"You didn't get there on your own"

Frankilin needed government to invent the stove?
To discvover the power of electricity?

Franklin worked for the Government for a good part of his life



You seriously didn't just post that, didja Hack?

No, you pathetic hack, Benjamin Franklin did not "work for government for a good part of his life."

He held three positions, Postmaster of the confederacy (Pre-U.S.) from 1775 to 1777 - an unpaid position undertaken to establish a communication system after lose of British postal service. President of Pennsylvania for one year. Then Ambassador to France, another unpaid position. (Franklin was a wealth statesman by that time.)

In 89 years, he spent less than 3 in government employ, and probably never took a dime from government.

Seriously hack, make up better lies.

Was it the government that assisted the Wright brothers?

The Wright Brothers got their first contract with the Army Signal Corps

Before Kittyhawk, hack?

Do you really believe the internet had no shot without the government?

The Government invented the internet, Army ARPANET

What year was that, hack? Would that be around 1991 with Algore the prevaricator? Or was it more like 1963 with J.C. Licklider?

Oh and hack, what about Doors and Wildcat? Wasn't the first coast to coast email system run across private BBS nodes on Wildcat using Doors to relay mail? In fact, wasn't this half a decade before Darpa allowed public switching infrastructure to link wide areas?

I could sent an email from Los Angeles to New York in 1981. Arpanet could in 1987.

In fact, the Government now finances a good portion of the R&D on energy, communications and medical research

Is that right, hack?

So we can thank government for Verizon developing LTE? Fair enough, the U.S. Army DID create CDMA, but GSM came from Alltel.

I don't know hack, I think you are completely full of shit.

Kudos on the bust out of wrongwinger... needs to happen more
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


So you acknowledge that business pass the cost on to the consumer, yet you suppport a Communist government punishing businesses and success with higher and higher taxes? Then you people wonder why the economy tanks under your policies?

God almighty are you stupid! You realize that business is not going to eat the loss, that they will pass it on to you, and still you sit here supporting that stupidity.

Commies don't pay taxes.

Dog almighty you are stupid.

And either a commie or an anarchist.

Your choice.

That's it - try to avoid the conversation because I just exposed your hypocrisy in front of everyone! :lol:
Romney currently trails in the electoral college 221-181 with 270 needed to win

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Electoral college works against Romney. He is way behind before the election even starts. He needs to take roughly eight of twelve swing states to hope to eke out a win

LMAO! Keep telling yourself that. A liberal website trying to convince the Communist masses that Obama has a chance means nothing. Obama has zero chance and even he knows it. He's not going to get one single GOP vote, so he loses right there. And quite a few Dems are going to turn on him as they already have done (because he destroyed their party and got them all voted out in 2010). Even Barney Frank came forward and said Obama destroyed the party with Obamacare and that they should have addressed the economy FIRST before worrying about Socialized medicine... :lol:

The current numbers work against Romney and he knows it. Three and a half months to go and he needs a miracle. All the current electoral college polling shows Romney trailing. Right now, the balance of power favors the blue states. Barring a miracle, Romney will lose by 100 electoral votes

You can wish all you want and you can post as many fake numbers as you want. At the end of the day, it's over for Obama and even he knows it. He's not going to get ONE SINGLE GOP VOTE. And he's going to lose handfuls of Democrat votes. He has ZERO chance of getting re-elected and he knows it. He knew it in November 2010 (why do you think he looked like he was going to cry that day :lol:)
, it's over for Obama and even he knows it.


Oh god, you are maybe the winner of the funniest post of the day...

Real world: conz cant ever win a national election when everyone votes, not ever, simple fact of mathematics

Con world: Obama has no chance


Stupid bigot, the ONLY way you get close to winning is by stealing the election by preventing millions of us from voting...better not, or you will have a problem on your hands you will not like...:D
, it's over for Obama and even he knows it.


Oh god, you are maybe the winner of the funniest post of the day...

Real world: conz cant ever win a national election when everyone votes, not ever, simple fact of mathematics

Con world: Obama has no chance


Stupid bigot, the ONLY way you get close to winning is by stealing the election by preventing millions of us from voting...better not, or you will have a problem on your hands you will not like...:D

Don't need to steal anything. And even if we did...you'd be to stupid to know it happened.

Obama is up...sleep well.

Hold onto that like your pacifier or thumb.

Just don't blow a head gasket when BHO is back on the shores of Lake Michigan come next March.
What is it you want Mac? Big tears because you started a business? Wasn't it your choice? Did you not reap the rewards that you thought were yours because you started a business?

Damn man. If you are a successful business man, quit whining.

Oh and btw, you need a better HR department. I read where your employees were ripping you off. Fire the HR manager and start over. Or is the HR manager YOU?

I could be wrong, but I think what he wants is for dipshits like you and Obama to stop acting like the effort he put into building his business was no great shakes, and like you and Obama contributed just as much, and are just as entitled - if not more entitled - to the profits from that business.

And I don't think there's anything "whining" about saying, "Where the fuck do you get off taking credit for my work?" There IS, however, a large element of whining in "How dare you object to supporting other people?" which is such a constant and popular theme with Obama and his worshippers. I also find a lot of whining in Obama's new line, to which his worshippers are fervently rallying, of "How dare you think YOU'VE accomplished anything, you arrogant, conceited plebian? We did everything for you, and you just got lucky."
One good thing with this speech is the people got to see the MASK come completely off of obama and how he really views us and the country he hates and wants to TRANSFORM..

VOTE this ugly man out..

he's put us down enough
Last edited:
, it's over for Obama and even he knows it.


Oh god, you are maybe the winner of the funniest post of the day...

