Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

I doubt it. LBJ noted that his policies would guarantee the Dems "the ****** vote for two centuries"

and you have that New Deal mantra

Massa Lincoln done freed us but Massa Roosevelt's gonna feed us

too many black "leaders" gain power by fluffing Democrat politicians as well
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

No. Hillary will get nearly the same numbers as Obama and whomever you guys run will get next to no support. You've earned it.
blacks have been brainwashed for centuries by Democrats to see themselves as little children. So they vote for the assholes who pretend to be their parents.

I don't think Cankles gets the nomination but she sure wants to be everyone's bitchy mother

Racial Profiling

If you ever took sociology , or probability and statistics you should be well aware that there are a ridiculously large amount of variables that will effect the numbers that went into that chart, but they do do seem to indicate that racial profiling plays a role - it could also be relevant to socio-economics who da fk knows.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
I think it would be an epic collapse for the GOP if a Democrat wins in 2016. But I've seen it before and I haven't been seeing anything different from the current crop of GOP hopefuls. I just wonder - for example - if the Democratic nominee is Hillary Clinton, will there be some black voters who hold some of her 2008 campaign tactics against her?
No. Initially, she may get some flack but if the alternative is a republican Black people will support her.

What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations 1,194,956 801,198 372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.
blacks have been brainwashed for centuries by Democrats to see themselves as little children.

This sort of patronizing racism is why blacks will never vote Republican

And those using it are morons for thinking they can scream how all blacks are stupid, and still get them to vote Republican. Being a patronizing racist just isn't a vote-getter.
Racial Profiling

If you ever took sociology , or probability and statistics you should be well aware that there are a ridiculously large amount of variables that will effect the numbers that went into that chart, but they do do seem to indicate that racial profiling plays a role - it could also be relevant to socio-economics who da fk knows.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
No. Initially, she may get some flack but if the alternative is a republican Black people will support her.

What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations 1,194,956 801,198 372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

Racial Profiling

If you ever took sociology , or probability and statistics you should be well aware that there are a ridiculously large amount of variables that will effect the numbers that went into that chart, but they do do seem to indicate that racial profiling plays a role - it could also be relevant to socio-economics who da fk knows.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
OK - I think the tards have been debunked pretty thoroughly. So now can we start the REAL discussion? Will a democrat garner 92% of black voters with a higher percentage of blacks voting than whites in 2016?

IMHO probably not. But I think the Obama campaign was masterful at identifying their voters and getting them to the polls in 2012 especially. So will the 2016 Democrat be able to pick up on those techniques and surprise us again? I think it is possible, but I don't think Hillary Clinton will be able to generate the same level of turnout.

Just MHO.
I will be particularly interested in the 2016 election as I like studying the effect the media has on the public. I fully expect the Reps to win just from past history. I wonder however, how badly the Reps will misjudge the conditions again. Will they go over board with the anti minority, anti gay, and anti women social agendas? In other words will they just give it away yet again?

I think Black people will hit the polls in close to the same numbers regardless and I dont see them voting for any republican unless they have convincing evidence they are not racist. As far as republicans go they are guilty until proven innocent.

I think it would be an epic collapse for the GOP if a Democrat wins in 2016. But I've seen it before and I haven't been seeing anything different from the current crop of GOP hopefuls. I just wonder - for example - if the Democratic nominee is Hillary Clinton, will there be some black voters who hold some of her 2008 campaign tactics against her?
No. Initially, she may get some flack but if the alternative is a republican Black people will support her.

What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Interesting chart. Here's one I found. Note the differences.


Same source. Different age groups.So the arrests do seem disparite. One would have to look at prior criminal history. Another possibly reason for higher arrests among blacks might be cops concentrating effort in high crime areas.

This chart may support that hypothesis:

Most do, whether it is a rational decision or not. What will be interesting is whether or not blacks will continue to vote in the numbers they did in 2008 and 2012 where they participated at a marginally higher percentage than whites for the first time.

