"You didn't get there on your own"

Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technology, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:
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PURE BULLSHIT. You are a lying piece of shit. There was NO criticism of Bush when he was president from the right...NONE. And you are ignoring how your right wing regressive turds lick the ass of recent despot governors like Christie, Walker and Scott. You turds CHEER when they overstep their authority and step on 'commoners'.

You right wingers are devoid of any honesty. Have an adult read this to you

There was tons of criticism of Bush and you know it. Bush was a progressive - he grew government, over spent, and bailed out the private sector (you idiot liberals would love and worship him had he simply called himself "democrat").

The problem is, your side of the aisle has been hijacked by communists, marxists, and socialists. You've become so radical, that you actually consider Kennedy-era liberals (ie true liberals) to be "conservatives" because they are not pushing communism, and true constitutional conservatives (like our founders) to be "nuts".

Christie and Walker were elected by "commoners" to stop marxists like you who are too lazy to earn wealth and instead want it seized by force and redistributed to you. They've stepped on no one and the fact that Scott Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin the second time just proves it. Barack Obama is the asshole stepping on people by taking their wealth and their freedom.

JFK famously said "Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". And yet here you and the rest of the left sit today crying like little bitches asking what else your country can give to you. You are selfish. You are greedy. You are lazy. And that is why you are hateful and miserable.
No man is an island. No one has ever said that.

But the SUCCESS of one's business is not contingent upon government involvement. SUCCESS happens IN SPITE of government.

Of course the failure of some businesses can be attributed to high taxes and government interference, but the president didn't mention that. I wonder why.

In case the Kool Aid drinkers need things spelled out like five year olds, WE LIKE SAFE ROADS AND BRIDGES. But we don't need to thank Big Brother for them. In fact, perhaps he should thank us.

Silliness on steroids.
Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

  • I drive nearly every day on unpaved, dirt paths. It doesn't effect my day in any capacity whether it's dirt or pavement and the idiot liberal has been incapable so far in explaining their obsession with pointing out "roads" as an excuse for their socialism.

  • Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".

  • Liberals can't even understand that roads are built by local government with local taxes while we're discussing the federal government. Their argument is so weak and pathetic, they can't even make one for the level of government we're discussing.

  • Liberals also can't imagine being self-reliant. If government doesn't care for and coddle them like an infant, they fear they would die (and they probably would as lazy as they are). It's beyond their capacity to comprehend us conservatives that are self-reliant and will succeed out of sheer will, regardless of the circumstances. We would never let a little thing like no road stop our prosperity. We'd just drive right over the grass/dirt/rocks/etc. (gasp! imagine that?!?!?)

  • Liberals are killing themselves with the dumbest argument ever. If it wasn't for government and roads creating prosperity, how do they explain how we even got there? There were no paved roads in 1776. And there was no government either when we declared our independence from England. And yet all we did was thrive into the most prosperous nation in world history. It was businesses, without roads or government that paid the taxes which built the roads that you know obsess over like children with Down Symmdrome! :cuckoo:

I know, I know....... "we have woads". That's all you can say and that is all you will respond with.
Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

Point is, those things have already been paid for and available to everyone. Its called equal opportunity. Stop trying to make it seem those who worked hard and succeed somehow owe more. Obama is a socialist period.
As the ink dried on the Constitution, the new government, passed laws helping our "infant industry." As a matter of fact there are those historians that claim one of the primary purposes of the new Constitution was to help trade, and manufacturing.
As the ink dried on the Constitution, the new government, passed laws helping our "infant industry." As a matter of fact there are those historians that claim one of the primary purposes of the new Constitution was to help trade, and manufacturing.

It was to organize the government and limit it.
As the ink dried on the Constitution, the new government, passed laws helping our "infant industry." As a matter of fact there are those historians that claim one of the primary purposes of the new Constitution was to help trade, and manufacturing.

Oh, for the love of Christ. I can only assume that if you still aren't getting it by now, it can only be because you just don't WANT to get it.

