Will anyone explain this crap?

That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
In Waco Texas, David Karesh would have mothers who were his followers give him their underage daughters to have sex with him, of course, as they also had sex with him.

This is just normal cult activity. Nothing to get your panties in a wad about.

The Democrat cult would literally do anything for their party, including giving their children to creepy Joe.
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Again actual evidence... Authenticated diary please...
What do you consider "actual evidence?"

The people who took the diary were arrested and prosecuted for taking it. The people who ran the AirBnB confirmed that it was Ashley Biden that rented it before the people who were charged with taking the diary.
Show us verified evidence...

The barrage of videos of creepo Biden touching and sniffing children is disgusting, even worse are the people who excuse or divert from it.

You've never encountered "touchy feely" people? My step dad was one of those kind. When I was kid, I'd cringe when he would even put his hand on my shoulder or try to pull me next to his side with his arm around me. It was never a sexual thing.
People have overblown the whole pedophile definition, just to make Biden look bad on another instance. As if there wasn't already enough factual stuff to bury Biden's reputation.

I'm with Bill Burr on this issue.
What do you consider "actual evidence?"

The people who took the diary were arrested and prosecuted for taking it. The people who ran the AirBnB confirmed that it was Ashley Biden that rented it before the people who were charged with taking the diary.
A Clinton Dossier on him would suffice.

All the incest and pedo shit is worth it..... Briben is just good at what he does....hmm?

Although 20mg of xanax may be a little too much.... especially with peasants whining about their dead kids and shit..... fucking man up, serfs!

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Here's a good question?

Other than you unreasoned hate for Biden and everything Democratic, including the Constitution, why does this matter?
cause he's a fking pedophile? really, so now you're good with inappropriate relations between dads and daughters? Interesting.
In Waco Texas, David Karesh would have mothers who were his followers give him their underage daughters to have sex with him, of course, as they also had sex with him.

This is just normal cult activity. Nothing to get your panties in a wad about.

The Democrat cult would literally do anything for their party, including giving their children to creepy Joe.

Cults are going to Cult.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
what it seems she was actually saying in her contemplation of basically, why she was a whore, during an early period of her life.... Trying to search her inner being...

From my memory of a previous read, she remembers doing sleepovers when really young at a girlfriend's house, and notes she has an uneasy feeling and thoughts in her mind, that she was sexually abused there....she even mentions the family name of who she thought the abusers were.... And then leads to the thoughts of why she was promiscuous at a young age with friends...sex was a casual occurance among friends. Then she contemplates on whether taking showers at a young age with dad, might have been inappropriate?? And what I read in the past from right wing sites, it was cut off after that.... So I did not see the next thing her mind jumped to for contemplation that she wrote down....

She did not mention how young of an age....I've known parents that have bathed with their children up to 2 or 3 years old.... but after that, no way.... I don't know what age she was, it was not mentioned.... but it seems she is wondering if it had anything to do with the sexual promiscuity and casualness to sex in her youth.... It also could be the abuse at the girlfriend's house....and it also could be her mind is trying to find excuses for herself and own behavior, real or perceived?

She is not writing this as a diary when things happened....this seems to be ages later, looking back trying to remember....

If this all is her own writing, which it appears to be... she is still quite close with her father and has been for seemingly an eternity....

from known children who have been abused, they do not stay close with their abuser, when they come to terms with their father or uncle or brother, who have abused them in childhood....

So.... it's hard to make judgement based on her diary alone, at least in the little I have read... And her actions show, she loves her dad, not hate him....???

It would be nice to know more, get in to her head, but I'll never get that chance...
I thought you worshipped Trump.
You think anyone critical of Biden or the democrats at any time in their life are cult worshippers of Trump

That is because you are part of the DNC cult.

But the rest of us who can actually read and has brain function knows otherwise.
The whole family is messed up. Why should she be any different. But taking the word of someone who's messed up, as being completely honest is a hard one to swallow.
I'm not taking up for Joe. But young girls lie. My ex step sisters daughter had 3 guys put in prison for supposed sexual assaults. Turns out two of them just wouldn't buy her any pot or a phone card because she was 12yrs old.
The third on died in prison. So no one can say if anything happened or not. Just that he denied even being alone with her.

Maybe Biden did shower with her. But with no criminal charges, it's her word against his. Both could be liars. Her being a Biden keeps me from believing anything she or he says.
I dont understand why someone would lie in their diary.
Show us verified evidence...
The same could be asked of all of their conspiracy theories. They don't need evidence.

Trumpster math: "One plus internet rumors plus assumptions plus guesses plus stretches equals two".

This whole orange period has been an ongoing exercise in projection, so it's fair to wonder.....
The same could be asked of all of their conspiracy theories. They don't need evidence.

Trumpster math: "One plus internet rumors plus assumptions plus guesses plus stretches equals two".

This whole orange period has been an ongoing exercise in projection, so it's fair to wonder.....
Look at this fuck up :lol:
Mac, everyones superior, thinks her admitting its hers and people actually getting arrested for it(ashleys name was even on the warrant), thinks its a conspiracy :lol:
But we should take that fuck up seriously :lmao:

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