Will the coup ringleaders ever face justice?

No. Nothing will be done.

In fact, they will continue their attacks on Trump with the full support of the MSM. I suspect the Mueller Report changes nothing.

If Rachel Maddow, who lied and misinformed her viewers every night for two years is not fired, well then nothing changes.
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.

Now the gloves are off it's going to be extremely difficult for the crimes of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and their minions to dodge justice. Horowitz and Huber are said to be about 90 days from releasing their internal investigation of conduct by the FBI and FISA abuses.

Then Rand Paul dropped the bombshell about Brennan being adamant about the Dossier being included in the FISA application when he knew it couldn't be substantiated as required by FISA guidelines.

One thing I can't figure out though. All the criminals have either left the government or been fired except for Bruce Ohr. And everyone knows he was up to his neck in this conspiracy. His wife worked for Fusion GPS.

I think they flipped Ohr. Otherwise there would be no reason he's still there. I think he's dropping the dime on all of them to stay out of jail.
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Wray is a turncoat so don't expect the FBI to pursue Comey or McCabe....He might not give a shit about Strzok or Page. Should be interesting to see if the President keeps him on since after his confirmation hearing, Trump didn't appear at his swearing in...first time in history that ever happened. I'd imagine he's gone if he refuses to go after anybody.
Wray is a turncoat so don't expect the FBI to pursue Comey or McCabe....He might not give a shit about Strzok or Page. Should be interesting to see if the President keeps him on since after his confirmation hearing, Trump didn't appear at his swearing in...first time in history that ever happened. I'd imagine he's gone if he refuses to go after anybody.

It won't be Wray's decision. The Inspector General's and Huber's reports and recommendations will go to the DOJ. The DOJ will issue the indictments and I can't wait for these crooks to be bankrupted defending themselves like Muller did to so many.
It won't be Wray's decision. The Inspector General's and Huber's reports and recommendations will go to the DOJ. The DOJ will issue the indictments and I can't wait for these crooks to be bankrupted defending themselves like Muller did to so many.

Thing is, Huber is AWOL...hasn't interviewed anybody....a token Sessions picked because he knew he wouldn't be aggressive. Horowitz has no subpoena power so he can't do much. It's really up to Wray to finger these guys and send his report to Barr for indictment....which I doubt he has much interest in doing. Going to take another special prosecutor to bypass Wray and get the goods to Barr.
Now the gloves are off it's going to be extremely difficult for the crimes of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and their minions to dodge justice. Horowitz and Huber are said to be about 90 days from releasing their internal investigation of conduct by the FBI and FISA abuses.

Then Rand Paul dropped the bombshell about Brennan being adamant about the Dossier being included in the FISA application when he knew it couldn't be substantiated as required by FISA guidelines.

One thing I can't figure out though. All the criminals have either left the government or been fired except for Bruce Ohr. And everyone knows he was up to his neck in this conspiracy. His wife worked for Fusion GPS.

I think they flipped Ohr. Otherwise there would be no reason he's still there. I think he's dropping the dime on all of them to stay out of jail.
I hope you're right, fear that you're not.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.
What coup?

The one in Trump's head that they keep misspelling.

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
The more they attack Barr the more they are worried.
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.
What coup?

There was, of course, no coup.

But as you know conservatives want to start killing liberals and democrats so they need to justify their blood lust by claiming it was a "coup"

The REAL "coup" is happening by them right now....

The whole point of claiming "coup" is so his minions will rise up, kill the opposition, and then they will control the country ...

THAT is the "coup"
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.
This is what the 2020 election will be all about. Let the perp walks begin. With every one, more rats will leave the sinking ship that is the Democratic party.

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