You Can Not Be Civil

The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

"Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…"

Do you consider this to be Presidential?
Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.
I'm guessing that you have some source/link to back up your comment >>
"Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?"
Would that be a good guess ?

Trump must have told Hillary she's no longer safe. He was deferential to her and the Kenyan, but the ship sailed
She's still right! You can't be civil with animals who really don't GAF about anything but themselves! They undermine or make unfounded accusations about others and go out of their way to distort the truth! They wouldn't know what's right for the country if it smacked them upside the head! I've decided, as a party, they're reprehensible and I endorse Hillary's comment; actually it's been the truth about them for well over 20 years! It's only getting worse when you have them totally disrespecting women & the women accepting it! IDIOTS! :14:
I think that incivility loses you support and votes. People that are independent and uncommitted see the screaming and the shouting in the Senate hearings and again when they voted to confirm Kavanaugh, and I don't like they like it. And don't want to be associated with that stuff. They see they see the Antifa stuff and the way Dems have treated Cons in restaurants and other public places, and it just doesn't sit well. I've seen no stats or polls or anything about it, but I gotta think it hurts them somewhat. Probably women in many cases that would've voted for a Dem and instead didn't show up.

Plus, as McConnell said it does kinda energize the other side. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like a pretty stupid thing to do politically. If you're going to do this shit then you better be from a district that just loves you.
Nothing like the day is done, and its a welcome break in the day. Only to have a bunch of Soros following, with pay , confront you in a burger joint and yell, curse you out of the place. It is assault and threatening, just like Germany treated Jews who were out at night. They are going to do that someday and get shot by a scared person and the False news will report it as attack on the demonstrators.
She's still right! You can't be civil with animals who really don't GAF about anything but themselves! They undermine or make unfounded accusations about others and go out of their way to distort the truth! They wouldn't know what's right for the country if it smacked them upside the head! I've decided, as a party, they're reprehensible and I endorse Hillary's comment; actually it's been the truth about them for well over 20 years! It's only getting worse when you have them totally disrespecting women & the women accepting it! IDIOTS! :14:
Hope you are talking about the Soros protesters.
Being civil and accommodating only gets you kicked in the teeth by Republicans! Obama sent back more illegal immigrants than any other president and the "rightwing-nuts" still b!tched & kvetched about the border and him supposedly being lax! They're so FOS and you can't deal with these type of psychos! They see a distorted US no one else can see! :102: :321: :2cents:
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

"Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…"

Do you consider this to be Presidential?
Do you consider hildaskank presidential?
Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.
Drove a car into CRIMINALS who were in the street blocking traffic.

People who are aware of Hillary Clinton's crimes, including a long list of murders, chant "lock her up" (very justifiably)

People who are law-abiding, licensed gun-carriers, recommends “second amendment solutions" (and they're right)

I have no idea who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops, but I know of no instance where a black person was murdered by a cop, do you ?

Liberal agent provocateurs had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich, along with maybe a few neo-Nazis.

President Trump called the protestors of the removal of the Robert E Lee statue "very fine people" (me too)

Don't know who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd. Maybe the same ones who beat the shit out of Gary Johnson >>


Gary Johnson
Attacked: June 26th, 1992

Beaten near death and left for dead. Someone in the Clinton organization sent 3 goons to beat up and almost murder Gary Johnson, who was Gennifer Flowers’ neighbor. Gary Johnson had a security camera installed at his condominium, and by chance he had many tapes of Bill entering Gennifer's condominium, while governor and married to Hillary). Gary's tapes were taken.
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There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.

The great thing is that Portland can burn to the ground and it's no loss for any of us.

Let ANTIFA run free.

If they show up where I live......they won't make it out alive.
Personally, I would suggest incarceration. Following the law should not be optional based on political affiliation.

