"You didn't get there on your own"


You given up on the idea on talking abouit the interstate?

You learned the interstate came approximately 50 YEARS AFTER the car?

I knew this, and it happened before I was born.

What is your idiot excuse!

Actually, the primary incentive for the interstate highway system was national defense. Ike came back from Germany after WWII and saw how effective the autobahn was in moving men and materials

In 1950s America, it was not a question of if there would be a nuclear attack, but when. We needed a way to rapidly move evacuees, troops and supplies to affected areas. The interstate highway system was the key

Or move busloads of OWS demonstrators, illegals, or resthome residents quickly from one polling place to another.
our well is 180 feet,not bad water and lots of it,its such a gamble building a home,you don't know what you will get for water,will you get water where you don't want it??!!,and you pay for all missteps.
You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.


dear BD, they lie about absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G

even shit they dont have to lie about
You obviously have never heard of a septic system either so you sure as shit don't know how much one costs to install.

I don't think they are doubting your use of a septic tank as much as your claim that roads do not matter to business or the distribution of goods and people.

That second claim, the one about roads, is a bit odd.
another bigot racist moron....

well, thanks to liberal sciency types you can post on the internet too :clap2:

I guess this idiot doesn't know it was the military that started the internet.

He really thinks Al Gore did it!


you have no clue, at all, about the internet or anything else...nada


The internet, IP routing, network engineering are ALL part of my career and expertise... care to discuss where it came from? The dot com boom/bust? The beginnings of BBS's for public use and dial up technologies? Transmission mediums? I will school you like there is no tomorrow

Go the fuck away troll
You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.

Just for the record, if I can't talk out my ass, this site won't be ANY fun.


True. Same here. But I don't make shit up just to prove my argument.

Next he'll be saying he runs off a generator or seven.

Only the idiot known as BDPoop would actually try to make the case that flushing your toilet means you OWE government your business... :lol:
With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Too stupid, dude. Roads have been around for centuries, the Romans built some very nice ones. In the US, we've been building roads since 1625; the first macadam roads were around 200 years ago, well before the invention of the auto.

Too stupid dude..

At the beginning of this country people covered large distances by boat across a network f rivers, lakes and canals. It was cheaper to ship goods to England than it was to ship goods 50 miles away across a shoddy network of roads
Once rails came, it opened up the country and made transportation around the United States relatively fast and inexpensive

Early automobiles were just a novelty. There were not enough good roads around to justify the expenditure. In early contests between horses and automobiles, the horses won. The cars could not travel the muddy, potholed, dusty paths that passed for roads

It was the public investment in improving our highway and road system that made automobiles worth the investment

People drove cars for decades before the hghways and roads were improved. What made the auto worth the investment was supply side economics - Henry Ford introduced mass production techniques that made cars more affordable. The gov't had nothing to do with making cars worth the investment as you claim.
But Obama wants his supporters to think government is the reason for success.

It's sad, because control economies like we have in Western Europe, never work.

There is no government out there that can provide for everyone. But business can, because if there is a market for it, and they know they can make money, they will go after that market.

I dont know for sure what Obama wants, but I want to TAX you out of existence :lol:

i'm going to go out on a limb and guess none of the whiners make over $250,000... in fact, i'm going to guess they don't come close.

but they do whine beautifully... in harmony even...

i also wonder how many of the whiners had government backed student loans, collect social security, have declared bankruptcy, get medicaid or medicare... drive on our roads; use public sewage, water.... courts, licensing agencies... or have their funds in banks where that money is federally protected... unlike 1930...

but they're independent, donchaknow...

Okay, a lot of this makes no sense.

How is a bankruptcy provided by the government? Oh the LAW allows a bankruptcy, but a bankruptcy is created BY A PRIVATE LAW FIRM.

I KNOW! I used to work for a law firm that did bankruptcies. The government doesn't do 'em! The court rules on them, but they don't file the bankruptcies themselves! They don't pay for them, the client does that!

Your assertion on that is total stupidity. Do you know how many bankruptcies I have drawn up for people? Too damn many, that's for sure!

As for FDIC. Whoopdedoo! How many of you have EVER seen your funds covered by FDIC? SHOW OF HANDS!

All FDIC does is guarrantee that if something like a bankrobbery happens, you aren't out of luck.

Any of you ever been in that boat? Times I have? ZERO!

Then, I've never had a student loan. All the schooling I had (after high school) I either paid for MYSELF, MY PARENTS DID, or work did!

I've never had a student loan!

I've never used medicare or Medicaid! There is this thing called INSURANCE FROM YOUR JOB. You know that works, real good!

And when we were in a straight, and we had no insurance for a while (that's happened to me twice) I SIMPLY PAID FOR IT MYSELF OUT OF POCKET!

YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO THAT! I DID! I was in the hospital a week for asthma. I almost died. They saved my life, AND LEFT ME WITH A HUGE BILL! I left the hospital and on the way out, I walked right down to billing and worked out payment arrangements!

Government didn't do JACK for me! I paid all those damn bills MYSELF!

And what does the amount we make have ANYTHING to do with the subject? That somehow if we make less than $250K we should be on your side? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The side that thinks bankruptcies come from government?

Please stop. I'm laughing too hard!

I swear, if I didn't know better, I would believe that Barack Hussein was desperately trying to NOT get re-elected. He has done everything in his power to ensure he is going home after his first term. From bashing America, it's history, and it's culture, to demonizing job makers and those who work hard, to Marxist policies that are collapsing the nation, to assinine comments that business owners owe their company to someone else. Since every group from Tea Party to business owners to minorities to Democrats hates this Marxist SOB, how exactly does he think he's going to get re-elected (other than lying and cheating, which is the staple of his entire life)....

The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the nation's leading bipartisan small-business advocacy group, has released a statement criticizing President Obama for saying that it's only through the grace of government that anyone has ever succeeded. The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the nation’s leading bipartisan small-business advocacy group, has released a statement criticizing President Obama for saying that it’s only through the grace of government that anyone has ever succeeded.

“What a disappointment to hear President Obama‘s revealing comments challenging the significance of America’s entrepreneurs,” NFIB President Dan Danne said in a statement to Mail Online.

“His unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs,” he added.

‘Utter Lack of Understanding’: Bi-Partisan Business Group Fires Back at Obama‘s ’You Didn‘t Build Your Business’ Speech | TheBlaze.com
Too stupid, dude. Roads have been around for centuries, the Romans built some very nice ones. In the US, we've been building roads since 1625; the first macadam roads were around 200 years ago, well before the invention of the auto.

Too stupid dude..

At the beginning of this country people covered large distances by boat across a network f rivers, lakes and canals. It was cheaper to ship goods to England than it was to ship goods 50 miles away across a shoddy network of roads
Once rails came, it opened up the country and made transportation around the United States relatively fast and inexpensive

Early automobiles were just a novelty. There were not enough good roads around to justify the expenditure. In early contests between horses and automobiles, the horses won. The cars could not travel the muddy, potholed, dusty paths that passed for roads

It was the public investment in improving our highway and road system that made automobiles worth the investment

People drove cars for decades before the hghways and roads were improved. What made the auto worth the investment was supply side economics - Henry Ford introduced mass production techniques that made cars more affordable. The gov't had nothing to do with making cars worth the investment as you claim.

You'll never get leftwinger to acknowledge reality. Being a Communist, he will always try to convince people that only government can produce prosperity (when in fact, government creates only poverty).
But Obama wants his supporters to think government is the reason for success.

It's sad, because control economies like we have in Western Europe, never work.

There is no government out there that can provide for everyone. But business can, because if there is a market for it, and they know they can make money, they will go after that market.

I dont know for sure what Obama wants, but I want to TAX you out of existence :lol:

i'm going to go out on a limb and guess none of the whiners make over $250,000... in fact, i'm going to guess they don't come close.

but they do whine beautifully... in harmony even...

i also wonder how many of the whiners had government backed student loans, collect social security, have declared bankruptcy, get medicaid or medicare... drive on our roads; use public sewage, water.... courts, licensing agencies... or have their funds in banks where that money is federally protected... unlike 1930...

but they're independent, donchaknow...

another bigot racist moron....

well, thanks to liberal sciency types you can post on the internet too :clap2:

I guess this idiot doesn't know it was the military that started the internet.

He really thinks Al Gore did it!


you have no clue, at all, about the internet or anything else...nada


I think we see who has no clue:

The Internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960s who saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT first proposed a global network of computers in 1962, and moved over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in late 1962 to head the work to develop it. Leonard Kleinrock of MIT and later UCLA developed the theory of packet switching, which was to form the basis of Internet connections. Lawrence Roberts of MIT connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer in 1965 over dial-up telephone lines. It showed the feasibility of wide area networking, but also showed that the telephone line's circuit switching was inadequate. Kleinrock's packet switching theory was confirmed. Roberts moved over to DARPA in 1966 and developed his plan for ARPANET. These visionaries and many more left unnamed here are the real founders of the Internet.

A Brief History of the Internet
Reading through most of this thread--I'll admit I didn't read every single page--Obama is right in a way. I didn't get where I am entirely on my own. My mother had to give birth to me and she chose to raise, house, feed, clothe, and educate me until I could fend for myself. Along the way I was blessed with mentors who taught me important principles about the founding of this country, the events that were both indefensible but people eventually found ways to utilize them for good, the values and ethics and points of view that allow people to prosper under the mantle of freedom our nation provides. I in turn did the same for my children and tried to expose them to mentors who would instill the right values in them.

