"You didn't get there on your own"

Obama already has his "Iranian crisis" X 2.

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian nuke program.

Both have been allowed to fester and grow into real threats, yet he's worried about when Romney left Bain Capital.

If that is the best you have....Good luck

The best I have?

Seems to me you've become complacent.

What would it take.....mushroom clouds over Israel?
Another jet crashing into another skyscraper?

GD liberal assholes.

"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"

You guys used that one already
How did the people get there to do the code upgrades? Pretty sure they drove on roads. Where did they get the education to qualify for the knowledge to do the upgrades? You couldn't just do it yourself, you had to hire someone. Where did the materials come from? Did they come on roads? etc.

No. You are NOT an island.

FYI I did more than 90% of the code upgrades myself. I worked 18 hours a day for 3 months just to open the doors.

I did that without a paycheck did any of you help me pay my bills, buy materials etc?


No one but my wife and I risked anything. "society" was not sleeping on the floor with us during construction now was it?

I don't see why you sheep are so fixated on roads. Businesses pay more for the use of roads than you do. The roads are there and there is nothing stopping any of you people from getting the same benefit that a business does from them.

To say a person's business success was due to a road is just plain dumb.

You bought materials. From where. And how did they get to the store they were purchased at.

The. Roads. Need. Upgrading.

I'm sorry this upsets you, but unfortunately, use = wear & tear = need for repairs. Why does that anger you so badly!?

I bought them no one else so it doesn't matter where I bought them from.

I don't take credit for the success of Home Depot just because I bought some fucking Sheetrock from them. The fact is I paid for the materials no one in "society" did.

No one from "society" worked with me to open my business. I paid people do do stuff or I did it myself. No one from "society" would have" worked with me" if I didn't pay them.

So in no way does "society" have any claim on the success of my business.

Roads are not responsible for the success of a business. The fucking roads were there before i opened they will be there when I sell or close shop. Anyone can use roads. Anyone can open a business that is accessed by a road it is a non issue today.

It might have been an issue 200 years ago when there actually were no roads.
The implied point that Obama is trying to make is that successful people owe the gov't more money. To spin it any other way is dishonest, he wants to raise taxes on the top 1% and he is trying to use this nonsense as a reason to justify it.

It is nonsense because while every successful person did get help along the way from somebody, they do not owe the gov't more taxes for whatever assistance the gov't may have provided, directly or otherwise. It is the gov'ts job to provide roads and bridges, airposts and schools, national security and a state dept, for everyone's benefit. Almost every person, successful or otherwise, already pays for that one way or another; to suggest that they owe more is incoherent because all of us got the same benefit from gov't projects and programs. A successful person made more out of it than did others, for a variety of reasons. But it is illogical nonsense to say that for that reason the successful person owes more.

And BTW, they are already paying more than their fair share. Who do you think gives the most to charities and public works? Tell you what, when gov't stops wasting so much money, when they stop picking winners and losers, when they stop rewarding their benefactors, when they become a lot more efficient and effective with our money THEN we can talk about raising taxes. Oh, and BTW, that'll be after those buttfucks close all the loopholes, tax breaks, subsidies, and rewrite the tax code.

They are at the lowest rate they've ever been, and have been so for quite long enough. Maybe if we weren't losing so much money on tax havens the likes of which Mr. Romney is happily utilizing, taxes wouldn't need to be raised? It's RIDICULOUS that Romney pays less than 15%. Simply ridiculous.
Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.

Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Too stupid, dude. Roads have been around for centuries, the Romans built some very nice ones. In the US, we've been building roads since 1625; the first macadam roads were around 200 years ago, well before the invention of the auto.
I am sure that if you were president you would have marched into Iran and stopped them?
The Muslim brotherhood was elected by the people of Egypt, hate democracy do ya?
You have all the answers all the time, but you have no power. Ahhhh, you missed your chance to be world leader and do it ;"My waaayyyyy"!

