"You didn't get there on your own"

Everybody benefits from our infrastructure whether they're in business or not.

Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".

Everybody benefits from our infrastructure whether they're in business or not.

Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than business does. But Republicans think that money earned by passive activity should be taxed at a lower rate than money earned by working or by producing a good or service.

So think about that.
If nothing else, the electoral college elects the president - not the popular vote - and the electoral college is owned by the GOP right now. It's game, set, match for Obama and even he knows it.

Agreed. We're not completely lost as a country quite yet.

Romney currently trails in the electoral college 221-181 with 270 needed to win

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Electoral college works against Romney. He is way behind before the election even starts. He needs to take roughly eight of twelve swing states to hope to eke out a win

LMAO! Keep telling yourself that. A liberal website trying to convince the Communist masses that Obama has a chance means nothing. Obama has zero chance and even he knows it. He's not going to get one single GOP vote, so he loses right there. And quite a few Dems are going to turn on him as they already have done (because he destroyed their party and got them all voted out in 2010). Even Barney Frank came forward and said Obama destroyed the party with Obamacare and that they should have addressed the economy FIRST before worrying about Socialized medicine... :lol:
Everybody benefits from our infrastructure whether they're in business or not.

Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

This is as it should be. Big trucks cause more damage to the roads than passenger vehicles. They weigh in the neighborhood of 80,000 pounds, causing the highways to require thicker and stronger designs, bridges to be more sturdy etc. They make profit by using the roadways. Why shouldn't they pay more to use the roadways?
I think the Prez should start searching out all those who turned this formerly dynamic and strong economy into a nation of beggars and whiners.

They had help.. We should find those responsible for the help and make fun of them..

Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Under communism there is no business tax, cause all he businesses belong to the state. You fail again.
Those who profit off it benefit more.

Bullshit. Those who profited from public works did so through their own ideas, hard work, and ingenuity. They may have received financial help from friends and family members, or loans from a bank to get up and running, or even assistance from a gov't program, which was or should've been available to everyone else. No successful person owes jack squat to the gov't for their success; you should take responsibility for your failures but also the credit for your successes. If the gov't had anything to do with it either way, they shouldn't have.

The one place this does apply is big business and big labor.

I am sure that GM employees sing "All hail to Obama and his bailout (for our bloated wages)" every morning.
I noticed that while Obama was buying union votes....oooops..."saving" GM, that small business were crashing left and right.

Who does he think he is kidding.

And big business has been using regulation and lobbying to keep competition out of the way for decades.

Obama can kiss my ass.

You guys are funnah.

The UAW took big pay cuts to keep GM open. Rick Wagoner, who ran GM to the ground, got a real nice going away present.

GM details payout to ex-chief Rick Wagoner - Los Angeles Times
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Commies don't pay taxes.

Dog almighty you are stupid.

And either a commie or an anarchist.

Your choice.
Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.


Uh, what is "precious" about automobiles, stupid? Furthermore, what the fuck do you care if someone's automobile is getting torn up or requires "teams of horses"?!?! This proves what a stupid Communist you are. You think any problems is EVERYONE's problem. And you think someone's wealth is EVERYONE's wealth...

Hmmmm...someone is off their meds today
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".

You still have to put the money up front....And it further underscores the fact that without businesses paying those taxes and fees, there's no loot for politicians and bureaucrats to spend on infrastructure.
Bullshit. Those who profited from public works did so through their own ideas, hard work, and ingenuity. They may have received financial help from friends and family members, or loans from a bank to get up and running, or even assistance from a gov't program, which was or should've been available to everyone else. No successful person owes jack squat to the gov't for their success; you should take responsibility for your failures but also the credit for your successes. If the gov't had anything to do with it either way, they shouldn't have.

The one place this does apply is big business and big labor.

I am sure that GM employees sing "All hail to Obama and his bailout (for our bloated wages)" every morning.
I noticed that while Obama was buying union votes....oooops..."saving" GM, that small business were crashing left and right.

Who does he think he is kidding.

And big business has been using regulation and lobbying to keep competition out of the way for decades.

Obama can kiss my ass.

You guys are funnah.

The UAW took big pay cuts to keep GM open. Rick Wagoner, who ran GM to the ground, got a real nice going away present.

