"You didn't get there on your own"

Very few people are going to buy your product or use your service if they don't need them. And despite people of conscience making an intentional effort to support what they considered a free speech issue with Chick-fil-a, most of us do not buy stuff to benefit the businessman. They buy it for their own purposes. Nor does the businessman provide a product or service for the benefit of the customer. He provides it to put money in his own pocket. The fact that he offers a product or service that others need is secondary to his primary motive, but helps him accomplish his primary motive.

Adam Smith, the father of economics, captured the essence of this wonderful human cooperation when he said, "He (the businessman) generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. ... He intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain." Adam Smith continues, "He is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. ... By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it." And later he adds, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

If you have doubts about Adam Smith's prediction, ask yourself which areas of our lives are we the most satisfied and those with most complaints. Would they be profit motivated arenas such supermarkets, video or clothing stores, or be nonprofit motivated government-operated arenas such as public schools, postal delivery or motor vehicle registration? By the way, how many of you would be in favor of Congress running our supermarkets? Walter Williams
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"You telling me I didn't plant this garden!"

LOL. Funny, but not that great an illustration. I'm pretty sure we the taxpayer paid for somebody to plot it out, rototill it, rake it out, and prepare the rows for planting. I would bet my bottom dollar Michelle didn't do that. I would be really surprised if she did the watering and weeding too. :)
Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.

What Mr Obama doesn't understand is, the government didn't build that business. A group of revolutionaries with a vision for a country, which desired each and every man a life with the freedom to persue their own individual dream (without the hindrance of a dictating all powerful government) did. They paid for it with their own blood, in a treasonist act during a time when a overdemanding tyrant of a King desired complete control over the colonists' lives.
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Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.

What Mr Obama doesn't understand is, the government didn't build that business. A group of revolutionaries with a vision for a country, which desired each and every man a life with the freedom to persue their own individual dream (without the hindrance of a dictating all powerful government) did. They paid for it with their own blood, in a treasonist act during a time when a overdemanding tyrant of a King desired complete control over the colonists' lives.

I actually didn't complete my thought up there. I should have said that the President is right that we all working together in the same place made this great nation what it is - but - that is not the same thing as 'doing everything together'. The baker doesn't go into business so that people can have bread and other baked goods. He goes into business with the reasoned expectation (or maybe hope) that people will want and buy his bread and other baked goods and therefore prosper him, the baker.

The notion that we 'all work together' so that the baker can have a bakery would indeed suggest that we all should share in his profits. However, the President doesn't seem to think that we are all equally obligated to make it prosper, to maintain it, to pay the baker's bills, or meet the payroll, or, if the business fails, none of the rest of us are supposed to take the loss of his investment in a building, ovens, counters, equipment, display cases, or the seed money necessary to run the business before he started realizing profits.

The President seems to think we are entitled to a greater portion of his profits. But if that should hasten him going out of business, the President doesn't seem to think we are responsibile for him losing everything he has.
I decided I want to get there on my own again...... or is anyone here willing to invest in me?

I only need a million for this venture.. No guarantee's but a capital investment could return 25% in 24 months to investors. Any players in here or am I on my own again?

LOL......good one.....:clap2:

if according to Obama everybody did everything together then where is the damn help you need to create your....i mean "our"....new business.....? :eusa_whistle:
No, sorry. I am saying pretty much 180 opposite of what he said.

Funny how people see and hear what they want to, as opposed to what is actually being said...

Not as funny as how people try to twist and turn what their hero said to make it more acceptable. What he said was that the businessman prospers because of government, that the businessman cannot take credit for what he created, and he owes everybody else for his success. Now you can try to convulute that any way you want to, but that is what I and most other business owners heard.

Actually, that wasn't what he was saying at all in the larger context of the speech. You see, context matters. You are just taking one part of his speech, highlighting it, and saying that is what the speech is about. That would be like somebody saying "I think a mother should be allowed to abort if her life is in danger" and then a partisan hack quoting that piece but cutting off the last six words.

But even then you are wrong. You don't even have the point of his speech right and isn't mentioned in the bolded part I have quoted from your post. Go back and listen to it again. The speech was about one of what Franklin called are two certainties in life. And it's not death he is talking about.

