Will Killers or Gang Bangers follow gun control laws?

Will gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns?

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Apparently today is Stupid Poll Day. Not a manner of whether they will follow gun control laws or they don't --- NRA Sucker.

But if they're guilty of a felony and can't go to Armslist or any of a dozen other sites or a gun show in around 22 states and buy from an unlicensed seller .. it will make it tougher on them to find their preferred implement of destruction.

That is already a law. Do you think that banning a weapon is going to stop school shootings or what? Answer the question or GTFO.

I already answered that stupid question in Murky's poll. And NO - that is NOT already a law. In around half the states, a convicted felon can go online or to a show and buy a gun from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Time to stroke another check to cover Wayne's 4 million dollar bonus - GO! :)

NOT legally they can't. It is against the law for a felon to own a weapon already. Yet, they still do! Go figure!
Sure because the market is flooded with guns. There’s zero regulations. It’s almost as if the system is designed so that flooding the markets..... of course they are gun manufacurers. Any company wants to sell more not less.

It should be a big deal when you buy sell or lose a gun. Somethings wrong and the nra doesn’t want to fix it

The NRA is a special interest group that is concerned with protecting the 2A from government intrusion. That is all. They are not responsible for what gun manufacturers do or what is going on in the black market. That doesn't have anything to do with the NRA.

The NRA represents gun and ammo manufacturers - Not you and not me.

Sucker ;)
That is already a law. Do you think that banning a weapon is going to stop school shootings or what? Answer the question or GTFO.

I already answered that stupid question in Murky's poll. And NO - that is NOT already a law. In around half the states, a convicted felon can go online or to a show and buy a gun from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Time to stroke another check to cover Wayne's 4 million dollar bonus - GO! :)

NOT legally they can't. It is against the law for a felon to own a weapon already. Yet, they still do! Go figure!
Sure because the market is flooded with guns. There’s zero regulations. It’s almost as if the system is designed so that flooding the markets..... of course they are gun manufacurers. Any company wants to sell more not less.

It should be a big deal when you buy sell or lose a gun. Somethings wrong and the nra doesn’t want to fix it

The NRA is a special interest group that is concerned with protecting the 2A from government intrusion. That is all. They are not responsible for what gun manufacturers do or what is going on in the black market. That doesn't have anything to do with the NRA.

The NRA represents gun and ammo manufacturers - Not you and not me.

Sucker ;)

They do represent me, thankfully. Go NRA! I am SO grateful for this wonderful grassroots organization.

The True Source of the N.R.A.’s Clout: Mobilization, Not Donations
Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

There are no rights. There are only privileges society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights' needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

The real question is, will the 78% of us who don't own guns and have no use for them get sick and tired of the 3% who are stockpiling guns like the Zombies are coming? (Somewhere in between there are 18% who own maybe one gun, and aren't fanatics about it. They don't want their kids going to school with Nikolas Cruz, either.)

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

Again, WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. "Well Regulated Militia". That means the government can determine who can buy a gun, what kind of gun he can own, and if he has a real need for it.

The bizarre interpretation that gun ownership was a "right" is a relatively new one.
.How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.

More lies and more extremist hyperbole from Joe Shmo. :D
How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

I don't have a problem with that.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.

But here's the problem with that. Every mass shooter was able to pass a background check. Usually they had no criminal record and their mental health history wasn't readily available.

Let's take James Holmes as an example. He was able to buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, and it didn't raise any red flags. But if someone had talked to his school, where they were in the process of discharging him mental instability, they would have known he was nuts. The guy thought he was the Joker from the Batman comics.

Of course, once you do meaningful background checks, gun ownership isn't a "right" anymore, it becomes a privilege. A privilege that will be more and more restricted as guys slip through the cracks.

More to the point, the gun industry is based on selling to the least stable people, people who probably couldn't pass a check if people talked to their coworkers and neighbors.

