"You didn't get there on your own"

You use an outhouse, I take it.

And I take it you think the federal goverment runs your local sewer systems??? :lol:

God almighty Boop, how many times do I have to establish your ignorance on a global platform such as this?

Why are you idiot liberals too stupid to understand the difference between FEDERAL and LOCAL government?!?!?

Because say the word government and all these idiots think is Obama, as if he does it all himself, personally.
You make a lot of great points. But those that you are referring to don't even show up to vote. The crack addict mamma with 13 children doesn't even know what day it is, much less what day to vote, where to go, etc. And there are TONS of people out of work thanks to Obama who desperately want to be working and on their own.

True on the crack momma comment, although people to that level are almost certainly in the minority. With community organizers and activists, you've got to believe that the serfs will know when the election is and get out for it. Or, at least i'd assume that.

Agreed on the unemployed. The way it seems to be going now, not just due to government but basically just to how people are these days, more and more people are going to be happy living a modest, comfortable life solely on the government nipple rather than work for a living and achieve something meaningful.

My young 20's sister-in-law has the entitlement attitude. Works here and there, talks about "when i get a full-time job" despite not looking for one, doesn't clean up after herself, leaves lights and such on, etc. Someone else (in her case, myself, her sister or her parents) will take care of that pesky stuff for her while they owe her money for food when she's in Vegas cause "if she was home, she'd be eating food anyway." There's only more and more of those types out there. If Obama is clear enough in his message that they're not to blame and they deserve to live a happy, comfortable life simply because someone else across the nation is successful in life, then Obama could take it.
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With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.


Uh, what is "precious" about automobiles, stupid? Furthermore, what the fuck do you care if someone's automobile is getting torn up or requires "teams of horses"?!?! This proves what a stupid Communist you are. You think any problems is EVERYONE's problem. And you think someone's wealth is EVERYONE's wealth...
Snookie didn't "get there on her own" either. She had LOTS of help to be as irrelevent, stupid, pregnant and obnoxious as she is...

Maybe the Prez has a point here. It doesn't just apply to the rich and successful does it?

Let's find those responsible for ALL the BAD outcomes -- and out them too...
You make a lot of great points. But those that you are referring to don't even show up to vote. The crack addict mamma with 13 children doesn't even know what day it is, much less what day to vote, where to go, etc. And there are TONS of people out of work thanks to Obama who desperately want to be working and on their own.

True on the crack momma comment, although people to that level are almost certainly in the minority. With community organizers and activists, you've got to believe that the serfs will know when the election is and get out for it. Or, at least i'd assume that.

Agreed on the unemployed. The way it seems to be going now, not just due to government but basically just to how people are these days, more and more people are going to be happy living a modest, comfortable life solely on the government nipple rather than work for a living and achieve something meaningful.

My sister-in-law has the entitlement attitude. Works here and there, talks about "when i get a full-time job" despite not looking for one, doesn't clan up after herself, leaves lights and such on, etc. Someone else (in her case, myself, her sister or her parents) will take care of that pesky stuff for her. There's only more and more of those types out there. If Obama is clear enough in his message that they're not to blame and they deserve to live a happy, comfortable life simply because someone else across the nation is successful in life, then Obama could take it.

You're dead on with the direction this nation is taking. There are more and more of your sister-in-law (just see Jillian here, BDBoop here, lefwinger, etc.). But we're not there yet as a nation. Obama has ZERO chance of getting re-elected.

If nothing else, the electoral college elects the president - not the popular vote - and the electoral college is owned by the GOP right now. It's game, set, match for Obama and even he knows it.
With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.


Is it your assertion that government produced "suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength", or was it market forces and private enterprise that met those needs?
So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Sure government built those roads with tax money from businesses before the businesses existed.

In addition to a money tree, Obama has a time machine.
You use an outhouse, I take it.

And I take it you think the federal goverment runs your local sewer systems??? :lol:

God almighty Boop, how many times do I have to establish your ignorance on a global platform such as this?

Why are you idiot liberals too stupid to understand the difference between FEDERAL and LOCAL government?!?!?

Because say the word government and all these idiots think is Obama, as if he does it all himself, personally.

That's part of it, for certain. But the biggest part is that they are so desperate to make a point (because they get their asses handed to them in a debate since they are on the wrong side of the facts), that they get over excited when they think of ANY "come back" and so they don't stop to think if that response is even logical. She's looking for ANYTHING that people might be using which is government controlled, without stopping to realize that the federal government doesn't run that and we are discussing the unconstitutional size and scope of the FEDERAL governnment.

They are just that stupid. That's the simple truth...
If nothing else, the electoral college elects the president - not the popular vote - and the electoral college is owned by the GOP right now. It's game, set, match for Obama and even he knows it.