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was "elected" like the Mullahs in Iran.

Because an incompetent president pulled support from a more reasonable leader and allowed absolute zealots to take over.

You libs can scream about the evils of the Shah, but does anyone believe the people are better off under the Mullahs?

your own personal beliefs about what's better in another country in that regard don't really matter.

what if iraq had decided the appointment of bush to the presidency endangered it (which it did)... did it have the right to send troops here and depose the leader of a sovereign nation... even though he was only appointed.

What are you talking about?

No one sent troops to Iran OR Egypt!

Jimmy Carter pulled our support of the Shah which allowed the radical Mullahs to take over!

No one is saying the Shah was a good guy, but who do you think the people of Iran prospered under, the Shah or the Mullahs?

Why are there so many Iranians who want to get rid of the Mullahs if they are so much more preferable than the Shah?

Same goes with Mubarik. NO ONE is aying Mubarik was a good guy. But he kept things stable with Israel.

Does ANYONE have the belief that will be the case with Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood?

THINK! Stop reacting emotionally an employ that brain God gave you!
Guess what people .. The government would not have any money if it wasnt for the TAXPAYERs. and since over 50 percent dont pay for federal taxes , unlike the small business owners. They need to shut the f up period ...
In spite of what Mitt Romney says, companies are not people. A company benefits significantly more than Joe Taxpayer does. Roads, bridges, tunnels, snow removal enable your employees to get to work, your customers to reach your facility, supplies to come in and finished product to get out. A company profits much more than an individual from public services

And businesses pay much much more for those services than so employees. Seems to me employees benefit more from business than from the fucking government.

And again any person could benefit to the same extent from roads as a business.

Its a two way street

Businesses make money off of every employee.
A job is not charity. An employer receives labor which he makes a profit off of
Not necessarily. There are certain maintenance jobs that do not create company profits. The janitor, the maintenance man and others like that do not make a profit for the company. They are a necessary cost to maintaining a business environment.

The Owner does (as he should) earn a profit off the labor and talents of his employees. This (after paying taxes from) he either keeps or invests back into the business by purchasing goods and equipment or providing more jobs.
Fact is every person could benefit from infrastructure as much as a successful businessman.

So that one person does and others don't is no cause for that person to pay more than his share now is it?

And I've already shown you multiple times that businesses already pay more for "society" than the average American.

The topic of the thread is "You did not get there on your own"

Nobody has questioned that businesses pay taxes as they should. Nobody questions that businesses pay more taxes than the average Joe Taxpayer. They also benefit more from what those taxes provide

O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

We’ve already made a trillion dollars’ worth of cuts. We can make some more cuts in programs that don’t work, and make government work more efficiently…We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more …

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me, because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for president – because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.”

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

Truncated MY ASS! Rush Limbaugh played all this yesterday. The Internet has had the ENTIRE TRASCRIPT FOR DAYS!

You morons on the left think WE ONLY GET OUR NEWS FROM FOX! And that's because YOU are obsessed with Fox.

(the truth is, I hardly ever watch Fox)

And what you posted IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE SAYING.

He's saying business owners didn't do it themselves so they OWE THE GOVERNMENT.

Owe it to a teacher? AKA THE TEACHER'S UNION!

It didn't change ANYTHING, it just made it more clear that Obama means we should take the money away from those who made the money to give to people who think they are OWED the money.
FYI I did more than 90% of the code upgrades myself. I worked 18 hours a day for 3 months just to open the doors.

I did that without a paycheck did any of you help me pay my bills, buy materials etc?


No one but my wife and I risked anything. "society" was not sleeping on the floor with us during construction now was it?

I don't see why you sheep are so fixated on roads. Businesses pay more for the use of roads than you do. The roads are there and there is nothing stopping any of you people from getting the same benefit that a business does from them.

To say a person's business success was due to a road is just plain dumb.

