"You didn't get there on your own"

How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

So why are you working 2 jobs to keep your head above water? Are you lacking schooling, or lacking common sense?
What a stupid conclusion. In today's Obama-driven economy, hundreds of thousands of people are underemployed in low paying jobs, causing some to need multiple jobs to make previously established ends meet. It has little to do with schooling or common sense.

It is you that needs schooling and common sense.

No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

Nobody is asking them to contribute it all. However, there are conservatives who do not want them to contribute at all
I haven't heard anybody of consequence say that businesses should not be taxed at all. It is when you tax businesses so much that they do not pay dividends to the owners that you kill the jobs AND the tax flow from that business by killing the business.

Liberals want to squeeze business profits to death so their constituents can continue to lay on their asses collecting government checks.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
What a stupid conclusion. In today's Obama-driven economy, hundreds of thousands of people are underemployed in low paying jobs, causing some to need multiple jobs to make previously established ends meet. It has little to do with schooling or common sense.

Wow, that completely went over your head.
The business owner is still the principle party who takes the risks, funds the start up, and always works the most hours and deals with the stress of failing or succeeding.

You however would never know that listening to today's Democrat party.
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

Was there a point to that?

The point is that whether he realizes it or not, his business depends on the society

The truth is, that Jose couldn't have that sort of business at all in this country. While kwc's analogy is valuable in reminding us how capitalism is supposed to work... it hasn't worked that way in years. If a guy just starts selling homemade tamales on the street, he gets a citation. If he persists, he goes to jail.

We've allowed a preemptive approach to business in America where we attempt to forecast problems and prevent them. On the surface, that might sound like a good thing. But in practice, what it does is stop Jose from selling homemade tamales, leaving him and his family without income on the off-chance that he might make someone sick. In a free enterprise situation, the law would say that Jose can't make people sick with his tamales and he'd face prosecution if he broke that law. And it wouldn't be all that easy for him to drum up business until he'd built some trust in the community, because after all... how many consumers would buy a tamale from some yahoo he didn't know peddling them in the street? Nope, he'd have to work hard, produce good quality tamales, and eventually he might find success.

That opportunity is NOT being taken away from him by the free market. It's being taken from him by the nanny state.
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And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

Without government interference.

A farmer grew too many berries so his wife started baking pies and selling them at the edge of their farm. People liked her pies. No one got sick. Pretty soon so many people were coming to the farm to buy her pies that they made a dirt road. No one robbed the farmer because one, we didn't have a culture of crime and two, the farmer would have blown them to pieces if they had.

The wife kept baking pies and pretty soon they built a new kitchen and hired people to help her bake pies. The road got used more and more, so the farmer put gravel on it to turn the dusty dirt road into a gravel road. His wife decided to not only make pies, but branched out to her special fried chicken. The enterprise of the farmer was that not only would they sell pies and fried chicken, but the chickens themselves became part of a petting zoo with pigs and goats, ordinary farm stuff so that the city kids would have something to do in addition to eating and taking away pies.

Why didn't the farmer and his wife simply poison their customers with tainted food? How did people know about the place? How could they possibly have gotten there without a government created road?

Today the road is Orangethorpe Avenue and the farm is Knotts Berry Farm built without the government helping or hindering.

Contrast that with a man who comes here and wants to open up an Indian restaurant. He pays for space, pays for remodeling, gets all the permits, qualifies with the health department and finds out that the dimensions of a tandoori oven don't meet the specifications required in the building code. It is not square. So he loses everything, the whole investment is gone.

What we were, and what we are.
No. Don't be stupid. Please. Stop being stupid.

It's no more stupid than the statement made by "The Smartest President Ever"

If you believe Bam Bam to be speaking the truth then the question is valid.

I answered your question now answer mine. How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

You did not answer it.

"Stop being stupid" is not an answer. It's an insult.

So I'll take a payment from "society" for money I lost because of one of their "trained" workers.
A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

So why are you working 2 jobs to keep your head above water? Are you lacking schooling, or lacking common sense?
What a stupid conclusion. In today's Obama-driven economy, hundreds of thousands of people are underemployed in low paying jobs, causing some to need multiple jobs to make previously established ends meet. It has little to do with schooling or common sense.

It is you that needs schooling and common sense.

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

Nobody is asking them to contribute it all. However, there are conservatives who do not want them to contribute at all
I haven't heard anybody of consequence say that businesses should not be taxed at all. It is when you tax businesses so much that they do not pay dividends to the owners that you kill the jobs AND the tax flow from that business by killing the business.

Liberals want to squeeze business profits to death so their constituents can continue to lay on their asses collecting government checks.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Moochers have to outweigh producers so Government for the sake of power can try to avoid the austerity measures that are going to come no matter what they do.

Just look at the EU? They are close to falling. WE are on that same road.
The business owner is still the principle party who takes the risks, funds the start up, and always works the most hours and deals with the stress of failing or succeeding.

You however would never know that listening to today's Democrat party.

The wage earner takes a greater risk.
It's funny to watch conservative draft dodgers like Limbaugh heap praise on the military, and then flip out when someone suggests that, because of people that keep this nation safe, businessmen are free to make a profit.

No sector of private business is more dependent on the government than the defense sector.
Here's a question for all those who think "society" trained my employees.

Since "society" is responsible for training my people so I can "make money off them" does society have any responsibility when an employee fucks up and costs me money?

I only ask because I caught an employee mistake last month that cost me over 700 dollars

So all of you can pay up.

How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

One has to use some intelligence in selecting employees no matter their education.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


The vast majority of the wealthy in this country stole what they have, by virtue of fixing the rules to benefit them while making it doubly hard for everyone else.

