Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

"WALSH: Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, “Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!” He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."

Hmmm. Not quite what you thought it was now is it?

Nope. And I looked at a couple of different places. I don't take anything at face value, and why I needed to investigate it further.

You'll probably find it on Huff Post too.

Doubtful anywhere else.

It appears you don't have a real answer to what this idiot has said. Then maybe someone like walsh is a hero to you. Dead beat dad that he is.
Your true colors are shining bright. :badgrin:
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."


Walsh is a major piece of shit from the Teabagger ranks - including being a deadbeat dad.

Deadbeat Dad Joe Walsh Attacks Iraq Vet and Double Amputee Tammy Duckworth
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."


Walsh is a major piece of shit from the Teabagger ranks - including being a deadbeat dad.

Deadbeat Dad Joe Walsh Attacks Iraq Vet and Double Amputee Tammy Duckworth

Being a "family values" deadbeat dad owing over $100,000 in back child support while trashing severely injured veterans makes him a hero in the teabagger ranks.
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Gotta love those conservatives.

Darrell "The Car Thief Arsonist" Issa in charge of investigations of the Department of Justice.

And Joe "You Lie" Walsh, who doesn't even pay for his own kids, calling an American Hero not heroic.

Well..guess it goes back to the disgusting swift boating of John Kerry.

They sure are a bunch of ass holes.

Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."


Walsh is a major piece of shit from the Teabagger ranks - including being a deadbeat dad.

Deadbeat Dad Joe Walsh Attacks Iraq Vet and Double Amputee Tammy Duckworth

This is what counts as "Heroic" in the lexicon of Conservatism.
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Gotta love those conservatives.

Darrell "The Car Thief Arsonist" Issa in charge of investigations of the Department of Justice.

And Joe "You Lie" Walsh, who doesn't even pay for his own kids, calling an American Hero not heroic.

Well..guess it goes back to the disgusting swift boating of John Kerry.

They sure are a bunch of ass holes.


Swiftboating = telling the truth about a liberal politician.
Absolutely disgusting. Reminds me of the GOP thugs booing a proud solider that also happened to be gay during a GOP presidential debate in the recent primaries.

Vial animals they are.

They didn't boo him because he was gay, cum stain. They only started booing when he brought up a question about repealing DADT.

If it wasn't for lying, how would liberals criticize Republicans?
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I love it when Liberals stop spitting on troops, burning American flags, calling vets babykillers and start faux "caring" about them.

When a liberal starts getting indignant about patriotism, you know they are up to no good.
They trashed Kerry who won a silver medal

What the hell are you even talking about. Kerry was Trashed because he got out of Nam after 3 Purple Hearts 2 of which seemed a tad Frivolous. One for example was a flesh wound to his hand.

Yes, Kerry is another war hero that was trashed by the GOP, because Bush, Jr. got into the Champagne unit of the Texas National Guard.

Kerry trashed every man who ever served in Vietnam when ht threw his medals away and called them all baby killers and rapists in his testimony before Congress.
What the hell are you even talking about. Kerry was Trashed because he got out of Nam after 3 Purple Hearts 2 of which seemed a tad Frivolous. One for example was a flesh wound to his hand.

Yes, Kerry is another war hero that was trashed by the GOP, because Bush, Jr. got into the Champagne unit of the Texas National Guard.

What the hell does one have to do with the other. you infant.

Joe Biden's son also served in the National Guard, so he must be a coward as well.

What the hell are you even talking about. Kerry was Trashed because he got out of Nam after 3 Purple Hearts 2 of which seemed a tad Frivolous. One for example was a flesh wound to his hand.

Yes, Kerry is another war hero that was trashed by the GOP, because Bush, Jr. got into the Champagne unit of the Texas National Guard.

Kerry trashed every man who ever served in Vietnam when ht threw his medals away and called them all baby killers and rapists in his testimony before Congress.

Genghis Khan
Seems like this is a bit of a touchy subject for you. Are you siding with joey "the deadbeat dad" walsh because you might fit into the same category.
Call it like it is and denounce this fucking idiot loser for what he is.
As a Vietnam Veteran and as a person who is right on the edge of 60 years old, I have learned one or two things in my time.

First far left-wing Democrats HATE the military and those who have served. They have no respect for military service and as a matter of fact, when I have been privy to private conversations involving the far left, I can tell you that phrases such as "baby killers", "unable to do anything else", "neanderthals", "international criminals", and other very ignorant terms are used very often. The utter and complete disdain that the far left feels for veterans and members of the military is so over powering and irrational that it defies explanation. They will go so far as to rewrite history to back up their irrational stances. So when I see the far left rushing to the aid of a veteran, I can always tell you that there is an alterior motive. It is NOT to defend the service of a veteran or to acknowledge their sacrifice.

Secondly, I can tell you that most veterans see and hear this stuff, and whether they are Republicans or Democrats, they WILL REMEMBER. Whether this guy who said it is a member of the Tea Party or the Communist Party, it doesn't matter. As a member of the Tea Party here in Oklahoma, I have yet to have someone be so ignorant as to stand up and start insulting veterans, but I can assure you that if they did, then we would have a very serious issue. I would not be surprised that, if this man did say what he is quoted as saying, then his stint in Congress is over. Although I may not agree with her on some of her positions, I would be HONORED to have this young lady be my representative in Congress. Based on her voting record, it may only be one term, but if she is a Blue Dog Democrat, it might be more.

Oh, and John Kerry stood at the White House and threw his medals over the fence saying that he was ASHAMED of his military service. I am ashamed of him and one of my trucks still has a bumper sticker on the back window: VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN KERRY.
As a Vietnam Veteran and as a person who is right on the edge of 60 years old, I have learned one or two things in my time.

First far left-wing Democrats HATE the military and those who have served. They have no respect for military service and as a matter of fact, when I have been privy to private conversations involving the far left, I can tell you that phrases such as "baby killers", "unable to do anything else", "neanderthals", "international criminals", and other very ignorant terms are used very often. The utter and complete disdain that the far left feels for veterans and members of the military is so over powering and irrational that it defies explanation. They will go so far as to rewrite history to back up their irrational stances. So when I see the far left rushing to the aid of a veteran, I can always tell you that there is an alterior motive. It is NOT to defend the service of a veteran or to acknowledge their sacrifice.

Secondly, I can tell you that most veterans see and hear this stuff, and whether they are Republicans or Democrats, they WILL REMEMBER. Whether this guy who said it is a member of the Tea Party or the Communist Party, it doesn't matter. As a member of the Tea Party here in Oklahoma, I have yet to have someone be so ignorant as to stand up and start insulting veterans, but I can assure you that if they did, then we would have a very serious issue. I would not be surprised that, if this man did say what he is quoted as saying, then his stint in Congress is over. Although I may not agree with her on some of her positions, I would be HONORED to have this young lady be my representative in Congress. Based on her voting record, it may only be one term, but if she is a Blue Dog Democrat, it might be more.

Oh, and John Kerry stood at the White House and threw his medals over the fence saying that he was ASHAMED of his military service. I am ashamed of him and one of my trucks still has a bumper sticker on the back window: VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN KERRY.

She is a far left, red-dog Democrat.

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