Yes, Trump Fires Another IG

He's doing a slow mo Nixon massacre.....

There has to be specific cause, meeting the law on IGs.....for him to fire...

(But he's The Man of Lawlessness, and God lets him rule, for a time, times, a half a time....

So he will get away with his lawlessness.... until the time is right.....then he gets thrown in to the lake of fire!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!) :D
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He was an Obama appointee! He should have been gone January 20, 2017. Drain the swamp!
If every time a President was appointed, he fired everyone appointed by the previous President, we'd have chaos. Kinda like what we have now.....
That is normal operations. See Obama's firing of every US attorney when he took office. Your ignorance is striking again.
If every time a President was appointed, he fired everyone appointed by the previous President, we'd have chaos. Kinda like what we have now.....
Notably, this guy wasn't fired until he began an investigation in to Pompeo. The same is true of all the IG's. They were fired for doing their jobs, oversight. It's an obvious sign Trump doesn't want to be held accountable for anything he does or any decision he makes.
"In October, Linick turned over documents to House investigators that he had received from State Department’s Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl, a close Pompeo associate, which contained information from debunked conspiracy theories about Ukraine’s role in the 2016 election."
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He's keeping another promise.... It's called draining the swamp.

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
Honey, you don’t get it. Obama obviously did the same thing in 2013.
And most new president’s actually replace all those positions when they come on board. At least this one tried to be non partisan by keeping so many on board, until they proved themselves incapable.
Oh, you can, of course, substantiate this? Which IG's did Obama fire when coming into office? He removed one. He substantiated this decision to Congress and was a response to a complaint from a US attorney. Obama fires AmeriCorps’ inspector general .Compare this to Trump. Not one but, four or five? No justification beyond " I don't like them" is ever offered and they seem to be the invariable result of them endorsing or starting an investigation into his administration, something by the way that's in the job description.
Some 33 federal agencies are required by law to have presidentially appointed inspectors general to identify wasteful practices and general government misconduct. But, according to the Project on Governmental Oversight, the Obama administration has left these positions open for, on average, 613 days, which is hundreds of days longer than even President Clinton, who was second with 453 days.
So, obviously he let quite a few go, and never replaced them, as of 2015. The mainstmedia just didn’t find it newsworthy.

And there is this-
Secretary of State John Kerry says if it were up to him, the State Department would already have a permanent inspector general, a critical position that has been vacant for more than five years.

In fact, Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday that the delay is due to the White House's vetting process and that he's already provided President Obama with a potential nominee. According to Foreign Policy, Kerry said a nominee for the inspector general position, as well as nominees for other key State Department positions, should be coming soon:

"I've talked to the White House. They're totally on board. They're trying to get it moved. So I hope that within a very short span of time, you're going to see these slots filled."
It's certainly good news that Secretary Kerry recognizes the need for a permanent inspector general at the State Department. But nominating someone to fill the vacancy won't mean anything if that person isn't an aggressive, independent-minded watchdog.

President Obama went his entire first term without nominating someone to fill the vacant position.
Oh, and don’t forget this+-
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
Honey, you don’t get it. Obama obviously did the same thing in 2013.
And most new president’s actually replace all those positions when they come on board. At least this one tried to be non partisan by keeping so many on board, until they proved themselves incapable.
Oh, you can, of course, substantiate this? Which IG's did Obama fire when coming into office? He removed one. He substantiated this decision to Congress and was a response to a complaint from a US attorney. Obama fires AmeriCorps’ inspector general .Compare this to Trump. Not one but, four or five? No justification beyond " I don't like them" is ever offered and they seem to be the invariable result of them endorsing or starting an investigation into his administration, something by the way that's in the job description.
Some 33 federal agencies are required by law to have presidentially appointed inspectors general to identify wasteful practices and general government misconduct. But, according to the Project on Governmental Oversight, the Obama administration has left these positions open for, on average, 613 days, which is hundreds of days longer than even President Clinton, who was second with 453 days.
So, obviously he let quite a few go, and never replaced them, as of 2015. The mainstmedia just didn’t find it newsworthy.

And there is this-
Secretary of State John Kerry says if it were up to him, the State Department would already have a permanent inspector general, a critical position that has been vacant for more than five years.

In fact, Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday that the delay is due to the White House's vetting process and that he's already provided President Obama with a potential nominee. According to Foreign Policy, Kerry said a nominee for the inspector general position, as well as nominees for other key State Department positions, should be coming soon:

"I've talked to the White House. They're totally on board. They're trying to get it moved. So I hope that within a very short span of time, you're going to see these slots filled."
It's certainly good news that Secretary Kerry recognizes the need for a permanent inspector general at the State Department. But nominating someone to fill the vacancy won't mean anything if that person isn't an aggressive, independent-minded watchdog.

President Obama went his entire first term without nominating someone to fill the vacant position.
Oh, and don’t forget this+-
Not filling positions with political appointees when they do have acting people in place is not the same as firing people without justification. I also have to question your sources. For instance one of them claimed Obama "fired 2 AG's" when in fact one was fired and one resigned of his own volition. Public servant going into the private industry is neither unusual nor nefarious. Neil Barofsky - Wikipedia
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
Honey, you don’t get it. Obama obviously did the same thing in 2013.
And most new president’s actually replace all those positions when they come on board. At least this one tried to be non partisan by keeping so many on board, until they proved themselves incapable.
Oh, you can, of course, substantiate this? Which IG's did Obama fire when coming into office? He removed one. He substantiated this decision to Congress and was a response to a complaint from a US attorney. Obama fires AmeriCorps’ inspector general .Compare this to Trump. Not one but, four or five? No justification beyond " I don't like them" is ever offered and they seem to be the invariable result of them endorsing or starting an investigation into his administration, something by the way that's in the job description.
Some 33 federal agencies are required by law to have presidentially appointed inspectors general to identify wasteful practices and general government misconduct. But, according to the Project on Governmental Oversight, the Obama administration has left these positions open for, on average, 613 days, which is hundreds of days longer than even President Clinton, who was second with 453 days.
So, obviously he let quite a few go, and never replaced them, as of 2015. The mainstmedia just didn’t find it newsworthy.