Didn't this forum just spend like 2 weeks arguing about due process? :p I'm not sure what you mean, though. If you mean that you think it's appropriate to round up every Democrat and throw them in prison for their political views then I'll agree that qualifies as an answer to my question, albeit an entertaining one given recent history. But since you mention "following the law" (which law?) it doesn't seem like that's what you mean, although it's not clear which laws you think are being widely broken by Democrats.
We know that the Progressives are back by dirty money from the Soros type groups he even said so, and one of his right hand men stated that they own the Democrats party. Seems Vince Foster was killed along with a T I Rich who releasted the Clinton E mails. and a long list of others. Just type in the name Clinton in the search box on your browser. You will have pages and pages of true and false fact about the Clintons. You have the choice of what you can put any value in.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

I agree with everything you said after your first sentence.

Your first sentence is bullshit.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

I agree with everything you said after your first sentence.

Your first sentence is bullshit.

So you think! I see they allow access to the internet while locked up in a mental ward I guess! :102: :321:
Republicans and conservatives have tried to KILL OFF the Clintons for over 25 years and they've failed! They're still around and as strong as ever! They will make history with careers unmatched by the lowlifes trying to undermine them! Fk 'em all I say! :19: :3: :321: :abgg2q.jpg:
Being civil and accommodating only gets you kicked in the teeth by Republicans! Obama sent back more illegal immigrants than any other president and the "rightwing-nuts" still b!tched & kvetched about the border and him supposedly being lax! They're so FOS and you can't deal with these type of psychos! They see a distorted US no one else can see! :102: :321: :2cents:
Are you really that dumb ? Obama sent back next to NOBODY. His "sent back" count is the number of deportation orders filed. But those were all under CATCH & RELEASE. Rarely did any of those so-called "deportations" result in anyone being deported. They simply ignored the order to appear in court, and melted back into the US population.

Actually, Obama deported the LEAST of all presidents. MUCH less. His actual deportations (illegal aliens who actually left the US) were NEAR ZERO.

This is yet another example of he information-deprivation of liberals, as a result of being attached to their liberal OMISSION media. Ho hum.
Republicans and conservatives have tried to KILL OFF the Clintons for over 25 years and they've failed! They're still around and as strong as ever! They will make history with careers unmatched by the lowlifes trying to undermine them! Fk 'em all I say! :19: :3: :321: :abgg2q.jpg:
Yup. Nobody matches up with the Clinton Body Count, of dozens of people that the Clintons murdered.

the right is NOTHING BUT mob.....
and this is nothing but idiocy.

like others have said - feel free to show a group of right based people who are running around in a mob telling people how to live their lives.

i'll wait. ordering a lot of uber-eats cause this is gonna take awhile.

look at a trump rally....

there's your picture....

I don't know why or how conservatives can be so stupid but when you have MILLIONS of them denouncing atheists, gays, muslims, moderates and INSISTING that everyone MUST follow THEIR moral and religious beliefs then you have MOBS OF CONSERVATIVES telling everyone how to live.
dude you've lost your mind. not surprising but you have. Now a rally is a violent action. Are you saying rallies are no longer allowed in our country? no protesting? are you saying the first amendment is done? please your post was truly stupid in every way possible.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
careful - homeboy here is going to quote "pinknews" and cry VALID on you.

  1. Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal ...
    Roy Moore, a Republican US Senate candidate in Alabama, said in a 2005 interview that he believes "homosexual conduct" should be illegal.

  2. Roy Moore’s Fixation on Protecting Children From Gay People ...
    In his life, Moore has allegedly engaged in the precise abuse he has accused gay people of perpetrating. Advertisement Moore’s history of reproving gay people from the bench goes back two decades.

  3. Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore's Most Offensive Quotes | Time
    Republican Roy Moore has said that homosexual conduct should be illegal, that Islam is a "false religion," and much more.

golly.....mocking and ridiculing people with rational very conservative of you.....
i didn't see kill them anywhere. wasn't that your point of what you said he said? come now, are you walking this back? ahhhh whook at you...

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