"You didn't get there on your own"

Don't left BFGN do that Murf. Without accusing anybody specifically, some have been assigned--probably paid--to make sure that any thread focused on Barack Obama in a negatiive way is refocused on George Bush or Mitt Romney or Republicans or Tea Partiers or anything and everything other than Barack Obama's problems.

The President gave us a huge gift with his possible Freudian slip that allowed us to see his true motibes and intent which is to diminish and marginalize private enterprise and promote more big government.

We really really need to keep our focus there.
As the ink dried on the Constitution, the new government, passed laws helping our "infant industry." As a matter of fact there are those historians that claim one of the primary purposes of the new Constitution was to help trade, and manufacturing.

It was to organize the government and limit it.

The government had no powers, before the Constitution and the Constittuion not only created a government, but that document gave the government a number of powers.
As for the purpose, of the Constitution convention Hamilton issued the notices to the states to send delegates and to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States was involved.
As the ink dried on the Constitution, the new government, passed laws helping our "infant industry." As a matter of fact there are those historians that claim one of the primary purposes of the new Constitution was to help trade, and manufacturing.

It was to organize the government and limit it.

The government had no powers, before the Constitution and the Constittuion not only created a government, but that document gave the government a number of powers.
As for the purpose, of the Constitution convention Hamilton issued the notices to the states to send delegates and to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States was involved.

By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
It was to organize the government and limit it.

The government had no powers, before the Constitution and the Constittuion not only created a government, but that document gave the government a number of powers.
As for the purpose, of the Constitution convention Hamilton issued the notices to the states to send delegates and to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States was involved.

By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The government had no powers, before the Constitution and the Constittuion not only created a government, but that document gave the government a number of powers.
As for the purpose, of the Constitution convention Hamilton issued the notices to the states to send delegates and to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States was involved.

By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

They've taken authority outside the enumerated powers. And one disastrous opinion after another at the Supreme Court is their justification for it. That doesn't make it right. The Constitution was written in such a way as to be understood by the common man. What it says is what it means. These many depredations upon it over the years is what has left us at one another's throats, and it just wasn't intended to be that way. We were meant to have this final arbiter of disputes, and it has been undermined again and again.
The government had no powers, before the Constitution and the Constittuion not only created a government, but that document gave the government a number of powers.
As for the purpose, of the Constitution convention Hamilton issued the notices to the states to send delegates and to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the United States was involved.

By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Any power not enumerated was given to the states.
By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

They've taken authority outside the enumerated powers. And one disastrous opinion after another at the Supreme Court is their justification for it. That doesn't make it right. The Constitution was written in such a way as to be understood by the common man. What it says is what it means. These many depredations upon it over the years is what has left us at one another's throats, and it just wasn't intended to be that way. We were meant to have this final arbiter of disputes, and it has been undermined again and again.

Yes, it started with Teddy Roosevelt who turned the concept from a federal government restricted to what the Constitution allowed to one in which the federal government is restricted only by what the Constitution forbids. And it was FDR who took that concept much much further and also tried to pack the courts so they would not interfere with what he wanted to accomplish.

And now we have evolved to a President who seems to see that we need only an unrestrained government to create a better world and that we the people and the commerce and enterprise that we are engaged in has little or no importance to that.
By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Any power not enumerated was given to the states.

How about the power to grant reprievies and pardons, or the power to make treaties, or how about the power to gurantee every state a republican form of government, or the power to be commander in chief?
Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you know obsess over like children with Down Symmdrome! :cuckoo:

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Yeah, and you're not everyone! I'm not liberal. I'm generally a moderate independent which means I don't have to agree with dumb concepts from "my party" just because I can't stray from that mantra. I happen to agree with some conservative ideas and policies and some more to the middle or left. This autonomous idiocy about being independent of government and others' help and assistance, their innovation and discoveries, etc. is nonsense. Of course, successful people and businesses owe it to their individual initiative and hard work but not entirely!