And there is this-
Secretary of State John Kerry says if it were up to him, the State Department would already have a permanent inspector general, a critical position that has been vacant for more than five years.

In fact, Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday that the delay is due to the White House's vetting process and that he's already provided President Obama with a potential nominee. According to Foreign Policy, Kerry said a nominee for the inspector general position, as well as nominees for other key State Department positions, should be coming soon:

"I've talked to the White House. They're totally on board. They're trying to get it moved. So I hope that within a very short span of time, you're going to see these slots filled."
It's certainly good news that Secretary Kerry recognizes the need for a permanent inspector general at the State Department. But nominating someone to fill the vacancy won't mean anything if that person isn't an aggressive, independent-minded watchdog.

President Obama went his entire first term without nominating someone to fill the vacant position.
Oh, and don’t forget this+-
Not filling positions with political appointees when they do have acting people in place is not the same as firing people without justification. I also have to question your sources. For instance one of them claimed Obama "fired 2 AG's" when in fact one was fired and one resigned of his own volition. Public servant going into the private industry is neither unusual nor nefarious. Neil Barofsky - Wikipedia
Acting people? So what happened to their non acting IG’s?
And are you saying Trump doesn’t have an acting IG?
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Like Barry the Fairy went after Flynn for exposing what the mutt tried to pull in the ME....handing Syria and Iraq over to ISIS, Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, and paying Iran to build nukes?
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Good. Get all the Barry Hussein hacks out of there.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.
"Serves at the pleasure of the President". Learn WTF that means, Cupcake.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

And you were quite fond of this Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department? What did he accomplish that endeared him to you? Why do feel like his presence will be sorely missed?


I'm just fuckin' with you. You never heard of him either. Don't bother, you fucking hack.
If every time a President was appointed, he fired everyone appointed by the previous President, we'd have chaos. Kinda like what we have now.....
Notably, this guy wasn't fired until he began an investigation in to Pompeo. The same is true of all the IG's. They were fired for doing their jobs, oversight. It's an obvious sign Trump doesn't want to be held accountable for anything he does or any decision he makes.
Oh, so this wasn’t anything, was it?

In 2014, 47 of the nation's 73 inspectors general signed a letter alleging that Obama had stonewalled their "ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner."

The frustrated nonpartisan auditors cited systematic Obama administration refusals to turn over incriminating documents that were central to their investigations.

The administration had purportedly tried to sidetrack an IG investigation into possible misconduct by then-Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. In addition, the Obama administration reportedly thwarted IG investigations of Amtrak, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the Office of Management and Budget.

Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, leading a group of 10 other senators, sent Obama a letter urging him not to let the position pass from one acting IG to another.

“Over the past two years, the VA has faced well-documented challenges, including the failure to provide timely health care nationwide,” the senators wrote. “A permanent IG would help to address these failures and would play a critical role in auditing and evaluating VA programs, conducting health care inspections and investigating allegations of serious violations of policies and procedures by high-ranking members of the department.”

In other words, what the previous admin did was ok, but not this one.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
You understand the IG's he has fired are not US attorneys, right fucktard?

He he, you still have no case to make here, none of you Trump haters can say he broke a law by firing him.

I keep waiting and waiting for something beyond "I hate Trump" thinking, what is illegal about the firing?

He was an Obama appointee! He should have been gone January 20, 2017. Drain the swamp!
If you cultists can't see the clear pattern of retaliation here of these IG's being fired because they are doing their jobs, investigating Trump's corruption and the corruption of those in his admin, then no one can help you.

You have yet to show he broke a law in firing him.......

Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
You understand the IG's he has fired are not US attorneys, right fucktard?

His only requirement is to be totally loyal to him.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
You understand the IG's he has fired are not US attorneys, right fucktard?

His only requirement is to be totally loyal to him.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.
Yep, it's SO nice to see, Hoss. It's been TOO long since we've had a president who actually has ANY cajones. And President Trump's are HUGE...................THIS is exactly the type of thing we voted for him to do, and man, he's doing it!

You think he was elected to fire anyone that might be a threat to his tyrannical behavior? That's why Kim got his job.

You, just like okfine, can't show that it was illegal. You want to complain for the sake of complaining, but you run on nothing the whole time.

I recall that Clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys when he first came to the white house in 1993, did you complain then? from Washington Times

White House says firing of U.S. attorneys is standard practice
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, March 13, 2017


The White House said Monday that the Justice Department’s firing of 46 U.S. attorneys was standard practice for a new administration, while speculation grew that former Manhattan federal prosecutor Preet Bharara turned his firing into a cause celebre as a potential springboard to higher office.

Responding to media outrage over the firings, the White House said Monday that President Trump was merely engaging in the same kind of clearing out of political appointees that presidents before him have done.

“This is a standard operating procedure for a new administration around this time,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer. “This is a standard action that takes place in most administrations.”



Media fucktards in 2017 loudly complained over 46 firings... which were not illegal then, they complained anyway because they are full of shit.
You understand the IG's he has fired are not US attorneys, right fucktard?

His only requirement is to be totally loyal to him.

You just ignored post 48 and 55, gee I wonder why......

Obama didn't even have many IG's for a long time, empty offices, you going to ignore that?

I run on evidence not partisan thinking, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016.

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