Will any Progressive answer this question?

She speaks for the Democratic Party. They're coming after our money, they're coming after our guns, and they're coming after our kids. They think they own everything.

Don't give them any material to divert/deflect this thread. Just delete your post. So far this thread has them completely cornered.

We want them to respond to their own ad, not to our comments.

Notice that they haven't provided a single answer.

A class of sixth graders, shown this video, then given those three questions for homework with the transcript, would have done a better job.

So far during this thread, they've managed to prove to me that Melissa Harris Perry is incapable of using proper grammar, which resulted in me having to restore the transcript to its original raw form, a transcript that would receive an F in a sixth grade English class.
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I think the problem I'm seeing is that these communists are still trying to hide the fact that they are communists...

hmmm --- I'm proud of being a Capitalist...
You’ve incorrectly inferred that Harris-Perry somehow ‘represents’ all ‘progressives,’ or MSNBC ‘represents’ all ‘progressives.’

Of course nothing could be further from the truth.

I should answer this too:

I have never inferred that all Progressives agree with this. If you are a Progressive, and you don't agree with the transcript or the Promo ad, then tell us that.

I'm interested in the reactions of Progressives to this ad. Am I not allowed to ask Progressives their opinion of this ad?

How am I supposed to know what Progressives think about this ad, when they refuse to answer?
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Republicans tend to agree that education is worthless. Democrats seem to have an opposite view.

That has what to do with the Ad and the questions in the OP? Also you didn't cite and even discuss the transcript!


Count of Progressives Not Answering the Question of this thread:

Because it's a stupid fucking interpretation by the brain dead.

Republicans have these fantastically stupid notions that education is for snobs and everyone lives completely independent of everyone else, or at least they should.

Famous words like "United we stand, divided we fall" have become "communism" for the most ignorant among us. The creeps.
Republicans tend to agree that education is worthless. Democrats seem to have an opposite view.

That has what to do with the Ad and the questions in the OP? Also you didn't cite and even discuss the transcript!


Count of Progressives Not Answering the Question of this thread:

Because it's a stupid fucking interpretation by the brain dead.

Republicans have these fantastically stupid notions that education is for snobs and everyone lives completely independent of everyone else, or at least they should.

Famous words like "United we stand, divided we fall" have become "communism" for the most ignorant among us. The creeps.

The idea that eductation is inherently communistic has been around since the 1830's

Bastiat: Selected Essays, Chapter 9, Academic Degrees and Socialism | Library of Economics and Liberty

There is nothing conservative about such an outlook though:

"By gentlemen are not meant the rich or poor, the high or the low born, the industrious or the idle, but all those who have received a liberal education"
-- John Adams; from 'The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth Examined'
Taking things out of context and just making things up is the GOP way dupes. Rush explained today that commies Dems want your guns and your kids now...Anything to avoid facts and your disastrous policies.
The idea that eductation is inherently communistic has been around since the 1830's

Bastiat: Selected Essays, Chapter 9, Academic Degrees and Socialism | Library of Economics and Liberty

There is nothing conservative about such an outlook though:

"By gentlemen are not meant the rich or poor, the high or the low born, the industrious or the idle, but all those who have received a liberal education"
-- John Adams; from 'The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth Examined'

The word Liberal meant "Classical Liberal" as in John Locke, not Marxists.
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Taking things out of context and just making things up is the GOP way dupes. Rush explained today that commies Dems want your guns and your kids now...Anything to avoid facts and your disastrous policies.

I'm not talking about the Drugster's (Rush Laimbugh's) interpretation, who thinks poor children should go dumpster diving (see video below), I'm asking your interpretation.

However, this thread is not about the morons on the right, it's about the morons on the left.

Why are you all so afraid to explain your interpretation of the ad, BASED ON THE AD ITSELF?

Good job trying to turn this thread into a Rush Limbaugh thread. Further proving your refusal to answer the question.

You do know that for every active poster on USMB, there are 28-32 "listeners" that don't comment, correct? They are all watching you refuse to answer the question based on the material presented. If you find the MSNBC ad so offensive, then just tell us, otherwise we assume you agree with it.
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I think the problem I'm seeing is that these communists are still trying to hide the fact that they are communists...

hmmm --- I'm proud of being a Capitalist...

Is the word communist derived from the word commune or the word community? If the latter is associated with the word "communist" does that make you one if you live in a right wing "community?" Just asking!
Which problem does she identify?

What does she claim to be the cause of the problem?

What is her solution to the problem?

What are the means by which to implement her solution?

What will be the end result?

Which problem does she identify?
That teachers aren't doing their jobs and she wants to pay them more

What does she claim to be the cause of the problem?
She says it's the families fault.

What is her solution to the problem?
Destroy the family

What will be the end result?
The destruction of the United States
She speaks for the Democratic Party. They're coming after our money, they're coming after our guns, and they're coming after our kids. They think they own everything.

What they really want is your soul.

$obama as the devil.jpg
The problem is simple. They need mo money and mo power over the kid folk.

Next question.
I would have been happy to answer questions, because I understand her point, but then I got to the end and your right wing authoritarian dictum bullshit.

My answer...go fuck yourself

Yes, asking people to cite the transcript, or be ignored, is being an Authoritarian.

I guess we should tell that to anyone who asks people to cite their information and sources.

In other words, you want to answer the questions, but not based on the transcript itself, because the transcript is EMBARRASSING.
The problem is simple. They need mo money and mo power over the kid folk.

Next question.

That is exactly what it is about. The left is frustrated because they can only convert 60% of college children. If they could start the communist brainwashing earlier and remove parental influence on basic ideals like accountability and responsibility - then they could convert 80%.

The common lefty has become so much of a sheeple that they can;t even see it. It's not the fact that people become educated so they become a leftist. It's what they are taught by leftist educators without hearing the TRUTH to counter the communist ideals.
I would have been happy to answer questions, because I understand her point, but then I got to the end and your right wing authoritarian dictum bullshit.

My answer...go fuck yourself

Yes, asking people to cite the transcript, or be ignored, is being an Authoritarian.

I guess we should tell that to anyone who asks people to cite their information and sources.

In other words, you want to answer the questions, but not based on the transcript itself, because the transcript is EMBARRASSING.

You didn't expect an answer did you?
The problem is simple. They need mo money and mo power over the kid folk.

Next question.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking: Party platform paints original ideas as a liberal conspiracy - The Austin Chronicle

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Let's try that again. Who is it who is coming after the kids?
I would have been happy to answer questions, because I understand her point, but then I got to the end and your right wing authoritarian dictum bullshit.

My answer...go fuck yourself

Yes, asking people to cite the transcript, or be ignored, is being an Authoritarian.

I guess we should tell that to anyone who asks people to cite their information and sources.

In other words, you want to answer the questions, but not based on the transcript itself, because the transcript is EMBARRASSING.

You didn't expect an answer did you?

I don't know how else to get them to answer, then to make a thread that is created specifically for that purpose. I can't have an argument with someone, unless they tell me their argument. So far they haven't made their argument known to anyone, so I'm asking them to reveal their argument, so that we may have a debate.
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i would have been happy to answer questions, because i understand her point, but then i got to the end and your right wing authoritarian dictum bullshit.

My answer...go fuck yourself

yes, asking people to cite the transcript, or be ignored, is being an authoritarian.

I guess we should tell that to anyone who asks people to cite their information and sources.

in other words, you want to answer the questions, but not based on the transcript itself, because the transcript is embarrassing.



Count of Progressives Not Answering the Question of this thread:

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