workers see highest pay raise in nearly a decade


Sure, average pay rise over the last 12 months was 2.8%.

But the inflation rate is now up to 2.9%.

US Inflation Rate at 2.9% in June, Highest in 6 Years - Live Trading News

And it has risen over 70% in the last year.

United States Inflation Rate | 1914-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

That means the average pay rise is NOT keeping pace with inflation.

That is BAD news.
i never said it was keeping up and i never again said this was the coup de grace as people are trying to make it out to be. it's a positive step i hope we continue. if you and others insist on whipping your dicks out and peeing on the parade, go ahead. but it speaks more of you than us.

Except it's not really "a positive step", at best it's a neutral step, as I already pointed out it's inflationary (lagging indicator) and we're talking about the ECI which measures the costs of both wages and benefits.

So for example if the cost of employer provided health insurance rises so will the ECI since it's part of the calculation, does that mean workers got more value in total compensation? No it means workers got the exact same total compensation at a higher price tag and in the meantime their cost of living has increased so they're actually worse off from a buying power perspective and then businesses have to pass along those higher costs in the form of higher prices, which leads to decreasing buying power, rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade just pointing out that the devil is in the details not in the headline.
nope. i appreciate it. info for the sake of info is a good thing.but if we have the highest wage increase in a decade and we're still at best "even" how do we look at the last 10 years? was the inflationary rate lower?

For a number of reasons, over the last 40 years average growth in real wages has been relatively flat (around 0.2% per year), in other words about break even for most workers, There are of course exceptions, like for example the information technology sector but we're talking on average.

One of the symptoms of this slow wage growth has been increased household borrowing just to maintain the same standard of living and the debt service generally wipes out those modest wage gains for a lot of people, so for a good number of workers they're actually going backwards in terms of purchasing power.
Our economy once again is based on easy credit and housing loans...the same shit that took us down in 2007 and will take us down again. Theres no real income in the pockets of american workers, no savings, no real wage growth, just easy credit and people borrowing off their homes.
But republicans imo don't think of the future for themselves or their children and grand children
You know why it upsets me?

Because I have lived long enough to realize this economic prosperity will last only a short time. These economic peaks are the time when employees make up for periods of stagnant wages is not happening

As soon as the economy turns south, employers will again beat the drum of......we would like to pay you more, but we can’t afford it
i can't disagree. i've lived long enough to see both sides of the political aisle fix things and screw it up. but we are seeing things come in line for the average worker that we've not seen in a decade and people still say "not enough".

to those people i don't know if there *is* enough. some people are just terminal bitchers and that makes things difficult to see if they have a point or just bitching again. not to say it's not justified at times, just that we all have different values and some seem to think theirs are correct and others wrong when in the end, just different, neither good nor bad on their own, only after interpretation.

it really doesn't matter what happens to the economy in the end if we can't get past our partisan bickering and hate. we'll do ourselves in just to prove the other side wrong too.

This is not partisan
It is people’s lives

I look at 2018 as a year when employers received close to a 50 percent tax cut. A year of sub 4 percent unemployment. A year where inflation jumped to 2.9 percent

I look at a meager 2.8 percent increase and find it insulting
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
What about facts can't you nuts comprehend, this growth was just as steady under Obama as with Trump, that is fact...also know, I work in finance and every single day I see home loans, just as in 2007 given to people who here illegally, have no real income, and underwriters bending rules to get these people into these houses...I'm telling you, in a few more years, months, this country is gonna hit another brick wall with no Obama to save you stupid fuckers
This is not partisan
It is people’s lives

I look at 2018 as a year when employers received close to a 50 percent tax cut. A year of sub 4 percent unemployment. A year where inflation jumped to 2.9 percent

I look at a meager 2.8 percent increase and find it insulting
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
With unemployment slowly dropping from ten percent, employers held all the cards. Sorry, no pay increases this about we enroll you in the jelly of the month club?
again - if 2.8% is crumbs, how was it the 10 years before? not trying to start an argument or slam anyone but understand. we keep harping on 2.8 being bad but if this is the highest it's been in 10 years, what was it during those 10 years? jelly or not.
The last ten years was hell for workers.
Employers want to maintain that as long as possible

I have been in the workforce 40 years and recently retired. I know what raises look like. I saw good times and bad times. Most of my career, 4 percent was fairly common.

