Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
How about: protections for your employer-provided healthcare and pension/401K, protection of worker bargaining rights, and workplace safety and environmental protections

Can't you protect workers and still have efficient competition? I don't want every business to turn into the VA.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

2 years of repubs in full control of government and deficits increased drastically. Don’t pretend they are a small government party.

I really wish they were. The choice is a deficit where the government takes my money, or a deficit where they let me keep a little and make a few choices. Most republicans wish the clowns on our side did better.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

2 years of repubs in full control of government and deficits increased drastically. Don’t pretend they are a small government party.

I really wish they were. The choice is a deficit where the government takes my money, or a deficit where they let me keep a little and make a few choices. Most republicans wish the clowns on our side did better.
They can only borrow so much before you will have to be taxed. The tax cuts did not pay for themselves. Borrowing during a strong economy is far worse than borrowing to get out of recession...
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.
How about: protections for your employer-provided healthcare and pension/401K, protection of worker bargaining rights, and workplace safety and environmental protections

Can't you protect workers and still have efficient competition? I don't want every business to turn into the VA.
I see the role of government akin to the NFL. The NFL sets the rules of the game and has refs on the field to ensure each team competes fairly. What the NFL doesn't do is call plays. The government has to be strong enough to enforce the rules and get out of the way. Neither party is great at that since, like the NFL, the teams have enormous power to influence the rules the NFL makes. The Dems come closer, IMHO, to that model than the GOP and they do give the workers/players some protection from the employers/owners.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

Let's instead have a fat sassed orange clown tell you what to think.

Why get government involved? Really? Because without oversight & controls corporate America will fuck you. They will save a few dollars by polluting, by paying people less, by allowing more dangerous workplaces, and fewer worker benefits. They will create products that will kill you because they cut a corner or used an additive they know causes cancer because it was cheaper.

You really need to quit believing the Republican bullshit & realize this country does better economically under Democrart Presidents.

The ACA did not control healthcare. I am sick & tired of that lie.

If we did not break down statistics into gender, race, etc the white supremacist could get away with racism & bigotry.
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

Let's instead have a fat sassed orange clown tell you what to think.

Why get government involved? Really? Because without oversight & controls corporate America will fuck you. They will save a few dollars by polluting, by paying people less, by allowing more dangerous workplaces, and fewer worker benefits. They will create products that will kill you because they cut a corner or used an additive they know causes cancer because it was cheaper.

You really need to quit believing the Republican bullshit & realize this country does better economically under Democrart Presidents.

The ACA did not control healthcare. I am sick & tired of that lie.

If we did not break down statistics into gender, race, etc the white supremacist could get away with racism & bigotry.

Oversight and control are two very different things, and you know this. I'd love oversight, but the government puppets are business policing business.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
So you accept liars who aren’t narcissistic.

To an extent.

All politicians lie. Not all politicians are narcissistic liars.
That is correct.
Not all; most.

Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

Diversity is fine with me.
Obviously not you want someone removed for doing a great job because how he talks
He’s doing a poor job by his own standards. Remember when he said a president should not rule by executive order? Remember when he claimed he’d get rid of the debt? Remember when he said not hitting 3% gdp growth was awful? Remember when labor force participation rate was important?
He’s about the sign a huge deal you have tds
What do Democrat's have to offer people who are working? Higher taxation and government programs? I don't think it is in dispute that getting rid of competition and giving your money to crooks and fools is a bad idea. Government waste isn't a controversial notion is it? The eight hundred dollar screwdriver for the military. For the life of me, I don't see why people keep going back to the idea of lets just let the government do it. You are going to let people who don't know anything about the real world control energy and healthcare? How can that ever seem like a good idea? That is like making an art teacher the secretary of defense. After breaking everyone down by gender and skin color, the democrats only seem to offer anything to the unemployed or retired. If you have a job, it just makes you a target. I thought the idea was to get more people jobs, not exploit the workers for more yachts and summer homes.

