You can’t hate America and be a patriot


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
The left should move to Venezuela, that commie/socialist country needs your help to crush freedom of the people...

You can’t hate America and be a patriot.
July 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The new left-wing patriotism doesn’t consist of actually loving this country. Or discarding their conviction that America is the worst thing that ever happened to this continent and this planet.

Instead, conveniently, the new patriotism consists of hating President Trump.

When Hillary’s people decided to shift the blame for losing the election from their unlikable candidate, their incompetent campaign operation and the good sense of the voters to a vast Russian conspiracy, the left became patriotic. And by “patriotic”, they mean blaming the results of an election on Russia.

It’s not that the left actually hates Russia. Before Hillary decided to blame the Russians for her own unlikability, she was mugging for the camera with one of Putin’s henchmen and wielding a misspelled Reset Button.

Why a reset button?


When the Washington Post fails to deliver their Watergate on time, when even the dimmest follower of Occupy Democrats realizes that pigs will fly into his front yard and uproot his Bernie 2020 sign before impeachment happens, they will turn to something else.

And the new tattered lefty patriotism will go back up to the attic to lie under their moldering American flags and their defaced copy of the Declaration of Independence. Sic transit gloria moonbat.

The New Left’s Fake Patriotism
So working to take America back to the stone age is being a Patriot? But making sure we lead is hating? You're not a serious person and I feel sorry for you.

What is your plan to stop the collapse of our infrastructure, educational system and healthcare system? Oh'yesss, give it off to the same people that sold us down the street for a few billion in china.

I want to make us number one but yet you think I am hating on America? I think Trumps an idiot and I have every right to believe this based on his actions and policies.
Self hate is the way forward, progress!

White genocide is the first priority.
So working to take America back to the stone age is being a Patriot? But making sure we lead is hating? You're not a serious person and I feel sorry for you.

What is your plan to stop the collapse of our infrastructure, educational system and healthcare system? Oh'yesss, give it off to the same people that sold us down the street for a few billion in china.

I want to make us number one but yet you think I am hating on America? I think Trumps an idiot and I have every right to believe this based on his actions and policies.
On your 55,000 post you show yourself as a rabid leftist...

They were happy when Obama ruled. Proving not only are they ignorant, but also rather fickle.

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