"You didn't get there on your own"

Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

Oh hey,

That's great news.

Only thing is that your state likely has a bigger influence over social issues.

So go ahead and vote for the moron who will help you feel good all the while living out of a cardboard box.

Good luck with that one.
Dude. Obama has spent more taxpayer money than Bush, gone to war more than Bush, made more unilateral decisions than Bush. There's just no getting around it. Obama didn't bother getting Congressional approval for Libya. He's got his own hit list of people he whacks with drones, doesn't bother with due process even if they're American citizens, and has signed legislation that allows him chuck us into Gitmo indefinitely if we're accused of terrorism. :eek:

The Tea Party might have some nostalgia for Bush, particularly in comparison to Obama, but what's that got to do with now? You left-wingers might not have understood it, but G.W. is a likeable guy, and I think history will be kind to him in the end.

DUDE, are you right wingers THAT disingenuous or that obtuse?

EVERYTHING you accuse Obama of doing is what you people vehemently supported when Bush was president. Conservatives defended GITMO, rendition and you folks even supported and defended torture. Those are all conservative beliefs, not liberal beliefs.

I was against them when Bush did them and I am against them when Obama does them. But you on the other hand are only against them when a Democrats does them, but you cheer when Bush did them? What that is is pure partisan hackery.

And yet you're still shilling for Obama. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Newsflash: Bush isn't running in this election.

I am not shilling for anyone. Are Republicans offering anything different, or something even worse, like invading Iran?

As a matter of fact, I supported President Bush when he sent our troops into Afghanistan after 9/11. When he invaded Iraq is when I began to oppose him.

You folks are nothing but a bunch of right wing hacks who lick the ass of Bush and spit in the face of Obama when he does what you once supported.
I am not shilling for anyone. Are Republicans offering anything different, or something even worse, like invading Iran?

As a matter of fact, I supported President Bush when he sent our troops into Afghanistan after 9/11. When he invaded Iraq is when I began to oppose him.

You folks are nothing but a bunch of right wing hacks who lick the ass of Bush and spit in the face of Obama when he does what you once supported.

Some of us conservatives didn't want him going into Afghanistan. It was and still is a mistake.

This country needs the full attention of a competent president. It's to bad we haven't had one for a while.....a long while.


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The main point is that "somebody else did that" is stupid. Everybody did that...including the guy who "didn't do that"...in fact he probably did more than the load of Obama free-loaders who don't pay federal income tax.

Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

Really? Are you one of those folks who just can't be free unless Catholics are paying for other people's birth control and abortifacients against their will???

Where does the Catholic church get its authority to impose its will and beliefs on others who don't believe the same way? No one is forcing Catholics to go against their will. They can personally do whatever they like but denying others is wrong. What if every religion got to impose their beliefs through legislation or in other ways on people who don't share them? I'm too old to need birth control or abortion but I care about other women.
So every time Obama uses the words I did this or I will do that, its a lie, because somebody helped him.
So every time Obama uses the words I did this or I will do that, its a lie, because somebody helped him.

Oh but he doesn't look at it that way. He is the government!!!! As such it is HE who creates all wealth and who will rescue us from the evil Republicans and drag us into a bright new future. He apparently has no plan and no clue what works to do that, but we should trust him because the government loves us and will care for us and create businesses and jobs for us. And then we will rightfully be so grateful that we will hand over more and more of any income we make so that government can be more and more benevolent to everybody.

The concept is so silly and so insulting if you really think about it, I can't believe anybody with a reasonably normal IQ buys into it. But apparently a lot of people do.
Emotion turns normal people into idiots.

Yes... The worst thing that happens in America is when people place their emotions above common sense, and rational thought... Casting votes for people because they act like Movie Stars is not exercising rational thinking.
Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

Really? Are you one of those folks who just can't be free unless Catholics are paying for other people's birth control and abortifacients against their will???