For Democrats... scratch that, for socialist it's everything about class warfare and identity politics. In order to thrive, they need victims, and more victims they create, the better they think they are. They're trying to sell socialism to working Americans, and they're not having it.

A commie has never won a debate ever. It's as simple as this: without reward for work, the working man will not continue to supply the parasites who invade his country with food, supplies, services.

Nature is capitalist. Every lifeform since the inception of life has had to provide for itself and it's own direct offspring. There is no such thing as communism, in any animal hierarchy (humans are animals). With no incentive to provide, there will never be enough providers, and those who are preaching socialism and communism were never providers.
Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.

Corporate ass kissers??

You mean like Obama when he bailed out mega corporations like GM and Chrysler and gave billions to Wall St Banks??

Obama and Crooked Hillary who Wall Street overwhelmingly supported in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

Obama who gave government subsidies to big Environmental Wacko corporations?

How about the Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood mega millionaires that support the Democrat filth?
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

:th_waiting: .. nothing but lies from TDS News/Democratic Party and you seem to have missed it all...:lol:

Wow, you just created another cabinet member for Rump. Is another one going to get fired, quit in shame or be indited that I am not aware of?


Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.

Corporate ass kissers??

You mean like Obama when he bailed out mega corporations like GM and Chrysler and gave billions to Wall St Banks??

Obama and Crooked Hillary who Wall Street overwhelmingly supported in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

Obama who gave government subsidies to big Environmental Wacko corporations?

How about the Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood mega millionaires that support the Democrat filth?
No one did more for corporate profits than Trump who lowered corporate tax rate so that they could increase their stock price through buybacks.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.
You have to accept diversity,, stop your hate!

it's not hate. What we have right now is like hiring a Raptor to protect us from the Foxes. Sooner or later, the Raptor is going to want a snack between fox treats.
Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.

Corporate ass kissers??

You mean like Obama when he bailed out mega corporations like GM and Chrysler and gave billions to Wall St Banks??

Obama and Crooked Hillary who Wall Street overwhelmingly supported in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

Obama who gave government subsidies to big Environmental Wacko corporations?

How about the Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood mega millionaires that support the Democrat filth?
No one did more for corporate profits than Trump who lowered corporate tax rate so that they could increase their stock price through buybacks.

Obama gave away billions and billions of taxpayer's money to corporations. The corporations rewarded the sonofabitch by giving money to the Democrat filth running for President.

Trump has been growing the economy and everybody benefits from it.

Big damn difference.

Of course you stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Ethics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.
Corporate boot kissers and rich worshippers are a big part of the GOP....broad generalization.

Corporate ass kissers??

You mean like Obama when he bailed out mega corporations like GM and Chrysler and gave billions to Wall St Banks??

Obama and Crooked Hillary who Wall Street overwhelmingly supported in 2008, 2012 and 2016?

Obama who gave government subsidies to big Environmental Wacko corporations?

How about the Silicon Valley billionaires and Hollywood mega millionaires that support the Democrat filth?
No one did more for corporate profits than Trump who lowered corporate tax rate so that they could increase their stock price through buybacks.

Obama gave away billions and billions of taxpayer's money to corporations. The corporations rewarded the sonofabitch by giving money to the Democrat filth running for President.

Trump has been growing the economy and everybody benefits from it.

Big damn difference.

Of course you stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Ethics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.

TARP made a profit for the government. The auto bailout saved tens or hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs. Obama grew the economy because of it and everyone prospered.

Trump is running trillion dollar deficits to line the pockets of his billionaire buddies.
Why vote Democrat if you have a job?

Because Trump is a narcissistic liar and I don't think he has the temperament to be trusted with the safety and well-being of the entire country.

Get a grip Trump has been the president for 3 years and the sky hasn't fallen. Things are going fantastic for the country. Facts that utterly destroy your pathetic fear mongering.

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