWNS the economy in the 2020 election. Dem's are fucked!
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

it's not hate. What we have right now is like hiring a Raptor to protect us from the Foxes. Sooner or later, the Raptor is going to want a snack between fox treats.
Ok tds

You gone and done it again. Just how many are going to create? Rump doesn't have enough spots open to hire all of them.

Hope all you fellow Americans going through this hard time can pull through

I'm doing just fine. Got a little behind but that will be taken care of in one week. It doesn't matter who is President at this level. As long as we look at just our own personal lives, it really doesn't matter which party is in power. This the reason I can be enticed by either part for my vote on the larger issues. I am voting for my Grand Kids, not for myself. And from what I can see, those kids and their kids are in bad need of being represented. But I am doing okay no matter who is President or what nonsense you have to say.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

Hell I'm retired and they haven't a single solitary thing to offer me. Maybe that's because I have some wealth tied up in investments and I'm not counting on sucking the taxpayer tit for my sustenance for the rest of my life.
The government gave GM and Chrysler tens of billions of dollars and only a small portion was ever paid back. You would know that if you didn't get all your information for the fake Libtard news.

It didn't save jackshit. It subsidized the filthy greedy UAW jobs with taxpayer's money and the UAW gave hundreds of millions to Obama in 2008 and 2012. That is despicable.

You’re calling middle class working Americans greedy and filthy. You’re pathetic and filled with hate. I never said that auto bailouts made a profit. TARP did. Do you know the difference or are you just misinformed?

When Trump gets to the $10 trillion in debt that the shithead Obama ran up then we will talk about deficits.

You only say that because you have no other excuses. Obama ran a deficit in the greatest economic crisis in recent history. Trump is running the same deficit in a “booming economy”. Tell me how that makes any damn sense.

Obama got increased poverty, decreased family income and dismal economic growth for his enormous debt.

False. Obama had a huge hole to dig out of but once we did, we had year over year of wage growth, job growth and economic growth.

Trump's debt is producing a booming economy, increased family income and record low unemployment.

Trump has lowered unemployment about once percentage point. The only reason he can claim this record is because Obama handed him a low unemployment. Trump’s economic growth is about the same as Obama’s.

You really need to pull your head out of your Libtard ass because you are embarrassing yourself with your ignorant TDS comments. Better yet go take your TDS meds.

You don’t have a leg to stand on. Just mindless talking points.
With the amazing president Trump unemployment at a 50 year record low Trump OWNS the economy in the 2020 election. Dem's are fucked!

Actually, if you use the same yardstick from the way Unemployment was taken in 1956, you would find that the real current Unemployment would be at least twice as high as it was in 1956 and has even been higher. In 1956, the unemployment rate was 3.9% and having a part time job or a minimum wage job seeking a better job listed you as unemployed. That means, the real unemployment rate is probably approaching 20%. Down from the real unemployment rate of 24.9% of 2000.

Are things today better than in 1956? In many things, yes. Luxuries. But not food, clothing, housing, heating, you know, the basics of living. The results from those lacks are homelessness, divorce, suicides, unruly children, run down buildings and more. In 1956, they had high hopes to build on the good things that they had worked to create. But all that has been mostly tossed out the window since. This is why I keep going back to the 1956 Republican Convention Platform which was what all of that was based on and it had a promise of, not only a better America but a better world.

Instead, we have two nutcase parties represented by a bunch of nutcases, voted into office by a bunch of nutcases, fighting a bunch of nutcase fights over a bunch of nutcase issues.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

Get a grip Trump has been the president for 3 years and the sky hasn't fallen. Things are going fantastic for the country. Facts that utterly destroy your pathetic fear mongering.

The sky hasn't fallen. And I'd like to keep it that way, by keeping narcissistic liars out of office.

I've made my choice.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
Nice post. It's a shame most of the dems and libs that post on here won't agree with you because they've been brainwashed so much by our biased media.

the donkey is temporarily pixilated------for about the past ??? 40 years

False. Obama had a huge hole to dig out of but once we did, we had year over year of wage growth, job growth and economic growth.


You are as confused as hell, aren't you Moon Bat?

The "hole" that the Negro had to dig out of was caused by the Democrats.

Bush had a great economy for six years and then that 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by assholes like Barney Queerboi, Dirty Harry, "Tits" Pelosi and that dumbass affirmative action Neggra from Chicago. When the CRA chickens came home to roost to destroy the housing market the dumbass Democrats made it even worse.

The dumbass Negro inherited the destruction of the Democrats. Let the government put pressure on lenders to give loans to minority assholes that had neither the means or the inclination to ever pay the money back back. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong?

The dumbass Negro had eight years to undo the damage caused by the Democrats and all he did was increase poverty, decrease family income. run up $10 trillion in debt, increase income disparity, fuck up health care and make America the laughing stock of the world with his weak ass Muslim loving foreign policy.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
Nobody ever accused Democrats of Brilliance.
People had jobs under the last president

In fact people have been working for a long time but there still was elections

The economy will continue no matter who is the president

The question is what did trump do to improve the economy instead of riding the wave created by the previous guy

giving credit him credit for jobs when the jobless rate has been falling

unemployment rate in 1952 was 2.7

under Regan is was 10.8

2000 it was 3.9

Obama last year it was 4.7 from a high of 9.3

under trump it was 4.7 that he inherited
now its 3.5

certainly a modest drop but has been falling since the recession

jobs will be there no matter who is elected

the clean energy economy remains a big source of jobs – at 4 million, with wind and solar jobs outpacing those in coal.

Solar had the most jobs in the renewables space and was second only to oil in total jobs

In 2017/18, the second shale-oil boom created almost 100,000 new high-paying jobs in oil and gas drilling

with the price of oil falling so will the jobs as layoffs are happening now

So there are a lot of things that contribute to jobs despite who the president is
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

I plan to retire from working in 5 years and own 3 beachrental properties that are climbing in value. I dont want to be taxed out the ass. Ive worked hard my whole life, Im afraid they will look at me as rich. I have a motorhome, how am I going to buy gas if they put all of their energy policies in motion. I love America just like it is, even a middle class guy like me can make it big if you work hard and invest, thats the way i was raised
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

:th_waiting: .. nothing but lies from TDS News/Democratic Party and you seem to have missed it all...:lol:

Wow, you just created another cabinet member for Rump. Is another one going to get fired, quit in shame or be indited that I am not aware of?

Trump tends to not keep the dead weight around for very long whereas Democrats tend to glorify their lying losers and toadies.. enjoy... :wink_2:
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
Nice post. It's a shame most of the dems and libs that post on here won't agree with you because they've been brainwashed so much by our biased media.
Projectionist and a complete dumbass to boot. Remember when Trump was going to hire an asst. manager from Mineeke Muffler for his cabinet? The OP is guessing and has not a clue who is who.

What am I projecting? When is government better than market competition? You want to give the government your money because Trump talked about a muffler guy? Waste, corruption, redundancy, and incompetence vs market competition, and you say hey, lets let the government do it, it is going to work out great?
Re-read what I am replying to now. Your 3rd sentence.

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