Real world: conz cant ever win a national election when everyone votes, not ever, simple fact of mathematics

Con world: Obama has no chance


Stupid bigot, the ONLY way you get close to winning is by stealing the election by preventing millions of us from voting...better not, or you will have a problem on your hands you will not like...:D

I don't know what kind of problem you're referring to, could you be a little more specific?

Or is it just your habit to post vague threats on message boards?
One good thing with this speech is the people got to see the MASK come completely off of obama and how he really views us and the country he hates and wants to TRANFORM..

VOTE this ugly man out..

he's put us down enough


You idiots are so upset, this reminds me of that idiot joe the plumber who didnt own jack...

i am running out of things to say to you guys, what do you say to someone who is wrong on absolutely everything they say, shaking my head, i may finally be speechless :lol:
You know, when I heard this comment by Barry, all it did was cement what I already KNEW about him BEFORE he was elected. The man is absolutely as CLUELESS about capatalism and free enterprise and is a student of socialism at its worst.

The simple fact is that if a small business man makes it, if he works HARD enough and LONG enough, he might (if he is really lucky) make a go of it DESPITE the federal government. Because I am here to tell you that from the beginning of my business to the day that I shut the doors, the federal government was the BIGGEST roadblock to success. For 20 years, from the moment I started, the nightmare that I had to deal with was "Hello, I'm from the federal government." The second worst nightmare? "Hello, I'm from the state government."

I have NOT met a small businessman who for an instant believes the crap that this man is dishing...

I'll bet "I'm from the city/county" was always a good time, too, huh?
I am glad to see all the twisted concepts of what Obama said. I thought it was just my wife that acted in a demented fashion of interpretation.

You idiots are so upset, this reminds me of that idiot joe the plumber who didnt own jack...

i am running out of things to say to you guys, what do you say to someone who is wrong on absolutely everything they say, shaking my head, i may finally be speechless :lol:

Here is a clue.

What is it you want Mac? Big tears because you started a business? Wasn't it your choice? Did you not reap the rewards that you thought were yours because you started a business?

Damn man. If you are a successful business man, quit whining.

Oh and btw, you need a better HR department. I read where your employees were ripping you off. Fire the HR manager and start over. Or is the HR manager YOU?

I could be wrong, but I think what he wants is for dipshits like you and Obama to stop acting like the effort he put into building his business was no great shakes, and like you and Obama contributed just as much, and are just as entitled - if not more entitled - to the profits from that business.

And I don't think there's anything "whining" about saying, "Where the fuck do you get off taking credit for my work?" There IS, however, a large element of whining in "How dare you object to supporting other people?" which is such a constant and popular theme with Obama and his worshippers. I also find a lot of whining in Obama's new line, to which his worshippers are fervently rallying, of "How dare you think YOU'VE accomplished anything, you arrogant, conceited plebian? We did everything for you, and you just got lucky."

well talk about extemist views.
I am glad to see all the twisted concepts of what Obama said. I thought it was just my wife that acted in a demented fashion of interpretation.

Oh right, it's always everybody just didn't understand what he said..
we heard it loud and clear...and I hope they show up to vote.......him OUT:eusa_clap:
I am glad to see all the twisted concepts of what Obama said. I thought it was just my wife that acted in a demented fashion of interpretation.

Twist this....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ZO7XOpwa8]Obama 7.13.2012: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. - YouTube[/ame]
I am glad to see all the twisted concepts of what Obama said. I thought it was just my wife that acted in a demented fashion of interpretation.

Oh right, it's always everybody just didn't understand what he said..
we heard it loud and clear...and I hope they show up to vote.......him OUT:eusa_clap:

Yes, everybody heard it loud and clear, he correctly stated that NOBODY ever made it ENTIRELY on their own, to argue the reverse proves you to be incredibly stupid.
He is speaking for himself, no doubt, as his past is as nefarious as one can be. He has no clue, and thus remains envious to the core, for those who do work against all challenges to become successful.


He was speaking for every American Capitalist.

Unless of course..you know one that did make it entirely on his or her own?

Fill us in.

Considering that you, and I, and every other resident of the United States gets EXACTLY the same "help" as small business owners, but the rest of us do NOT have successful businesses, I'd say every damned one of them made the difference between them and us entirely on their own.

This whole "You live in the United States, so your success is owed to everyone else in the United States for the good fortune of living here" line of crap is cutting zero ice with anyone who isn't a freeloading sack of dung. I will be grateful to my nation and my community for the OPPORTUNITY to be successful that it affords me (and everyone else). I refuse to be grateful to them for what I did with that opportunity.
Considering that you, and I, and every other resident of the United States gets EXACTLY the same "help" as small business owners, but the rest of us do NOT have successful businesses, I'd say every damned one of them made the difference between them and us entirely on their own.

This whole "You live in the United States, so your success is owed to everyone else in the United States for the good fortune of living here" line of crap is cutting zero ice with anyone who isn't a freeloading sack of dung. I will be grateful to my nation and my community for the OPPORTUNITY to be successful that it affords me (and everyone else). I refuse to be grateful to them for what I did with that opportunity.

This is an informative post, this person has absolutely no idea what they are talking about, has absolutely no historical context nor does he or she realize just how completely absurd this is, especially this comment

Considering that you, and I, and every other resident of the United States gets EXACTLY the same "help" as small business owners,

Liberals, look at that...I know, I know, I hear you screaming, I hear you trying to scream out an education for this person, but they cant hear it...

I think this proves that they cannot be taught, well they can, there is no reason they cant, but they refuse to, their bigotry is simply way too valuable to them
I see someone is have a melt down..OH WELL

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