"You didn't get there on your own"

i'd bet anything you haven't moved out of your original bedroom yet, nicky.

That's kinda funny considering how much moving I have actually done over the last 5-6 years.

I own a home now - no mortgage...

If it matters - my grandma died and left enough for everyone. We chose to use our share to invest in real estate... I bought a house that sold in 2007/08 at 160,000k for 45k.

Once the housing bullshit gets better I'm going to sell it and move to Wisconsin.... I hate it here, progressives are assholes with their authoritarianism and I can no longer support such insanity...

so you've earned nothing for yourself; you're just living off your dead grandma.

i'm sure she's very proud

I earn plenty for myself.... I just didn't have 45k at 29 years of age.... But like I said it was an investment - It's not my tomb..... I don't take on debt because I really don't need to. I don't have credit cards.... In theory I don't really even exist.... But that is the way I want to live and that is the way I want to keep it....

I haven't even changed my address on my ID....

My intent is to stay off the map...... Outside of an SS number and Birth Certificate I don't exist.... This is because I don't want to.... Except for my degree and stupid tax bills - in which they cant even spell my name correctly - my first name to be precise - there is little to even know I exist as an individual. I have my utilities in my brothers names....

I suppose I like to be anonymous....

No I'm NOT paranoid, although I should be.....
Our nation did not move into worldwide prominence until FDR. He did it by abandoning small, parochial government.
WTF are you smoking, s0n?

It was the Industrial Revolution that moved America into worldwide prominence, not one of the 20th century's biggest warmongers and tyrants.

have you read any american history?

I think he read the same one I read, Mr. Del.

Plus, my business was boosted by inventions of that fueled the Industrial Revolution during the 1860s with machines that turned a garment maker's overload of making one garment per diem to making literally hundreds a day. Products invented then are responsible for viable businesses for then through this very day. We're still seeing updates, innovations, and steps forward started back then.

People in businesses with a history just have benefits of the industrial revolution's demands driven home to them every day with enough money to make a payroll and order more customer supplies. It's a win-win, Del.

All of you in the Pacific Rim hide behind us, even if you deny it out of stupidity.

But of course, you're an idiot that doesn't even know about the China threat yet you're here talking about "jobs" in the USA.....fucking insane. Just shut the fuck up.

It figures, NZ has more kooks than Australia.

At least Australia carries some weight in the world, whereas NZ is a leach hiding down in the south Pacific knowing the USA will protect your asses from China.

You'd better hope Obamination doesn't get his way gutting the US military because China might take a look at NZ's natural resources for themselves in 5-10 years.

I live in Australia...;o)

China couldn't give two fucks about NZ
The US has just opened a base in Darwin, now there's a message to China..

ANd you don't protect us from squat after we told you to stick your nukes where the sun don't shine....:D
Our nation did not move into worldwide prominence until FDR. He did it by abandoning small, parochial government.
WTF are you smoking, s0n?

It was the Industrial Revolution that moved America into worldwide prominence, not one of the 20th century's biggest warmongers and tyrants.

Good post exactly right oddball. Good God as Reagan stated in his 1961 speech....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRdLpem-AAs]Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine - YouTube[/ame]
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money." - Alexis de Tocqueville

Sadly, the Democrats are bribing liberals with the conservatives money...
What I am truely amazed by rightwingnutz physic abilities to know that all liberals are on the welfare dole.

"Physic ability" or psychic ability, you fucking uneducated liberal tool... :lol:

which relative did you leech off of the most?

was it before or after you went on the dole?

I'm the one screaming for government to get the fuck out of our lives and adhere to the Constitution. You're the asshole leech trying to live off of us hard working conservatives.
do you speak english, assrabbit?

Do YOU? If they were "soon to be ABORTED", then they've been aborted by now. That's what the phrase MEANS, moron.

*soon to be* would imply, to a rational, intelligent person familiar with standard english, that they had not yet been aborted, assrabbit.

i can see why a person of your obvious limitations would have trouble with it.

why don't you go back to testing butt plugs and ball gags, dearie, and leave the more difficult tasks, like basic english comprehension, to those equipped to handle it.

run along now

Would have been a lot faster for you to just come out and say, "I lost. I have no argument."

Probably not as funny, though.
Do YOU? If they were "soon to be ABORTED", then they've been aborted by now. That's what the phrase MEANS, moron.

*soon to be* would imply, to a rational, intelligent person familiar with standard english, that they had not yet been aborted, assrabbit.

i can see why a person of your obvious limitations would have trouble with it.

why don't you go back to testing butt plugs and ball gags, dearie, and leave the more difficult tasks, like basic english comprehension, to those equipped to handle it.

run along now

Would have been a lot faster for you to just come out and say, "I lost. I have no argument."

Probably not as funny, though.

nor as true
All of you in the Pacific Rim hide behind us, even if you deny it out of stupidity.

But of course, you're an idiot that doesn't even know about the China threat yet you're here talking about "jobs" in the USA.....fucking insane. Just shut the fuck up.