Agreed. We're not completely lost as a country quite yet.
Everybody benefits from our infrastructure whether they're in business or not.

Those who profit off it benefit more.

Bullshit. Those who profited from public works did so through their own ideas, hard work, and ingenuity. They may have received financial help from friends and family members, or loans from a bank to get up and running, or even assistance from a gov't program, which was or should've been available to everyone else. No successful person owes jack squat to the gov't for their success; you should take responsibility for your failures but also the credit for your successes. If the gov't had anything to do with it either way, they shouldn't have.
Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.

Bullshit! There are still areas where a dirt road is STILL all they have!

Have you ever seen Athens County, Ohio???????? Or Vintin County?

OR Antelope Valley, California?


And you got a 4x4 with a 5 litre engine to travel them

Point is....in 1900-1910 America, the fragile autos could not handle our existing roads
As you can see, this thread (and Obama's comments) have touched a nerve.

This really is the crux of Obama's argument....that big government is good and we should embrace it.

I am not saying that (his saying it) is a bad thing (even though I don't agree with it).

But if you look at the 70 pages of posting...this pretty much cuts to the heart of the matter and the difference between the GOP and the democrats.

My questions continues to be....why can't states be allowed to determine if they are big (state) government or not. That way, you can chose to live there or not (I left California because of the way it was run......I could see the train coming a long time ago). That way you have a choice.

Dems are always about choice....aren't they ? Maybe not.

Repeal the 17th.

Enforce the 10th.

Kick John Roberts in the nuts.
And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.

Bullshit! There are still areas where a dirt road is STILL all they have!

Have you ever seen Athens County, Ohio???????? Or Vintin County?

OR Antelope Valley, California?


And you got a 4x4 with a 5 litre engine to travel them

Point is....in 1900-1910 America, the fragile autos could not handle our existing roads

Actually, the point is it's 2012 and you're so desperate to make an argument for Communism, that you are pointing to the Model T Ford and the 1910's as a reason why Obama is correct in trying to convince America that business owners owe their success to the parasite class like you who sit at home and contribute nothing to society.
If nothing else, the electoral college elects the president - not the popular vote - and the electoral college is owned by the GOP right now. It's game, set, match for Obama and even he knows it.

Agreed. We're not completely lost as a country quite yet.

Romney currently trails in the electoral college 221-181 with 270 needed to win

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Electoral college works against Romney. He is way behind before the election even starts. He needs to take roughly eight of twelve swing states to hope to eke out a win
And you got a 4x4 with a 5 litre engine to travel them

Point is....in 1900-1910 America, the fragile autos could not handle our existing roads

Is this really the argument here ?

You really are a jackass.

He's completely incapable of making a rational argument (you have to remember, the liberal brain is fried from years of getting stoned)...
To expound on Jillian and some others' points, competent economists observe that responsible government more often follows the activities of free enterprise. Private developers plan and begin work on a new housing development or shopping centers or a major manufacturing enterprise. The local government works with them to approve and issue permits and might even vote to provide initial tax relief or reduced cost of sale of city land to attract a business that will bring many jobs and boost the local economy.

As the new construction begins, the city and utilities follow to install new lighting, streets, sewer systems, gas lines, etc. to supply the new housing, commerce, and industry that is going in. There are exceptions, but it is highly unlikely that the city itself would trigger such activity by installing the infrastructure and then hope housing, commerce, and industry will follow. And many irresponsible governments have wasted taxpayer dollars attempting to do just that.

In other words, a responsive government in a free society provides what the people tell it that they need in order to conduct private commerce and industry. An authoriatrian government dictates this and will be far less effective.

And as we have seen in case after case after case, commece and industry that will not happen WITHOUT government funding--for instance Solyndra--have a hugely high rate of failure wasting all the public and private monies that went into the effort.
Everybody benefits from our infrastructure whether they're in business or not.

Those who profit off it benefit more.

Bullshit. Those who profited from public works did so through their own ideas, hard work, and ingenuity. They may have received financial help from friends and family members, or loans from a bank to get up and running, or even assistance from a gov't program, which was or should've been available to everyone else. No successful person owes jack squat to the gov't for their success; you should take responsibility for your failures but also the credit for your successes. If the gov't had anything to do with it either way, they shouldn't have.

The one place this does apply is big business and big labor.

I am sure that GM employees sing "All hail to Obama and his bailout (for our bloated wages)" every morning.

I noticed that while Obama was buying union votes....oooops..."saving" GM, that small business were crashing left and right.

Who does he think he is kidding.

And big business has been using regulation and lobbying to keep competition out of the way for decades.

Obama can kiss my ass.

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