The fact that our system of government was intended to provide a better background for the efforts of ALL or our citizens to take place against, whatever those efforts might be, does not in any way mitigate the fact that it is still those efforts that determine who accomplishes what.
Yeah, everyone who has a business got there totally on their own with no help from others who designed or discovered technology and who built roads and bridges, discovered better ways of doing things in medicine, etc. by the big bad government's NASA space flights. Government stinks and should just go away. Damnit! If I want to start a business, I will build my own roads, bridges, technoloby, etc. I don't need the stinkin' government to do it for me or contract it out to businesses to do it for me. I am an island and the government can stick it!:D:cranky:

Adding to what the last few posters have said, developers are most often required to add to the infrastructure as part of the permit process these days.... everything from access ramps to even schools. Let's not forget that while Obama lectures us about "infrastructure", his "stimulus" bill in 2009 spent less than 5% toward it, regardless of the fact that he ran around the country telling us otherwise.

Businesses are paying their taxes, more than their fair share in fact. AND they're building infrastructure out of pocket. They owe NOTHING to Barack Obama or his personal ambitions.
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.

I already explained this analogy at length. The government is not part of the team. Government is the field all the teams play on. Some win, some lose, and no winning team has ever said, "The credit for our victory goes to the great field we played on."

And I am sure you explained that the field only existed (in maintained shape) because teams played on it.

It is not like you build a field and a football team shows up feeling obligated to play there just because it was built.

Exactly. No city builds a multi-million dollar stadium and then a football team or baseball team is organized to play in it. The teams have to already exist in order for the stadium to make any sense.

And it is the same with infrastructure. The city does not annex land and install roads and sewers and street lights that nobody needs. The city extends roads and other infrastructure to accommodate developers and existing businesses already there. The state or the feds don't build a road out into the middle of nowhere. They build roads to connect people that are already there.

It is commerce and industry that causes people to move to a place who in turn generate more commerce and industry. Infrastructure follows. When the commerce and industry go away, so do most of the people. The only ones left will be those who are just waiting out the time left to them and they will not be sufficient to keep the existing infrastructure from gradually crumbling away.

Goverment owes its existance to commerce and industry. It is not the other way around.
Should I go back to all my customers and ask them to pay me more because I want to go out and buy more equipment to benefit all my future customers?
moron rightwingers will literally talking point themselves out of existence

the jobs their kids and grandkids will need to literally survive will not exist if these extremist rightwing terrorist shitbags get their way
The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

With each time your argument gets defeated, you come back with weaker and weaker lies. Just about every conservative I know had MAJOR criticism of George W. Bush. Why can't you just accept reality?

Is there one single liberal left on earth that can accept reality? Or does one become a liberal only by becoming a schizophrenic?

PURE BULLSHIT. You are a lying piece of shit. There was NO criticism of Bush when he was president from the right...NONE. And you are ignoring how your right wing regressive turds lick the ass of recent despot governors like Christie, Walker and Scott. You turds CHEER when they overstep their authority and step on 'commoners'.

You right wingers are devoid of any honesty. Have an adult read this to you.

Why Conservatives Hate Bush


Heartening as it is to hear the growing criticism of Bush from within the GOP ranks, the idea that he's veered from conservatism is hogwash. Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy. "Mr. Bush has a philosophy. It is conservative," wrote Peggy Noonan in 2002. Ah, but times change. Last June she complained, "What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them."

It's certainly true that Bush hasn't delivered on every last item on the conservative wish list. But what president has—or ever could? What Bush's new critics on the right don't see, or won't see, is that to credibly accuse Bush of betraying "conservatism" requires constructing an ideal of conservatism that exists only in the world of theory, not the world of practical politics and democratic governance. It's an ideal that any president would fail to meet. In a democracy, governing means taking into account public opinion and making compromises. That means deviating at times from doctrinal purity.

Indeed, Bush's presidency, far from being a subversion of modern American conservatism, represents its fulfillment. For most of the president's tenure, many of the same folks who now brand him as an incompetent or an impostor happily backed his agenda. Republicans controlled the Senate and the House with iron discipline. They populated the federal court system, built a powerful media apparatus, and, for years after 9/11, benefited from a public climate of reflexive deference to the powers that be. From 2001 to 2007, the conservative movement had as free a hand as it could have hoped for in setting the agenda. The fruits of its efforts are Bush's policies.