GM details payout to ex-chief Rick Wagoner - Los Angeles Times

From what I understand it, the big pay cuts were the pay to those where were new hires, thus creating a two tier system. The people in the system pretty much kept what they were getting.

That is how I recall it.
Agreed. We're not completely lost as a country quite yet.

Romney currently trails in the electoral college 221-181 with 270 needed to win

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Electoral college works against Romney. He is way behind before the election even starts. He needs to take roughly eight of twelve swing states to hope to eke out a win

LMAO! Keep telling yourself that. A liberal website trying to convince the Communist masses that Obama has a chance means nothing. Obama has zero chance and even he knows it. He's not going to get one single GOP vote, so he loses right there. And quite a few Dems are going to turn on him as they already have done (because he destroyed their party and got them all voted out in 2010). Even Barney Frank came forward and said Obama destroyed the party with Obamacare and that they should have addressed the economy FIRST before worrying about Socialized medicine... :lol:

The current numbers work against Romney and he knows it. Three and a half months to go and he needs a miracle. All the current electoral college polling shows Romney trailing. Right now, the balance of power favors the blue states. Barring a miracle, Romney will lose by 100 electoral votes
Republicans keep bringing up evidence that FDR didn't spend enough?

Oh LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! That one is a howler.

Name the Republican saying that. I have heard that charge made BUT BY THE LIBERAL MEDIA AND ONLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA.

I hate to break it to you but FDR had nothing to do with the unemployment rate coming down.

Look at it here: United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2010 — Infoplease.com

When did the unemployment rate come starkly down. IN THE YEAR 1942!

Now what event might have precipitated that? Oooooo Let me think.


The DRAFT put men to work IN THE MILITARY. It put women to work in the factories.

FDR had nothing to do with it.

But the great prosperity only took effect under Truman and Eisenhower.

Considering the way that FDR's hands were tied by Congress he did a good job of secretly and openly increasing military aid to England.
So yes FDR was responsible for reviving the war industry well before war broke out in '41.
If the repubs had their way,, The rising sun and swastika flags would still be waving.

If FDR had his way, he would have packed the court.

And what are you talking about reviving the industry? The US was in woeful STRAIGHTS when they entered the war, because they were unprepared!

They were terribly unprepared for WWII!

That's why Pearl Harbor happened you moron!

My grandfather was over the production of the B-25 for North American in Columbus, Ohio.

If he were still alive he could tell you. FDR didn't do jack! Not until the war broke out.


Good grief what history books did you read?

Some leftist revisionism, obviously!


When posters indicate it took the spending of WWII to cure the depression they in effect are saying it took war-time spending to stop the depression, so FDR simply didn't spend enough. As for prepardness the Republicans fought FDR on rearming America. Check out the "America Firsters." Still FDR's peacetime draft had been in operation for a year before Pearl Harbor. One month before Pearl it was repassed by one vote in the House. FDR made decisions without Congressional approval for rearming America and helping Britain survive. Check out the fifty destroyer deal, Lend Lease. Good for your grandfather, I lived through that period, and still remember the first draft number, 158, and even the songs, "Goodbye Dear, I'll be back in a year cause im in the army now." That first draft peacetime draft of America's was for a year, until the extension added in 1941. In 1936 economic indications pointed to a recovery and FDR stopped the New Deal. A mistake because we slid back into another smaller recession. As for the Court packing, it was a political failure but the Court saw the light and as pundits said, "a stich in time saved nine."
Ever wonder how America got into the Great Depression? What kind of history books do you read?
And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.


Uh, what is "precious" about automobiles, stupid? Furthermore, what the fuck do you care if someone's automobile is getting torn up or requires "teams of horses"?!?! This proves what a stupid Communist you are. You think any problems is EVERYONE's problem. And you think someone's wealth is EVERYONE's wealth...

Hmmmm...someone is off their meds today


Oh, sorry. Thought we were talking about Squallball.
Frankilin needed government to invent the stove?
To discvover the power of electricity?

Franklin worked for the Government for a good part of his life



You seriously didn't just post that, didja Hack?

No, you pathetic hack, Benjamin Franklin did not "work for government for a good part of his life."

He held three positions, Postmaster of the confederacy (Pre-U.S.) from 1775 to 1777 - an unpaid position undertaken to establish a communication system after lose of British postal service. President of Pennsylvania for one year. Then Ambassador to France, another unpaid position. (Franklin was a wealth statesman by that time.)