I'm thinking we will return to a +5 percentage point advantage to whites with no black presidential candidate.
I disagree. I'm Black. This has awakened many Black people to educate themselves about voting. I've never heard so much talk about voting just in general conversation. My 2 nieces that were turning 20 and 21 respectively cant wait to vote in the next election.

Oh ... now you're Black ...if you say so ....and you seem to think that brings some privilege with it ? And Funny - when you referred to Blacks in the past it was allways "they" not "us" or "we" HMMMmmm
Hey, everyone knows only blacks, no matter how dumb they are, understand racial issues.
Racial Profiling

If you ever took sociology , or probability and statistics you should be well aware that there are a ridiculously large amount of variables that will effect the numbers that went into that chart, but they do do seem to indicate that racial profiling plays a role - it could also be relevant to socio-economics who da fk knows.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
No. Initially, she may get some flack but if the alternative is a republican Black people will support her.

What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations1,194,956801,198372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.
My brother is a cop, and he explained it to me this way.

Even though he has no need to bust pot smokers just getting loaded...

He likes the fact that possession of pot is "cause" for him. He says that lots of bad guys smoke pot and it that gives him more ways to make the other crazy shit they do stick. He will only make an issue if it's more than pot. And that seems reasonable.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations 1,194,956 801,198 372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

prove they do ape
No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations 1,194,956 801,198 372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

prove they do ape
Prove the dont chimp.
Could also be that blacks use marijuana at a fat greater rate than whites.
What if the alternative were a black Republican?

No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations1,194,956801,198372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.
My brother is a cop, and he explained it to me this way.

Even though he has no need to bust pot smokers just getting loaded...

He likes the fact that possession of pot is "cause" for him. He says that lots of bad guys smoke pot and it that gives him more ways to make the other crazy shit they do stick. He will only make an issue if it's more than pot. And that seems reasonable.

exactly, the cops don't arrest people "just for pot" it's a ticket and go on your way in almost every case. Unless you've done more, OR you piss off the cop.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations 1,194,956 801,198 372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

prove they do ape
Prove the dont chimp.

The assertion is yours, I can't prove a negative you stupid orangutang
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

prove they do ape
Prove the dont chimp.

The assertion is yours, I can't prove a negative you stupid orangutang
You made the assertion. Prove it cave monkey.
No. Whites use at the same rate or more.

The black white marijuana arrest gap in nine charts - The Washington Post


It would depend on who the Black republican is. I'm guessing Herman Cain would go down in flames. Colin Powell would probably be enough to sway Black voters.
Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I never trust an article that can't quote it's sources, for instance, your article says its data is from FBI statistics, yet I can't find where the FBI separates marijuana arrests from drug arrests, but I'm still looking.

What I HAVE found is total drug arrests.
FBI mdash Table 43
Drug abuse violations1,194,956801,198372,914
blacks account for not quite half of all drug related arrests, which tracks with how much more likely they are to commit nearly every crime. For instance, 13% of the population committed nearly as many murders as 77% of the population (or do you also claim that whites murder as frequently as blacks, but aren't arrested for it?)
So what you cant find it? That only proves you are stupid. Nice deflection but sorry.
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
You said you couldnt go to prison for having weed and you were wrong. The simple possession laws dont specify you only go if you are a repeat offender. I know too many first time kids that are in prison now so we know thats false. its called mandatory sentencing son.

Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.
My brother is a cop, and he explained it to me this way.

Even though he has no need to bust pot smokers just getting loaded...

He likes the fact that possession of pot is "cause" for him. He says that lots of bad guys smoke pot and it that gives him more ways to make the other crazy shit they do stick. He will only make an issue if it's more than pot. And that seems reasonable.

exactly, the cops don't arrest people "just for pot" it's a ticket and go on your way in almost every case. Unless you've done more, OR you piss off the cop.
This is California, and my brother's fellow cops do th same thing according to him. I can't say what he does when he busts people like that, but I didn't hear he writes tickets
I notice you didn't provide a link that proved the data came from the FBI, preferring to just call me stupid
Hey stupid, repeated offender is a crime, therefor if you are sentenced for repeat offending, THAT is what you went to prison for , not the simple posession.

