"You didn't get there on your own"

You use an outhouse, I take it.

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.

You are the one that linked the interstate as if it came directly after the automobile. I think we see who is talking out of one's own ass!

No I paid 30,000 for a septic system which I maintain with my own money even though some of my local taxes go for the upkeep of a water treatment plant that I do not use

You know, I just came to the realization that you are most likely literally talking out your ass.

You never heard of a septic system?


Why am I not surprised

You do know that some people actually get their water from private wells on their property and not through some government funded water supply don't you?


The idiots probably think the government provides those too!

So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?

Come on now Oddball! You know that liberals aren't rational - they are emotional hypocrite Communists. That's why they own iPhones and iPads while shedding tears for those who are hungry, homeless, or uninsured.

Don't try to use rational thought with them - it's going to cause their head to explode!

(On a side note though, GREAT post exploiting their mind-numbing stupidity :clap2:)
Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


Hell yeah!

When I lived in California in 1976, Antelope Valley, Acton, there was a bunch of kids that had to delivered via bus up this one mountain and it was ENTIRELY DIRT ROAD.

That picture of the bus reminded me of that! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?

Nope. And nobody has explained how a Mitt Romney made all his millions without government subsidies or how people built profitable farms and ranches and factories and mercantile enterprises before the federal government was involved in all that in any way, or how all those roads got built that the federal government neither built nor funded or how any of us have managed to support ourselves, buy homes and cars and raise a family without no government subsidies of any kind.
Just for the record, if I can't talk out my ass, this site won't be ANY fun.


True. Same here. But I don't make shit up just to prove my argument.

Next he'll be saying he runs off a generator or seven.

Only the idiot known as BDPoop would actually try to make the case that flushing your toilet means you OWE government your business... :lol:


Which proves BD is really the one talking out of her ass, but good! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I swear, if I didn't know better, I would believe that Barack Hussein was desperately trying to NOT get re-elected. He has done everything in his power to ensure he is going home after his first term. From bashing America, it's history, and it's culture, to demonizing job makers and those who work hard, to Marxist policies that are collapsing the nation, to assinine comments that business owners owe their company to someone else.

It seems like he's writing off large groups of the voting community in favor of others. He's got his base: those who want full blown socialism like him. He may also be banking on getting his serfs to turn out in full force: those who are 100% dependent on the government nipple to get their liquor and porn. Then, demonize the few (the rich, 1%, whatever you want to call them) as much as humanly possible in order to try to drum up as much animosity and anger as possible toward them while firmly putting yourself on the other side and then that might seal the deal.

If Obama and the democrats are successful in continuing to keep the economy down, keeping the employment rate and workforce low and getting more and more people on food stamps, then it's going to be awfully hard to get anyone elected who wants to make it easier for you to work for yourself rather than simply collect a welfare check. Why work when you can have everything given to you in return for simply voting democrat once per couple years?

You make a lot of great points. But those that you are referring to don't even show up to vote. The crack addict mamma with 13 children doesn't even know what day it is, much less what day to vote, where to go, etc. And there are TONS of people out of work thanks to Obama who desperately want to be working and on their own.

Obama is going to lose a bigger landslide election than Jimmy Carter did to Ronald Reagan. All Romney has to do is repeat the same question: "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago"? Even the idiot Communists like Jillian, BDBoop, and leftwinger know they are not.
i also wonder how many of the whiners had government backed student loans, collect social security, have declared bankruptcy, get medicaid or medicare... drive on our roads; use public sewage, water.... courts, licensing agencies... or have their funds in banks where that money is federally protected... unlike 1930...

but they're independent, donchaknow...

First of all "I" is supposed to be capitalized, sweetie. Second, only the idiot liberal would claim that conservatives are hypocrites about personal responsibility by citing "Social Security". Um, hey stupid, we are forced into Social Security against our will. Make your Communist program voluntary and watch how many conservatives opt out (100%). Which is exactly why, in true Communist/Marxist/Socialist form, your side forced the entire nation into that unconstitutional program against our will. Which is why the say: "Socialism - an idea so good, it has to be forced on everyone".

And Jillian wonders why everyone laughs at her when she claims to be an "attorney"... :lol:

She claims to be an attorney but she thinks the government provides bankruptcies????


Hell! I don't claim to be an attorney. I was a legal secretary AND I KNOW DAMN WELL BETTER THAN THAT!

I sure as hell drew up enough of 'em! (Bankrupties, that is)

Government didn't pay for them! Our clients did!

Government didn't pay to HAVE THEM FILED! Our clients had to pay filing fees!

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dear BD, they lie about absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G

even shit they dont have to lie about
You obviously have never heard of a septic system either so you sure as shit don't know how much one costs to install.

I don't think they are doubting your use of a septic tank as much as your claim that roads do not matter to business or the distribution of goods and people.

That second claim, the one about roads, is a bit odd.

Roads do not offer a business owner any greater benefit than anyone else because anyone can use the roads in order to do business.

I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?

Well, the government did sponsor Solyndra. So, you're wrong on that one. :)

Has anybody in the government admitted it was a bad investment by the government or poorly managed? I don't think so.
So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?


Bingo! Whack job bingo!

I win.


In other words brainless is saying because you addressed the government sarcastically, instead of worshipping it like she does, you argument has no relevance.

And then SHE thinks she can decide who is the whack job?

Without that motivated entrepreneur who invented the vehicle, there would be no infrastructure.

With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.

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So, has anyone 'splained how it is that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is pivotal in business success, but never ever to blame for business failure?

Well, the government did sponsor Solyndra. So, you're wrong on that one. :)
Only if Boiking came out and said "My bad...Ya fucked up, ya trusted me".

But he hasn't and won't.
With the invention of the automobile, it was the public investment in road infrastructure that made the automotive industry take off. Nobody would have bought cars if there were no roads to drive them on

Folks drove on dirt roads for DECADES, how stupid are you?

In fact, they STILL do...


And those dirt roads ate up the automobiles that were available in the early years of the 20th century. Early autos lacked suspensions, durable tires, reliable engines and structural strength to handle most roads.

There were often times a team of horses were needed to save precious automobiles.

Bullshit! There are still areas where a dirt road is STILL all they have!

Have you ever seen Athens County, Ohio???????? Or Vintin County?

OR Antelope Valley, California?


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