"You didn't get there on your own"

I've owned a business and I didn't have any trouble at all keeping the government happy. Finding enough customers to make it worthwhile was a problem. What was this family store of which you speak?

There are businesses and then there are REAL businesses... Selling candy bars from a goddamn wheel barrel isn't a business... An S-Corp is....

If you don't have a tax number then you're really not a business....

We had a store that sold toys, games, puzzles, magic tricks, gags, cool looking lights, lava lamps etc... We sold "odd" items... For example I have a case in the corner of solar activated cockroaches (when you put them in the sun they start running around) stuff like that...

Now I have 3 garages of shit from product to display cases..

I'd love to get rid of all this random shit..........

What was the issue with the government? Generally, if a company doesn't make money, it doesn't have to pay the government anything.

So if my company doesn't make a profit, I don't have to pay any taxes?

What world are you living in?
Is this how desperate they've gotten? "Republicans hate roads" or some shit?

Holy cow. Fatal, fatal error. They should've stuck with the "War on Women and Puppies".

It's particularly ironic since only about 5% of the Porkulus giveaway was spent on infrastructure.
Could be that YOU didn't work hard enough? From your postings? I'd say that was so...SO YOU have thrown in the towel and given up to mommy Government to save you.


No, I once worked for 40 hours without sleep in order to complete a contract. Working hard enough wasn't the issue. It was a bleeding edge company in a field where there were some pretty well established competitors. I probably could have made it work if I'd have stuck with it longer - I have a friend who's doing what I started - but it lost it's appeal and I felt like I'd been there and done that.

So then you pick up and do something else. Makes sense? no?

That's what I'm doing now.
I've owned a business and I didn't have any trouble at all keeping the government happy. Finding enough customers to make it worthwhile was a problem. What was this family store of which you speak?

There are businesses and then there are REAL businesses... Selling candy bars from a goddamn wheel barrel isn't a business... An S-Corp is....

If you don't have a tax number then you're really not a business....

We had a store that sold toys, games, puzzles, magic tricks, gags, cool looking lights, lava lamps etc... We sold "odd" items... For example I have a case in the corner of solar activated cockroaches (when you put them in the sun they start running around) stuff like that...

Now I have 3 garages of shit from product to display cases..

I'd love to get rid of all this random shit..........

What was the issue with the government? Generally, if a company doesn't make money, it doesn't have to pay the government anything.

It was more the state/local government that I had problems with being the bookkeeper/accountant..... When it comes to tax time they fuck you in the ass.

Hell, Illinois sent me a goddamn 1,500 dollar tax bill on a car I bought in Wisconsin for 1,500 in which they refused to transfer the title. They never issued me plates, not to mention the car broke down and the Nazi's here in Illinois towed it 2 hours after I went to go retrieve it and sized it.... Oh and the best part is they cant even spell my fucking name right on the tax bill - they spell it "Ncik."

But that is how progressives run shit around here... "Fuck you - no you cant have plates for your car - but you can pay the fucking taxes that amount to the total blue book value of your car." I would love to know how this progressive state of Illinois actually believes they can a) just make up some random number and b) believes they have the right to tax me for a product I bought in another state??? Oh and they refused to issue me plates for my car..... So how the fuck can the state possible attempt to tax me when they refused to accept the title in the first place??
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No, I once worked for 40 hours without sleep in order to complete a contract. Working hard enough wasn't the issue. It was a bleeding edge company in a field where there were some pretty well established competitors. I probably could have made it work if I'd have stuck with it longer - I have a friend who's doing what I started - but it lost it's appeal and I felt like I'd been there and done that.

So then you pick up and do something else. Makes sense? no?

That's what I'm doing now.

Then WHY are you rallying to the defense of the Government that deliberatly gets in YOUR WAY to make it harder?
There are businesses and then there are REAL businesses... Selling candy bars from a goddamn wheel barrel isn't a business... An S-Corp is....

If you don't have a tax number then you're really not a business....

We had a store that sold toys, games, puzzles, magic tricks, gags, cool looking lights, lava lamps etc... We sold "odd" items... For example I have a case in the corner of solar activated cockroaches (when you put them in the sun they start running around) stuff like that...

Now I have 3 garages of shit from product to display cases..

I'd love to get rid of all this random shit..........

What was the issue with the government? Generally, if a company doesn't make money, it doesn't have to pay the government anything.

So if my company doesn't make a profit, I don't have to pay any taxes?