I notice you didnt provide a link proving first time offenders dont get sent to prison. Hey stupid. How do you explain first time offenders going to jail for it?

prove they do ape
Prove the dont chimp.

The assertion is yours, I can't prove a negative you stupid orangutang
You made the assertion. Prove it cave monkey.
Nope, Assclap YOU made the assertion. You're up. Don't strike out.
blacks have been brainwashed for centuries by Democrats to see themselves as little children.

This sort of patronizing racism is why blacks will never vote Republican

And those using it are morons for thinking they can scream how all blacks are stupid, and still get them to vote Republican. Being a patronizing racist just isn't a vote-getter.

its true though. I am not a public leader. I don't have to pussy foot around reality let I upset a group of people who have, for the most part, been brainwashed by the deems.

Democrats enslaved blacks and now is trying to keep them on the plantation of dependency

Democrats don't think blacks are smart enough to compete against whites or asians so democrats push for affirmative racism

Democrats don't think blacks can act like other races so they excuse black pathologies such as outrageous rates of illegitimacy and crime
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?

Yup, you Democrats own their black asses.

Happy now?

I am not attacking you with this but want to honestly know: do you have any idea in the world what a fellow black citizen is likely to think of you when he reads that?

What you just wrote is essentially the entire problem that the GOP has: it just cannot stop hating on people it would really like to recruit into the part.

This is a lot like a boxer, when he sees a right hook coming at him, simply leans into it.

The next logical step for the Republicans, now that they have said this stupid stuff about black people, is then to go one step further (as they often have) and insinuate or downright say that black folks are just plain old too stupid to realize that they are enslaved by the "Dimocraps" and are therefore deserving of scorn, but if only they would swich parties, you know, to the one that has been calling them lazy and "thugs" and "where's ma free shit" and stuff like that, all will be well.

(The things above are not my words, just to remind. I don't feel this way at all about our fellow black citizens.)

Republican intelligence - it is a thing to behold. Much as I behold a turd in a toilet.

Republican voter outreach is about the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life:

"We hate you. You suck. Vote for us."

The next logical step for the Republicans, now that they have said this stupid stuff about black people

Democrats get a free pass when it comes to racist remarks.

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.” – Joe Biden,

a ‘light-skinned’ African American with ‘no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.’” - Harry Reid

"I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lyndon Johnson

"White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." - Al Sharpton

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. - Harry Truman

"You fucking Jew Bastard." Hillary Clinton

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” — Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

“There are white n*ggers. I’ve seen a lot of white n*ggers in my time.” — US Senator Robert Byrd

The Medicaid system must have been developed by a white male slave owner. It pays for you to be pregnant and have a baby, but it won’t pay for much family planning.” — Jocelyn Elders

“We have lost to the white racist press and to the racist reactionary Jewish misleaders.” — Former Rep. Gus Savage (D-Illinois) after his defeat 1992

The Hillary Clinton quote is a lie, based on a rumor. I bet that a number of those other quotes are also so. Is this all the Right has to dish up? You poor people.

I believe you are Mistaken [again]

......one particularly shocking passage in the book, Oppenheimer quotes a campaign official who describes an angry attack by Hillary in which she screams at him, "You fucking Jew bastard!"
Two sourced eyewitnesses confirmed to Oppenheimer that they heard the verbal assault.
[Sources tell DRUDGE that Dick Morris is not the campaign official.]

"One anti-Semitic slur slung in anger hardly defines a person, and Hillary has always had a tendency when angry to go for the gut," Oppenheimer writes. But, unfortunately, according to UNION, that was neither the first nor the last time Hillary had used such a slur. And there is a darker side to the story.

...........According to the book, Hillary's mother, Dorothy Rodham, held a life-long grudge against Rosenberg, and made Jewish slurs, according to an on the record family member quoted by Oppenheimer. HIllary Jewish Slurs Claimed In New Book

And the names of those witnesses?