Obviously things are much different than in 1776 due to innovation, discoveries, and progress made by individuals and government. Government often funds research and many other things that individuals do and invent. People should take a lot of credit for what they have done over the centuries but it wasn't without assistance from government, sometimes more than others dependent on the endeavor but nevertheless a certain amount of government involvment exists in almost everything we do (most, not all of it in a positive sense).
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Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you know obsess over like children with Down Symmdrome! :cuckoo:

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Yeah, and you're not everyone! I'm not liberal. I'm generally a moderate independent which means I don't have to agree with dumb concepts from "my party" just because I can't stray from that mantra. I happen to agree with some conservative ideas and policies and some more to the middle or left. This autonomous idiocy about being independent of government and others' help and assistance, their innovation and discoveries, etc. is nonsense. Of course, successful people and businesses owe it to their individual initiative and hard work but not entirely!

The main point is that "somebody else did that" is stupid. Everybody did that...including the guy who "didn't do that"...in fact he probably did more than the load of Obama free-loaders who don't pay federal income tax.
Good grief, man. Bush left office with an approval rating of 29-30%. He wasn't even carrying his own party at that point. :rolleyes:

The REAL hypocrisy is watching Barack Obama double, triple, and quadruple down on everything you all claimed you hated about Bush... and you all lapping it up.

There are a number of issues I am disappointed with Obama on. He has continued the draconian 'war on drugs', he re-upped the Patriot Act and he refused to fight for a public option in the health care bill. But, NONE of those stances could be considered 'progressive', or liberal. They are conservative.

And the tea party who you right wingers worship LOVE George W. Bush.

Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

Right Now - Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Dude. Obama has spent more taxpayer money than Bush, gone to war more than Bush, made more unilateral decisions than Bush. There's just no getting around it. Obama didn't bother getting Congressional approval for Libya. He's got his own hit list of people he whacks with drones, doesn't bother with due process even if they're American citizens, and has signed legislation that allows him chuck us into Gitmo indefinitely if we're accused of terrorism. :eek:

The Tea Party might have some nostalgia for Bush, particularly in comparison to Obama, but what's that got to do with now? You left-wingers might not have understood it, but G.W. is a likeable guy, and I think history will be kind to him in the end.

DUDE, are you right wingers THAT disingenuous or that obtuse?

EVERYTHING you accuse Obama of doing is what you people vehemently supported when Bush was president. Conservatives defended GITMO, rendition and you folks even supported and defended torture. Those are all conservative beliefs, not liberal beliefs.

I was against them when Bush did them and I am against them when Obama does them. But you on the other hand are only against them when a Democrats does them, but you cheer when Bush did them? What that is is pure partisan hackery.
Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you know obsess over like children with Down Symmdrome! :cuckoo:

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Yeah, and you're not everyone! I'm not liberal. I'm generally a moderate independent which means I don't have to agree with dumb concepts from "my party" just because I can't stray from that mantra. I happen to agree with some conservative ideas and policies and some more to the middle or left. This autonomous idiocy about being independent of government and others' help and assistance, their innovation and discoveries, etc. is nonsense. Of course, successful people and businesses owe it to their individual initiative and hard work but not entirely!

Yes.. "entirely". Because they pay their way. It's just that simple. They pay for what they get.

Barack Obama has put this argument out there for the sole purpose of creating "class warfare". It's a tactic which he hopes will result in votes. The context of his argument is raising taxes on the so-called "rich". But even if he got what he wanted it would only result in an estimated 28 billion per year. That's nothing. It's a drop in the bucket compared to what they're spending.

This is a campaign tactic and nothing more than that. And he stepped in shit over it, offending the small business community.
DUDE, are you right wingers THAT disingenuous or that obtuse?

EVERYTHING you accuse Obama of doing is what you people vehemently supported when Bush was president. Conservatives defended GITMO, rendition and you folks even supported and defended torture. Those are all conservative beliefs, not liberal beliefs.

