Yet Again, I Am Upset With Donald Trump

I doubt trump can win the prez election. Too many thinking people are burned out on him - if not totally sick of his silly shit.

It would be great to see a capable, strong, intelligent GOP candidate in '24. But Trump is NONE of those things. He's a fucking joke.

Biden is just as bad. We need a HUGE change in our White House. It's time to get rid of the self-centered dinosaurs.
As it's been known to happen a few times, but this might just possibly be a misunderstanding as I don't think he would actually make fun of another Republican would he?

Although this video makes me wonder.

So overblown. He wasn’t mocking him. He just said it once when referring to presidential polling numbers. Today he said we need to re-elect him.
Trump, I really dont care what Trump says, we need Trump.

I dont want anyone that gets along with the Washington elite.

We need a man not afraid to fight, even if it means he is insulting at times.

Proper decorum impowers the entrenched politicians that have destroyed our country.
...and he made fun of disabled people
Whatever dumbass,I made a thread that disproved your lies that you ignored showing how the media made it look like trump was making fun of him because there was a disabled person in the crowd on one of his speeches he made when he did that and then proved in my op thst was not the first time he made the hand gesture the media said was making fun of him on,the video in my op showed that trump had made that hand gesture at SEVERAL events of his liar,once again as always you prove you are a paid shill for the dnc.
No he didn't. That's just what the media wants you to believe.

That was against the Democrats. That's different.

Against the Democrats I wouldn't suspect that from him.

Just because I don't like something he says doesn't mean that I'm going to turn against him.

Take two.

View attachment 721741
:thankusmile: You took her to school as I always do.:yes_text12:
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So overblown. He wasn’t mocking him. He just said it once when referring to presidential polling numbers. Today he said we need to re-elect him.

Yeah, I figured that much as I posted that yesterday on here.

see post 46. I was remarking on your comment mostly how trump did NOT make fun of a disabled person,that a certain mod here LIED about that as i proved in post #46

I know, I was getting ready to post that before you did lol literally as I just figured it out. XD
Anyone running against Trump for president he considers to be competition he doesn’t pretend like the Democrats do to be all chummy while stabbing them in the back, you know, like Harris did to Biden.
Anyone running against Trump for president he considers to be competition he doesn’t pretend like the Democrats do to be all chummy while stabbing them in the back, you know, like Harris did to Biden.

Yeah, but it actually sounds like he and DeSantis are actually really good friends and that he was just joking around.
As well as anyone should.....notice how they drowned out his replies to their effort to stir up trouble between Desantis and Trump.

Irregardless......I voted for Trump twice and will again if he his nominated............however and I am on record as being a DeSantis supporter......simply because I think he has the best chance of defeating a democratic nominee....which will definitely not be biden.....they may come to their senses and nominate somone capable and likeable which would make it very difficult for Trump to win especilly with the media aligned against him.

In a nutshell we need a younger guy with no baggage and DeSantis is squeaky clean, great family man, War Veteran and on the right side of all the important issues of today.

I hope Trump does not run and throws his support to DeSantis....that would really unite the Republicans.

For now.
Once the Leftist propaganda media machines starts on DeSantis there will be insulting nude statutes of DeSantis nationwide and "Un-named" sources of pedophilia and every imaginable slander and harm imaginable thrown at him. He just isn't quite important enough a target...yet.

My opinion is that Americans will never again know freedom as long as the rabid Marxist Elitist Media is in operation.
A fair and balanced Media is a fundamental tool protecting freedom, fairness and transparency. We certainly do NOT have that now.
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He made fun of EVERY Republican primary competitor in 2016.

Normal rules of decency don't apply to him.

Which is of course the primary reason thick folks like yourself voted for the current disaster.
see post 46. I was remarking on your comment mostly how trump did NOT make fun of a disabled person,that a certain mod here LIED about that as i proved in post #46 Isnt that right OhPleaseJustQuit Indeependent skye BothWings Hossfly

Damaged Eagle

Esdraelon westwall

Hugo Furst










The Duke
Oooooh…look at that. You need call in your buddies to support you now? Sheesh. Just face the fact that your cult is a nasty, immature amateur authoritarian. Others have, the admit vote him because they would never vote for a Dem.
Someone here can’t accept it when they have been exposed as a liar that trump did NOT make fun of a disabled person and Biden hates Americans, what a sorry ass loser. :abgg2q.jpg: whose post I did not even read In reply to me. :abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah a paid troll here wants to lie and get people to try to believe trump made fun of a disabled person when the evidence proves otherwise I gave in a thread a long time ago,plus wants to get people to believe this was the most secure election in mankind history and that thousands are chanting in huge streets in major cities like New York let’s go Brandon.comedy gold at it’s best.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Oh, so you know what I'm thinking.

Well, you obedient Trumpsters are just too smart for me!

You spew your thoughts on these boards on a daily basis. Specifically, you have already stated on this board, in a very obfuscatory fashion that probably fools the lesser Democrats, that the reason you voted for Biden was that Trump is a poo-poo head. Maybe you don’t even realize it yourself. TDS is a serious illness.
You spew your thoughts on these boards on a daily basis. Specifically, you have already stated on this board, in a very obfuscatory fashion that probably fools the lesser Democrats, that the reason you voted for Biden was that Trump is a poo-poo head. Maybe you don’t even realize it yourself. TDS is a serious illness.
That's actually not what I've said. You're just so hypersensitive about your deity that that's what you perceive.

Indeed, TDS is a serious illness.

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