Funny because it seems that ever since gun control measures, school shootings have INCREASED. Lol. :D Look, your record tells us that your way is wrong. End of story. You have failed. Your methods are a failure.
Gun control laws will always fail because criminals and especially murderers ignore laws. Murder is against the law. Makes sense. Gun control laws are only targeting the tool the killer chooses to use for his spree. It matters not if he cannot obtain his weapon of choice legally since he has already decided to break the laws against murder which carry the HARSHEST penalties.
Is speed limits stop speeders? No. So lets not hae ny
Do drug laws stop illegal drug use? No, so lets eliminate all drug laws

Your post is such a joke.

Good God, YOUR post is a joke. It looks like a 5-year-old wrote it! Do you have no PRIDE?

It was written to and for the callous conservative set to comprehend, i.e. those who use this post to support lassiez faire gun laws, and who continue to use divisive rhetoric attacking the messengers and rejection of one or our most sacred documents.***

The NRA has gone all in with spokespersons using hate, fear & divisive rhetoric framed with false pathos; they are mindful of a cast created by Albert Speer.

Yes Virgina, when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in our Flag, wearing the Cross of Christianity and carried by NRA members with an AR15 pointed at the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence.

*** "...a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,"
It is time for We the People to reject hate and fear from a government which put profits over the lives of our citizens. It is time to say "Enough" and time to support candidates who put people before profits.

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Murder laws are geared towards punishing the murderer after the fact, not towards PREVENTING the murderer from murdering. Anyone with a LICK of sense knows that is not possible. A person who decides to kill doesn't care about our laws or our lack of laws or anything else for that matter. Gun control laws are meant to control an ITEM, which never ever will work. It has been proven time and time and time again that banning objects doesn't work to deter people from using them if they want to.
Is speed limits stop speeders? No. So lets not hae ny
Do drug laws stop illegal drug use? No, so lets eliminate all drug laws

Your post is such a joke.

Good God, YOUR post is a joke. It looks like a 5-year-old wrote it! Do you have no PRIDE?

It was written to and for the callous conservative set to comprehend, i.e. those who use this post to support lassiez faire gun laws, and who continue to use divisive rhetoric attacking the messengers and rejection of one or our most sacred documents.***

The NRA has gone all in with spokespersons using hate, fear & divisive rhetoric framed with false pathos; they are mindful of a cast created by Albert Speer.

Yes Virgina, when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in our Flag, wearing the Cross of Christianity and carried by NRA members an AR15 pointed at the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence.

"...a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,"

The NRA is awesome and I will be donating more money to them to defend my rights next month.
The NRA's attorneys mission statement . . .

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Is speed limits stop speeders? No. So lets not hae ny
Do drug laws stop illegal drug use? No, so lets eliminate all drug laws

Your post is such a joke.

Good God, YOUR post is a joke. It looks like a 5-year-old wrote it! Do you have no PRIDE?

It was written to and for the callous conservative set to comprehend, i.e. those who use this post to support lassiez faire gun laws, and who continue to use divisive rhetoric attacking the messengers and rejection of one or our most sacred documents.***

The NRA has gone all in with spokespersons using hate, fear & divisive rhetoric framed with false pathos; they are mindful of a cast created by Albert Speer.

Yes Virgina, when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in our Flag, wearing the Cross of Christianity and carried by NRA members an AR15 pointed at the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence.

"...a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,"

The NRA is awesome and I will be donating more money to them to defend my rights next month.

Cool, blood money is always welcome to a terrorist organization. Wayne LaPierre will thank you.
The NRA is a great organization committed to protecting MY rights as an American citizen against government and liberal intrusions.

The NRA’s rhetoric is ridiculous and wrong – owning guns has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom,’ the notion is an inane rightwing myth; indeed, there’s nothing in the text, history, or case law of the Second Amendment that authorizes a minority of citizens to ‘overthrow’ through force of arms a lawfully elected government reflecting the will of the majority of the people.