You bought materials. From where. And how did they get to the store they were purchased at.

The. Roads. Need. Upgrading.

I'm sorry this upsets you, but unfortunately, use = wear & tear = need for repairs. Why does that anger you so badly!?

I bought them no one else so it doesn't matter where I bought them from.

I don't take credit for the success of Home Depot just because I bought some fucking Sheetrock from them. The fact is I paid for the materials no one in "society" did.

No one from "society" worked with me to open my business. I paid people do do stuff or I did it myself. No one from "society" would have" worked with me" if I didn't pay them.

So in no way does "society" have any claim on the success of my business.

Roads are not responsible for the success of a business. The fucking roads were there before i opened they will be there when I sell or close shop. Anyone can use roads. Anyone can open a business that is accessed by a road it is a non issue today.

It might have been an issue 200 years ago when there actually were no roads.

LOL Skull you bought material from ANOTHER BUSINESS which the Govt had no hand in establishing.

As for the roads. Those are payed for with tax dollars. State, local or Fed dollars. You pay taxes therefore you, me and every other taxpayer built the roads.

Those dollars come from Business and citizens. Therefore we, the taxpayer, are the direct funders for everything the Govt does. Roads, Bridges you name it. If we weren't there to provide the taxdollars the Govt couldn't do shit.

The people and other businesses also buy the products business produces. Again, the Govt has no hand in any of it.

Without our money the Govt is a big fat nothing.
Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Too stupid, dude. Roads have been around for centuries, the Romans built some very nice ones. In the US, we've been building roads since 1625; the first macadam roads were around 200 years ago, well before the invention of the auto.

We didn't have interstates.
I wonder how many of us actually think we did this life-thing on our own? If that were true it means we had to deliver ourselves at birth, feed ourselves, change our diapers, and where did we get the diapers? Man is a dependent creature. But the amzaing part is that some actually see themselves as getting there on their own. They fail to see how dependent we are throughout our lives, so dependent many of can't even bury ourselves when it's over. We got there on our own is some sort of self-delusion. One thing is certain in this life we don't get there on our own. We do, however, use all sorts things, ideas, and other man-made stuff about us to survive. Perhaps one of the best things some select, is wealthy parents.

Did you come up with that bullshit all by yourself?

If that is the best you have....Good luck

The best I have?

Seems to me you've become complacent.

What would it take.....mushroom clouds over Israel?
Another jet crashing into another skyscraper?

GD liberal assholes.

"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"

You guys used that one already

You pasty faced rimjobbers have been using tax the rich since Jimmy Carter.

We're seeing history repeat itself. You never change your rhetoric. It just gets more absurd.
Oh, and by the way.



That's is what YOU ARE CLAIMING!


Liberals always condemn in others WHAT THEY ARROGANTLY CANNOT SEE IN THEMSELVES!

Just Classic!

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was "elected" like the Mullahs in Iran.

Because an incompetent president pulled support from a more reasonable leader and allowed absolute zealots to take over.

You libs can scream about the evils of the Shah, but does anyone believe the people are better off under the Mullahs?

your own personal beliefs about what's better in another country in that regard don't really matter.

what if iraq had decided the appointment of bush to the presidency endangered it (which it did)... did it have the right to send troops here and depose the leader of a sovereign nation... even though he was only appointed.

AHA!! Simultaneous posting, I am NOT your sock!! BooYAH!!



Oh, I never said you guys were socks of each other.

I just confused you both with each other because you had similar avatars.

Why are you so obsessed with Obama? He wasn't in charge for very much of that time. Is your business in trouble and you think it's all his fault?
I'm just wondering how you give thanks to the uncounted millions that have made you the man you are today. How does one properly worship government without reserving some piety for the head?

It's official. Your hatred of this man has consumed you.