It figures, NZ has more kooks than Australia.

At least Australia carries some weight in the world, whereas NZ is a leach hiding down in the south Pacific knowing the USA will protect your asses from China.

You'd better hope Obamination doesn't get his way gutting the US military because China might take a look at NZ's natural resources for themselves in 5-10 years.

I live in Australia...;o)

China couldn't give two fucks about NZ
The US has just opened a base in Darwin, now there's a message to China..

ANd you don't protect us from squat after we told you to stick your nukes where the sun don't shine....:D

China is more of a threat economically than militarily.....

We don't hide behind you. Never have. No need to either
If you're a small business owner in this country, working your ass off to keep that business afloat...what Barry just said in his latest stump speech has GOT to have you shaking your head in disbelief.

This is a man who is SO disconnected from the reality of what it takes to start up a business that he honestly can't give those who worked countless hours to get theirs going the credit that they deserve. Oh, no...they couldn't have done it on their OWN...they HAD to have had help!!!! Why does Barry think that? Because HE'S had help his whole life to get where he is. He can't quite understand that they are people out there that DID do it on their own...just as he can't quite seem to understand why they won't just hand over more of their profits to him so he can spend that money on things HE thinks are important. Barry doesn't think those profits "belong" to the people who worked so hard to make them...no in his progressive mind set those profits belong to the government to dole out as IT see's fit. To Barry and his ilk...THAT is what is called "paying your fair share."
If you're a small business owner in this country, working your ass off to keep that business afloat...what Barry just said in his latest stump speech has GOT to have you shaking your head in disbelief.

As an Independent, I try to give both silly parties some latitude and a reasonable chance to govern. I agree with Obama on some things, disagree with him on others, but a couple of things he's saying really piss me off.

Mr President, I don't know if you really believe the mockery you've made of my efforts as a business owner, or whether that's just campaign rhetoric. But until you've walked a few miles in my shoes, you may want to lay off the crap.

One thing that's not being said - and the GOP won't say this - is the fact that there are MORE than a FEW times that a business owner is DAMAGED by their employees' actions and behaviors, and has to expend even MORE money and effort and sacrifice FIXING that damage. Obama wants to paint all workers as helpful little victims, when they are often quite the opposite.

But you wouldn't KNOW anything about that, WOULD you, Mr President?

Obama is sending tax dollars overseas?

Wait, I am as pissed off as the next guy that we dont initiate some level of protectionism like we did the entire time we built the greatest middle class in history (which just happened to be at the same time of 90% top tax rates), but to blame Obama as if he is the one that is the problem in all this and not ALL american politicians, ESPECIALLY rightwingers who enact tax law that REWARDS sending jobs overseas...wow

Which tax laws are those? Be specific.
If you're a small business owner in this country, working your ass off to keep that business afloat...what Barry just said in his latest stump speech has GOT to have you shaking your head in disbelief.

As an Independent, I try to give both silly parties some latitude and a reasonable chance to govern. I agree with Obama on some things, disagree with him on others, but a couple of things he's saying really piss me off.

Mr President, I don't know if you really believe the mockery you've made of my efforts as a business owner, or whether that's just campaign rhetoric. But until you've walked a few miles in my shoes, you may want to lay off the crap.

One thing that's not being said - and the GOP won't say this - is the fact that there are MORE than a FEW times that a business owner is DAMAGED by their employees' actions and behaviors, and has to expend even MORE money and effort and sacrifice FIXING that damage. Obama wants to paint all workers as helpful little victims, when they are often quite the opposite.

But you wouldn't KNOW anything about that, WOULD you, Mr President?


what are you talking about?
If you're a small business owner in this country, working your ass off to keep that business afloat...what Barry just said in his latest stump speech has GOT to have you shaking your head in disbelief.

As an Independent, I try to give both silly parties some latitude and a reasonable chance to govern. I agree with Obama on some things, disagree with him on others, but a couple of things he's saying really piss me off.

Mr President, I don't know if you really believe the mockery you've made of my efforts as a business owner, or whether that's just campaign rhetoric. But until you've walked a few miles in my shoes, you may want to lay off the crap.

One thing that's not being said - and the GOP won't say this - is the fact that there are MORE than a FEW times that a business owner is DAMAGED by their employees' actions and behaviors, and has to expend even MORE money and effort and sacrifice FIXING that damage. Obama wants to paint all workers as helpful little victims, when they are often quite the opposite.

But you wouldn't KNOW anything about that, WOULD you, Mr President?


what are you talking about?

Well, based on the topic of the thread, and based on the Obama comments on which it is based, I have to admit I don't understand why you would ask that.

You don't think that is Obama's meaning, what he really thinks?

No, I don't, because I'm capable of disapproving of him without having to resort to absurd over exaggerations and twisting things out of context. It's funny, if this were Romney saying something that the Dems were complaining about, you all would be insisting that they are intentionally reading too much into it, to invent something outrageous that just isn't there. But when it's Obama saying something, anyone not reading into it to extract the pebble from the quarry has got it all wrong.

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