"You didn't get there on your own"

Boy, if this isn't vintage liberal logic! The woman, in this "brilliant" scenario has already had the shit beat out of her. A lot of good it does to have the government come afterwards.... :lol:

This is a glaring example of what a bunch of tools you pro-communists are. A self-sufficient woman, not relying on the government, would never have had the "shit beat out of her to begin with".

But hey, personal responsibility (like learning self-defense, strength training, and weapons training) takes effort, right? Better to get your ass beat horribly, then wait for the government to come afterwards and make an arrest... :cuckoo:

Any woman can get beat.


But a self-sufficient woman will never be beat twice.

Leftist fear strong, self-sufficient women, just as they hate and fear ALL self-sufficient people. That's why they hate Sarah Palin with such putrid bile, because she is a strong, self-sufficient women.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", .

actually he's telling anyone successful at anything they didn't get there on their own! He said parents and teachers, among others, helped but did not reveal the plan to pay them back!!

The real bate and switch plan is for Barry to steal more money from just successful business people and pay back his friends, not those who helped. 71% of his Solyndra green energy dollars went to those who bundled for his campaign, not to those who helped!!

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", .

actually he's telling anyone successful at anything they didn't get there on their own! He said parents and teachers, among others, helped but did not reveal the plan to pay them back!!

The real bate and switch plan is for Barry to steal more money from just successful business people and pay back his friends, not those who helped. 71% of his Solyndra green energy dollars went to those who bundled for his campaign, not to those who helped!!

the rest of planet earth chuckles at you circle jerk lying terrorists, so far in the couple of months I have been here not a single one of you has told the truth about


Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", .

actually he's telling anyone successful at anything they didn't get there on their own! He said parents and teachers, among others, helped but did not reveal the plan to pay them back!!

The real bate and switch plan is for Barry to steal more money from just successful business people and pay back his friends, not those who helped. 71% of his Solyndra green energy dollars went to those who bundled for his campaign, not to those who helped!!

You're right.. he'll steal what he can. But his chief motivation with "you didn't get their on your own" was to defend his campaign gimmick of taxing the so-called "rich". It's a populist attack which would only net him about 28 billion per year, and thus meaningless in terms of repairing our economy. But he insists it's some sort of panacea to cure all ills. Sure, 28 billion will injure small businesses in terms of growth and confidence, but it's not the kind of real money he intends to give his friends. He's got to get back into office first.
The only problem with your right wing fairy tale...Herbert Hoover, in his OWN words.

The ‘leave-it-alone liquidationists’ headed by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon….

too stupid!!! You are a liberal and a liar too!! Obviously he was refering to Mellon as someone with whom he disagreed!!!

AFTER he followed Mellon's advice.

Contemplating in retrospect the wreck of his country’s economy and his own presidency, Herbert Hoover wrote bitterly in his memoirs about those who had advised inaction during the downslide
Yea, the people who created Medicare, the Civil Rights bill, Social Security and ended child slavery, NOW want to kill them all...

And southern slave owners were "compassionate" and "merciful" because they provided housing, food, and clothes to their slaves, right?

There's a lot more to compassion and mercy than just not killing people, and making them into helpless, dependent pets isn't it.

Compassion and mercy


Dependent pets


Is this supposed to make some sort of point?

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", .

actually he's telling anyone successful at anything they didn't get there on their own! He said parents and teachers, among others, helped but did not reveal the plan to pay them back!!

The real bate and switch plan is for Barry to steal more money from just successful business people and pay back his friends, not those who helped. 71% of his Solyndra green energy dollars went to those who bundled for his campaign, not to those who helped!!

the rest of planet earth chuckles at you circle jerk lying terrorists, so far in the couple of months I have been here not a single one of you has told the truth about


You wouldn't know TRUTH if it jumped up and bit you on your fat ass.

Yep, it's terrifying when a woman having the shit beat out of her by her husband or boyfriend hears those words from a who is arresting the asshole.

Liberal Gun Control = the peculiar idea that a woman who's been beaten to death by her drunken boyfriend is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining how her attacker got that fatal bullet hole.

Why in the HELL is a woman who's being beaten up waiting around for the cops to "rescue" her in your worldview (which rescue is unlikely to show up before she's in the hospital or wearing a toe tag)?

Yep, it's terrifying when a woman having the shit beat out of her by her husband or boyfriend hears those words from a who is arresting the asshole.

Liberal Gun Control = the peculiar idea that a woman who's been beaten to death by her drunken boyfriend is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining how her attacker got that fatal bullet hole.

