Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

She's not a true hero because her service is all she talks about, the service that's cost her her mobility for the rest of her life?

The douche can't get much thicker.

In all fairness, how many times did we have to listen to McCain's war stories?

It comes down to more than Duckworth an McCain. If McCain is not comfortable talking about his war experiences that is his right. He does not get to make the decision for all veterans. After WWII, there were thousands of veterans seeking political office. You can be sure that a good portion talked about their war service
She's not a true hero because her service is all she talks about, the service that's cost her her mobility for the rest of her life?

The douche can't get much thicker.

In all fairness, how many times did we have to listen to McCain's war stories?

He wrote an entire book about them, but even so if he was proud of it and touted it from the hills, that's not "un noble" to me, it's pride in accomplishment. You only live once.

She's made mroe sacrifices apparently than most Citizens of the Country, at least afford her the ability to be proud absent of douchey undue ridicule.
She's not a true hero because her service is all she talks about, the service that's cost her her mobility for the rest of her life?

The douche can't get much thicker.

In all fairness, how many times did we have to listen to McCain's war stories?

It comes down to more than Duckworth an McCain. If McCain is not comfortable talking about his war experiences that is his right. He does not get to make the decision for all veterans. After WWII, there were thousands of veterans seeking political office. You can be sure that a good portion talked about their war service

Sarcasm doesn't relay well in type, RW. I'm sorry.

What I was saying is that McCain was never afraid to throw his service record into the ring.
For Walsh to criticize an opponent for mentioning their service (too often?) is hypocritical after hearing, non-stop, about Mccain's.

In all fairness, how many times did we have to listen to McCain's war stories?

It comes down to more than Duckworth an McCain. If McCain is not comfortable talking about his war experiences that is his right. He does not get to make the decision for all veterans. After WWII, there were thousands of veterans seeking political office. You can be sure that a good portion talked about their war service

Sarcasm doesn't relay well in type, RW. I'm sorry.

What I was saying is that McCain was never afraid to throw his service record into the ring.
For Walsh to criticize an opponent for mentioning their service (too often?) is hypocritical after hearing, non-stop, about Mccain's.


Got ya

Personally, I did not think McCain talked much about his war record. Others did it for him, so everyone knew about it anyway

Duckworth is an American hero. To try to say she has not earned the right to talk about her service to her country is kind of sleazy
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It comes down to more than Duckworth an McCain. If McCain is not comfortable talking about his war experiences that is his right. He does not get to make the decision for all veterans. After WWII, there were thousands of veterans seeking political office. You can be sure that a good portion talked about their war service

Sarcasm doesn't relay well in type, RW. I'm sorry.

What I was saying is that McCain was never afraid to throw his service record into the ring.
For Walsh to criticize an opponent for mentioning their service (too often?) is hypocritical after hearing, non-stop, about Mccain's.


Got ya

Personally, I did not think McCain talked much about his war record. Others did it for him, so everyone knew about it anyway

Duckworth is an Anerican hero. To try to say she has not earned the right to talk about her service to her country is kind of sleazy
Must be why it still lingers.

And, I agree
I'd take the Left more seriously about this if they didn't support Blumenthal (D-CT) it undermines the whole "Dems really really really <3 American military and our Vets!!" argument
Why don't you bring up something totally unrelated to the topic. Nice try rightie.
Rep. Walsh says Duckworth isn't a 'true' hero

Doesn't get any better for Republicans....Attacking a veteran who lost both legs in an attack. Not a "true hero". Is it because she is a woman or a Democrat?

Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois, considered one of the most vulnerable freshmen in Congress, is seen on a video criticizing Democratic opponent Tammy Duckworth for talking too much about her military service.

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.

The video was posted on ThinkProgress, a blog that's an outlet of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

Duckworth, a former Obama appointee, lost both her legs and partial use of her right arm when a rocket-propelled grenade hit the Black Hawk helicopter she was piloting in Iraq. She told USA TODAY in a 2005 interview that she wanted to fly Army helicopters because "I wanted to take the same risks as the guys."

Its because he is an idiot and will likely lose as a result.
As a Vietnam Veteran and as a person who is right on the edge of 60 years old, I have learned one or two things in my time.