I was against them when Bush did them and I am against them when Obama does them. But you on the other hand are only against them when a Democrats does them, but you cheer when Bush did them? What that is is pure partisan hackery.

You must be a Navy Seal.

Nobody I know can keep bleating the same crap over and over again who isn't mentally steeled against the way you've been schooled.
By the same token, there is NO federal authority outside those enumerated powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The many depredations on that document over the years have resulted in the chaos and tumult we experience today. The Constitution was the referee on the field; it was our common ground, the final arbitrator and unifier. It might seem slick enough to twist it like a pretzel and sneak the popular whims of the moment past it, but the result is not worth the effort. If there's no backstop, no final word on the subject, we're left perpetually divided.
Of course, the federal government has authory outside the enumerated powers. But we are now into how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Any power not enumerated was given to the states.

I think your missing "and citizens".
  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you know obsess over like children with Down Symmdrome! :cuckoo:

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.

Yeah, and you're not everyone! I'm not liberal. I'm generally a moderate independent which means I don't have to agree with dumb concepts from "my party" just because I can't stray from that mantra. I happen to agree with some conservative ideas and policies and some more to the middle or left. This autonomous idiocy about being independent of government and others' help and assistance, their innovation and discoveries, etc. is nonsense. Of course, successful people and businesses owe it to their individual initiative and hard work but not entirely!

The main point is that "somebody else did that" is stupid. Everybody did that...including the guy who "didn't do that"...in fact he probably did more than the load of Obama free-loaders who don't pay federal income tax.

Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).
There are a number of issues I am disappointed with Obama on. He has continued the draconian 'war on drugs', he re-upped the Patriot Act and he refused to fight for a public option in the health care bill. But, NONE of those stances could be considered 'progressive', or liberal. They are conservative.

And the tea party who you right wingers worship LOVE George W. Bush.

Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

Right Now - Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Dude. Obama has spent more taxpayer money than Bush, gone to war more than Bush, made more unilateral decisions than Bush. There's just no getting around it. Obama didn't bother getting Congressional approval for Libya. He's got his own hit list of people he whacks with drones, doesn't bother with due process even if they're American citizens, and has signed legislation that allows him chuck us into Gitmo indefinitely if we're accused of terrorism. :eek:

The Tea Party might have some nostalgia for Bush, particularly in comparison to Obama, but what's that got to do with now? You left-wingers might not have understood it, but G.W. is a likeable guy, and I think history will be kind to him in the end.

DUDE, are you right wingers THAT disingenuous or that obtuse?

EVERYTHING you accuse Obama of doing is what you people vehemently supported when Bush was president. Conservatives defended GITMO, rendition and you folks even supported and defended torture. Those are all conservative beliefs, not liberal beliefs.

I was against them when Bush did them and I am against them when Obama does them. But you on the other hand are only against them when a Democrats does them, but you cheer when Bush did them? What that is is pure partisan hackery.

And yet you're still shilling for Obama. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Newsflash: Bush isn't running in this election.
Yeah, and you're not everyone! I'm not liberal. I'm generally a moderate independent which means I don't have to agree with dumb concepts from "my party" just because I can't stray from that mantra. I happen to agree with some conservative ideas and policies and some more to the middle or left. This autonomous idiocy about being independent of government and others' help and assistance, their innovation and discoveries, etc. is nonsense. Of course, successful people and businesses owe it to their individual initiative and hard work but not entirely!

The main point is that "somebody else did that" is stupid. Everybody did that...including the guy who "didn't do that"...in fact he probably did more than the load of Obama free-loaders who don't pay federal income tax.

Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

Really? Are you one of those folks who just can't be free unless Catholics are paying for other people's birth control and abortifacients against their will???
Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

No, it was a speech about how to fix the economy. Romney is going to go about it all wrong and Obama was laying out the argument for raising taxes. He was deliberately targeting business owners, when he insulted us.

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