You see Foxy, posting something on these forums and having your circle jerk agree with you, doesn't mean you're right. It just means the right-wing schills agree with you. Colour me surprised. Just because they do, doesn't mean the lefties (obviously), centrists, normal and independents do.

And Obama is far from my hero. He is an Ok president, but a marked improvement on the below average Joe who was in the WH before him. I've already gone on record saying that Romney becoming president wouldn't be the end of the world. He might even be half decent....
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Actually, that wasn't what he was saying at all in the larger context of the speech.

Still lying Gump?

For a sheep shagger, you sure have a big investment in getting that pile of shit Obama reelected.

“I’m always struck by people who think ‘well, it must be because I was just so smart’. There are a lot of smart people out there! ‘It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.’ Let me tell you something—there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there!” - Fucktard Obama.

You see, context matters.

Yeah, it sure does. Context is what makes what the filthy demagogue Obama said have such impact.

You are just taking one part of his speech, highlighting it, and saying that is what the speech is about. That would be like somebody saying "I think a mother should be allowed to abort if her life is in danger" and then a partisan hack quoting that piece but cutting off the last six words.

We've all listened to the speech in context, and seen Obama scold small business. You are desperately trying to spin this, but it isn't going away.

But even then you are wrong. You don't even have the point of his speech right and isn't mentioned in the bolded part I have quoted from your post. Go back and listen to it again. The speech was about one of what Franklin called are two certainties in life. And it's not death he is talking about.

You see Foxy, posting something on these forums and having your circle jerk agree with you, doesn't mean you're right. It just means the right-wing schills agree with you. Colour me surprised. Just because they do, doesn't mean the lefties (obviously), centrists, normal and independents do.

And Obama is far from my hero. He is an Ok president, but a marked improvement on the below average Joe who was in the WH before him. I've already gone on record saying that Romney becoming president wouldn't be the end of the world. He might even be half decent....

Hey, at least that filthy demagogue Obama didn't accuse Romney of murder...

Oh, wait....
Actually, that wasn't what he was saying at all in the larger context of the speech.

Still lying Gump?

For a sheep shagger, you sure have a big investment in getting that pile of shit Obama reelected.

“I’m always struck by people who think ‘well, it must be because I was just so smart’. There are a lot of smart people out there! ‘It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.’ Let me tell you something—there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there!” - Fucktard Obama.

You see, context matters.

Yeah, it sure does. Context is what makes what the filthy demagogue Obama said have such impact.

You are just taking one part of his speech, highlighting it, and saying that is what the speech is about. That would be like somebody saying "I think a mother should be allowed to abort if her life is in danger" and then a partisan hack quoting that piece but cutting off the last six words.

We've all listened to the speech in context, and seen Obama scold small business. You are desperately trying to spin this, but it isn't going away.

But even then you are wrong. You don't even have the point of his speech right and isn't mentioned in the bolded part I have quoted from your post. Go back and listen to it again. The speech was about one of what Franklin called are two certainties in life. And it's not death he is talking about.

You see Foxy, posting something on these forums and having your circle jerk agree with you, doesn't mean you're right. It just means the right-wing schills agree with you. Colour me surprised. Just because they do, doesn't mean the lefties (obviously), centrists, normal and independents do.

And Obama is far from my hero. He is an Ok president, but a marked improvement on the below average Joe who was in the WH before him. I've already gone on record saying that Romney becoming president wouldn't be the end of the world. He might even be half decent....

Hey, at least that filthy demagogue Obama didn't accuse Romney of murder...

Oh, wait....

Hey Foxy: Exhibit A ^^^^^
Funny how people see and hear what they want to, as opposed to what is actually being said...

Not as funny as how people try to twist and turn what their hero said to make it more acceptable. What he said was that the businessman prospers because of government, that the businessman cannot take credit for what he created, and he owes everybody else for his success. Now you can try to convulute that any way you want to, but that is what I and most other business owners heard.

Still peddling lies, huh? Maybe someday you will find a shred of intellectual honesty.

I'm sure the irony of you talking about people twisting and turning what Obama said is completely lost on you.