That is why I can’t get a hard on over a 2.8 percent increase in a strong economy
i never said it was keeping up and i never again said this was the coup de grace as people are trying to make it out to be. it's a positive step i hope we continue. if you and others insist on whipping your dicks out and peeing on the parade, go ahead. but it speaks more of you than us.

Except it's not really "a positive step", at best it's a neutral step, as I already pointed out it's inflationary (lagging indicator) and we're talking about the ECI which measures the costs of both wages and benefits.

So for example if the cost of employer provided health insurance rises so will the ECI since it's part of the calculation, does that mean workers got more value in total compensation? No it means workers got the exact same total compensation at a higher price tag and in the meantime their cost of living has increased so they're actually worse off from a buying power perspective and then businesses have to pass along those higher costs in the form of higher prices, which leads to decreasing buying power, rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade just pointing out that the devil is in the details not in the headline.
nope. i appreciate it. info for the sake of info is a good thing.but if we have the highest wage increase in a decade and we're still at best "even" how do we look at the last 10 years? was the inflationary rate lower?

For a number of reasons, over the last 40 years average growth in real wages has been relatively flat (around 0.2% per year), in other words about break even for most workers, There are of course exceptions, like for example the information technology sector but we're talking on average.

One of the symptoms of this slow wage growth has been increased household borrowing just to maintain the same standard of living and the debt service generally wipes out those modest wage gains for a lot of people, so for a good number of workers they're actually going backwards in terms of purchasing power.
Our economy once again is based on easy credit and housing loans...the same shit that took us down in 2007 and will take us down again. Theres no real income in the pockets of american workers, no savings, no real wage growth, just easy credit and people borrowing off their homes.
But republicans imo don't think of the future for themselves or their children and grand children

Neither do Democrats.

Welcome to the two party oligarchy, isn't it grand?
i never said it was keeping up and i never again said this was the coup de grace as people are trying to make it out to be. it's a positive step i hope we continue. if you and others insist on whipping your dicks out and peeing on the parade, go ahead. but it speaks more of you than us.

Except it's not really "a positive step", at best it's a neutral step, as I already pointed out it's inflationary (lagging indicator) and we're talking about the ECI which measures the costs of both wages and benefits.

So for example if the cost of employer provided health insurance rises so will the ECI since it's part of the calculation, does that mean workers got more value in total compensation? No it means workers got the exact same total compensation at a higher price tag and in the meantime their cost of living has increased so they're actually worse off from a buying power perspective and then businesses have to pass along those higher costs in the form of higher prices, which leads to decreasing buying power, rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade just pointing out that the devil is in the details not in the headline.
nope. i appreciate it. info for the sake of info is a good thing.but if we have the highest wage increase in a decade and we're still at best "even" how do we look at the last 10 years? was the inflationary rate lower?

For a number of reasons, over the last 40 years average growth in real wages has been relatively flat (around 0.2% per year), in other words about break even for most workers, There are of course exceptions, like for example the information technology sector but we're talking on average.

One of the symptoms of this slow wage growth has been increased household borrowing just to maintain the same standard of living and the debt service generally wipes out those modest wage gains for a lot of people, so for a good number of workers they're actually going backwards in terms of purchasing power.
Our economy once again is based on easy credit and housing loans...the same shit that took us down in 2007 and will take us down again. Theres no real income in the pockets of american workers, no savings, no real wage growth, just easy credit and people borrowing off their homes.
But republicans imo don't think of the future for themselves or their children and grand children
They rally on that shit, when dem's are in the white house, but truth be told, the GOP is all about capital gains and funding the rich.
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
With unemployment slowly dropping from ten percent, employers held all the cards. Sorry, no pay increases this about we enroll you in the jelly of the month club?
again - if 2.8% is crumbs, how was it the 10 years before? not trying to start an argument or slam anyone but understand. we keep harping on 2.8 being bad but if this is the highest it's been in 10 years, what was it during those 10 years? jelly or not.
The last ten years was hell for workers.
Employers want to maintain that as long as possible

I have been in the workforce 40 years and recently retired. I know what raises look like. I saw good times and bad times. Most of my career, 4 percent was fairly common.

