Yet Again, I Am Upset With Donald Trump

True, I see your point, but DeSantis loves this country as much as Trump does and I think that they would both make great presidential candidates. They're both on the same team so Trump should be a good sport about it and a team player in my opinion.
Trump has never been either a good sport or a team player, I doubt he will start now.
Why do I have a rather difficult time believing this?
Do you live in never never land. He made fun of every single challenger in the 2016 Primary and if he knew you would make fun of you. He has no barriers on who he makes fun of or give nicknames.
...and he made fun of disabled people

No he didn't. That's just what the media wants you to believe.

So you don't remember all his name-calling and personal attacks.

That was against the Democrats. That's different.

Trump has never been either a good sport or a team player, I doubt he will start now.

Against the Democrats I wouldn't suspect that from him.

Welcome to the club – you’ll find that most Americans are here.

Just because I don't like something he says doesn't mean that I'm going to turn against him.

Once you grasp the fact that Trump loves nothing, and I mean nothing, not this country, not his children, not his grandchildren, not his wife, nothing, more than he loves himself, then you will understand Donald Trump.

Take two.

That was against the Democrats. That's different.
So you don't remember "Little Marco" and that whole ugly dick-size thing. Or "Lying Ted" and the insults of Cruz's wife and father. Or the way he made fun of Rand Paul's and Carly Fiorina's looks.

Well, again, I'm not surprised. That's how far down the rabbit hole you people are. Incredible.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, indeed.
Take two.

No no pumpkin, I have no need of those. He doesn't affect me that way. I have not deluded myself about Trump the way you have. I have had my eyes wide open to what he is for years, long before he ran for President, probably long before you had even heard of him.

Oh, and please don't forget to hit "Disagree" before you leave. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than know I have gotten under the thin skin of people for whom I have zero respect...
In a nutshell we need a younger guy with no baggage and DeSantis is squeaky clean, great family man, War Veteran and on the right side of all the important issues of today.
Trump had real baggage and fake baggage.

The real baggage was his background as a sharp-trading businessman, reality show producer, and womanizer. People knew that background so the Dems could not use their usual trick of finding women to accuse him of being a jerk with women. He claimed to have found religion and that was good enough for conservative Christians who believe in forgiveness of sin, and who trusted him more than other Republicans to do something about abortion. That part worked out well for them.

Most of the fake baggage they hung on him stemmed from Russian disinformation given to Christopher Steele after he was hired to do opposition research on Trump. Plus incredibly fake accusations of "racism."

I like DeSantis, but don't count on him to remain baggage-free.

The Dems will hang as much fake baggage on him as they can dream up. The tactic of bringing bimbos out of the woodwork to torpedo a GOP family man never gets old for them or their media. They will call him "racist" for diverting illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard, even though it was somehow not racist for Martha's Vineyard to get rid of them like they were burned cassaroles in a house full of smoke alarms.

Builds great Hotels.
Builds great Golf Courses
Builds great Ice Skating Rinks
Builds great Television Shows
Builds great Condominiums
Builds great Skyscrapers

What did Democrat Hillary Clinton build?
What did Democrat Biden build?
What did Democrat Obama build?
What did Democrat Bill Clinton build?

I prefer taking a chance with the one person we know, that values his name above all, call ego, call it whatever you want, there is no chance any Democrat is interested in their name being associated with greatness more than Trump values his name representing greatness.
Wait, now I'm confused. Was it all really a joke?
Me neither, just pointing out that I don't agree with everything he says.

Nobody agrees whith everything under the sun that everybody know what I mean?

That goes without saying doesn't it? ...:rolleyes-41:
Nobody agrees whith everything under the sun that everybody know what I mean?

That goes without saying doesn't it? ...:rolleyes-41:

Yeah, I'll take you for an example. For the longest time I hated your guts as I thought you were some bimbo who thought that you were better than everybody else,.. BUT and there is a but involved,.. you actually aren't all THAT bad. Just a little rough around the edges and I don't find you nearly as full of yourself as I once did. I'm not sure if that's because I'm seeing you in a different light or you grew up or both. Anyways, you may have your flaws, but you seem to still be a patriot like the majority of us on here so you gained a tad bit of respect from me that you didn't have before. :)
Yeah, I'll take you for an example. For the longest time I hated your guts as I thought you were some bimbo who thought that you were better than everybody else,.. BUT and there is a but involved,.. you actually aren't all THAT bad. Just a little rough around the edges and I don't find you nearly as full of yourself as I once did. I'm not sure if that's because I'm seeing you in a different light or you grew up or both. Anyways, you may have your flaws, but you seem to still be a patriot like the majority of us on here so you gained a tad bit of respect from me that you didn't have before. :)

whatever, darling, whatever.:dunno:

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