WikiLeaks has a surprise for Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile?

I know! I guess that's why Clinton has been slipping so much in the polls... wait...
Rigged polls by the Clinton Media Cartel...I bet if we checked the IQ's of a box of rocks it would beat the IQ's of a group of libtards.
So you think Clinton is in control of the polls? Really? How exactly does that work?

How about fox? Surly you wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest fox is in the tank for Clinton would you? What do they have to say about the likely hood of trump winning?
ALL media is in the tank for Clinton. They know if Trump wins they are going to get sued for liable and their lies. No more propaganda they will actually have to be REAL JOURNALIST again.
Just to be clear... you are saying the Fox is in the tank for Clinton?
Yep. MAYBE O'Reilly and Hannity are the ONLY 2 even close to being pro Trump or neutral. If you heard what Murdochs son's said who now run Fox that Megyn Kelly who attacks Trump on a daily basis is the future of Fox "news". You still for some reason seem to think that there is a difference in the media. NONE of them in the mainstream media want Trump to win. He is a danger to their power! He's a danger to their propaganda machine. Its a you scratch my back and I scratch your back deal with the media and the government.
Media companies are in the tank for their audience because they want ratings which in turn brings them more Money. Fox has a republican audience and is one of the few outlets that represents that side. You all bitch about CNN but every show I see on that station has one or multiple Trump campaign surrogates representing Trump. The problem is that Trump has no discipline and he spews rediculous BS that dominates the headlines. I don't like hearing about miss universe all week, or how he grabs pussy, nor do I give a shit if he accepts the election results. I already know that his ego won't let him take the classy road and he is going to bring the house down with him. He brings that shit on himself and seems to want to keep this thing in the gutter instead of changing the narrative to that of substance.
Don't shit yourself but the students rated Obama's class low and not recommended. The faculty also said Obama was lazy, he bailed as soon as his class was over and did not participate in any faculty activities. And the dummy wasn't even qualified to be an associate professor, how sad.

yes, I can never "forgive" Obama while at Harvard, for not joining the cheerleaders' team, as Bush did at Yale.......LOL
Media companies are in the tank for their audience because they want ratings which in turn brings them more Money. Fox has a republican audience and is one of the few outlets that represents that side. You all bitch about CNN but every show I see on that station has one or multiple Trump campaign surrogates representing Trump. The problem is that Trump has no discipline and he spews rediculous BS that dominates the headlines. I don't like hearing about miss universe all week, or how he grabs pussy, nor do I give a shit if he accepts the election results. I already know that his ego won't let him take the classy road and he is going to bring the house down with him. He brings that shit on himself and seems to want to keep this thing in the gutter instead of changing the narrative to that of substance.

....and I would respectfully add that media companies NEED to make the race more competitive than it may really be to keep the ratings up.......The reality may well be that Clinton will pull off a victory in the same final results as Reagan's.
Don't shit yourself but the students rated Obama's class low and not recommended. The faculty also said Obama was lazy, he bailed as soon as his class was over and did not participate in any faculty activities. And the dummy wasn't even qualified to be an associate professor, how sad.

yes, I can never "forgive" Obama while at Harvard, for not joining the cheerleaders' team, as Bush did at Yale.......LOL

Awe do you have butt hurt? :itsok:
Even after all these years in Washington, Barry is a fucking idiot douchebag who I would not let cook McDonald's French Fries without supervision.
Media companies are in the tank for their audience because they want ratings which in turn brings them more Money. Fox has a republican audience and is one of the few outlets that represents that side. You all bitch about CNN but every show I see on that station has one or multiple Trump campaign surrogates representing Trump. The problem is that Trump has no discipline and he spews rediculous BS that dominates the headlines. I don't like hearing about miss universe all week, or how he grabs pussy, nor do I give a shit if he accepts the election results. I already know that his ego won't let him take the classy road and he is going to bring the house down with him. He brings that shit on himself and seems to want to keep this thing in the gutter instead of changing the narrative to that of substance.

....and I would respectfully add that media companies NEED to make the race more competitive than it may really be to keep the ratings up.......The reality may well be that Clinton will pull off a victory in the same final results as Reagan's.
Agreed... I think most formats are a joke when it comes to election coverage. We get hurried pointless answers and discussions that lack substance and depth. It feels like every time the conversations start to get good, time runs out.

We need a format that interviews the candidates in depth, just like any job would do. Each candidate should sit down with an economist and go over their policies in depth... then do the same with a national security expert etc.

It's a joke how much Bullshit these guys get away with when campaigning. Something needs to change
Heard the following comment at a recent dinner party: Hillary supporter to a Trump supporter: "Why must you always 'intellectualize' everything?!"
OBVIOUSLY, since the DNC insiders can verify the legitimacy of the hacked emails, and Wasserman resigned, it makes sense that at least some of her emails were not altered.
How do you know that all the emails were not altered?

How do I know that the flying spaghetti monster didn't create the universe from a meatball?

In both cases the answer is that there is utterly no evidence to support the rather absurd conclusion.

You still cannot answer the question about who hacked those emails and what their motivation was.
You are not an objective analyst.

WikiLeaks hacked the emails and their motivation is to expose the corruption of our government.