That is why I can’t get a hard on over a 2.8 percent increase in a strong economy
You are among the lucky to be able to retire, get out......this country soon will rue the day, we allowed Trump and the GOP to guide our future, its gonna get really really really bad out there....if I were you and I had stock, I'd me on this
didn't say bad.

i said it was a closed mind that would only really allow yourself to see the worst in everything.

think back to when obama was in office and you talked to people who only saw the worst in obama and what he did regardless of what it was. did you think they were stupid and not being realistic?

if so, tag, you're it.
Tag this
Trump Calls on Sessions to Stop Mueller's Russia Probe
Top Democratic lawmakers calls it an attempt to obstruct justice. What's he worried about??
that isn't what i asked. can we simply answer questions and not deflect for one?

when people were running around making OBAMA SUCKS post one after another, did you think they were off on the extreme and not being fair about it?
You talk about me not answering your question? What about the one I asked you about tariffs affecting your ""huge"" pay raises ,,,,and in answer Yes I did think they were more than unfair blaming Obama and never giving credit
i have no idea how they effect things. you're asking me to hate cause you do in this instance because do you fully understand the tariffs trump is changing and fighting to have in place? how it effects the individual businesses at play like the steel industry? how that filters down to consumer goods?

i'm not embarrassed to say i don't know. if you know please explain the correlation between the 2.8% wage increase and how tariffs effect it and i'll listen. as it stands you shouted BUT TARIFFS and didn't quantify your point so i have no idea if *you* understand or are just doing your usual drive-bys to ensure we know you hate trump and whatever he did last night was bullshit.

so i can't answer that question and i rely on nightwish and people who talk evenly and as unbiased as anyone can anymore to tell me info so i can learn. thats one reason i love to come into these forums and honestly don't enjoy the FUCK YOU NO FUCK YOU convos that dominate in here.

is that a fair answer for you?

now - thank you. i would agree those people were being extreme and unreasonable. for awhile i was one that also looked for the worst in obama regardless of what he did. he had an angle, he had a hidden motive, he's lying - all that you do to trump i did to obama for awhile til i saw it went nowhere and honestly, it's impossible for someone to be 100% wrong ALL THE TIME. so i backed off my hatewagon for a bit and tried to see things others were seeing. i wasn't always successful but i was trying.

now, i put those who do TRUMP SUCKS into the same useless category. if you felt it being done to obama was stupid i fail to see how stupid actions become smart simply because you're the one now doing them.
LOL well maybe I'll follow your example in time, and back off my hatewagon for a bit and once more I love him bringing big corps money back home Obama tried Repubs told him shove it

and? when was the last time one side DID NOT tell the other side to "shove it"? we're letting human nature keep us mired in human nature vs. thinking our way out of a bad social climate for us all.
Tag this
Trump Calls on Sessions to Stop Mueller's Russia Probe
Top Democratic lawmakers calls it an attempt to obstruct justice. What's he worried about??
that isn't what i asked. can we simply answer questions and not deflect for one?

when people were running around making OBAMA SUCKS post one after another, did you think they were off on the extreme and not being fair about it?
You talk about me not answering your question? What about the one I asked you about tariffs affecting your ""huge"" pay raises ,,,,and in answer Yes I did think they were more than unfair blaming Obama and never giving credit
i have no idea how they effect things. you're asking me to hate cause you do in this instance because do you fully understand the tariffs trump is changing and fighting to have in place? how it effects the individual businesses at play like the steel industry? how that filters down to consumer goods?

i'm not embarrassed to say i don't know. if you know please explain the correlation between the 2.8% wage increase and how tariffs effect it and i'll listen. as it stands you shouted BUT TARIFFS and didn't quantify your point so i have no idea if *you* understand or are just doing your usual drive-bys to ensure we know you hate trump and whatever he did last night was bullshit.

so i can't answer that question and i rely on nightwish and people who talk evenly and as unbiased as anyone can anymore to tell me info so i can learn. thats one reason i love to come into these forums and honestly don't enjoy the FUCK YOU NO FUCK YOU convos that dominate in here.

is that a fair answer for you?

now - thank you. i would agree those people were being extreme and unreasonable. for awhile i was one that also looked for the worst in obama regardless of what he did. he had an angle, he had a hidden motive, he's lying - all that you do to trump i did to obama for awhile til i saw it went nowhere and honestly, it's impossible for someone to be 100% wrong ALL THE TIME. so i backed off my hatewagon for a bit and tried to see things others were seeing. i wasn't always successful but i was trying.

now, i put those who do TRUMP SUCKS into the same useless category. if you felt it being done to obama was stupid i fail to see how stupid actions become smart simply because you're the one now doing them.
LOL well maybe I'll follow your example in time, and back off my hatewagon for a bit and once more I love him bringing big corps money back home Obama tried Repubs told him shove it
And ice ,,how many CEO's economists on limbs far higher than you and I say tariffs are NOT a good thing for Trump to be instituting now?
dunno. how many?
i never said it was keeping up and i never again said this was the coup de grace as people are trying to make it out to be. it's a positive step i hope we continue. if you and others insist on whipping your dicks out and peeing on the parade, go ahead. but it speaks more of you than us.

