Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

Your posts, and Koshergrl's as well. You need to specifically tell us all why you think minorties are well represented by the GOP, because I don't see the evidence, not when 90% of blacks and almsot 70% of Hispanics are telling us "not so".

I think Koshergrl is a progressive DNC operative trying to undermine the Republic Party. Doesn't matter. She only undermines what folks think of her.

I agree. Her zaney posts push Undecideds & Indies in the Dem's waiting arms. Thank KG ;)


You think people are influenced by this board. I feel sorry for you. Being that dumb must be painful.
Being dumb is being California Girl.

You are here for the grins and chuckles you give us, nothing more.

prolly be higher % than that given the record rate that they're snubbing every group that they can.
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Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

Coming from an idiot that calmed so many times that the party was finished in 06,08 never to be in power again but then there was 2010??!!!

What will this clown do if Mitt wins,and the Republicans hold all three branches??

Of course we know what will happen,there will be clams of cheating,seats bought with big money,voter suppression,the list goes on and on.
The New Reps keep bringing us to the brink of destruction, time after time.

We almost went into a depression worse than the great depression due to Rep investment bank dereg and $7 trill debt build up due to a no WMD war in Irag and tax cuts in a good economy. Good for reelection, tho.

The only way out of this was gov economic stim but the debt from the good times left little leverage. Remember the grass hopper and the ants.

Their answer to the 2008 financial meltdown, hands off, no gov step in, leave the mess take its natural course to oblivion.

Then the fanatic Tea Party House takes the US to the brink of debt default and more recession because ..... well they're nuts. Hmmmm ... why can't gov probs be worked from within?

If thats what the Tea Party wants, fine, but don't take the rest of us with you.
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

The people who attack all minorities are the Democratic Party or adherents thereof.

They never fail to refer to any and every conservative/Republican black person as Uncle Toms. Or their version of a female equivalent.

They never fail to denigrate any and all conservative/Republican woman as whores and sluts. Remember their references to Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin, just to mention a few subjects of their vicious scorn.

They never fail to attack poor white folks, calling them rednecks, bigots and worse.

They never fail to denigrate hard-working people with less than college education, calling them uneducated idiots and slobs.

They never fail to attack all people of faith, regardless of their religion as dolts.

They never fail to attack gays, if those gays have the temerity of being Republicans.

They never fail to adore and admire multi-millionaires like the liberal actors in Hollywood, while despising the millionaires on Wall Street.

They never fail to claim that in spite their plainly obvious hypocrisy, they represent minorities.

When it comes to being dolts, uneducated, slobs, whores, sluts and rednecks and bigots, the Democrats should look in the mirror and they would REALLY see the REAL world.

So, to answer your question, as soon as the current day brainwashed victims of the Democratic Party will realize that they've been taken for suckers, they WILL change their blind Party allegiance.
Remember what happened in the South in the '60's?

The Party that had the first black Secretary of State, the first black Security Advisor, and the first black Justice of the Supreme Court, who cared about blacks, is a wide open party and a large tent for all those who still have some self-respect.

The Party that considers contents of character before skin color is the Republican Party.
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Depends if the minorities keep buying the bullshit the dems sell that they are too stupid to make it without government handouts.
Your posts, and Koshergrl's as well. You need to specifically tell us all why you think minorties are well represented by the GOP, because I don't see the evidence, not when 90% of blacks and almsot 70% of Hispanics are telling us "not so".

I think Koshergrl is a progressive DNC operative trying to undermine the Republic Party. Doesn't matter. She only undermines what folks think of her.

I agree. Her zaney posts push Undecideds & Indies in the Dem's waiting arms. Thank KG ;)
Then progressives are against the taking of human life before it is born?

The New Reps keep bringing us to the brink of destruction, time after time.

We almost went into a depression worse than the great depression due to Rep investment bank dereg and $7 trill debt build up due to a no WMD war in Irag and tax cuts in a good economy. Good for reelection, tho.

The only way out of this was gov economic stim but the debt from the good times left little leverage. Remember the grass hopper and the ants.

Their answer to the 2008 financial meltdown, hands off, no gov step in, leave the mess take its natural course to oblivion.

Then the fanatic Tea Party House takes the US to the brink of debt default and more recession because ..... well they're nuts. Hmmmm ... why can't gov probs be worked from within?

If thats what the Tea Party wants, fine, but don't take the rest of us with you.
Izzat so?

Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

The people who attack all minorities are the Democratic Party or adherents thereof.

They never fail to refer to any and every conservative/Republican black person as Uncle Toms. Or their version of a female equivalent.

They never fail to denigrate any and all conservative/Republican woman as whores and sluts. Remember their references to Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin, just to mention a few subjects of their vicious scorn.

They never fail to attack poor white folks, calling them rednecks, bigots and worse.

They never fail to denigrate hard-working people with less than college education, calling them uneducated idiots and slobs.

They never fail to attack all people of faith, regardless of their religion as dolts.

They never fail to attack gays, if those gays have the temerity of being Republicans.

They never fail to adore and admire multi-millionaires like the liberal actors in Hollywood, while despising the millionaires on Wall Street.

They never fail to claim that in spite their plainly obvious hypocrisy, they represent minorities.

When it comes to being dolts, uneducated, slobs, whores, sluts and rednecks and bigots, the Democrats should look in the mirror and they would REALLY see the REAL world.

Scratch a liberal/progressive you find a raciest ,bigoted dick head,that demands much but gives back little.
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

My wife is Hispanic, and she told me something interesting the other day:

She was watching the news on Univision. A reporter was interviewing Latinos about who they planned to vote for. They all said they planned on voting Republican because the economy was better when they were in control. You see, Latinos care about more than getting their relatives over the border. They want to work.

I've seen parts of that Univision interview on FNC, but none on MSNBC.

Republicans should focus on their own image problem and less about democratic voters.

It's hilarious that you believe Democrats don't have an image problem.

I wonder which image is more troubling:

Ambassador of the Democratic Administration being dragged and raped by terrorists to whom said Administration profusely apologized,


Mitt Romney's tax returns which show that Harry Reid was a despicable liar, and Governor Romney paid his taxes required by law, and gave more to charity than Obama and Biden could and/or would in a hundred years.

You decide.

And for Republicans it's always about a "lack of color". Funny how that works.

Republicans, unlike Democrats, follow the the admonition of The Great Man, that the Democrats try to claim as their own, (based on nothing but skin color) to judge a person not by the color of his skin, but the contents of his character.

In your particular case it could be any color, because you have no character.

Funny how that works.
Will the Republican Party still be 90% white in 10 years?

If not, then who will join? They've attacked every minority in the US.

Any predictions about the Republican Party?

I predict that minorities will wise up and see that jobs are not coming through with the Democrats and will start siding with the party that can give them jobs and a chance of success in life.
Maybe because Whites recognize more than minorities that the Dem's are lying to them?
Cubans who risked their lives trying to get away from Castro's socialized government control went Republican because they recognized what the Dem's are. The problem is, the 2nd and 3rd generation who have not lived in Cuba and has not experienced first hand what socialism really does. They have been lured by the Dem's government controlled programs, just like the other minorities.

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