That was never in question.
Hillary is not a good candidate and I am not excited to see the Clintons back in the whitehouse, she has done some very shady things and is no where near honest and transparent. But she isnt a criminal, so you all need to stop crying wolf. And as bad as she is, she is still miles better than trump.

I actually prefer more conservative positions on many issues, but Trump just can't deliver because of two things... he is undisiplined and he can't overcome his ego. He belongs no where near the White House

Hillary is a career criminal. She is a Mafia boss, head of a criminal syndicate that uses the Clinton Foundation as a platform for extortion and bribes.

Navigate away from KOS and read a few of the WikiLeaks emails. I know, party members are forbidden from reading information not provided by the party, but cheat and look at facts, just once.
The University LONG ago admitted that they had lied, Obama was never a tenured or adjunct professor.

Fine, right cannot fix your stupidity on this forum.....Given your "rationale" you will soon have Obama as one of the janitors at the Univ.of Chicago.....I mean, how "uppity" of a black person to be a professor of law at a major university, correct?
I'm struggling to find some compassion for right wingers' desperation......Can't come up with any yet.

Its the Benghazi report all over again. I'm going to give you the most damage you ever seen!

*pulls out flacid report*
So you think Clinton is in control of the polls? Really? How exactly does that work?

How about fox? Surly you wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest fox is in the tank for Clinton would you? What do they have to say about the likely hood of trump winning?

Her media is.

{From having veto power over quotes to getting a heads up on stories before they published and being given exact interview questions ahead of time, Hillary Clinton’s cozy relationship with the media has been on full display in the emails released from WikiLeaks thus far. The relationship is so close, in fact, that Team Clinton referred to The New York Times as “our press.”}

WikiLeaks: Clinton Camp Calls The New York Times "Our Press"

The press is nothing more than and apparatus of the Clinton campaign. They don't even bother to hide it.
"Her media????!?!??"


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Where is your evidence? Links?

Doesn't work that way sparky. YOU (George Soros actually, pulling your puppet strings) made the claim that the WikiLeaks emails were "altered."

Do YOU or the hate sites have even a shred of evidence to back this up?

No, all you have is demands that others prove a negative.

An objective and smart analyst would note the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. If the WikiLeaks revelations are "AHLL LIZE" as you Sorosbots claim, why would she resign? After all, the claim of your handlers is that the conspiracy against Sanders is all fabricated. Yet she still resigned. :eusa_whistle:

But you are a hack, not an objective or smart analyst.
Wasserman had to resign b/c news came out that revealed she went out on a limb to skew the voting away from Bernie and towards Hillary.

It was the right thing to happen considering what she did.

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This is brilliant by wikileaks. The average American has a attention span of about a few hours....but by leaking stuff EVERY day that harms Clinton/Kaine it keeps it in the forefront of their attention span....when they behind that curtain to vote they are going to remember ALL of this corruption and lies and hateful things that were said by the dumbocrats.
I know! I guess that's why Clinton has been slipping so much in the polls... wait...
Rigged polls by the Clinton Media Cartel...I bet if we checked the IQ's of a box of rocks it would beat the IQ's of a group of libtards.
So you think Clinton is in control of the polls? Really? How exactly does that work?

How about fox? Surly you wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest fox is in the tank for Clinton would you? What do they have to say about the likely hood of trump winning?
ALL media is in the tank for Clinton. They know if Trump wins they are going to get sued for liable and their lies. No more propaganda they will actually have to be REAL JOURNALIST again.
Just to be clear... you are saying that Fox is in the tank for Clinton?
Yes, that's what posters like Odium are saying.

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tycho, the system with both parties is corrupt.

Sanders, if nominated, would have swept the entire country.
Hillary is not a good candidate and I am not excited to see the Clintons back in the whitehouse, she has done some very shady things and is no where near honest and transparent. But she isnt a criminal, so you all need to stop crying wolf. And as bad as she is, she is still miles better than trump.

I actually prefer more conservative positions on many issues, but Trump just can't deliver because of two things... he is undisiplined and he can't overcome his ego. He belongs no where near the White House

Hillary is a career criminal. She is a Mafia boss, head of a criminal syndicate that uses the Clinton Foundation as a platform for extortion and bribes.

Navigate away from KOS and read a few of the WikiLeaks emails. I know, party members are forbidden from reading information not provided by the party, but cheat and look at facts, just once.
I love watching dipshits like you discredit yourselves with these idiotic statements.
I know! I guess that's why Clinton has been slipping so much in the polls... wait...
Rigged polls by the Clinton Media Cartel...I bet if we checked the IQ's of a box of rocks it would beat the IQ's of a group of libtards.
So you think Clinton is in control of the polls? Really? How exactly does that work?

How about fox? Surly you wouldn't be dumb enough to suggest fox is in the tank for Clinton would you? What do they have to say about the likely hood of trump winning?
ALL media is in the tank for Clinton. They know if Trump wins they are going to get sued for liable and their lies. No more propaganda they will actually have to be REAL JOURNALIST again.
Just to be clear... you are saying that Fox is in the tank for Clinton?
Yes, that's what posters like Odium are saying.

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It shows how clueless they are... I like making them say it plain and clear

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