So while conservatives may be disillusioned with Bush, they can't seriously claim it's over his policies. Another explanation seems more likely: When the Iraq War really turned sour in 2005 and the domestic catastrophes piled up, the appeal of being linked with Bush's legacy dimmed. Like mobsters turning state's evidence before they're sent up the river, former Bushies began to testify, throwing themselves on the mercy of the court of public opinion. The reason isn't that Bush is an imperfect conservative. It's that he's an unsuccessful one.

One clue that right-wingers might be acting a bit opportunistically in turning on Bush is the sloppy nature of so many of their arguments that he's left conservatism. In seeking to salvage a pure doctrine from the flotsam of the Bush years, for example, his onetime boosters will often say that he forsook a core conservative principle such as "tradition," "humility," or "small government"—or, more vapidly, "adherence to the Constitution," "the wisdom of the Founders," or "honesty in government." But general concepts like these are so elastic as to encompass any grounds for disowning a failed course of action—or so generic as to be useless as defining traits of conservatism. (Don't liberals preach adherence to the Constitution?) It may be fashionable now to deride Bush's Iraq policy as insufficiently humble, but on the eve of the invasion, when Bush flouted world opinion, how many conservatives warned that he was jettisoning principle? And, for that matter, how does the failure to prepare for and address Hurricane Katrina's damage stem from a dearth of humility? Even the oft-heard conceit that Bush has become a "big government" conservative—breaking from postwar conservatism's antistatist foundations—doesn't withstand scrutiny. After all, practically everyone on the right backed his tax cuts, corporate giveaways, and military and security expenditures, which, along with health care cuts, have busted the budget. On inspection, buzzwords like "big government" and "humility" appear to be supple rhetorical tools, used inconsistently and opportunistically, for polemical force or political positioning—not as the basis of serious intellectual critiques.

So are conservatives unhappy with Bush because he let down their causes? No. They're miffed that Bush, in pursuing those very causes, alienated two-thirds of the voting public. Starting with Katrina in the fall of 2005, and proceeding through the worsening civil strife in Iraq, the revelations of the wiretapping and U.S. attorney scandals, and growing discontent with domestic problems like health care, Americans lost faith in Bush's agenda. Various right-wingers are now trying to salvage conservatism not simply to maintain their own reputations but because they worry that, having soured on Bush, voters may soon sour on the creed of conservatism itself. That would be a turn of events for the right so damaging that not even another Ronald Reagan could repair it.

I stole this from you quote to address your quote:

moron rightwingers will literally talking point themselves out of existence

the jobs their kids and grandkids will need to literally survive will not exist if these extremist rightwing terrorist shitbags get their way

Hey dickweed,

I guess you missed where we clobbered nine or ten of the last moderate incumbents out of the Kansas Senate. Some of them had been around a long time.

The House was already conservative.

The senate will now go the same way.

I'd say it's the mods who are now out of existence around here. Or out of power.

Now, the dems don't have RINOS to couple up with...they will just have to sit by and suck on it.

Don't like it. Move or run for office. We worked for it and we got it.
Kansas IS going nuts LOL.

Point is, our infrastructure, education, health care, etc etc is going to hell under voodoo tax rates, while the greedy rich are bloated- all rich actually.
Kansas IS going nuts LOL.

Point is, our infrastructure, education, health care, etc etc is going to hell under voodoo tax rates, while the greedy rich are bloated- all rich actually.

Move down here and find out what it means to work for a living.
PURE BULLSHIT. You are a lying piece of shit. There was NO criticism of Bush when he was president from the right...NONE. And you are ignoring how your right wing regressive turds lick the ass of recent despot governors like Christie, Walker and Scott. You turds CHEER when they overstep their authority and step on 'commoners'.

You right wingers are devoid of any honesty. Have an adult read this to you

There was tons of criticism of Bush and you know it. Bush was a progressive - he grew government, over spent, and bailed out the private sector (you idiot liberals would love and worship him had he simply called himself "democrat").

The problem is, your side of the aisle has been hijacked by communists, marxists, and socialists. You've become so radical, that you actually consider Kennedy-era liberals (ie true liberals) to be "conservatives" because they are not pushing communism, and true constitutional conservatives (like our founders) to be "nuts".

Christie and Walker were elected by "commoners" to stop marxists like you who are too lazy to earn wealth and instead want it seized by force and redistributed to you. They've stepped on no one and the fact that Scott Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin the second time just proves it. Barack Obama is the asshole stepping on people by taking their wealth and their freedom.