Grump is spot on.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

- Barack Obama
Not a lie...It's what Obama SAID....You Obama sycophants have been scrambling and spinning since Obama vomited this quote.....". If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."....
In other words entrepreneurs, government is responsible.
SO please, go accuse someone else of distorting the truth. Look in the mirror.
Look, this is academic. Conservatives are pissed off and energized.
Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are huge swing states which all went to Obama in 2008. Those states are now dead heats or toss ups.
WHy do you think the Obama camp is going the with the personal attack route instead of Obama's record and the issues?
Please. Wake up. Your side is losing the debate because they deserve to lose the debate.
Here's the fixes...Shitty economy. falling US Dollar, no appreciable job growth, sluggish GDP, rising gas and food prices, falling home values....
For the Romney camp, that's like having an arsenal of laser guided smart bombs.
Now, you will respond with some comment about how Obama is doing a wonderful job and all is well.
Not as funny as how people try to twist and turn what their hero said to make it more acceptable. What he said was that the businessman prospers because of government, that the businessman cannot take credit for what he created, and he owes everybody else for his success. Now you can try to convulute that any way you want to, but that is what I and most other business owners heard.

Still peddling lies, huh? Maybe someday you will find a shred of intellectual honesty.

I'm sure the irony of you talking about people twisting and turning what Obama said is completely lost on you.

Grump is spot on.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

- Barack Obama
Not a lie...It's what Obama SAID....You Obama sycophants have been scrambling and spinning since Obama vomited this quote.....". If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."....
In other words entrepreneurs, government is responsible.
SO please, go accuse someone else of distorting the truth. Look in the mirror.
Look, this is academic. Conservatives are pissed off and energized.
Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are huge swing states which all went to Obama in 2008. Those states are now dead heats or toss ups.
WHy do you think the Obama camp is going the with the personal attack route instead of Obama's record and the issues?
Please. Wake up. Your side is losing the debate because they deserve to lose the debate.
Here's the fixes...Shitty economy. falling US Dollar, no appreciable job growth, sluggish GDP, rising gas and food prices, falling home values....
For the Romney camp, that's like having an arsenal of laser guided smart bombs.
Now, you will respond with some comment about how Obama is doing a wonderful job and all is well.

Where is that "blah, blah, blah" emoticon when you need it. Oh, here is is: :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Still peddling lies, huh? Maybe someday you will find a shred of intellectual honesty.

I'm sure the irony of you talking about people twisting and turning what Obama said is completely lost on you.

Grump is spot on.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

- Barack Obama
Not a lie...It's what Obama SAID....You Obama sycophants have been scrambling and spinning since Obama vomited this quote.....". If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."....
In other words entrepreneurs, government is responsible.
SO please, go accuse someone else of distorting the truth. Look in the mirror.
Look, this is academic. Conservatives are pissed off and energized.
Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are huge swing states which all went to Obama in 2008. Those states are now dead heats or toss ups.
WHy do you think the Obama camp is going the with the personal attack route instead of Obama's record and the issues?
Please. Wake up. Your side is losing the debate because they deserve to lose the debate.
Here's the fixes...Shitty economy. falling US Dollar, no appreciable job growth, sluggish GDP, rising gas and food prices, falling home values....
For the Romney camp, that's like having an arsenal of laser guided smart bombs.
Now, you will respond with some comment about how Obama is doing a wonderful job and all is well.

Where is that "blah, blah, blah" emoticon when you need it. Oh, here is is: :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
And there ya have it. No rebuttal.
Just you sticking your unwashed digits in your ears and yelling LA LA LA...
Ok. Fine. But don't say you we'rent warned when you wake up in early November and realize Obama lost the election.
And there ya have it. No rebuttal.
Just you sticking your unwashed digits in your ears and yelling LA LA LA...
Ok. Fine. But don't say you we'rent warned when you wake up in early November and realize Obama lost the election.

Most of my posts on this thread are not only rebuttal, but factually based. Not some partisan hackery like you and the peanut gallery.

As I said, the only people convinced of your POV are those that think like you. IOW, other conservative neocon whackjobs....shrug
Again, the President is right that we all working together made this great nation what it is. What he doesn't understand--what he seems incapable of seeing--that it is all of us doing our own thing for our own interests or purposes, more self serving purposes than not, that works together to make our society what it is. That is the difference between the laizzez-faire economy created by a free people vs a government-controlled economy.

