Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

Party's are based on belief systems. It doesn't matter what % of race that one is made up of. When did it become illegal for whites to vote our beliefs? LOL
Matthew, you are off track. And belief systems change.

If the GOP wishes to compete in the future, that Party must diversify its base if it wants to avoid being minority for the rest of its short career.
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

the dems have problems appealing to working class white people because of their anti-white rhetoric and policies
Sigh. If you mean white racism, yes, the Dems don't buy into it.

Every Dem president and vice-president ever elected (with the exception of BHO) has been white. The great majority of the Dem senatos and reps are white.

"working class white people" support Dems as well as Pubs: watch PA, OH, and MIl this fall.

Be clearer in what you are trying to say, squeeze.

Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

the dems have problems appealing to working class white people because of their anti-white rhetoric and policies
Sigh. If you mean white racism, yes, the Dems don't buy into it.

Every Dem president and vice-president ever elected (with the exception of BHO) has been white. The great majority of the Dem senatos and reps are white.

"working class white people" support Dems as well as Pubs: watch PA, OH, and MIl this fall.

Be clearer in what you are trying to say, squeeze.

Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

the dems have problems appealing to working class white people because of their anti-white rhetoric and policies

I don't thnk I can be any more clear
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

If they do not win this election, they will probably be fucked until 2024, after Clinton leaves office. What the Party is by then is anyone's guess.
10 years? The parties will look pretty much like they look today. In 100 years it might look different.
Well, people that believe in social and fiscal conservatism are likely to do things based on their own work ethic. Most of these Meso's are coming here to escape the violence within their own lands, but don't think twice to use our system for all it's worth.

They truly don't care if this country becomes a third world failed states. They don't think ahead. East asians and whites have a culture that thinks ahead and wishes for better for the coming generations.

Hopefully, Blacks, Meso's and Arabs wake up to realities and push marxism behind them. More or less this is like inviting someone into your home and finding out that they're eating your food and watching your t.v/

This is some what true, but is one of the ugley facts that folks dont want to look at. Take black kids, most grow up in third or fourth generation welfare homes, Girls are encouraged to have kids to get more welfare, but to kill any surplus children so as not to over stress an over stressed system. The boys are given hero's like Kobi Bryant, or fiddy cent and encouraged to make babies and do nothing. They know better, and are capable of so much more, but are kept poor and ignorant by Democrats who need their votes. The illegals ? Well they are in heaven. They sneak across the border, and work in the construction trades for around $15.00 to $20.00 less then Americans charge, and drive down the quality of the work, as well as collect food stamps . They never had it better. And have no need or want to change.
You, bripat, made a claim about Hispanics and party politics. I am offering you some free advice. I will watch tonight because I want to see what the other side has to say and how we counter it.

It's good advice, and it's free, wee one.

I notice they are throwing you under the bus.
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

Will that mean an increase in the number of scientists up from 6%?
Jake isn't getting thrown under the bus, he started out under there. He's a liar, and not a Republican.
White racism is becoming the new liberal mantra. It's just as disgusting as any racism.
If the GOP wishes to compete in the future, that Party must diversify its base if it wants to avoid being minority for the rest of its short career.

You keep saying this but without mention to "how?" ...or "why?" Are you suggesting that the republicans abandon their general "personal responsibility" mantra that most of their policies are based on in favor of more welfare state policies, thus becoming more democrat? Are you implying that blacks and latinos want bigger government?... more government aid?

If the republicans are the party of personal responsibility and they happen to fall by the wayside as a party because of it, then it won't really matter: the U.S. would be done.
He isn't intelligent enough to be successful at swinging the party, so I guess we should be grateful.

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