As for your lie about ‘liberal intrusions,’ all of the firearm regulatory measures advocated for by Democrats are perfectly Constitutional and consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

In fact, the true threat to citizens’ rights and protected liberties comes from the authoritarian right – conservatives hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the voting rights of minorities.

The NRA is nothing but a rightist mouthpiece, propagating ridiculous lies contrived by conservatives.
Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

There are no rights. There are only privileges society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights' needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

The real question is, will the 78% of us who don't own guns and have no use for them get sick and tired of the 3% who are stockpiling guns like the Zombies are coming? (Somewhere in between there are 18% who own maybe one gun, and aren't fanatics about it. They don't want their kids going to school with Nikolas Cruz, either.)

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

Again, WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. "Well Regulated Militia". That means the government can determine who can buy a gun, what kind of gun he can own, and if he has a real need for it.

The bizarre interpretation that gun ownership was a "right" is a relatively new one.
.How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.
This is a truly ignorant and idiotic post.

No one is trying to ‘disarm’ the country – this is yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.
Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

There are no rights. There are only privileges society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights' needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

The real question is, will the 78% of us who don't own guns and have no use for them get sick and tired of the 3% who are stockpiling guns like the Zombies are coming? (Somewhere in between there are 18% who own maybe one gun, and aren't fanatics about it. They don't want their kids going to school with Nikolas Cruz, either.)

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

Again, WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. "Well Regulated Militia". That means the government can determine who can buy a gun, what kind of gun he can own, and if he has a real need for it.

The bizarre interpretation that gun ownership was a "right" is a relatively new one.
.How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.
This is a truly ignorant and idiotic post.

No one is trying to ‘disarm’ the country – this is yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.

You're a goddam liar.
The NRA is a great organization committed to protecting MY rights as an American citizen against government and liberal intrusions.

The NRA’s rhetoric is ridiculous and wrong – owning guns has nothing to do with ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom,’ the notion is an inane rightwing myth; indeed, there’s nothing in the text, history, or case law of the Second Amendment that authorizes a minority of citizens to ‘overthrow’ through force of arms a lawfully elected government reflecting the will of the majority of the people.

As for your lie about ‘liberal intrusions,’ all of the firearm regulatory measures advocated for by Democrats are perfectly Constitutional and consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

In fact, the true threat to citizens’ rights and protected liberties comes from the authoritarian right – conservatives hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the voting rights of minorities.

The NRA is nothing but a rightist mouthpiece, propagating ridiculous lies contrived by conservatives.

More and more women are joining the fight against you liberals who want to take away our chosen form of self defense. More and more and more women are going to be joining every day. :) Women are the BIGGEST up and coming hunters that the manufacturers of hunting supplies are targeting. Women are playing a HUGE role in defending our rights against the anti-rights movement made up of people who are too lazy to take their own self defense seriously and would rather rely on someone ELSE with a gun to defend them when and if the time comes. Most women are just tougher than you are. You should be a European, not an American. You don't have the grit or the backbone to live with freedom.

NRA Women's Leadership Forum: Home

Today more than ever, women have a vital role to play in our country. We are changing the tide; we are shaping the future.

The NRA Women's Leadership Forum (WLF) began over a decade ago with a vision to form a community just for women within the NRA. Since then, it's grown into so much more. We are now one of the largest and most influential philanthropic groups within the NRA - gaining momentum with each passing day.

Who's the average WLF member? She's you! We may come from different backgrounds, different places and different interests, but the common thread that binds us is our dedication to the protection of our precious Second Amendment. Because we know that without freedom, there is no future.

NRA Women's Leadership Forum Mission:
To unite women of influence to defend our Second Amendment freedoms and help guarantee the future of the NRA through philanthropic leadership.

There has never been a more important time to nurture this crucial mission, but we can't do it without your support. We hope you enjoy exploring this site to learn more about all the opportunities WLF has to offer - from women's-only training and hunting excursions to philanthropic events and life-long friendships.

Your annual commitment to the NRA Women's Leadership Forum will not only impact the future, it will bring a tremendous amount of fun along with it.