First far left-wing Democrats HATE the military and those who have served. They have no respect for military service and as a matter of fact, when I have been privy to private conversations involving the far left, I can tell you that phrases such as "baby killers", "unable to do anything else", "neanderthals", "international criminals", and other very ignorant terms are used very often. The utter and complete disdain that the far left feels for veterans and members of the military is so over powering and irrational that it defies explanation. They will go so far as to rewrite history to back up their irrational stances. So when I see the far left rushing to the aid of a veteran, I can always tell you that there is an alterior motive. It is NOT to defend the service of a veteran or to acknowledge their sacrifice.

Secondly, I can tell you that most veterans see and hear this stuff, and whether they are Republicans or Democrats, they WILL REMEMBER. Whether this guy who said it is a member of the Tea Party or the Communist Party, it doesn't matter. As a member of the Tea Party here in Oklahoma, I have yet to have someone be so ignorant as to stand up and start insulting veterans, but I can assure you that if they did, then we would have a very serious issue. I would not be surprised that, if this man did say what he is quoted as saying, then his stint in Congress is over. Although I may not agree with her on some of her positions, I would be HONORED to have this young lady be my representative in Congress. Based on her voting record, it may only be one term, but if she is a Blue Dog Democrat, it might be more.

Oh, and John Kerry stood at the White House and threw his medals over the fence saying that he was ASHAMED of his military service. I am ashamed of him and one of my trucks still has a bumper sticker on the back window: VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN KERRY.

And the rightwingers think that being patriotic is waving a flag and waving to the troops as the go off to fight a war. But if it comes to raising taxes to pay for something or making them sacrifice anything for this country they think it is not right in any manner.
SO take your little held truth about a small bit of democrats and put it on a shelf. Patriotism for this country runs a lot deeper than what you are making reference too.
Right on que, the lesbo that hid in the military.

Oh, so now you're going to claim the spitting on Vietnam Vets by the left in the 60s and 70s is a lie???? You people are fucking insane.

Name names.

I'm not saying it's a lie at all....more of a urban legend....everyone "knows someone who knows someone who got spit on"...But, if you can name names, I'm all ears.

Ross Nolan. 0:53.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_-TBirrPiQ]Anti-War Protester Spits on Iraq War Veteran - YouTube[/ame]
Walsh is whining on FOX right now. Says Duckworth is pro-choice...how would he know that if all she talked about was her service? Says he is the White House's #1 target....:lol:

Does that mean she chose to serve her country and he did not?
Walsh is whining on FOX right now. Says Duckworth is pro-choice...how would he know that if all she talked about was her service? Says he is the White House's #1 target....:lol:

He did not say she was pro abortion, Laura Ingram did- he agreed.

If a candidate for congress has their campaign being handled by the presidents guys- I'd say that is a fair claim.

As to his comment's about her service at a town hall; he was clear his comments were to emphasize that she wishes only ta talk about her service and not discuss issues. She has said that she does discuss issues. Any liberal outrage is a non issue as well.
Walsh is whining on FOX right now. Says Duckworth is pro-choice...how would he know that if all she talked about was her service? Says he is the White House's #1 target....:lol:

He did not say she was pro abortion, Laura Ingram did- he agreed.

If a candidate for congress has their campaign being handled by the presidents guys- I'd say that is a fair claim.

As to his comment's about her service at a town hall; he was clear his comments were to emphasize that she wishes only ta talk about her service and not discuss issues. She has said that she does discuss issues. Any liberal outrage is a non issue as well.

I doubt if it is a non issue with the voters

Walsh is a one and done Congressman
I think Walsh is the perfect Republican. He totally represents their values and ethics.
Walsh is whining on FOX right now. Says Duckworth is pro-choice...how would he know that if all she talked about was her service? Says he is the White House's #1 target....:lol:

He did not say she was pro abortion, Laura Ingram did- he agreed.

If a candidate for congress has their campaign being handled by the presidents guys- I'd say that is a fair claim.

As to his comment's about her service at a town hall- he was clear his comments were to emphasize that she wishes only to talk about her service and not discuss issues. She has said that she does discuss issues. Any liberal outrage is a non issue as well.

I doubt if it is a non issue with the voters

Walsh is a one and done Congressman

Perhaps- but then again liberals declared Walker was done as well...and we all know how that worked out~
I believe what the man said is that all she talks about is her military service in her campaign not that she was not heroic or a hero and as he pointed out if heroic military service was the only qualifier for getting elected we would have President McCain right now we also would have had President Dole and George H.W. Bush would have been elected to a second term.This woman is a hero in every sense of the word but if her military record is all she is running on he has every right to say you should bring more to the table than that remember Ulysses S Grant was great solider but did not fare nearly as well as a politician.

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