“Without peace with the Palestinians, Israel can never live in peace”

I joined the Army during the Reagan years. I mention that as an indicator of my age and experience.

When I was growing up I learned that compromise was the key to success in deals, and in politics. You have to meet somewhere in the middle and walk away with a deal that you don’t live, but you can live with. The other side doesn’t live it, but they can live with it.

What happened is that we started to highlight the voices on the extreme. The extreme right and the extreme left. We used those extremes to gun up support for our side. And soon we as a people began believing the propaganda. In that we aren’t alone. History is filled with examples of similar behavior.

It’s comforting to think our side is good and their side is bad. It’s a lot easier to do that than explain the nuances of the positions.

I have mocked a lot of people on the right, and left. I don’t overstate their importance, or their support. I try and filter everything through my core beliefs.

I tend to reject radicals on both sides. They aren’t the enemy. They are just people who are more passionate than I believe is wise. I just don’t have the energy or the time to hate that much.
Israel has compromised a number of times offering Palestinians their own land. They always refused because HAMAS turned it down. Why? Because Israel conditioned it on the condition that the new Palestine state would acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
Israel has compromised a number of times offering Palestinians their own land. They always refused because HAMAS turned it down. Why? Because Israel conditioned it on the condition that the new Palestine state would acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

I know. As I wrote elsewhere. I’ve read the histories.
Yeah. Ignore the links. Ignore the truth. Focus on the propaganda. That’s the ticket.


I know. As I wrote elsewhere. I’ve read the histories.
Yeah, but you just wrote upthread that the key to peace is the willingness to compromise, with the implication being that neither side has been.

If the Palestinians were willing to compromise - one offer from Israel granted them 95% of what they wanted - they would have had their own state long ago. But their unwillingness to have Israel exist AT ALL prevented that, and now they will all have to evacuate to save their lives, if their terrorist leaders would allow even that.
Since Biden became President there has been war in Ukraine and now a war in the Middle East.
If the Democrats hadn’t launched their mail-harvesting scheme to override the will of thinking, knowledgeable Americans and instead install Biden, those 1,300 tortured to death in Israel last week would still be alive, there would be no 150 hostages suffering Gd knows what, and more than 100,000 Ukrainians would have not been killed.
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When two nations want the same land and when they are both willing to fight for it there can be no compromise. The war must be fought to the finish.

The two most important wars the United States has fought were the Civil War and World War II. We did not end those wars by compromise, but by forcing our enemies to accept unconditional surrender.

That is what I want from Palestine: unconditional surrender.
When two nations want the same land and when they are both willing to fight for it there can be no compromise. The war must be fought to the finish.

The two most important wars the United States has fought were the Civil War and World War II. We did not end those wars by compromise, but by forcing our enemies to accept unconditional surrender.

That is what I want from Palestine: unconditional surrender.
We did not engage in genocide and extermination after that war though.
yet another example of revisionist islamo nazi "history"----you are too
late -----it already started ----the ass licking dogs are already at it
You’re right. The Israeli reaction HAS already started and it will be every bit as horrific as the Hamas attack but on a grander scale
You’re right. The Israeli reaction HAS already started and it will be every bit as horrific as the Hamas attack but on a grander scale
who told you that---JIBRIL in the bat cave? I am amazed that you have the
intellect to write REACTION-----ISLAMO NAZI DOG!!!!!

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