Oh, please, you live in a fantasy world.
Stat, you really love calling people liars.

Get off your lazy ass and Google it or stfu.

Googling or binging a rumor doesn't make it any more true.

I ask again: is there video or audio to back up this allegation?
The biggest problem that the GOP has with women and minorities is that they don't talk TO women and minorities, they talk AT women and minorities. Big difference. Their way doesn't work.

Systemic racism within the Republican Party is minimal, but tolerated in an unsettling way as well.
No, the biggest problem is liberals own the media. The Republicans aren't able to fight their way through the constant negative propaganda.
The right has plenty of advocacy media outlets. Fox, Rush, Breitbart, Drudge, USA Toady, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Examiner.....and so on.

Prior to 1996, the big 3 networks were center left, and scandals were what they went after on both sides. Watergate was a great example of a conservative reporter (Woodward) and a liberal reporter (Bernstein) working together to blow the lid off of Watergate.

When Fox News showed up, using Rupert Murdoch's successful business models of conservative networks in Australia and the UK, the news for righties became far right, to the point of simply being GOP propaganda. Since then, the left has begun to imitate that business model and created MSNBC. Now there are plenty of 24 hour/day new networks to confirm what you think is right.

I don't think those networks brain wash people, they simply hold focus groups that find out how people react, and what they want to be true, then tell them that.

Most of the anchors on MSNBC and Fox, Chris Wallace excluded, do not have journalism degrees, they have communications degrees. Which used to be common to political strategists, not reporters.

Of course the far left media outlets don't claim to be fair and balanced. Fox pulls that maneuver very well. They afford liberal points of view, so they can offer statistics showing equal time given to opposing opinion...but the liberals they feature, Jon Stewart or Obama excluded, are a mixed bag of ineffectual and "has been" Democrats. A great example of people who can't find work with Democrats anymore. Doug Schoen, Pat Caddel, Alan Colmes, and so on. MSNBC has the same thing, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace, and Michael Steele.

The right has never been represented by a center right media network, or been given actual journalism to mentally digest. Which explains the rift in GOP politics. What remains are fringes. RINOs VS Tea Party/Militia types.

Some good points here. But MSNBC and Fox offer very little in the way of balance. One offers the far left view, the other the far right view. Just count how many times a "story" is based on one source - a source that shares the slant of the network - without any other viewpoints. I've done a few counts on that - it's shockingly poor journalism.

But in this day and age where so many media outlets - with so many different slants - are available, it is absurd to suggest that a particular point of view is being "buried."

Just absurd foolishness.

Hitler pulled some of the same shit Obama is pulling. I don't think any of this is funny and neither should you.

Any comparison of any of our Presidents, including Pres. Obama, to Adolph Hitler, is just plain old sick. You quite obviously do not know your history.

Comparing him to one of the most murderous dictators in all of history is an insult to the memory of the many millions who died under Hitler. Dwight D. Eisenhower would be spitting at you right now, I am quite sure.

Shame on you.
The biggest problem that the GOP has with women and minorities is that they don't talk TO women and minorities, they talk AT women and minorities. Big difference. Their way doesn't work.

Systemic racism within the Republican Party is minimal, but tolerated in an unsettling way as well.
No, the biggest problem is liberals own the media. The Republicans aren't able to fight their way through the constant negative propaganda.
The right has plenty of advocacy media outlets. Fox, Rush, Breitbart, Drudge, USA Toady, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Examiner.....and so on.

Prior to 1996, the big 3 networks were center left, and scandals were what they went after on both sides. Watergate was a great example of a conservative reporter (Woodward) and a liberal reporter (Bernstein) working together to blow the lid off of Watergate.

When Fox News showed up, using Rupert Murdoch's successful business models of conservative networks in Australia and the UK, the news for righties became far right, to the point of simply being GOP propaganda. Since then, the left has begun to imitate that business model and created MSNBC. Now there are plenty of 24 hour/day new networks to confirm what you think is right.