In 89 years, he spent less than 3 in government employ, and probably never took a dime from government.

Seriously hack, make up better lies.

Was it the government that assisted the Wright brothers?

The Wright Brothers got their first contract with the Army Signal Corps

Before Kittyhawk, hack?

Do you really believe the internet had no shot without the government?

The Government invented the internet, Army ARPANET

What year was that, hack? Would that be around 1991 with Algore the prevaricator? Or was it more like 1963 with J.C. Licklider?

Oh and hack, what about Doors and Wildcat? Wasn't the first coast to coast email system run across private BBS nodes on Wildcat using Doors to relay mail? In fact, wasn't this half a decade before Darpa allowed public switching infrastructure to link wide areas?

I could sent an email from Los Angeles to New York in 1981. Arpanet could in 1987.

In fact, the Government now finances a good portion of the R&D on energy, communications and medical research

Is that right, hack?

So we can thank government for Verizon developing LTE? Fair enough, the U.S. Army DID create CDMA, but GSM came from Alltel.

I don't know hack, I think you are completely full of shit.
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than business does. But Republicans think that money earned by passive activity should be taxed at a lower rate than money earned by working or by producing a good or service.

So think about that.

No, economists think that. Supposedly it leads to more investment. I don't know if that's true or not, but in glancing at it the premise does seem reasonable.

On this too, I'm a fan of Dr. Paul. This country doesn't NEED income taxes AT ALL. It amounts to about 20% of total revenues. If we cut spending back to 2005 levels it would be a wash. We didn't have income taxes before 1913, AT ALL.

Regardless, we've GOT to cut spending. Taxes won't cut it. We can't pay THE INTEREST on what we owe without borrowing more. I say for now leave the taxes where they are and BALANCE A FUCKING BUDGET!!

Or not, the results are going to be WICKED to watch...
just ran across this
VOTE Obama out people

Obama's Socialist Mantra: Risk Takers Are Free Riders

Posted 07/16/2012 07:09 PM ET

Ideology: In his war on American exceptionalism, President Obama has turned the sights on exceptional Americans. If you've built a successful business, it wasn't your dream or your sweat — somebody else made it happen.

The unbridled disdain President Obama has for the entrepreneurs who work hard and risk everything was made plain when he told supporters in Roanoke, Va.: "If you've got a business — you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

This was stunning news and a colossal slap in the face to the millions of small-business owners who get up every day and by the sweat of their brow and the drive of their ambition still pursue the American dream in spite of the obstacles and hurdles this administration has put in front of them.

In Obama's collectivist world view, we are all ants on a socialist ant farm. We are sheep being led by a government shepherd. Wealth, as we now know, is not to be created but to be redistributed in the manner of the Marxist slogan — to each according to his need and from each according to his ability.

Your success, Obama says, is not your own. There "was a great teacher somewhere in your life," he tells us, and that somebody "invested in roads and bridges."

Is it a coincidence that virtually the only people President Obama gives credit to for anything are teacher and construction unions?

all of it here
Obama Tells Entrepreneurs If You Have A Business, You Didn't Build That - Investors.com
Romney currently trails in the electoral college 221-181 with 270 needed to win

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Electoral college works against Romney. He is way behind before the election even starts. He needs to take roughly eight of twelve swing states to hope to eke out a win

LMAO! Keep telling yourself that. A liberal website trying to convince the Communist masses that Obama has a chance means nothing. Obama has zero chance and even he knows it. He's not going to get one single GOP vote, so he loses right there. And quite a few Dems are going to turn on him as they already have done (because he destroyed their party and got them all voted out in 2010). Even Barney Frank came forward and said Obama destroyed the party with Obamacare and that they should have addressed the economy FIRST before worrying about Socialized medicine... :lol:

The current numbers work against Romney and he knows it. Three and a half months to go and he needs a miracle. All the current electoral college polling shows Romney trailing. Right now, the balance of power favors the blue states. Barring a miracle, Romney will lose by 100 electoral votes

Please hold on to that thought. Relish it and rest well with it.

You'll never see the spring loaded blast Obama knows is coming.

100,000,000 dollars in negative adds and essentially no change in the polls. Most indes won't engage until the last month or two and when they do.......

Obama will be spending next Spring by Lake Michigan.

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