Why in the HELL is a woman who's being beaten up waiting around for the cops to "rescue" her in your worldview (which rescue is unlikely to show up before she's in the hospital or wearing a toe tag)?

So correct !

What is even more funny is how some women wind up getting helped to jail by the government because of the fact that he contracted said bullet hole.
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.

I already explained this analogy at length. The government is not part of the team. Government is the field all the teams play on. Some win, some lose, and no winning team has ever said, "The credit for our victory goes to the great field we played on."
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.

I already explained this analogy at length. The government is not part of the team. Government is the field all the teams play on. Some win, some lose, and no winning team has ever said, "The credit for our victory goes to the great field we played on."

And I am sure you explained that the field only existed (in maintained shape) because teams played on it.

It is not like you build a field and a football team shows up feeling obligated to play there just because it was built.

Tell that to these people chanel...




Sadly, the first words 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help' these people heard was from the RCMP...

That is the Royal CANADIAN Mounted Police, from Vancouver British Columbia

2192.6 Miles away!!!

Tragically, it was TOO LATE for most...




"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Amazing...You lefties cursed the federal government for reacting too slowly for your taste in the aftermath of Katrina. Now government is your hero( as if it never was not).
The proof here is you lefties kneel at the altar of government only if your side is running the show..Well, which party was running New Orleans and the state of Louisiana? That's right, the democrats.
The fact is the National Guard was air lifting people out of New Orleans just 24 hours after the storm had passed. 30,000 people were rescued from the floods. Yet, CNN and the other MSM outlets were cursing the Bush admin with charges of racism. Conspiracy theories from lower 9th Ward residents claiming the federal government blew up the levies so that downtown NO would not flood and to kill black people, were ACTUALLY REPORTED as legitimate news stories. The biggest culprit was ultra left wing lib CNN reporterette Soledad O'Brien. She was like a hooked fish. She went down there looking to find ANYTHING negative about the Bush admin she could. What she could not find she simply made up.
The blame for those who drowmed in their own homes rests squarely on the shoulders of Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin. They had all the authority they needed to evacuate those people. Those two people did NOTHING.

The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
I swept out my garage today, I cut the grass and then ran the water sprinklers but I didn't do it on my own. There were ghosts there helping me.
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.

I already explained this analogy at length. The government is not part of the team. Government is the field all the teams play on. Some win, some lose, and no winning team has ever said, "The credit for our victory goes to the great field we played on."

And I am sure you explained that the field only existed (in maintained shape) because teams played on it.

It is not like you build a field and a football team shows up feeling obligated to play there just because it was built.

I had not mentioned that aspect, being more concerned with the point that we ALL live our lives against the backdrop of our environment - including the government - and our successes and failures are due to the hard work and effort we put in against that backdrop. But you are quite correct.
The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

The only thing that is thick is your B.S.

There were many conservatives who were not happy with the wars. And we complained. The only issue was that because of your approach to things, you had allowed Bush and Co to be pretty entrenched. I mean, it does not happen very often that the party in power gains seats in the house in the off-term elections....and that is just what Bush did. And for all your crowing...the best you do was John Kerry.

I don't feel at all obliged to prove how wrong you are in that regard.

Because it does not matter.

The reasons that Bush was wrong are still alive and make Obama just as wrong.

It is amazing just how far you have the liberal needle stuck in your arm.
The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

The only thing that is thick is your B.S.

There were many conservatives who were not happy with the wars. And we complained. The only issue was that because of your approach to things, you had allowed Bush and Co to be pretty entrenched. I mean, it does not happen very often that the party in power gains seats in the house in the off-term elections....and that is just what Bush did. And for all your crowing...the best you do was John Kerry.

I don't feel at all obliged to prove how wrong you are in that regard.

Because it does not matter.

The reasons that Bush was wrong are still alive and make Obama just as wrong.

It is amazing just how far you have the liberal needle stuck in your arm.

Push the plunger.. quick and hard.
The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

With each time your argument gets defeated, you come back with weaker and weaker lies. Just about every conservative I know had MAJOR criticism of George W. Bush. Why can't you just accept reality?

Is there one single liberal left on earth that can accept reality? Or does one become a liberal only by becoming a schizophrenic?
The irony is so thick here...you right wingers ONLY curse government when Democrats are in charge. When Bush was in the White House you folks LIVED at the alter and there was not a PEEP about too much government, too much debt or too much spending...not a PEEP. And when little despot dictator Republican's get elected governor, you folks CHEER when they step on We, the People, or have government make them pee in a cup.

