Wounded vet not a "True Hero"

This man was a complete idiot for saying what he said. WHY is anyone trying to make excuses for him? This thread should have been about 3 pages long with EVERYONE in agreement.

This is the height of partisan bullshit.
This man was a complete idiot for saying what he said. WHY is anyone trying to make excuses for him? This thread should have been about 3 pages long with EVERYONE in agreement.

This is the height of partisan bullshit.

Because the right wing trash has the inability to admit when "one of theirs" is wrong nor shuns them for it.

Sure you might have, but what we can clearly see is the rest of the right wing garbage doesn't. They would rather deflect, blame, twist,..anything they can possibly do besides man up and state to the extent "What congressman Walsh said is a disgrace to Lt. Colonel Duckworth, the troops, and america. We do not stand behind these words and call for his immediate apology, or resignation."

Though fat chance that will ever happen, the GOP are full of america and troop hating scum.
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I believe what the man said is that all she talks about is her military service in her campaign not that she was not heroic or a hero and as he pointed out if heroic military service was the only qualifier for getting elected we would have President McCain right now we also would have had President Dole and George H.W. Bush would have been elected to a second term.This woman is a hero in every sense of the word but if her military record is all she is running on he has every right to say you should bring more to the table than that remember Ulysses S Grant was great solider but did not fare nearly as well as a politician.

Well if that's the case, why doesn't he just make the case that military service is not a good preparation for serving in Congress? Let him say that leadership skills learned in the Military do not relate to politics. Why doesn't he compare his academic credentials to Duckworths who has a Masters on Political Science and gave up going for her Doctorate to serve her country?

By the way, you left off President Kerry
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It proves that all the people I thought on this board who are neocon, whackjob, loser, loons, pieces of scum actually are. I love the smell of proof in the morning!

And all the normal conservatives who post on this board avoided it like the plague..

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Because Libs love soundbites, "That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done."

Speaking of soundbites, see one of my sigs...
I believe what the man said is that all she talks about is her military service in her campaign not that she was not heroic or a hero and as he pointed out if heroic military service was the only qualifier for getting elected we would have President McCain right now we also would have had President Dole and George H.W. Bush would have been elected to a second term.This woman is a hero in every sense of the word but if her military record is all she is running on he has every right to say you should bring more to the table than that remember Ulysses S Grant was great solider but did not fare nearly as well as a politician.

Well if that's the case, why doesn't he just make the case that military service is not a good preparation for serving in Congress? Let him say that leadership skills learned in the Military do not relate to politics. Why doesn't he compare his academic credentials to Duckworths who has a Masters on Political Science and gave up going for her Doctorate to serve her country?

By the way, you left off President Kerry
No one is saying military service or the skills learned there don't help again all he is pointing out is the fact her military service is all she is running on there appears to be nothing her platform other than that. FYI I also left out Carter and Gore all of which proves my point if your running for office you have to bring more to the table than your military service.
... and just what is Joe Walsh's military service?


And, of course, as we all know, he can't be bothered supporting his own kids and has said that he is fighting against his own kids' health insurance included in the insurance his wife pays for no other reason than its possible under the Affordable Health Act.

Joe Walsh is like the other radical baggers - a useless waste of skin who have only one interest - seeing the United States bankrupt.
<hangs head>

Ok, I read a couple more pages....and a few cons turned up who should have known better. Disappointed to say the least...

I think this thread is very typical of the rw's on this board. They choose some real losers (loosers) for their heroes.

Just reading the threads on the likes of Ted (roll him in shit) Nugent, George (kid killer) Zimmerman, and any worthless teebagger is enough to make a normal person sick to their stomach.

The worse they are, the more the rw's love them and they don't come much worse than Joe (let my kids go hungry) Walsh.
"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.
Had a republican president not started an illegal war in Iraq, Walsh wouldn’t have this problem.
I believe what the man said is that all she talks about is her military service in her campaign not that she was not heroic or a hero and as he pointed out if heroic military service was the only qualifier for getting elected we would have President McCain right now we also would have had President Dole and George H.W. Bush would have been elected to a second term.This woman is a hero in every sense of the word but if her military record is all she is running on he has every right to say you should bring more to the table than that remember Ulysses S Grant was great solider but did not fare nearly as well as a politician.

Well if that's the case, why doesn't he just make the case that military service is not a good preparation for serving in Congress? Let him say that leadership skills learned in the Military do not relate to politics. Why doesn't he compare his academic credentials to Duckworths who has a Masters on Political Science and gave up going for her Doctorate to serve her country?

By the way, you left off President Kerry
No one is saying military service or the skills learned there don't help again all a is pointing out is the fact her military service is all she is running on there appears to be nothing her platform other than that. FYI I also left out Carter and Gore all of which proves my point if your running for office you have to bring more to the table than your military service.

If Joe Walsh had extensive political experience, he may have a point. Walsh's prior experience was as a community organizer. The freshhman Congressman has a year and a half of experience.
This country has a long history of politicians coming right from military service to government. Washington, Jackson, Grant, Ike......some did well, some didn't
Since liberals claim Iraq was an illegal war, then this Democrap can't talk about her "illegal" injuries.....
So she needs to shut up about being a hero, eh? She can't brag about taking part in an ILLEGAL war as you say.

It would be like some criminal that got paralyzed after being shot by the cops, then using that injury to run for poliical office.......

"Now I'm running against a woman who, my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about," Walsh, R-Ill., can be heard saying about Duckworth.
Had a republican president not started an illegal war in Iraq, Walsh wouldn&#8217;t have this problem.
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