Thank you, and we look forward to welcoming you soon!
Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

There are no rights. There are only privileges society thinks you should have. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights' needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

The real question is, will the 78% of us who don't own guns and have no use for them get sick and tired of the 3% who are stockpiling guns like the Zombies are coming? (Somewhere in between there are 18% who own maybe one gun, and aren't fanatics about it. They don't want their kids going to school with Nikolas Cruz, either.)

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

Again, WE DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. "Well Regulated Militia". That means the government can determine who can buy a gun, what kind of gun he can own, and if he has a real need for it.

The bizarre interpretation that gun ownership was a "right" is a relatively new one.
.How do we know your not a foreign agent operating to try and disarm a country by spewing your constant bullcrap here or elsewhere for that matter upon the social media networks upon the web ???? Let me make this clear to you or anyone else whom operates like you - We won't give up our guns, and the only way we will is if they are taken from us after we are dead.

The use of human carnage carried out by mentally deranged individuals isn't going to be used by Demon-crats to try and dis-arm the citizens, because it won't work. Now if the Demon-crats & republican's come up with a plan to surgically remove the gun's from the bad guy's in this country, then we are all for that, and as far as the mentally ill go, well they will be looked at for signs of their conditions, identified, and hopefully appropriate treatment will be given in each case as is needed.
This is a truly ignorant and idiotic post.

No one is trying to ‘disarm’ the country – this is yet another ridiculous rightwing lie.

We aren't falling for that load. Lol. Seriously, why on EARTH do you think anyone would believe in you or trust in you? Well, most of us do not.
Women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners, hunters and sports shooters. :)

The NRA: Representing More Than the Second Amendment - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

If you’ve been to any of the National Rifle Association’s annual meetings, you’ll understand what I mean when I say the gathering is a true representation of what makes America exceptional.

This year, the NRA held its annual meetings and convention in Houston and was attended by more than 85,000 people. Last year it was held in St. Louis and the year before in Pittsburgh. Over the past few months, the NRA has seen their membership balloon and just last Friday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced the organization has reached 5 million members.

The common thing that brings all of these people together is obviously a celebration of the Second Amendment and the guaranteed right embedded in our Constitution for the people to keep and bear arms without infringement, but there are many other common American values and themes found at the convention that are often overlooked.


Each year no matter the venue, the NRA convention center floor is an amazing example of capitalism as hundreds of companies show and sell thousands of different products. Major companies from Midway USA to Remington to Ruger are there in addition to smaller start ups who have been able to find a comfortable home in the firearms industry. The NRA advertises the convention as “acres and acres of gear,” something that isn’t possible without embracing the ideas of competition, the free market, choice and entrepreneurship.

Free Speech:

The NRA annual meetings aren’t just about looking at all the new gear available on the convention floor. There are many seminars and speeches where people with both big and small voices can be heard. Only in America can you have speakers standing in front of a crowd of thousands to directly call out the President of the United States by name without persecution or punishment. Only in America do you see thousands of people peacefully standing up and saying ‘no’ to an infringement on their rights.


The National Rifle Association is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States and serves as one of the most important in the world. After all, without the Second Amendment, there is no First. Founded in 1871, the NRA has always promoted equality of rights for everyone.

Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How’s that “may issue” gun permit policy working for you?
The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence — including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high — beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

Williams’ repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, “Negroes With Guns.” In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

As the Klan found out, it’s not so much fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.

The NRA’s proud history of fighting the Klan has been airbrushed out of the record by those who were complicit with the KKK, Jim Crow and racial terror, to wit: the Democrats.

Women are the fastest growing demographic in the country and this fact was clearly embraced at this year’s convention. The NRA has launched an entire media organization dedicated to women with role models like Second Amendment advocate Natalie Foster and shooting champion Julie Golob leading the way. There is nothing more empowering as a woman than to be able to understand how to protect yourself.

As the old saying goes, “God made man and God made woman. Sam Colt made them equal.”

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