Where does the Catholic church get its authority to impose its will and beliefs on others who don't believe the same way? No one is forcing Catholics to go against their will. They can personally do whatever they like but denying others is wrong. What if every religion got to impose their beliefs through legislation or in other ways on people who don't share them? I'm too old to need birth control or abortion but I care about other women.

You don't have a right to simply help yourself to some other citizen's property (money). Particularly not when it offends their citizen rights to practice their private religious beliefs.

Catholics don't prevent anyone from using birth control or abortifacients. Nothing they do results in the use of FORCE upon others for the sake of their religious beliefs. The FORCE is being used against them, by virtue of being made to pay for what someone else's ideology thinks is correct. Refusing to pay for some woman's contraception isn't committing a direct action against her. It's a non-action.

Sometimes I'm just flabbergasted at the grotesque nature of the so-called "liberal" ideology, which has ZERO respect for individual citizens, viewing PEOPLE as little more than commodities. You've got NO RIGHT to take from one citizen, against his conscience, and make him complicit in activities which he believes to be not only morally reprehensible but a sin against his God.

If you people would bother yourselves for 15 measly minutes to actually contemplate the MEANING of Individual Liberty, maybe you wouldn't think we're all just property of the federal government, little different than Chinese peasants, to be ordered about on the state's arbitrary whims. But since you won't, you can't see the dividing line which was meant to protect the sovereignty of the citizen and LIMIT the power of government.

There aren't even enough bad words to describe the WRONG of you people... grotesque, appalling, despicable don't do justice. :eek:
You have NO constitutional right to fuck with individual citizens in the pursuit of their happiness just so long as their exercise of it doesn't interfere with the like rights of any other individual citizen. THAT is the meaning of guaranteed liberty. There's no room in that for forcing people to engage in actions which insult their conscience.

This all leads back to Barack Obama's insane assertion that people don't build their own businesses. It's the same disgusting insult to the ideals which FOUNDED this country... that people are endowed by God, or Nature if it pleases you, with certain unalienable rights inherent to our condition as human beings. We're not cogs in some goddamn collectivist machine to serve people who are AFRAID to live their own lives.
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Well it's bad if it does, but I dont live in Massachusettes, so not the same thing.
Interesting you brought up Viagra, I do believe it should be covered under it's original purpose (take a guess at what it is used for, and not ED).
Now if it's used for ED it should not be coverd.....The answer was Honest, consistant and kicking your ass
Pretty sad when the left has to use an Obamacare defense to cover for the major blunder of insulting all the small business owners. So sad, they can't tell one disaster from another.
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Well it's bad if it does, but I dont live in Massachusettes, so not the same thing.
Interesting you brought up Viagra, I do believe it should be covered under it's original purpose (take a guess at what it is used for, and not ED).
Now if it's used for ED it should not be coverd.....The answer was Honest, consistant and kicking your ass

Oh I just checked out the abortion claim, misleading....hmmmm...how would I know that you would try and be misleading? Either you lied in your post or you just gobbled up the assertion like a good little liberal
In MAss the courts ruled stated subsidized health plans HAVE to cover abortion, so since Romneycare is a state plan, it is covered......Nice try and I disagree with Romneycare AND the ruling on abortions. MAybe we should boycott Mass, or maybe we should all have our wives give live bith there (smiliar to the kiss in of homos) just to show em (and yes Im mocking liberals that thought the kiss in was a good idea)
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Well it's bad if it does, but I dont live in Massachusettes, so not the same thing.
Interesting you brought up Viagra, I do believe it should be covered under it's original purpose (take a guess at what it is used for, and not ED).
Now if it's used for ED it should not be coverd.....The answer was Honest, consistant and kicking your ass
sildenafil..medicine, pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, together known as the lung vasculature, leading to shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, and other symptoms, all of which are exacerbated by exertion. Pulmonary hypertension can be a severe disease with a markedly decreased exercise tolerance and heart failure.

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