JFK famously said "Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". And yet here you and the rest of the left sit today crying like little bitches asking what else your country can give to you. You are selfish. You are greedy. You are lazy. And that is why you are hateful and miserable.

Hey doggy breath, I was on numerous message boards when Bush was president. There was never a word spoken by 'conservatives' about too much debt, too much spending or too much government...not a fucking PEEP. You turds worshiped Bush and defended every fucking thing he did.

Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy.

The only people who have call JFK a conservative ARE conservatives. I've been around since Harry Truman was President. I remember voting for Jacob Javits, a LIBERAL Republican Senator who was TOO liberal to serve on the Warren Commission according to LBJ and J Edgar Hoover. There is no man living or dead who embodies my beliefs more than John F. Kennedy.

The 'Great Society' was made up of programs President Kennedy had promoted or planned: Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights bill.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
PURE BULLSHIT. You are a lying piece of shit. There was NO criticism of Bush when he was president from the right...NONE. And you are ignoring how your right wing regressive turds lick the ass of recent despot governors like Christie, Walker and Scott. You turds CHEER when they overstep their authority and step on 'commoners'.

You right wingers are devoid of any honesty. Have an adult read this to you

There was tons of criticism of Bush and you know it. Bush was a progressive - he grew government, over spent, and bailed out the private sector (you idiot liberals would love and worship him had he simply called himself "democrat").

The problem is, your side of the aisle has been hijacked by communists, marxists, and socialists. You've become so radical, that you actually consider Kennedy-era liberals (ie true liberals) to be "conservatives" because they are not pushing communism, and true constitutional conservatives (like our founders) to be "nuts".

Christie and Walker were elected by "commoners" to stop marxists like you who are too lazy to earn wealth and instead want it seized by force and redistributed to you. They've stepped on no one and the fact that Scott Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin the second time just proves it. Barack Obama is the asshole stepping on people by taking their wealth and their freedom.

JFK famously said "Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". And yet here you and the rest of the left sit today crying like little bitches asking what else your country can give to you. You are selfish. You are greedy. You are lazy. And that is why you are hateful and miserable.

Hey doggy breath, I was on numerous message boards when Bush was president. There was never a word spoken by 'conservatives' about too much debt, too much spending or too much government...not a fucking PEEP. You turds worshiped Bush and defended every fucking thing he did.

Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy.

The only people who have call JFK a conservative ARE conservatives. I've been around since Harry Truman was President. I remember voting for Jacob Javits, a LIBERAL Republican Senator who was TOO liberal to serve on the Warren Commission according to LBJ and J Edgar Hoover. There is no man living or dead who embodies my beliefs more than John F. Kennedy.

The 'Great Society' was made up of programs President Kennedy had promoted or planned: Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights bill.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

Good grief, man. Bush left office with an approval rating of 29-30%. He wasn't even carrying his own party at that point. :rolleyes:

The REAL hypocrisy is watching Barack Obama double, triple, and quadruple down on everything you all claimed you hated about Bush... and you all lapping it up.
There was tons of criticism of Bush and you know it. Bush was a progressive - he grew government, over spent, and bailed out the private sector (you idiot liberals would love and worship him had he simply called himself "democrat").

The problem is, your side of the aisle has been hijacked by communists, marxists, and socialists. You've become so radical, that you actually consider Kennedy-era liberals (ie true liberals) to be "conservatives" because they are not pushing communism, and true constitutional conservatives (like our founders) to be "nuts".

Christie and Walker were elected by "commoners" to stop marxists like you who are too lazy to earn wealth and instead want it seized by force and redistributed to you. They've stepped on no one and the fact that Scott Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin the second time just proves it. Barack Obama is the asshole stepping on people by taking their wealth and their freedom.

JFK famously said "Ask not what you're country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". And yet here you and the rest of the left sit today crying like little bitches asking what else your country can give to you. You are selfish. You are greedy. You are lazy. And that is why you are hateful and miserable.

Hey doggy breath, I was on numerous message boards when Bush was president. There was never a word spoken by 'conservatives' about too much debt, too much spending or too much government...not a fucking PEEP. You turds worshiped Bush and defended every fucking thing he did.

Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy.

