"You didn't get there on your own"

O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.
How did the people get there to do the code upgrades? Pretty sure they drove on roads. Where did they get the education to qualify for the knowledge to do the upgrades? You couldn't just do it yourself, you had to hire someone. Where did the materials come from? Did they come on roads? etc.

No. You are NOT an island.

FYI I did more than 90% of the code upgrades myself. I worked 18 hours a day for 3 months just to open the doors.

I did that without a paycheck did any of you help me pay my bills, buy materials etc?


No one but my wife and I risked anything. "society" was not sleeping on the floor with us during construction now was it?

I don't see why you sheep are so fixated on roads. Businesses pay more for the use of roads than you do. The roads are there and there is nothing stopping any of you people from getting the same benefit that a business does from them.

To say a person's business success was due to a road is just plain dumb.


This is typical of libs. He can't refute, but he will act like he can by laughing.

But are you claiming YOU (for example) pay as much in taxes for roads, as say Wonder Bread, who has thousands of delivery trucks using those roads and buying gasoline (thus paying road taxes)?

You libs wouldn't know logic or common sense if it ran over you like a Wonder Bread Truck.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...
O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Hey! Once upon a time, JACKASS, the banks weren't owned by the government!

Obama did that!


They are at the lowest rate they've ever been, and have been so for quite long enough. Maybe if we weren't losing so much money on tax havens the likes of which Mr. Romney is happily utilizing, taxes wouldn't need to be raised? It's RIDICULOUS that Romney pays less than 15%. Simply ridiculous.

C'mon now, you don't think rich democrats aren't doing the same? Isn't it a bit disingenuous to point the finger just at Romney?

How come no outrage at Warren Buffet for putting over a billion dollars into Bill Gates' Foundation last year, a tax haven? He did with the specific req't that the money would not be taxed, wouldn't have made the contribution otherwise. What are the ramifications of limiting or eliminating tax havens? What'll be the unintended consequences?

You say it's ridiculous that a rich guy like Romney pays only 15% or less. after the first of the year, unless the Bush Tax Cuts are extended for the top 1%, the tax rate for dividends and cap gains goes up dramatically; goes up even more if the ACA is not changed or repealed. Do you really think this economy can withstand that?

Just at Romney - he who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

Are you saying Obama isn't rich!

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brain of BDBOOP! Are you in there?

I kind of doubt it!

O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

????? The bank is now the Gov??

Could you be more dense?
If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

:eek: Oh, the HUMANITY!!!

Apparently, this is another idiot who thinks the government always owned banks!

tea party


god, if they only knew why their agenda was the opposite of the actual history they think they are repeating
Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...

I don't want anyone to even try and explain to this idiot how stupid he sounds.

I want him to be heard loud and clear. THIS IS YOUR OBAMA SUPPORTER!

This is what Obama wants in voters!

Remember this in November and vote!
The topic of the thread is "You did not get there on your own"

Nobody has questioned that businesses pay taxes as they should. Nobody questions that businesses pay more taxes than the average Joe Taxpayer. They also benefit more from what those taxes provide

O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

We’ve already made a trillion dollars’ worth of cuts. We can make some more cuts in programs that don’t work, and make government work more efficiently…We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more …

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me, because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something – there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for president – because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.”

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.

Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

What the vile little insect, obama is saying is that no matter how hard you work, no matter how smart you are, no matter what you invent or innovate, you OWE it to the government. No matter what you have personally sacrificed, the government did it.
If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

????? The bank is now the Gov??

Could you be more dense?

Well a few of them are (might as well say) owned by Obama, but that hardly makes it true for all banks OR was the reality prior to the Obama admin.

But I agree. Pretty stupid!


You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!
Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...

Not much of a bigot yourself? and what does this blather have to do with topic??

This is the type that does just what they are pointing fingers at others for. Its like reading a cheap paperback,quick easy and rather empty in content.

You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!


I just got negged repped for this comment:

you really shouldn\'t call anyone else an idiot

But If I'm the idiot. How come you libs are the ones negging and runnning away.

Come on in and refute me, if you can.

You're just mad I'm right, and you can't do anything about it!

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...

Not much of a bigot yourself? and what does this blather have to do with topic??

This is the type that does just what they are pointing fingers at others for. Its like reading a cheap paperback,quick easy and rather empty in content.

He's an idiot. He's one of those Occupy Wall Street types who sits in a park, defacting on himself and expecting everyone else to pay for him to live.
Oh god, this is great entertainment, reading these idiots.

I wonder if there is a reality tv show in this, maybe a camera crew follows an adult, i.e. liberal, as he or she goes to known bagger areas and asks them questions, the answers would be hysterical...


I dont know if I have time, overseeing 52 employees does take a little bit of my time, but hell, I would rather be in show biz anyway!
Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...

I don't want anyone to even try and explain to this idiot how stupid he sounds.

I want him to be heard loud and clear. THIS IS YOUR OBAMA SUPPORTER!

This is what Obama wants in voters!

Remember this in November and vote!

Government is wasteful, bloated, a grade A clusterfuck.

Government specializes in dumping billions and trillions down a rat hole.

Venture Capitalists lend, invest, make the tough decisions, provide direction. Without them most of our economy wouldn't exist.
If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.

Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

How did the people get there to do the code upgrades? Pretty sure they drove on roads. Where did they get the education to qualify for the knowledge to do the upgrades? You couldn't just do it yourself, you had to hire someone. Where did the materials come from? Did they come on roads? etc.

No. You are NOT an island.

You act like they didn't pay for any of these goods, services, or employees!

Where do you think businesses get these things. The government just gives them to businesses for free?

I swear, I think you believe that!


No they think "society" is responsible for everything.
Oh god, this is great entertainment, reading these idiots.

I wonder if there is a reality tv show in this, maybe a camera crew follows an adult, i.e. liberal, as he or she goes to known bagger areas and asks them questions, the answers would be hysterical...


I dont know if I have time, overseeing 52 employees does take a little bit of my time, but hell, I would rather be in show biz anyway!

Please don't feed the troll!

Oh god, this is great entertainment, reading these idiots.

I wonder if there is a reality tv show in this, maybe a camera crew follows an adult, i.e. liberal, as he or she goes to known bagger areas and asks them questions, the answers would be hysterical...


I dont know if I have time, overseeing 52 employees does take a little bit of my time, but hell, I would rather be in show biz anyway!


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