Will any Progressive answer this question?

I agree with this ad.

However, this thread is not about that ad.

Why are you trying to change the direction of this thread?

Why are you afraid to answer the questions?

Not every idea that is good for the country, is a profit making idea for some company somewhere; it's never going to be a profitable venture for some company to come up with this idea [building bridges] and build it on spec --- that's never going to happen --- we need some government leadership to do something in common that's going to benefit the country as a whole.

That transcript of the Maddow promo ad is pretty normal, there's nothing controversial there.

Stop spamming the thread with videos.
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The problem is simple. They need mo money and mo power over the kid folk.

Next question.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking: Party platform paints original ideas as a liberal conspiracy - The Austin Chronicle

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Let's try that again. Who is it who is coming after the kids?

How can you even post such foolishness and act like it was straight? That's retarded... the literal sense of the word.

Since this is Melissa Harris Perry speaking in this other promo ad, I'll entertain a response.

On this issue, both Democrats and Republicans are 100% wrong and operating unconstitutionally.

The government SHOULD NOT be involved in defining marriage at all. Leave marriage to the churches, period. Get rid of marriage licenses, no one should need "permission" to get married.

Ninth Amendment:
The enumeration of certain rights, in this Constitution, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

It's safe to infer from the First Amendment, and the freedom of religion, the prohibition of State defining religion, that the "right to marry" is covered under the Ninth Amendment, and that government can neither define marriage nor create a system that "permits" marriage.

So I disagree with this ad, because she says government should "recognize all types of marriage."


Because government should not recognize ANY marriage.

Also, stop spamming the thread, if you're not spamming, you have massive ADD problems.
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Since this is Melissa Harris Perry speaking in this other promo ad, I'll entertain a response.

On this issue, both Democrats and Republicans are 100% wrong and operating unconstitutionally.

The government SHOULD NOT be involved in defining marriage at all. Leave marriage to the churches, period. Get rid of marriage licenses, no one should need "permission" to get married.

Ninth Amendment:
The enumeration of certain rights, in this Constitution, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

It's safe to infer from the First Amendment, and the freedom of religion, the prohibition of State defining religion, that the "right to marry" is covered under the Ninth Amendment, and that government can neither define marriage nor create a system that "permits" marriage.

So I disagree with this ad, because she says government should "recognize all types of marriage."


Because government should not recognize ANY marriage.

Also, stop spamming the thread, if you're not spamming, you have massive ADD problems.

Hey moron, should churches also get to decide the 1,138 benefits, rights and protections provided on the basis of marital status in Federal law?

An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples

You are a dunce.
Who the hell cares what Melissa thinks or says? She is a talk show host just like Limbaugh, Hannity or O'Reilly. She is NOT a Progressive leader of any kind! This stupid thread is just an exercise in frivolity.
I am hereby placing the "IGNORED " sign on this one and moving on to better topics!
Who the hell cares what Melissa thinks or says? She is a talk show host just like Limbaugh, Hannity or O'Reilly. She is NOT a Progressive leader of any kind! This stupid thread is just an exercise in frivolity.
I am hereby placing the "IGNORED " sign on this one and moving on to better topics!

Here is where you are wrong:

This is not something that she "thought" or "said," this is something that she planned well in advance.

Then her ENTIRE network, MSNBC, approved of the PROMOTION AD for their TV station, which prides itself on being a pundit network.

So when you say "frivolity" remember that this applies to the entire Network that approved her ad, thus you claiming that MSNBC is a frivolous network and not worth any serious attention.


However, I applaud your effort into concocting this response in order to derail the thread.

As Al Sharpton (of MSNBC) would say:

Sorry JQPublic, but I got you!
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1: Which problem does she identify? That we aren't investing enough/properly into education - This is derived from Line 1.

2: What does she claim to be the cause of the problem? That parents are sovereign over their children - From Line 1, Line 2

3: What is her solution to the problem? To make government sovereign over your children - From lines 3 and 5

4: What are the means by which to implement her solution? To break (force) the idea of parental sovereignty over their children - From line 4

5: What will be the end result? That our investments in public education will succeed once we implement the solution to the cause of the problem - This is derived from Line 6.

She is not talking about government, she's talking about community. Can you differentiate between the two?
1: Which problem does she identify? That we aren't investing enough/properly into education - This is derived from Line 1.

