"You didn't get there on your own"

What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

So what ?

Romneycare is a state law allowed by the constitution of the State of Mass.

They can do whatever they want.
DUDE, are you right wingers THAT disingenuous or that obtuse?

Has the Obama administration added more debt to the nation in 3 1/2 years than Bush, inclusive of wars, did in 8?

Yes or no, hack?

EVERYTHING you accuse Obama of doing is what you people vehemently supported when Bush was president.

That is a lie, hack. No one was supporting the merger of corporations like Chrysler, GM, Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc. with the federal government.

But you leftists act like fascism is a gift from god, that Obama was brilliant to merge GM with the federal government on behalf of the UAW.

Mussolini did the same thing 80 years ago, hack. And the left was praising him, too.

Conservatives defended GITMO,


Your little tinhorn dictator vowed to close it day one, why didn't he?

rendition and you folks even supported and defended torture. Those are all conservative beliefs, not liberal beliefs.

So why is Gitmo still open, hack?

I was against them when Bush did them and I am against them when Obama does them.

You are for or against what the party tell you, hack.

But you on the other hand are only against them when a Democrats does them, but you cheer when Bush did them? What that is is pure partisan hackery.

No one on the right has changed position, hack - we are simply noting the hypocrisy of your Messiah® - which doesn't bother you at all, because you hold party above everything, hack.
Yes, Obama said it very inartfully! But most people know what he meant

Yes, they sure do.

That's why you fluffers are having an impossible time blowing smoke and covering for him.

if they really think about it and many obvisouly don't want to give him some slack. (BTW, I hated Obama until a few months ago when this women's rights thing went crazy and it got me to thinking that Obama would be a much better steward in that regard and in some others related to social issues).

No greater act can one perform but to abort a baby.

Abortion is your god - I understand.
Well for sure, none of us got here on our own. For those of us who weren't aborted, Mom and Dad had to get the process started, Mom had to take total care of us for nine months of pregnancy, and we needed total support from her and others for the first years of our lives after we were born, and some support and help for many years. Yes there were those who provided role models for us and the lucky among us were parented by competent parents and mentored by competent people.

We ALL share the human experience. But the President seems to think that those of us who accomplish the most are obligated to all those who chose not to do that.

We don't ALL decide to take the risk--sometimes risking all that we have--to start a business. We ALL have the choice to choose to do that however. So for the President to assume that those who do are somehow obligated to everybody else more than anybody else is just ludicrous.
Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.
Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.

We all grasp that community is needed for prosperity. It is community that allows the specialization of individuals. What Obama cannot grasp, as he has never held a job, is that community is nothing more than the accumulation of individual interests in harmony.

Adam Smith said it best;

{But man has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only. He will be more likely to prevail if he can interest their self-love in his favour, and shew them that it is for their own advantage to do for him what he requires of them. Whoever offers to another a bargain of any kind, proposes to do this. Give me that which I want, and you shall have this which you want, is the meaning of every such offer; and it is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of those good offices which we stand in need of. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages. }
I use that Adam Smith quotation a lot, Uncensored, because it really does sum up what makes a healthy economy work. Almost all of us work not to benefit others, but to put money in our own pocket to buy what we want to have. Even those building the infrastructure aren't doing that out of the goodness of their hearts. They are paid, with our money, to build it or to see that it is built.

President Obama simply doesn't understand that infrastructure happens because there are people already there who wanted it. It doesn't happen the other way around.
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Vintage idiot liberal argument. Healthcare insurance is expressly for health issues. If you're penis doesn't work, that is a legitimate issue. If you just want to whore around like Sandra Fluke and not get pregnant and not have to pay for it yourself, that is not legitimate.

Seriously, only an idiot liberal would require the explanantion of what health insurance is for....
What level of irresponsibility do you have to have in order to justify using other people's money to fund your recreational sex? I'd prefer to pay for sterilizations for these folks.


Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Vintage idiot liberal argument. Healthcare insurance is expressly for health issues. If you're penis doesn't work, that is a legitimate issue. If you just want to whore around like Sandra Fluke and not get pregnant and not have to pay for it yourself, that is not legitimate.

Seriously, only an idiot liberal would require the explanantion of what health insurance is for....

Proof that filthy liberal women scum are all whores. All they want to do is spread their hairy legs for anyone to have their way with. Fucking whores. Reproduction does not equal health - sorry idiots.
Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.

You are actually saying, what he said..

Go figure...
I am not shilling for anyone. Are Republicans offering anything different, or something even worse, like invading Iran?

As a matter of fact, I supported President Bush when he sent our troops into Afghanistan after 9/11. When he invaded Iraq is when I began to oppose him.

You folks are nothing but a bunch of right wing hacks who lick the ass of Bush and spit in the face of Obama when he does what you once supported.

Sorry stupid, but I never supported Marxism. And that is ALL Obama has ever offered or implemented. It's just that you're an ignorant fuck who consciously chooses to close his eyes to the fact. You're a Nazi who blindly follows the Führer at all costs.

Obama wrote an autobiography called "Dreams From My Father". So that begs the question - what were his fathers dreams? Well, if you weren't a nazi following the Führer, you would ask this question and then look into the answer.

For those of you not an ignorant fuck nazi named bfgrn, the answer is: his father was a die-hard marxist who went around the world calling America "the great imperialist" and wrote that America needs to be punished for "extorting" the rest of the world. That to make things "right", America needs to give at least half of it's wealth to the rest of the world to raise them up, while dropping America down, so that all nations were equal (fucking stupid beyond words). He also wrote an article for a newspaper in which he stated government has the right to impose a 100% tax on the people (yes, 100% - you read that right) so long as they provide necessities for the people (again, fucking stupid beyond words).

So what has Obama done? Well, he's banned off shore drilling in the name of "environmentalism". But that's just a shrewd political claim to garner the vote of the tree huggers. The truth is, Obama could give a flying fuck about the environment. How do we know this? Well, because he has given $46 billion per year of American tax payer money to Brazil and other South American nations for off shore drilling. If you cared about the environment, you wouldn't support off shore drilling anywhere. But this is what Obama's father taught him - give billions of American money to poorer nations to punish the US and raise them up. Even more than that, this creates an energy surplus in these nations while creating an energy crisis in the US - which is worth far more than the $46 billions per year he's handing them (think trillions).

By the way, this can all be independently verified if you're not a nazi named bgfrn blindly following the Führer and you care to really look into what Obama is doing.... Do some actual research people. Don't take my word for it, and don't take anyone else word for it (I know liberals, this would actually take an effort on your part).
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Did you hear that Romneycare covers abortion services?

Vintage idiot liberal argument. Healthcare insurance is expressly for health issues. If you're penis doesn't work, that is a legitimate issue. If you just want to whore around like Sandra Fluke and not get pregnant and not have to pay for it yourself, that is not legitimate.

Seriously, only an idiot liberal would require the explanantion of what health insurance is for....

Proof that filthy liberal women scum are all whores. All they want to do is spread their hairy legs for anyone to have their way with. Fucking whores. Reproduction does not equal health - sorry idiots.

And trying to avoid reproduction does not equal a legitimate healthcare issue. I respect the fact that liberals whores are trying to be responsible and not get pregnant. What I don't respect is what lazy, despicable fucking parasites they are expecting everyone else to pay for their whoring activities. If you want to sleep around - knock yourselves out liberal whores. But just learn to work and pay for your own contraception...
So if you didnt get there or build this or that on your own ... then the piece of shit in office didnt earn the position or the honor of being the first black president.
But we already knew this ...
His grand parents didnt deserve the house in Hawaii etc etc this piece of shit is a hypocrite that will lose his unwarranted undeserving job!!

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