What world are you living in?

Probably have to pay some minor shit like property taxes, water, sewer maybe some additional police and fire protection depending on your locale and industry. Maybe hazardous waste? I didn't have to deal with anything major. Why don't you tell me what the big, bad government is doing to you?
Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

The TRUTH is that jobs are a byproduct of a successful business. Jose wants to clothe and feed his family, so he finds an old bicycle and fits a box on it. He starts selling tamales his wife makes on the street. People really like his tamales and he sells out each day with people wanting more. Jose finds another bicycle and fits a box on it. He finds a relative to start selling his tamales so he is doing twice the business. Of course, his wife can't make twice the tamales she was, so they have another relative making tamales too. Eventually, he needs to add additional bikes and workers to keep up with demands. He also has to find a commercial kitchen and centralize his tamale making with all the staff under one roof. He realizes that he can cover more territory with trucks selling tamales than with bicycles. People buying his tamales ask about tacos and burritos, so he expands his menu and on it goes.

Jose had an idea and took the initiative to act on it to make enough money to support his immediate family. He made the decisions and took the risk at each point of his journey. Because he had a good product that people desired, he was successful and with his success came growth and with growth came jobs........but he never started the company to provide others with jobs. Just to feed his family. His employees work hard and are paid for their time and ability. But if Jose hadn't decided to sell tamales, look how many less jobs there would have been. Is Jose supposed to give each employee an equal share of his profits? Is he being an evil rich greedy bastard if he doesn't? According to Obama he is. Jose doesn't deserve any praise for starting a tamale company that employees a lot of people. His bicycle salesmen made him what he is. What horse shit!

And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

Was there a point to that?
What was the issue with the government? Generally, if a company doesn't make money, it doesn't have to pay the government anything.

So if my company doesn't make a profit, I don't have to pay any taxes?

What world are you living in?

Probably have to pay some minor shit like property taxes, water, sewer maybe some additional police and fire protection depending on your locale and industry. Maybe hazardous waste? I didn't have to deal with anything major. Why don't you tell me what the big, bad government is doing to you?

Your ignorance of the subject is overwhelming................
I've owned a business and I didn't have any trouble at all keeping the government happy. Finding enough customers to make it worthwhile was a problem. What was this family store of which you speak?

There are businesses and then there are REAL businesses... Selling candy bars from a goddamn wheel barrel isn't a business... An S-Corp is....

If you don't have a tax number then you're really not a business....

We had a store that sold toys, games, puzzles, magic tricks, gags, cool looking lights, lava lamps etc... We sold "odd" items... For example I have a case in the corner of solar activated cockroaches (when you put them in the sun they start running around) stuff like that...

Now I have 3 garages of shit from product to display cases..

I'd love to get rid of all this random shit..........

Really? You ought to contact THESE GUYS to get rid of some of it... who knows?

I love that show but I have nothing they would like.....

All the stuff I have is retail items - the type of stuff you would find in stores...

Stuff like this...

So then you pick up and do something else. Makes sense? no?

That's what I'm doing now.

Then WHY are you rallying to the defense of the Government that deliberatly gets in YOUR WAY to make it harder?

Like I say, with my experience in starting up a business, I wasn't going to have to worry about paying a hell of a lot to the government right off the bat and if I'd have made it wildly successful, I'd have been grateful for that and wouldn't have minded paying. I do pretty alright now and pay more than some people make and feel that's the price of admission. I don't like some of the government boondoggles and I think that corporate welfare is probably the most agregious sin of our government but I know some government employees and they as a competent as anyone I know. I don't think that government waste (except maybe within the military) is as big of an issue as most conservatives seem to believe.
So if my company doesn't make a profit, I don't have to pay any taxes?

What world are you living in?

Probably have to pay some minor shit like property taxes, water, sewer maybe some additional police and fire protection depending on your locale and industry. Maybe hazardous waste? I didn't have to deal with anything major. Why don't you tell me what the big, bad government is doing to you?

Your ignorance of the subject is overwhelming................

Enlighten me.
Businesses do not profit off of society they have to provide a service well in order to profit. I just can't say "Hey I'm in business, let the profits roll in from society starting now"

Businesses pay more in taxes than the general public. Seems to me society benefits when there are successful businesses in the community.

The issue is that business does not generate from scratch. You plug your business into an existing society and benefit from its people, roads, communications infrastructure, police and fire protections...

