"You didn't get there on your own"

Probably have to pay some minor shit like property taxes, water, sewer maybe some additional police and fire protection depending on your locale and industry. Maybe hazardous waste? I didn't have to deal with anything major. Why don't you tell me what the big, bad government is doing to you?

Your ignorance of the subject is overwhelming................

Enlighten me.

My biggest taxed quarter was a quarter I didnt profit. But according to you that doesnt happen.

Just because you opened a lemonade stand doent mean other businesses have the same requirements.

Look into the taxes a contractor must pay before recording any profits.
Obama and all those that agree with his asinine statement that business owners didn't build their businesses are completely out of touch with reality and any semblance of knowledge regarding what private sector business is about. It is ALL about hard work, dedication and selling of goods and services in a competitive free market.

I would imagine that a lot of them are out of touch simply because they have NEVER HELD A JOB WHERE THEIR PERFORMANCE DETERMINED WHETHER THEY WOULD KEEP THE JOB OR BE FIRED! Or perhaps they have had such jobs and were fired for incompetence...now they have a grudge against business Owner's.

Obama is completely (to the brim) full of shit.

Liberals are full of shit.

I would love to hear Obama's explanation of just who that "somebody else" was that built up my business. Come on, you gutless man! Tell me who built up my business!

I'll be waiting!:eusa_whistle:
You hire trained employess that our society has paid for. If you don't like the quality of their training, by all means train them yourself. They are your employees

That entire communications infrastructure was subsidized by the taxpayer. You hook into that network for a marginal cost to yourself. What you pay for communications in no way compenstes for the benefit you receive

International trade affects all businesses whether you know it or not

Your society is paying for that police and fire department. If your business is invaded or on fire, it is your community that will protect you

Notice libs act like YOU, the small busines owners pays no TAXES that pay for fire or police.

It's just everybody else that supposedly pays for those taxes.

I would love to see a comparison of how much the small business owner pays AND COLLECTS IN SALES TAXES, compared to how much those customers pay in taxes.

Yet the customers are owed the profits of the business?



No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.
Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

This is why statists push for centralization. They don't like the idea of producers escaping to other cities and states. It galls them to think that business owners can pick up and move, taking revenues with them and leaving empty buildings behind.
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

Yep. There no real roads or highways as we know them until AFTER the car was invented. And but for landgrants? The Railroads (owned by private entities), were IT.
There were no cities until people assembled in a common area to engage in commerce.
All else follows from that.
Here's a question for all those who think "society" trained my employees.

Since "society" is responsible for training my people so I can "make money off them" does society have any responsibility when an employee fucks up and costs me money?

I only ask because I caught an employee mistake last month that cost me over 700 dollars

So all of you can pay up.

How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

And where are the good jobs nowadays for people without a high school diploma?
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

Yep. There no real roads or highways as we know them until AFTER the car was invented. And but for landgrants? The Railroads (owned by private entities), were IT.
There were no cities until people assembled in a common area to engage in commerce.
All else follows from that.

What I was trying to impart using the Auto/Railroad analogy.

Good point. Thanks.
More leftist-think:

That those who have received much must be obligated to pay—not to give, not to “cut a check and shut up,” in Governor Christie’s words, but to pay—in the same proportion. That’s called stepping up and not whining about it. That’s called patriotism, a word the Tea Partiers love to throw around as long as it doesn’t cost their beloved rich folks any money.

Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&

"That those who have received much must be obligated to pay in the same proportion". Somehow I don't think King is talking about a flat tax, do you?

"Received". That, in a nutshell, is the basis of leftist thinking. One "receives" welfare, one "receives" benefits, one "receives" wealth; "earning" never enters their tiny minds.
Notice libs act like YOU, the small busines owners pays no TAXES that pay for fire or police.

It's just everybody else that supposedly pays for those taxes.

I would love to see a comparison of how much the small business owner pays AND COLLECTS IN SALES TAXES, compared to how much those customers pay in taxes.

Yet the customers are owed the profits of the business?



No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

If it weren't for cars you wouldn't need paved roads.

Everyone who bought a car paid for the paving of those roads.
Well then I guess you are against medical marijuana because it's prohibited by the Federal Government.

Can't wait to hear what you have to say to that!