What material prosperity I enjoy, I worked for by trading my labor, experience, knowledge, skill sets, and work ethic for money that could be used to buy things that I wanted. Percentage wise, I have been given a tiny fraction of what I have as gifts. Certainly since I left highschool to date, I have received nothing from the government that I did not pay for out of those wages I that I worked for.

(I will qualify that by saying that some of my college education was no doubt funded by philanthropists who contributed to the university over the years and thereby lowered my costs for my education. That was in the days before the federal government was involved in the universities in any way.)

I am not ashamed to name a single source that has given me a job or otherwise helped me out along the way.

Speaking of not getting there on his own, however, I wonder how open and honest President Obama would be in naming those who helped him along the way. Rod Blogojevich? Tony Resko? William Ayers? Raghuveer Nayak? Sam Graham-Felsen? Jeremiah Wright? Louis Farakkhan? Frank Marshall Davis? Is there ANYBODY who helped Obama along the way he would want to point to with pride?

And what would we learn about who funded his fancy education if those records weren't under lock and key? He sure as heck didn't do it all on student loans and we do at least know that he wasn't a student who likely earned full academic scholarships to anything.

Is he even capable of seeing the difference between working within private society as a private citizen to accomplish private enterprise and that which consists of political cronyism and manipulation?
i also wonder how many of the whiners had government backed student loans, collect social security, have declared bankruptcy, get medicaid or medicare... drive on our roads; use public sewage, water.... courts, licensing agencies... or have their funds in banks where that money is federally protected... unlike 1930...

but they're independent, donchaknow...

First of all "I" is supposed to be capitalized, sweetie. Second, only the idiot liberal would claim that conservatives are hypocrites about personal responsibility by citing "Social Security". Um, hey stupid, we are forced into Social Security against our will. Make your Communist program voluntary and watch how many conservatives opt out (100%). Which is exactly why, in true Communist/Marxist/Socialist form, your side forced the entire nation into that unconstitutional program against our will. Which is why the say: "Socialism - an idea so good, it has to be forced on everyone".

And Jillian wonders why everyone laughs at her when she claims to be an "attorney"... :lol:
I swear, if I didn't know better, I would believe that Barack Hussein was desperately trying to NOT get re-elected. He has done everything in his power to ensure he is going home after his first term. From bashing America, it's history, and it's culture, to demonizing job makers and those who work hard, to Marxist policies that are collapsing the nation, to assinine comments that business owners owe their company to someone else.

It seems like he's writing off large groups of the voting community in favor of others. He's got his base: those who want full blown socialism like him. He may also be banking on getting his serfs to turn out in full force: those who are 100% dependent on the government nipple to get their liquor and porn. Then, demonize the few (the rich, 1%, whatever you want to call them) as much as humanly possible in order to try to drum up as much animosity and anger as possible toward them while firmly putting yourself on the other side and then that might seal the deal.

If Obama and the democrats are successful in continuing to keep the economy down, keeping the employment rate and workforce low and getting more and more people on food stamps, then it's going to be awfully hard to get anyone elected who wants to make it easier for you to work for yourself rather than simply collect a welfare check. Why work when you can have everything given to you in return for simply voting democrat once per couple years?
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With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on


The expressway wasn't even a reality until the 50s!

In both cases the car, and even the materials to BUILD ROADS, THE BUSINESS CAME FIRST, NOT THE GOVENMENT!

Do you understand what a paved road is and what its impact on automobile transport? You have to crawl before you can run and we needed a network of paved roads first. With dirt roads, fords and ferries across most of America you could not get around in the newfangled automobiles. They broke down too easily and got stuck in the mud.

It was the investment in roads that made automobiles practical. You did not have hundreds of thousands of cars being produced waiting for roads to drive them on

The interstate was not a reality until the Eisenhower admin.

Are you going to tell me automobiles were not practical until then?????

Seriously, if you make the argument that conservatives are not exhibiting personal responsibility and independence by citing a program that all American's are forced into against their will, then you can't possibly be an attorney.

Nobody who was a lawyer would make an argument that stupid.... :lol:
I dont know for sure what Obama wants, but I want to TAX you out of existence :lol:

Please don't feed the troll!


is someone feeding you? tell them to stop.

and you do know that maniacle laughing thing makes you look mentally ill, right?

Unlike YOU thinking everyone has had a bankruptcy, collected medicaid, and that bankruptcies come from your government in the first place???????

As brainless as that is, YOU are going to lecture ME?


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