The only people who have call JFK a conservative ARE conservatives. I've been around since Harry Truman was President. I remember voting for Jacob Javits, a LIBERAL Republican Senator who was TOO liberal to serve on the Warren Commission according to LBJ and J Edgar Hoover. There is no man living or dead who embodies my beliefs more than John F. Kennedy.

The 'Great Society' was made up of programs President Kennedy had promoted or planned: Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights bill.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

Good grief, man. Bush left office with an approval rating of 29-30%. He wasn't even carrying his own party at that point. :rolleyes:

The REAL hypocrisy is watching Barack Obama double, triple, and quadruple down on everything you all claimed you hated about Bush... and you all lapping it up.

There are a number of issues I am disappointed with Obama on. He has continued the draconian 'war on drugs', he re-upped the Patriot Act and he refused to fight for a public option in the health care bill. But, NONE of those stances could be considered 'progressive', or liberal. They are conservative.

And the tea party who you right wingers worship LOVE George W. Bush.

Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

Right Now - Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke
Hey doggy breath, I was on numerous message boards when Bush was president. There was never a word spoken by 'conservatives' about too much debt, too much spending or too much government...not a fucking PEEP. You turds worshiped Bush and defended every fucking thing he did.

Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy.

The only people who have call JFK a conservative ARE conservatives. I've been around since Harry Truman was President. I remember voting for Jacob Javits, a LIBERAL Republican Senator who was TOO liberal to serve on the Warren Commission according to LBJ and J Edgar Hoover. There is no man living or dead who embodies my beliefs more than John F. Kennedy.

The 'Great Society' was made up of programs President Kennedy had promoted or planned: Medicare, the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights bill.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

Good grief, man. Bush left office with an approval rating of 29-30%. He wasn't even carrying his own party at that point. :rolleyes:

The REAL hypocrisy is watching Barack Obama double, triple, and quadruple down on everything you all claimed you hated about Bush... and you all lapping it up.

There are a number of issues I am disappointed with Obama on. He has continued the draconian 'war on drugs', he re-upped the Patriot Act and he refused to fight for a public option in the health care bill. But, NONE of those stances could be considered 'progressive', or liberal. They are conservative.

And the tea party who you right wingers worship LOVE George W. Bush.

Among all Americans, George W. Bush has 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among tea partiers he's viewed favorably, 57/27.

Among all Americans, the Bush administration takes the largest share -- 39 percent -- of the blame for the "current federal budget deficit." Only 6 percent of tea partiers blame Bush, while 24 percent blame President Obama and 37 percent blame Congress.

- Americans are fairly evenly split on whether they consider "reducing the budget deficit" more important than cutting taxes -- 47 percent say tax cuts, 45 percent say deficit reduction. Tea partiers lean more heavily toward tax cuts (49 percent) than deficit reduction (42 percent). But while Americans would prefer that the government "spend money to create jobs" by a 50/42 margin, only 17 percent of tea partiers agree -- 76 percent want to cut the deficit.

- Among all Americans, Glenn Beck is a divisive and not too well-known media figure. Only around half of them have heard of Beck, and those folks view him favorably, 18/17. Among tea partiers, Beck is wildly popular -- 59/6 favorable.

- Among all Americans, Sarah Palin is wildly unpopular -- her negative/favorable rating is 30/45. But tea partiers adore her and give her a 66/12 favorable rating. Yet here's something to watch -- only 40 percent of tea partiers say Palin could be an "effective president," compared to 47 percent who disagree. (Among all Americans the numbers are 26 percent and 63 percent.)

Right Now - Poll: Tea partiers miss Bush, like the GOP, don't want a third party, and wonder where Obama was born

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Dude. Obama has spent more taxpayer money than Bush, gone to war more than Bush, made more unilateral decisions than Bush. There's just no getting around it. Obama didn't bother getting Congressional approval for Libya. He's got his own hit list of people he whacks with drones, doesn't bother with due process even if they're American citizens, and has signed legislation that allows him chuck us into Gitmo indefinitely if we're accused of terrorism. :eek:

The Tea Party might have some nostalgia for Bush, particularly in comparison to Obama, but what's that got to do with now? You left-wingers might not have understood it, but G.W. is a likeable guy, and I think history will be kind to him in the end.

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