You've just admitted the supremacy of the federal government.

ARE YOU saying medical marijuana is illegal despite the laws in the State of California?

California medical marijuana operation targeted by feds - Los Angeles Times

You should spend less time yapping about things you don't know about.

Now you tell me, based on your argument, can any state that wants to legalize partial birth abortion,

ignoring the federal law against it,

because of the 10th amendment?
Your ignorance of the subject is overwhelming................

Enlighten me.

My biggest taxed quarter was a quarter I didnt profit. But according to you that doesnt happen.

Just because you opened a lemonade stand doent mean other businesses have the same requirements.

Look into the taxes a contractor must pay before recording any profits.

Most of what I Googled pertained to specific states. I guess if I cared enough, I'd continue looking. But I don't... I'm prepared to listen if you have some light to shed.

My business was in video post production at a time when only multimillion dollar studios were doing it. I was a little ahead of my time which explains why it was a slog. I can't claim to be a tax expert but I do know that the government was the least of my worries.
This thread is a perfect example of why conservatives aren't generally considered to be as crazy as they really are...

...there have never been enough of them to actually DO what they actually believe. Their craziness gets concealed by the fact that America has generally had the common sense not to put them in power.
This thread is a perfect example of why conservatives aren't generally considered to be as crazy as they really are...

...there have never been enough of them to actually DO what they actually believe. Their craziness gets concealed by the fact that America has generally had the common sense not to put them in power.

More partisan biogtry from a proud useful idiot.
You didn't answer my question.

Is "society " responsible for the loss caused by my employee that "society" supposedly "trained"?

No. Don't be stupid. Please. Stop being stupid.

It's no more stupid than the statement made by "The Smartest President Ever"

If you believe Bam Bam to be speaking the truth then the question is valid.

I answered your question now answer mine. How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?
Here's a question for all those who think "society" trained my employees.

Since "society" is responsible for training my people so I can "make money off them" does society have any responsibility when an employee fucks up and costs me money?

I only ask because I caught an employee mistake last month that cost me over 700 dollars

So all of you can pay up.

How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

So why are you working 2 jobs to keep your head above water? Are you lacking schooling, or lacking common sense?
Notice libs act like YOU, the small busines owners pays no TAXES that pay for fire or police.

It's just everybody else that supposedly pays for those taxes.

I would love to see a comparison of how much the small business owner pays AND COLLECTS IN SALES TAXES, compared to how much those customers pay in taxes.

Yet the customers are owed the profits of the business?



No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

Nobody is asking them to contribute it all. However, there are conservatives who do not want them to contribute at all
It's funny to watch conservative draft dodgers like Limbaugh heap praise on the military, and then flip out when someone suggests that, because of people that keep this nation safe, businessmen are free to make a profit.
The TRUTH is that jobs are a byproduct of a successful business. Jose wants to clothe and feed his family, so he finds an old bicycle and fits a box on it. He starts selling tamales his wife makes on the street. People really like his tamales and he sells out each day with people wanting more. Jose finds another bicycle and fits a box on it. He finds a relative to start selling his tamales so he is doing twice the business. Of course, his wife can't make twice the tamales she was, so they have another relative making tamales too. Eventually, he needs to add additional bikes and workers to keep up with demands. He also has to find a commercial kitchen and centralize his tamale making with all the staff under one roof. He realizes that he can cover more territory with trucks selling tamales than with bicycles. People buying his tamales ask about tacos and burritos, so he expands his menu and on it goes.

Jose had an idea and took the initiative to act on it to make enough money to support his immediate family. He made the decisions and took the risk at each point of his journey. Because he had a good product that people desired, he was successful and with his success came growth and with growth came jobs........but he never started the company to provide others with jobs. Just to feed his family. His employees work hard and are paid for their time and ability. But if Jose hadn't decided to sell tamales, look how many less jobs there would have been. Is Jose supposed to give each employee an equal share of his profits? Is he being an evil rich greedy bastard if he doesn't? According to Obama he is. Jose doesn't deserve any praise for starting a tamale company that employees a lot of people. His bicycle salesmen made him what he is. What horse shit!

And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

Was there a point to that?

The point is that whether he realizes it or not, his business depends on the society

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