Except it's not really "a positive step", at best it's a neutral step, as I already pointed out it's inflationary (lagging indicator) and we're talking about the ECI which measures the costs of both wages and benefits.

So for example if the cost of employer provided health insurance rises so will the ECI since it's part of the calculation, does that mean workers got more value in total compensation? No it means workers got the exact same total compensation at a higher price tag and in the meantime their cost of living has increased so they're actually worse off from a buying power perspective and then businesses have to pass along those higher costs in the form of higher prices, which leads to decreasing buying power, rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade just pointing out that the devil is in the details not in the headline.
nope. i appreciate it. info for the sake of info is a good thing.but if we have the highest wage increase in a decade and we're still at best "even" how do we look at the last 10 years? was the inflationary rate lower?

For a number of reasons, over the last 40 years average growth in real wages has been relatively flat (around 0.2% per year), in other words about break even for most workers, There are of course exceptions, like for example the information technology sector but we're talking on average.

One of the symptoms of this slow wage growth has been increased household borrowing just to maintain the same standard of living and the debt service generally wipes out those modest wage gains for a lot of people, so for a good number of workers they're actually going backwards in terms of purchasing power.
Our economy once again is based on easy credit and housing loans...the same shit that took us down in 2007 and will take us down again. Theres no real income in the pockets of american workers, no savings, no real wage growth, just easy credit and people borrowing off their homes.
But republicans imo don't think of the future for themselves or their children and grand children
we don't stereotype ourselves into feeling better either. :)
i can't disagree. i've lived long enough to see both sides of the political aisle fix things and screw it up. but we are seeing things come in line for the average worker that we've not seen in a decade and people still say "not enough".

to those people i don't know if there *is* enough. some people are just terminal bitchers and that makes things difficult to see if they have a point or just bitching again. not to say it's not justified at times, just that we all have different values and some seem to think theirs are correct and others wrong when in the end, just different, neither good nor bad on their own, only after interpretation.

it really doesn't matter what happens to the economy in the end if we can't get past our partisan bickering and hate. we'll do ourselves in just to prove the other side wrong too.

This is not partisan
It is people’s lives

I look at 2018 as a year when employers received close to a 50 percent tax cut. A year of sub 4 percent unemployment. A year where inflation jumped to 2.9 percent

I look at a meager 2.8 percent increase and find it insulting
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
What about facts can't you nuts comprehend, this growth was just as steady under Obama as with Trump, that is fact...also know, I work in finance and every single day I see home loans, just as in 2007 given to people who here illegally, have no real income, and underwriters bending rules to get these people into these houses...I'm telling you, in a few more years, months, this country is gonna hit another brick wall with no Obama to save you stupid fuckers
i understand you're doing your best to be king fuckhead. if you can't see that i'm trying to have a good convo with people i normally argue with that's on you. either be a productive part of the convo or be your usual dick self.
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
With unemployment slowly dropping from ten percent, employers held all the cards. Sorry, no pay increases this about we enroll you in the jelly of the month club?
again - if 2.8% is crumbs, how was it the 10 years before? not trying to start an argument or slam anyone but understand. we keep harping on 2.8 being bad but if this is the highest it's been in 10 years, what was it during those 10 years? jelly or not.
The last ten years was hell for workers.
Employers want to maintain that as long as possible

I have been in the workforce 40 years and recently retired. I know what raises look like. I saw good times and bad times. Most of my career, 4 percent was fairly common.

That is why I can’t get a hard on over a 2.8 percent increase in a strong economy
yea, i've seen 10%+ to nothing at all from the same job, same role. retirement i think is getting further and further away for many of us, that's for sure.
Most things are a lot better now that Trump is President after eight years of that worthless affirmative action failure Obama, isn't it?