I don't think those networks brain wash people, they simply hold focus groups that find out how people react, and what they want to be true, then tell them that.

Most of the anchors on MSNBC and Fox, Chris Wallace excluded, do not have journalism degrees, they have communications degrees. Which used to be common to political strategists, not reporters.

Of course the far left media outlets don't claim to be fair and balanced. Fox pulls that maneuver very well. They afford liberal points of view, so they can offer statistics showing equal time given to opposing opinion...but the liberals they feature, Jon Stewart or Obama excluded, are a mixed bag of ineffectual and "has been" Democrats. A great example of people who can't find work with Democrats anymore. Doug Schoen, Pat Caddel, Alan Colmes, and so on. MSNBC has the same thing, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace, and Michael Steele.

The right has never been represented by a center right media network, or been given actual journalism to mentally digest. Which explains the rift in GOP politics. What remains are fringes. RINOs VS Tea Party/Militia types.

Some good points here. But MSNBC and Fox offer very little in the way of balance. One offers the far left view, the other the far right view. Just count how many times a "story" is based on one source - a source that shares the slant of the network - without any other viewpoints. I've done a few counts on that - it's shockingly poor journalism.

But in this day and age where so many media outlets - with so many different slants - are available, it is absurd to suggest that a particular point of view is being "buried."

Just absurd foolishness.
I saw all I needed to about Fox during the last election. The POTUS was being sworn in and they were still claiming Romney could still win. :laugh:

Was that Rove meltdown not PRICELESS?

You couldn't write a sitcom that funny. I literally had tears streaming down my cheeks I was laughing so hard.

I laughed for a long time at that one, because Rove lied right on TV. He knew already that Obama had taken the state. At the moment that all networks called the Buckeye State for the President (and FOX called it BEFORE CNN, by 3 minutes), Cuyahoga County was only 49% in and Obama was at 70.1% of the PV (he won with 69.33%) at that time. At that moment, Obama's raw vote lead in Cuyahoga county was +126,000. At the end of the day, when all the final canvasses were signed, sealed and delivered, the President won Cuyahoga County by +256,613 votes. Also at the moment that Rove was melting-down, Lucas County (Toledo) was not even 9% in and at that moment, Obama was ahead by +6,000 votes, which grew to +66,676 votes when all was said and done. In Summit County (Akron), 68% of the votes were in, and Obama was up by 28,000, he won at the end of the day by 42,040 votes. At the moment that Rove was flipping out, in spite of the "look" of a 49-49 race only at that moment, Obama was STILL ahead in Hamilton County and at the end of the day, he once again carried Cincinnatti by over +27,000 votes. Rove kept referring to the collar counties around Columbus (Franklin County) as the counties that were out and would turn the tide, but if you count the total votes of Delaware, Union, Madison, Knox, Licking, Pickaway and Fairfield counties (all collar counties around Columbus), that's 276,000 TOTAL votes cast and even if Romney had won every single vote in every single one of those collar counties, that would have only offset Obama's Cuyahoga win, nothing more. Plus, all of those counties were more than 65% in. Remember, Cuyahoga County was only 49% in. The very fact that Obama was improving his statistic in Cuyahoga,, Lucas and Summit Counties, absolutely held his 2008 statistic in Athens and Hamilton counties and won the two swing counties: Montgomery (Dayton) and Stark (Canton- Alliance) - was enough evidence that he was guaranteed to win the state. It's really that simple.

Obama's 2012 win in the Buckeye State was less than Obama 2008 and Bush 2000, but more than Bush 2004. A +3 win is lean, but very stable.

So, Rove wasted everyone's time, and he knew he was doing it. Michael Barone is a die-hard conservative, but he is, like many other math people on the left and right, VERY good with numbers. He didn't want Obama to win, but he knew better than to close his eyes and ears and just plain old lie. Barone probably already knew at 10 PM that Obama was going to take the state, I bet.
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