You, in turn make a profit off of that relationship and are expected to pay to contribute to the society from which you benefit
How many times do you have to be told that businesses pay substantially more in taxes than the average American?

Isn't that the purpose of the thread?
People make their own deals to trade their time for money. No one is forcing them to work for anyone. And if you've ever had to hire a HS grad you'd have serious doubts about just how "educated " they are.

It doesn't provide any of those. We pay for them. In fact I pay a higher rate for business phone lines than the average person.

Does not apply to a lot of businesses as not all do business abroad.

Police don't protect my business I do by hiring a private alarm monitoring company. Police show up after a crime has been committed and most times stolen property is never recovered nor are the perpetrators caught.

Fire department s are not free either you know. Business people pay for them too. In my town we have a volunteer fire department which local businesses support quite generously I might add.

It costs a lot of money to patent an idea and society does not pay that cost nor will it actively seek out patent or copyright infringements the persons holding the copyright or patent must submit proof of an infringement.

You hire trained employess that our society has paid for. If you don't like the quality of their training, by all means train them yourself. They are your employees

That entire communications infrastructure was subsidized by the taxpayer. You hook into that network for a marginal cost to yourself. What you pay for communications in no way compenstes for the benefit you receive

International trade affects all businesses whether you know it or not

Your society is paying for that police and fire department. If your business is invaded or on fire, it is your community that will protect you

Notice libs act like YOU, the small busines owners pays no TAXES that pay for fire or police.

It's just everybody else that supposedly pays for those taxes.

I would love to see a comparison of how much the small business owner pays AND COLLECTS IN SALES TAXES, compared to how much those customers pay in taxes.

Yet the customers are owed the profits of the business?



No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute
There are businesses and then there are REAL businesses... Selling candy bars from a goddamn wheel barrel isn't a business... An S-Corp is....

If you don't have a tax number then you're really not a business....

We had a store that sold toys, games, puzzles, magic tricks, gags, cool looking lights, lava lamps etc... We sold "odd" items... For example I have a case in the corner of solar activated cockroaches (when you put them in the sun they start running around) stuff like that...

Now I have 3 garages of shit from product to display cases..

I'd love to get rid of all this random shit..........

Really? You ought to contact THESE GUYS to get rid of some of it... who knows?

I love that show but I have nothing they would like.....

All the stuff I have is retail items - the type of stuff you would find in stores...

Stuff like this...


Cool. You never know until you contact them...
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

Yep. There no real roads or highways as we know them until AFTER the car was invented. And but for landgrants? The Railroads (owned by private entities), were IT.
I'm not one the one arguing for a "mixed" economy.

In case you didn't know, we HAVE a mixed economy. That's what it is.

And BTW, you still haven't been honest enough to admit MIXED WITH WHAT???????

Haven't been honest enough to admit what? I'm sorry, did you have a question to ask me?

Obviously mixed with socialism.

No. A mixed economy is not about mixing capitalism with socialism. The quintessential quality of socialism is production for use. Considering the fact that just over 80% of the US economy is services driven, it's absurdity to even suggest that the US is "mixed" with socialism to any significant or meaningful degree.

A mixed economy, like ours, leaves the open market to establish things like production rates, the costs of purchasing goods, ect, while the government the ability to regulate the market, and exert influence to mitigate the undesirable consequences that are inherent in a capitalist market (such as recessions).

But now you have gone from hiding behind the handicapped to hiding behind small business.

You cannot have it both ways.

Last time.

You cannot claim YOU do all these things with YOUR business while arguing everyone else dosn't make it without government.

Straw man.
You hire trained employess that our society has paid for. If you don't like the quality of their training, by all means train them yourself. They are your employees

That entire communications infrastructure was subsidized by the taxpayer. You hook into that network for a marginal cost to yourself. What you pay for communications in no way compenstes for the benefit you receive

International trade affects all businesses whether you know it or not

Your society is paying for that police and fire department. If your business is invaded or on fire, it is your community that will protect you

Notice libs act like YOU, the small busines owners pays no TAXES that pay for fire or police.

It's just everybody else that supposedly pays for those taxes.

I would love to see a comparison of how much the small business owner pays AND COLLECTS IN SALES TAXES, compared to how much those customers pay in taxes.

Yet the customers are owed the profits of the business?



No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

They DO contribute. They MORE than "contribute". They provide it.
Again... the top 20% of earners pay 94% of the taxes. That's 80% getting the infrastructure essentially for free.

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