Liberal speak - "Hate" = A conservative that's speaking clearly, logically, and the liberal cannot refute them.
Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Too stupid, dude. Roads have been around for centuries, the Romans built some very nice ones. In the US, we've been building roads since 1625; the first macadam roads were around 200 years ago, well before the invention of the auto.

Too stupid dude..

At the beginning of this country people covered large distances by boat across a network f rivers, lakes and canals. It was cheaper to ship goods to England than it was to ship goods 50 miles away across a shoddy network of roads
Once rails came, it opened up the country and made transportation around the United States relatively fast and inexpensive

Early automobiles were just a novelty. There were not enough good roads around to justify the expenditure. In early contests between horses and automobiles, the horses won. The cars could not travel the muddy, potholed, dusty paths that passed for roads

It was the public investment in improving our highway and road system that made automobiles worth the investment
The implied point that Obama is trying to make is that successful people owe the gov't more money. To spin it any other way is dishonest, he wants to raise taxes on the top 1% and he is trying to use this nonsense as a reason to justify it.

It is nonsense because while every successful person did get help along the way from somebody, they do not owe the gov't more taxes for whatever assistance the gov't may have provided, directly or otherwise. It is the gov'ts job to provide roads and bridges, airposts and schools, national security and a state dept, for everyone's benefit. Almost every person, successful or otherwise, already pays for that one way or another; to suggest that they owe more is incoherent because all of us got the same benefit from gov't projects and programs. A successful person made more out of it than did others, for a variety of reasons. But it is illogical nonsense to say that for that reason the successful person owes more.

And BTW, they are already paying more than their fair share. Who do you think gives the most to charities and public works? Tell you what, when gov't stops wasting so much money, when they stop picking winners and losers, when they stop rewarding their benefactors, when they become a lot more efficient and effective with our money THEN we can talk about raising taxes. Oh, and BTW, that'll be after those buttfucks close all the loopholes, tax breaks, subsidies, and rewrite the tax code.

They are at the lowest rate they've ever been, and have been so for quite long enough. Maybe if we weren't losing so much money on tax havens the likes of which Mr. Romney is happily utilizing, taxes wouldn't need to be raised? It's RIDICULOUS that Romney pays less than 15%. Simply ridiculous.

C'mon now, you don't think rich democrats aren't doing the same? Isn't it a bit disingenuous to point the finger just at Romney?

How come no outrage at Warren Buffet for putting over a billion dollars into Bill Gates' Foundation last year, a tax haven? He did with the specific req't that the money would not be taxed, wouldn't have made the contribution otherwise. What are the ramifications of limiting or eliminating tax havens? What'll be the unintended consequences?

You say it's ridiculous that a rich guy like Romney pays only 15% or less. after the first of the year, unless the Bush Tax Cuts are extended for the top 1%, the tax rate for dividends and cap gains goes up dramatically; goes up even more if the ACA is not changed or repealed. Do you really think this economy can withstand that?
Is being hateful all you know?


This is typical of leftists.

There is nothing more "hateful" than telling the TRUTH about a liberal!

And when you do, AND THEY CAN'T DENY IT, they just drop the subject and start calling you names.

NOTICE IT WASN'T "HATEFUL" OF MOONGLOW THE HYPOCRITE to call US names, or the Tea Party names.

NOOOOOOOOO, it's ONLY HATEFUL if you tell the truth about a liberal!

Typical hypocrisy!


wow... was that supposed to pass for discussion.

kinda pathetic there, tps... trolling even by your standards. :cuckoo:

Aka you cannot deny, I nailed him on his own hypocrisy, so you will just attack.

What'd I tell you? When libs are losing, they just attack!
And Liberals are so dependent that they never advance BEYOND the fetal stage... :eusa_whistle:

you know, oh braindead toon, you keep making comments like that. yet i know i've been working since i was 15.

and now we all look forward to you telling us what you do in order to be a productive member of society.

besides play the troll, of course.

Then what are you doing here this time of the day? :eusa_whistle:

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