Sure there is a lot of new wealth due to mature sciency types i.e. silicon valley, but overall the real wealth of this country was obtained by owning the politicians, fixing the rules, etc.

If they had to compete for real? If they had to start at zero and NOT have everything in their corner? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

stupid idiot bagger racists...wouldnt stand a chance
The business owner is still the principle party who takes the risks, funds the start up, and always works the most hours and deals with the stress of failing or succeeding.

You however would never know that listening to today's Democrat party.

The wage earner takes a greater risk.

No he doesn't. He's got nothing invested but time. The owner invests both time and capital, typically backed by his personal assets.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


The vast majority of the wealthy in this country stole what they have, by virtue of fixing the rules to benefit them while making it doubly hard for everyone else.

Sure there is a lot of new wealth due to mature sciency types i.e. silicon valley, but overall the real wealth of this country was obtained by owning the politicians, fixing the rules, etc.

If they had to compete for real? If they had to start at zero and NOT have everything in their corner? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

stupid idiot bagger racists...wouldnt stand a chance

Vast majority?


I agree, corrupt politicians make it easier for the rich. Like the Kennedys getting rich off bootlegging during prohibition, and Carbon-credit companies bilking folks out of millions, or Obama paying back his donors with billions in grants and loans' like in Solyndras case. G E making billions on their new medical records system when the AHA goes fully into effect. AARP being cahoots with Obama so they can get first dibs on all of the new customers that will be forced to buy insurance.

Yeah, I see what you mean.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


The vast majority of the wealthy in this country stole what they have, by virtue of fixing the rules to benefit them while making it doubly hard for everyone else.

Sure there is a lot of new wealth due to mature sciency types i.e. silicon valley, but overall the real wealth of this country was obtained by owning the politicians, fixing the rules, etc.

If they had to compete for real? If they had to start at zero and NOT have everything in their corner? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

stupid idiot bagger racists...wouldnt stand a chance

"The wealthy" aren't elected to write the law. Politicians write the law. And you geniuses want MORE government instead of less. Understand that no tycoon, no big corporation can abuse you without HELP from the very elected officials we send to Washington to protect us. The government you folks worship is DIRECTLY implicit in everything you despise about our economic system. THEY are the ones holding the poor and middle class down.

The housing meltdown, for example, didn't happen because there were no regulations. It happened because the inept regulatory law in place ALLOWED it to happen. Jose the perspective tamale salesman can't sell his tamales because GOVERNMENT prevents it, not because some tamale tycoon stopped him. The tamale tycoon can wish in one hand and spit in another. He's powerless. That is, unless he can manipulate the political class to do his dirty work.

More government = More opportunities for corruption, for politicians to pick the winners and losers, just as we saw in the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies. Jose the tamale salesman and his family are on food stamps and welfare because the GOVERNMENT got in his way, preventing him from taking care of himself. Putting even more people on welfare doesn't fix that. Getting government out of his way does.
Since Obama is a fan of Abraham Lincoln, he might take a lesson from his mentor.

Lincoln bought into Henry Clay's American System of taxes and subsidies. When Lincoln entered the Illinois legislature in the 1830's he spearheaded a movement to appropriate $12 million to build railroads, roads, and canals. When the $12 million was spent, none of the projects were completed, Illinois was saddled with tremendous debt, and the state had to raise taxes. In fact, none of the projects promoted by the Whigs in any of the states were completed.

In 1848, Illinois amended their constitution to prevent the state from spending public money on private projects.
So he thinks telling people that he is responsible for their greatest achievements is really going to be a good selling point?

When it soaks in to anyone who's ever busted his ass to get somewhere and achieve something that Obama is belittling THEM, not just the uber-rich, it's going to go over like a lead balloon. And no matter who he's directing the remarks to, he IS belittling everyone who's ever worked their way up in life even a little, because once you start telling one group, "The government is responsible for your success, because we build roads and yada yada", that applies to everyone.
Obama is absolutely full of shit as usual. I can start a business, get it up and running without a dime from the government. All I need is an idea and some elbow grease.

People do it all the time but Bam Bam doesn't understand that and he can't admit that some people are succeeding in spite of the government.

If our business didn't work out my wife and I would have been sleeping in our car.

All the people who want to take credit for the success of others don't understand the concept of risking everything you own to make a dream come true.

Yeah, but if the government hadn't built roads, you and your wife probably wouldn't have owned a car to sleep in. So there! ;)
So did your hard work make my business thrive?

Did you risk any of your money to start my business?

Did you put in 80 hours a week for the past 5 years building my business?

Are you paying my employees and my bills so my business can stay open?

If you're not then who exactly is keeping my business open if it's not me?

Anyonr else read the bullshit above and wonder wtf this dude is going on about.
The last questions is really the one that tells all. He/she can't even figure out that it is CUSTOMERS that keep a business open.

Repubs are so stupid now that they think they just open a business, have no customers and then they succeed. Pitiful.

And then he wants patted on the back for putting up some money. And working 80 hours.
Big fuking deal. It was your choice wasn't it? Then quit bitching about it and go to work cause you sure as hell ain't a "successful" businessman wasting all the time you do on a message board.

Or is this where you troll for "customers"?

"He wants patted on the back JUST for putting up money and working 80 hours." YOU want patted on the back for wandering around the store for ten minutes and then spending five dollars, so who's REALLY pitiful here?

Way to utterly miss the point and show everyone what an obtuse dumbfuck you are. Spoken like a troll who's been fired A LOT.

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