Yes, Trump Fires Another IG

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
Honey, you don’t get it. Obama obviously did the same thing in 2013.
And most new president’s actually replace all those positions when they come on board. At least this one tried to be non partisan by keeping so many on board, until they proved themselves incapable.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Any person that investigates corruption in the Trump administration is at risk of getting fired.

Pompeo was being investigated. Fat Mike is one of the most corrupt of the Trump administration. He even lies as much as Dopey Donald Trump.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
Honey, you don’t get it. Obama obviously did the same thing in 2013.
And most new president’s actually replace all those positions when they come on board. At least this one tried to be non partisan by keeping so many on board, until they proved themselves incapable.
Oh, you can, of course, substantiate this? Which IG's did Obama fire when coming into office? He removed one. He substantiated this decision to Congress and was a response to a complaint from a US attorney. Obama fires AmeriCorps’ inspector general .Compare this to Trump. Not one but, four or five? No justification beyond " I don't like them" is ever offered and they seem to be the invariable result of them endorsing or starting an investigation into his administration, something by the way that's in the job description.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”


It appears he is learning how to create his own administration, with hirings like Barr and Grenell.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.
The Orange Messiah is subverting the very reason IG's positions were established. To act in an oversight capacity to prevent corruption and wrongdoing. The fact that so many IG's have been fired is a reflection of the amount of corruption and wrongdoing rampant in this admin.

"Democrats in Congress immediately cried foul, with the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee suggesting that Linick was fired in part in retaliation for opening an unspecified investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“This firing is the outrageous act of a president trying to protect one of his most loyal supporters, the secretary of state, from accountability,” Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., said in a statement. “I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo. Mr. Linick’s firing amid such a probe strongly suggests that this is an unlawful act of retaliation.”

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.
These kinds of outrageous acts happen so often we have lost our capacity for outrage. This admin does 5 things a week that would normally call for a congressional investigation.
Maybe Maddow knows the exact count gone from Trump's Admin.
Must be over 850 gone.
So what?? ... :dunno:
He sets records but hardly what you call winning. He is petty. Thats what.
and you whiners since 2016 are NOT??????!!!!!!!!
Mr Trump:
scratched his right ear
said there instead of their
went to the bathroom
said the word vanilla [ RACIST ]
etc etc
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He was an Obama appointee! He should have been gone January 20, 2017. Drain the swamp!
Maybe Maddow knows the exact count gone from Trump's Admin.
Must be over 850 gone. :cool:
So what?? ... :dunno:
He sets records but hardly what you call winning. He is petty. Thats what.

You think it is petty for Trump to fire people who were appointed by Obama, the same Obama who appears to be involved in spying on Trump and his people?....

Orange Man says, State Department BAD!!!
They knew what he was up to.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Why is the State Department IG responsible for Trump? Oh, they are not. I guess that is why you are named "fuckup".
Maybe Maddow knows the exact count gone from Trump's Admin.
Must be over 850 gone. :cool:
So what?? ... :dunno:
He sets records but hardly what you call winning. He is petty. Thats what.

You think it is petty for Trump to fire people who were appointed by Obama, the same Obama who appears to be involved in spying on Trump and his people?....

Orange Man says, State Department BAD!!!
They knew what he was up to.
Seems to me that Trump fired him for investigating Pompeo, which is Congresses' job.
Last edited:
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
You understand the IG's he has fired are not US attorneys, right fucktard?
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He was an Obama appointee! He should have been gone January 20, 2017. Drain the swamp!
If every time a President was appointed, he fired everyone appointed by the previous President, we'd have chaos. Kinda like what we have now.....
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
This is what Trump has reduced the left to.
He was an Obama appointee! He should have been gone January 20, 2017. Drain the swamp!
If you cultists can't see the clear pattern of retaliation here of these IG's being fired because they are doing their jobs, investigating Trump's corruption and the corruption of those in his admin, then no one can help you.

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