What Mr Obama doesn't understand is, the government didn't build that business. A group of revolutionaries with a vision for a country, which desired each and every man a life with the freedom to persue their own individual dream (without the hindrance of a dictating all powerful government) did. They paid for it with their own blood, in a treasonist act during a time when a overdemanding tyrant of a King desired complete control over the colonists' lives.

I actually didn't complete my thought up there. I should have said that the President is right that we all working together in the same place made this great nation what it is - but - that is not the same thing as 'doing everything together'. The baker doesn't go into business so that people can have bread and other baked goods. He goes into business with the reasoned expectation (or maybe hope) that people will want and buy his bread and other baked goods and therefore prosper him, the baker.

The notion that we 'all work together' so that the baker can have a bakery would indeed suggest that we all should share in his profits. However, the President doesn't seem to think that we are all equally obligated to make it prosper, to maintain it, to pay the baker's bills, or meet the payroll, or, if the business fails, none of the rest of us are supposed to take the loss of his investment in a building, ovens, counters, equipment, display cases, or the seed money necessary to run the business before he started realizing profits.

The President seems to think we are entitled to a greater portion of his profits. But if that should hasten him going out of business, the President doesn't seem to think we are responsibile for him losing everything he has.

The problem is that our Founders created a nation where each individual would have the same opportunity to achieve this "American dream". Now Obama wants to punish those who work hard, put in all the excess hours (over a 40 year week) that most wouldn't put forth themselves to create a business and keep it afloat . . . . then turn around a reward those who don't put in the effort for themselves.

There was a time "hobos" were looked down upon, and those looking for work would do anything possible to find a way to provide for themselves without a "hand-out". Back then those who struggled and WORKED were deemed to have more character and become a better example for their kids when YOU earned your own way, rather than collect what you didn't work for. What was once considered shameful in the eyes of others, has become an encouraging pat-on-the-back "nice try" check from the Federal Government. The hobos of old really missed out on something good from this ideology way of thinking, under this administrative government.
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What Mr Obama doesn't understand is, the government didn't build that business. A group of revolutionaries with a vision for a country, which desired each and every man a life with the freedom to persue their own individual dream (without the hindrance of a dictating all powerful government) did. They paid for it with their own blood, in a treasonist act during a time when a overdemanding tyrant of a King desired complete control over the colonists' lives.

I actually didn't complete my thought up there. I should have said that the President is right that we all working together in the same place made this great nation what it is - but - that is not the same thing as 'doing everything together'. The baker doesn't go into business so that people can have bread and other baked goods. He goes into business with the reasoned expectation (or maybe hope) that people will want and buy his bread and other baked goods and therefore prosper him, the baker.

The notion that we 'all work together' so that the baker can have a bakery would indeed suggest that we all should share in his profits. However, the President doesn't seem to think that we are all equally obligated to make it prosper, to maintain it, to pay the baker's bills, or meet the payroll, or, if the business fails, none of the rest of us are supposed to take the loss of his investment in a building, ovens, counters, equipment, display cases, or the seed money necessary to run the business before he started realizing profits.

The President seems to think we are entitled to a greater portion of his profits. But if that should hasten him going out of business, the President doesn't seem to think we are responsibile for him losing everything he has.

The problem is that our Founders created a nation where each individual would have the same opportunity to achieve this "American dream". Now Obama wants to punish those who work hard, put in all the excess hours (over a 40 year week) that most wouldn't put forth themselves to create a business and keep it afloat . . . . then turn around a reward those who don't put in the effort for themselves.

There was a time "hobos" were looked down upon, and those looking for work would do anything possible to find a way to provide for themselves without a "hand-out". Back then those who struggled and WORKED were deemed to have more character and become a better example for their kids when YOU earned your own way, rather than collect what you didn't work for. What was once considered shameful in the eyes of others, has become an encouraging pat-on-the-back "nice try" check from the Federal Government. The hobos of old really missed out on something good from this ideology way of thinking, under this administrative government.

Well said. Whatever happened to WORKING for your money? No more handouts.

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