With each time your argument gets defeated, you come back with weaker and weaker lies. Just about every conservative I know had MAJOR criticism of George W. Bush. Why can't you just accept reality?

Is there one single liberal left on earth that can accept reality? Or does one become a liberal only by becoming a schizophrenic?

PURE BULLSHIT. You are a lying piece of shit. There was NO criticism of Bush when he was president from the right...NONE. And you are ignoring how your right wing regressive turds lick the ass of recent despot governors like Christie, Walker and Scott. You turds CHEER when they overstep their authority and step on 'commoners'.

You right wingers are devoid of any honesty. Have an adult read this to you.

Why Conservatives Hate Bush


Heartening as it is to hear the growing criticism of Bush from within the GOP ranks, the idea that he's veered from conservatism is hogwash. Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy. "Mr. Bush has a philosophy. It is conservative," wrote Peggy Noonan in 2002. Ah, but times change. Last June she complained, "What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them."

It's certainly true that Bush hasn't delivered on every last item on the conservative wish list. But what president has—or ever could? What Bush's new critics on the right don't see, or won't see, is that to credibly accuse Bush of betraying "conservatism" requires constructing an ideal of conservatism that exists only in the world of theory, not the world of practical politics and democratic governance. It's an ideal that any president would fail to meet. In a democracy, governing means taking into account public opinion and making compromises. That means deviating at times from doctrinal purity.

Indeed, Bush's presidency, far from being a subversion of modern American conservatism, represents its fulfillment. For most of the president's tenure, many of the same folks who now brand him as an incompetent or an impostor happily backed his agenda. Republicans controlled the Senate and the House with iron discipline. They populated the federal court system, built a powerful media apparatus, and, for years after 9/11, benefited from a public climate of reflexive deference to the powers that be. From 2001 to 2007, the conservative movement had as free a hand as it could have hoped for in setting the agenda. The fruits of its efforts are Bush's policies.

So while conservatives may be disillusioned with Bush, they can't seriously claim it's over his policies. Another explanation seems more likely: When the Iraq War really turned sour in 2005 and the domestic catastrophes piled up, the appeal of being linked with Bush's legacy dimmed. Like mobsters turning state's evidence before they're sent up the river, former Bushies began to testify, throwing themselves on the mercy of the court of public opinion. The reason isn't that Bush is an imperfect conservative. It's that he's an unsuccessful one.

One clue that right-wingers might be acting a bit opportunistically in turning on Bush is the sloppy nature of so many of their arguments that he's left conservatism. In seeking to salvage a pure doctrine from the flotsam of the Bush years, for example, his onetime boosters will often say that he forsook a core conservative principle such as "tradition," "humility," or "small government"—or, more vapidly, "adherence to the Constitution," "the wisdom of the Founders," or "honesty in government." But general concepts like these are so elastic as to encompass any grounds for disowning a failed course of action—or so generic as to be useless as defining traits of conservatism. (Don't liberals preach adherence to the Constitution?) It may be fashionable now to deride Bush's Iraq policy as insufficiently humble, but on the eve of the invasion, when Bush flouted world opinion, how many conservatives warned that he was jettisoning principle? And, for that matter, how does the failure to prepare for and address Hurricane Katrina's damage stem from a dearth of humility? Even the oft-heard conceit that Bush has become a "big government" conservative—breaking from postwar conservatism's antistatist foundations—doesn't withstand scrutiny. After all, practically everyone on the right backed his tax cuts, corporate giveaways, and military and security expenditures, which, along with health care cuts, have busted the budget. On inspection, buzzwords like "big government" and "humility" appear to be supple rhetorical tools, used inconsistently and opportunistically, for polemical force or political positioning—not as the basis of serious intellectual critiques.

So are conservatives unhappy with Bush because he let down their causes? No. They're miffed that Bush, in pursuing those very causes, alienated two-thirds of the voting public. Starting with Katrina in the fall of 2005, and proceeding through the worsening civil strife in Iraq, the revelations of the wiretapping and U.S. attorney scandals, and growing discontent with domestic problems like health care, Americans lost faith in Bush's agenda. Various right-wingers are now trying to salvage conservatism not simply to maintain their own reputations but because they worry that, having soured on Bush, voters may soon sour on the creed of conservatism itself. That would be a turn of events for the right so damaging that not even another Ronald Reagan could repair it.

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