CDZ Why would Elon Musk running Twitter be bad? Free speech is a good thing…Right? He will support free speech.

Like the current board does? I'm pretty sure there are legal protections against actually doxing or otherwise intentionally harming folks.
It's very telling that the board has reacted as they have. They will fight him, even if it destroys the company and the value of the stock. THAT should be illegal. That board will show themselves to be willing to harm their investors for a political stance.

The lawsuits should be interesting. This might very well establish a baseline for defining free speech in social media. NO ONE, Left, Right, or Middle should be able to silence the voices of political opposition in the agora. There is NOTHING wrong with allowing dissenting voices. We already have laws that keep people from slandering or otherwise harming people with violent speech.
There should be absolutely no restrictions on what is posted on social media if the post does not violate established civil law in the country that it is initiated and posted in. If two countries have contradictory laws then it should be up to the country whose laws are being violated to censor it. China does it.
Yeah…..Derek Hunter played a “journalist,” her last name was Turr……….who led her news report by suggesting Musk might charge people for Twitter…..but then didn’t state any evidence , and didn’t even mention it again in the rest of the story…..Derek Hunter thinks this is a lie the democrats are going to push through their various groups to attack Musk….and you just parroted what they are pushing….without any evidence that hints that he will do this…..

I have no idea who you are talking about but this is widely supported outside of One America News Dems Are Fibbers conspiracies.

So…..why is Elon Musk running Twitter be a bad thing? If what he claims is true about what he will do……allow speech as long as it doesn’t break the law….and when in doubt, let the tweet post…..what is the problem?

Derek Hunter on his podcast played clips from various left wing pundits and anti-Trump conservatives saying that Musk owning Twitter will be bad…….one guy even said that to protect free speech you had have to moderate it……

Former Clinton labor Secretary Robert Reich is one of the people Derek Hunter pointed out……..

What is their issue with Elon Muse and free speech?
I doubt it would change Twitter that much myself.
Yeah...that would be a premium service...not regular twitter....
It would end up being all of twitter as then you would have to pay to not be a "troll". They have been heading in this direction for years. It is why if you open a new account, the very next time you log in they are going to force you to provide google your telephone number to verify your identity now.
I suspect that it will change, massively. He should create a speech policy that serves everyone equally and only bans those who would incite actual violence against others. By that, I mean anyone who ACTUALLY ADVOCATED VIOLENT ACTION against others.

Hurting someone's feelings is NOT violent speech.
It's not their policies that bother me. It's just trash media. We need more substantive public discourse. Tweets? Fuck that.
It's not their policies that bother me. It's just trash media. We need more substantive public discourse. Tweets? Fuck that.
That "trash media" has been exploited by the power drunk to craft narratives that defy both logic and reality.

Like it or not, that's the way it is.
That "trash media" has been exploited to craft narratives that defy both logic and reality.

Like it or not, that's the way it is.
I suppose it's more of a commentary on the sad state of society - that we actually want important information delivered in child-sized portions.
I suppose it's more of a commentary on the sad state of society - that we actually want important information delivered as trivia.
A sad commentary doesn't change the current reality, fucked up as that is.

Fact is that social media platforms reach more people than crappy newspapers and the daily teevee "news" programs....Control the narratives there, and you control the range of "thought" that people are allowed to have.

A sad commentary doesn't change the current reality, fucked up as that is.

Fact is that social media platforms reach more people than crappy newspapers and the daily teevee "news" programs....Control the narratives there, and you control the range of "thought" that people are allowed to have.

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I hear you. You're still fixating on the tiresome "deep state" horseshit.

Twitter is privately owned and has every right to indulge in whatever censorship they like. Just as we all have every right to stop using Twitter and tell them to suck a tailpipe. Just as Elon has every right to buy the company and put an end to their bullshit. That's how free markets work. I can some send you some links to good books on the subject if you're interested.
I hear you. You're still fixating on the tiresome "deep state" horseshit.
So there's really not a cabal of unelected, uncountable, faceless bureaucrats and technocrats, who are directing The State almost entirely unencumbered by the democratic process?....That's your story?






So there's really not a cabal of unelected, uncountable, faceless bureaucrats and technocrats, who are directing The State almost entirely unencumbered by the democratic process?....That's your story?

Maybe there is.

"There oughta be a law!!!"
Maybe there is.

"There oughta be a law!!!"
No "maybe" about it....They're operating right up in your face, and you know it.

A real libertarian response is "there ought to be vastly fewer laws".
I hear you. The main thing is - government should control the narrative instead. If you don't like the way a business operates, sick the state on 'em.

Gubmint doesn't have to control the narrative, when well bullied corporate shills do their propagandizing for them.

You don't think that Zucc and Dorsey were dragged before congressional committees to ask how their families are doing, do you?
Gubmint doesn't have to control the narrative, when well bullied corporate shills do their propagandizing for them.

You don't think that Zucc and Dorsey were dragged before congressional committees to ask how their families are doing, do you?
Well, when we get Trumpsters back in office, we'll crack down on those fuckers properly!
Concentrated power in one man is always a cause for concern especially when their prime motivation seems to be political. Furthermore the attempt to buy Twitter knowing there will be a mass exit of users should be alarming for those who may have money invested in his companies. He would have to buy it for more than it's worth only to see the stock price plunge should the deal go through. Lastly he would personally own the user data for millions with no one to tell him he can't use it for nefarious purposes.
Lord this is so stupid.
Concentrated power in one man is always a cause for concern especially when their prime motivation seems to be political. Furthermore the attempt to buy Twitter knowing there will be a mass exit of users should be alarming for those who may have money invested in his companies. He would have to buy it for more than it's worth only to see the stock price plunge should the deal go through. Lastly he would personally own the user data for millions with no one to tell him he can't use it for nefarious purposes.
lt's never ever a concern when the despots on your team have the reigns of that concentrated power.

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