What were these stupid Moon Bats thinking electing that idiot Obama as President? He ran on a platform to be a Left Wing failure. They should have known.
you should have a few laying around for your own buckets of tears cause there's good news from the trump camp.

that must really piss you off.

btw - if you're going to reply, contribute to the conversation at least. all this trolling to insult is 3rd grade old, dude.
I wish only the best for America and American workers, but also can’t wait to see Dotard fall flat on his fat face for the world to see
So you would be happy to see americans suffer, just so you can see Trump fail? Don't worry about it, that won't happen.

Median wage increases over the last twenty years

4-5 percent a year has been common up till 2008
Now, workers should be happy with 2 percent
Most things are a lot better now that Trump is President after eight years of that worthless affirmative action failure Obama, isn't it?

What were these stupid Moon Bats thinking electing that idiot Obama as President? He ran on a platform to be a Left Wing failure. They should have known.
you should have a few laying around for your own buckets of tears cause there's good news from the trump camp.

that must really piss you off.

btw - if you're going to reply, contribute to the conversation at least. all this trolling to insult is 3rd grade old, dude.
I wish only the best for America and American workers, but also can’t wait to see Dotard fall flat on his fat face for the world to see
So you would be happy to see americans suffer, just so you can see Trump fail? Don't worry about it, that won't happen.
probably no more so than when people wanted to see obama fail. i don't get why so many can't see this is just different sides of the same coin.
i can't disagree. i've lived long enough to see both sides of the political aisle fix things and screw it up. but we are seeing things come in line for the average worker that we've not seen in a decade and people still say "not enough".

to those people i don't know if there *is* enough. some people are just terminal bitchers and that makes things difficult to see if they have a point or just bitching again. not to say it's not justified at times, just that we all have different values and some seem to think theirs are correct and others wrong when in the end, just different, neither good nor bad on their own, only after interpretation.

it really doesn't matter what happens to the economy in the end if we can't get past our partisan bickering and hate. we'll do ourselves in just to prove the other side wrong too.

This is not partisan
It is people’s lives

I look at 2018 as a year when employers received close to a 50 percent tax cut. A year of sub 4 percent unemployment. A year where inflation jumped to 2.9 percent

I look at a meager 2.8 percent increase and find it insulting
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
What about facts can't you nuts comprehend, this growth was just as steady under Obama as with Trump, that is fact...also know, I work in finance and every single day I see home loans, just as in 2007 given to people who here illegally, have no real income, and underwriters bending rules to get these people into these houses...I'm telling you, in a few more years, months, this country is gonna hit another brick wall with no Obama to save you stupid fuckers
And then there'll be another Dem in the WH so republicans can blame him for all the shit falling on their heads Like they did with gwb and Obama
You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
With unemployment slowly dropping from ten percent, employers held all the cards. Sorry, no pay increases this about we enroll you in the jelly of the month club?
again - if 2.8% is crumbs, how was it the 10 years before? not trying to start an argument or slam anyone but understand. we keep harping on 2.8 being bad but if this is the highest it's been in 10 years, what was it during those 10 years? jelly or not.
The last ten years was hell for workers.
Employers want to maintain that as long as possible

I have been in the workforce 40 years and recently retired. I know what raises look like. I saw good times and bad times. Most of my career, 4 percent was fairly common.

That is why I can’t get a hard on over a 2.8 percent increase in a strong economy
yea, i've seen 10%+ to nothing at all from the same job, same role. retirement i think is getting further and further away for many of us, that's for sure.
I think, based on the strength of the economy and time since the last raise, workers should be seeing a 6-7 percent spike

Didn’t happen
This is not partisan
It is people’s lives

I look at 2018 as a year when employers received close to a 50 percent tax cut. A year of sub 4 percent unemployment. A year where inflation jumped to 2.9 percent

I look at a meager 2.8 percent increase and find it insulting
would you rather not see an increase at all? to me this is like looking at a half full glass of water and being insulted it's not full.

it *is* peoples lives and if we've not seen this high a pay raise in 10+ years, why were you not insulted then? or maybe you were and i wasn't here to see it. but if we've been that stagnant that long it won't turn around quickly. again, i view this as a step in the right direction and to me, your taking it as an insult is like getting mad 1/3 of the way to your destination you're not there yet.

lets see what else happens and how we - together as a country if ever possible again - can make this even better next time around.