2: What does she claim to be the cause of the problem? That parents are sovereign over their children - From Line 1, Line 2

3: What is her solution to the problem? To make government sovereign over your children - From lines 3 and 5

4: What are the means by which to implement her solution? To break (force) the idea of parental sovereignty over their children - From line 4

5: What will be the end result? That our investments in public education will succeed once we implement the solution to the cause of the problem - This is derived from Line 6.

She is not talking about government, she's talking about community. Can you differentiate between the two?

Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
1: Which problem does she identify? That we aren't investing enough/properly into education - This is derived from Line 1.

2: What does she claim to be the cause of the problem? That parents are sovereign over their children - From Line 1, Line 2

3: What is her solution to the problem? To make government sovereign over your children - From lines 3 and 5

4: What are the means by which to implement her solution? To break (force) the idea of parental sovereignty over their children - From line 4

5: What will be the end result? That our investments in public education will succeed once we implement the solution to the cause of the problem - This is derived from Line 6.

She is not talking about government, she's talking about community. Can you differentiate between the two?

Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
Count of questions not answered by 2A

Seriously, if you want to discuss her statements any further, you need to be able to differentiate between government and community.

She's talking about community collectivism. America is very much an individualistic society versus a country like Japan which is very much collectivist.
She is not talking about government, she's talking about community. Can you differentiate between the two?

Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
Count of questions not answered by 2A

Seriously, if you want to discuss her statements any further, you need to be able to differentiate between government and community.

She's talking about community collectivism. America is very much an individualistic society versus a country like Japan which is very much collectivist.

Seriously, if you understood communism you would understand that there is NO difference between community and gov't. See, this is what is wrong with the left in America. They are so focused on stupid little issues like gay marriage that their politicians sneak communism into their parties platform and they can't even see it...

maybe if they knew what it looked like...
She is not talking about government, she's talking about community. Can you differentiate between the two?

Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
Count of questions not answered by 2A

Seriously, if you want to discuss her statements any further, you need to be able to differentiate between government and community.

She's talking about community collectivism. America is very much an individualistic society versus a country like Japan which is very much collectivist.

Oh, and all hail Empor-err Obama!!!
Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
Count of questions not answered by 2A

This thread asks you the question, this thread did not ask myself the question, it appears you are mortally frightened of using the material that MSNBC provided to you to answer the question.


Count of Progressives Not Answering the Question of this thread:
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Great, so can you answer those questions so that I may understand how you came to that conclusion? Please use and cite the transcript.
Count of questions not answered by 2A

Seriously, if you want to discuss her statements any further, you need to be able to differentiate between government and community.

She's talking about community collectivism. America is very much an individualistic society versus a country like Japan which is very much collectivist.

Seriously, if you understood communism you would understand that there is NO difference between community and gov't. See, this is what is wrong with the left in America. They are so focused on stupid little issues like gay marriage that their politicians sneak communism into their parties platform and they can't even see it...

maybe if they knew what it looked like...

Japan is communist? Really?
Japan is communist? Really?

Are you going to keep deflecting and trying to derail the thread, or are you going to answer?

I could honestly give this video and transcript to a class of sixth graders, ask them these basic five questions (What, How, Why) and get a better answer.

What = problem

Why = cause of problem

How = Solution to problem

Are you smarter than a sixth grader?
This thread asks you the question, this thread did not ask myself the question, it appears you are mortally frightened of using the material that MSNBC provided to you to answer the question.
Oh really, is that how this works?

What I'll be doing with this thread for the rest of the night: IGNORE
Count of questions not answered by 2A

Seriously, if you want to discuss her statements any further, you need to be able to differentiate between government and community.

She's talking about community collectivism. America is very much an individualistic society versus a country like Japan which is very much collectivist.

Seriously, if you understood communism you would understand that there is NO difference between community and gov't. See, this is what is wrong with the left in America. They are so focused on stupid little issues like gay marriage that their politicians sneak communism into their parties platform and they can't even see it...

maybe if they knew what it looked like...

Japan is communist? Really?

You want to show me where I said that?

Ah, didn't think so.... Lie and deflect --- that is all you have on the left, because if you worked in reality --- you wouldn;t have a leg to stand on.

You are just a one issue voter --- and it's just your selfishness you vote for. Pathetic excuse for an American...
This thread asks you the question, this thread did not ask myself the question, it appears you are mortally frightened of using the material that MSNBC provided to you to answer the question.
Oh really, is that how this works?

What I'll be doing with this thread for the rest of the night: IGNORE

lol - lie, deflect, and ignore the truth...

that will fix the problems with our Country...

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