"You didn't get there on your own"

end capital gains tax, take very penny over $10 million in inheritance, ending the walton/walmart family's terrorism on our country...
Tell me the last time that a Union started a company and generated profits so they could hire workers, never happenede. Tell me the last time Obama started a company that made a profit so he would hire workers. Obama is a loser and has been and now that the truth is out he ain't doing so well. By By Obama in 2012.

another bigot racist moron....

well, thanks to liberal sciency types you can post on the internet too :clap2:

I guess this idiot doesn't know it was the military that started the internet.

He really thinks Al Gore did it!


you have no clue, at all, about the internet or anything else...nada


You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!

Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

The economic benefit of the highway system was ancillary to its purpose.

That benefit was undeniable but like any other system in existence the benefits of new roads is subject to the laws of diminishing returns.

I don't care how many new roads you build, the effect will not be the same as it was when the original interstates were built.

And mainlining roads does not add to the economic benefit it just costs money and actually slows the flow of people and goods.

Face it people our road system will never return the benefits it once did which is why roads are not as important to the success of businesses as they were.
Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on


The expressway wasn't even a reality until the 50s!

In both cases the car, and even the materials to BUILD ROADS, THE BUSINESS CAME FIRST, NOT THE GOVENMENT!

Do you understand what a paved road is and what its impact on automobile transport? You have to crawl before you can run and we needed a network of paved roads first. With dirt roads, fords and ferries across most of America you could not get around in the newfangled automobiles. They broke down too easily and got stuck in the mud.

It was the investment in roads that made automobiles practical. You did not have hundreds of thousands of cars being produced waiting for roads to drive them on
Collectivists' Goal Is To Dilute Our Concept Of Individualism

Warren is (as William F. Buckley described Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith) a pyromaniac in a field of straw men: She refutes propositions no one asserts. Everyone knows that all striving occurs in a social context, so all attainments are conditioned by their context. This does not, however, entail a collectivist political agenda.

Such an agenda's premise is that individualism is a chimera, that any individual's achievements should be considered entirely derivative from society, so the achievements need not be treated as belonging to the individual. Society is entitled to socialize — i.e., conscript — whatever portion it considers its share. It may, as an optional act of political grace, allow the individual the remainder of what is misleadingly called the individual's possession.

The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America's premise, which is:

Government — including such public goods as roads, schools and police — is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Society — hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily — is a marvel of spontaneous order among individuals in voluntary cooperation. Government facilitates this cooperation with roads, schools, police, etc. — and by getting out of its way. This is a sensible, dynamic, prosperous society's "underlying social contract."
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But Obama wants his supporters to think government is the reason for success.

It's sad, because control economies like we have in Western Europe, never work.

There is no government out there that can provide for everyone. But business can, because if there is a market for it, and they know they can make money, they will go after that market.

I dont know for sure what Obama wants, but I want to TAX you out of existence :lol:

i'm going to go out on a limb and guess none of the whiners make over $250,000... in fact, i'm going to guess they don't come close.

but they do whine beautifully... in harmony even...

i also wonder how many of the whiners had government backed student loans, collect social security, have declared bankruptcy, get medicaid or medicare... drive on our roads; use public sewage, water.... courts, licensing agencies... or have their funds in banks where that money is federally protected... unlike 1930...

but they're independent, donchaknow...
My Taxable income last year was 280K.

And "society" didn't earn it. I did.
But Obama wants his supporters to think government is the reason for success.

It's sad, because control economies like we have in Western Europe, never work.

There is no government out there that can provide for everyone. But business can, because if there is a market for it, and they know they can make money, they will go after that market.

I dont know for sure what Obama wants, but I want to TAX you out of existence :lol:

Please don't feed the troll!


is someone feeding you? tell them to stop.

and you do know that maniacle laughing thing makes you look mentally ill, right?

You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!

Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

The economic benefit of the highway system was ancillary to its purpose.

That benefit was undeniable but like any other system in existence the benefits of new roads is subject to the laws of diminishing returns.

I don't care how many new roads you build, the effect will not be the same as it was when the original interstates were built.

And mainlining roads does not add to the economic benefit it just costs money and actually slows the flow of people and goods.

Face it people our road system will never return the benefits it once did which is why roads are not as important to the success of businesses as they were.

You use an outhouse, I take it.
Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

The economic benefit of the highway system was ancillary to its purpose.

That benefit was undeniable but like any other system in existence the benefits of new roads is subject to the laws of diminishing returns.

I don't care how many new roads you build, the effect will not be the same as it was when the original interstates were built.

And mainlining roads does not add to the economic benefit it just costs money and actually slows the flow of people and goods.

Face it people our road system will never return the benefits it once did which is why roads are not as important to the success of businesses as they were.

You use an outhouse, I take it.

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use
ps and i am not going to educate you about how, when and who invented the internet, you are gonna have to do it on your own
The economic benefit of the highway system was ancillary to its purpose.

That benefit was undeniable but like any other system in existence the benefits of new roads is subject to the laws of diminishing returns.

I don't care how many new roads you build, the effect will not be the same as it was when the original interstates were built.

And mainlining roads does not add to the economic benefit it just costs money and actually slows the flow of people and goods.

Face it people our road system will never return the benefits it once did which is why roads are not as important to the success of businesses as they were.

You use an outhouse, I take it.

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.
You use an outhouse, I take it.

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.

You never heard of a septic system?


Why am I not surprised

You do know that some people actually get their water from private wells on their property and not through some government funded water supply don't you?

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You use an outhouse, I take it.

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.


dear BD, they lie about absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G

even shit they dont have to lie about

You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!

Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

Well, there you go! Point is, BDBoop is acting like the interstate came almost simultaneously with the car, when the fact is, that wasn't a reality for 50 years.

It being for military plays into my argument far more than BD's. It had nothing to do serving business, IT WAS A FREAKING MILITARY PROJECT!

Regardless, the government didn't get those roads builts by themselves. It took materials provided by business and the businesses came first!
No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.


dear BD, they lie about absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G

even shit they dont have to lie about
You obviously have never heard of a septic system either so you sure as shit don't know how much one costs to install.

You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!

Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

Well, there you go! Point is, BDBoop is acting like the interstate came almost simultaneously with the car, when the fact is, that wasn't a reality for 50 years.

It being for military plays into my argument far more than BD's. It had nothing to do serving business, IT WAS A FREAKING MILITARY PROJECT!

Regardless, the government didn't get those roads builts by themselves. It took materials provided by business and the businesses came first!

so, you have NO clue about the internet OR the infrastructure, I am not surprised but you are batting 10000000 :lol::lol::lol:
Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.

Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.

You never heard of a septic system?


Why am I not surprised

You do know that some people actually get their water from private wells on their property and not through some government funded water supply don't you?


Shoot you should see the thing I had to build for our home,it had to be workable for 50years!,and had too have room to duplicate it next too 1st system??

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