You should be happy with the crumbs we throw you. You know, we could have given you nothing....just like last year and the year before

Employers have made their money and don’t want to share any of it. Feed the employees meat scraps and let them think it is filet mignon
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
What about facts can't you nuts comprehend, this growth was just as steady under Obama as with Trump, that is fact...also know, I work in finance and every single day I see home loans, just as in 2007 given to people who here illegally, have no real income, and underwriters bending rules to get these people into these houses...I'm telling you, in a few more years, months, this country is gonna hit another brick wall with no Obama to save you stupid fuckers
And then there'll be another Dem in the WH so republicans can blame him for all the shit falling on their heads Like they did with gwb and Obama
and the cycle of stupid will repeat. we really need to stop doing the very things we turn around and bitch about.
what was thrown 8 years before trump was throwing crumbs then?
With unemployment slowly dropping from ten percent, employers held all the cards. Sorry, no pay increases this about we enroll you in the jelly of the month club?
again - if 2.8% is crumbs, how was it the 10 years before? not trying to start an argument or slam anyone but understand. we keep harping on 2.8 being bad but if this is the highest it's been in 10 years, what was it during those 10 years? jelly or not.
The last ten years was hell for workers.
Employers want to maintain that as long as possible

I have been in the workforce 40 years and recently retired. I know what raises look like. I saw good times and bad times. Most of my career, 4 percent was fairly common.

That is why I can’t get a hard on over a 2.8 percent increase in a strong economy
yea, i've seen 10%+ to nothing at all from the same job, same role. retirement i think is getting further and further away for many of us, that's for sure.
I think, based on the strength of the economy and time since the last raise, workers should be seeing a 6-7 percent spike

Didn’t happen
well give this is the highest in 10 years i do think it's at least holding its own. hopefully we can see even higher returns and maybe a return to the chart you showed last post. at least it's trending back up.

sue me - i look for the positives even in turd piles sometimes. :)
Bragging about a 2.8% increase in salaries

Unemployment is at 3.8 percent, employers just got close to a 50 percent cut in their taxes. All that can trickle down to workers is 2.8 percent.
After sitting on stagnant wages for a decade employees are supposed to celebrate 2.8 percent?
If that happened while obama was president, you would be tripping over yourself. To come out bragging.
that isn't what i asked. can we simply answer questions and not deflect for one?

when people were running around making OBAMA SUCKS post one after another, did you think they were off on the extreme and not being fair about it?
You talk about me not answering your question? What about the one I asked you about tariffs affecting your ""huge"" pay raises ,,,,and in answer Yes I did think they were more than unfair blaming Obama and never giving credit
i have no idea how they effect things. you're asking me to hate cause you do in this instance because do you fully understand the tariffs trump is changing and fighting to have in place? how it effects the individual businesses at play like the steel industry? how that filters down to consumer goods?

i'm not embarrassed to say i don't know. if you know please explain the correlation between the 2.8% wage increase and how tariffs effect it and i'll listen. as it stands you shouted BUT TARIFFS and didn't quantify your point so i have no idea if *you* understand or are just doing your usual drive-bys to ensure we know you hate trump and whatever he did last night was bullshit.

so i can't answer that question and i rely on nightwish and people who talk evenly and as unbiased as anyone can anymore to tell me info so i can learn. thats one reason i love to come into these forums and honestly don't enjoy the FUCK YOU NO FUCK YOU convos that dominate in here.

is that a fair answer for you?

now - thank you. i would agree those people were being extreme and unreasonable. for awhile i was one that also looked for the worst in obama regardless of what he did. he had an angle, he had a hidden motive, he's lying - all that you do to trump i did to obama for awhile til i saw it went nowhere and honestly, it's impossible for someone to be 100% wrong ALL THE TIME. so i backed off my hatewagon for a bit and tried to see things others were seeing. i wasn't always successful but i was trying.

now, i put those who do TRUMP SUCKS into the same useless category. if you felt it being done to obama was stupid i fail to see how stupid actions become smart simply because you're the one now doing them.
LOL well maybe I'll follow your example in time, and back off my hatewagon for a bit and once more I love him bringing big corps money back home Obama tried Repubs told him shove it
And ice ,,how many CEO's economists on limbs far higher than you and I say tariffs are NOT a good thing for Trump to be instituting now?
dunno. how many?
Come on don't act dumb You're far better than that ,,,Many ,all day long on TV in the papers ,smart men and ladies with great reputations

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