"You didn't get there on your own"

Attacking small business was a tactical mistake for Dear Leader. I know he is just waging class warfare as he always does, but this will hurt him a lot more than the Bainther® movement is hurting Romney.
O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

I'm sure YOU think it sounds wonderful now matter how it's quoted, because Obama said it, and because you're a leftist retard.

Unfortunately for your little plan, your allegedly "ignored" context makes it sound no better whatsoever to anyone who's ever accomplished a damned thing in life besides cash a check.

It still says, "You need to 'give back' more, because you're not contributing enough to compensate for all the effort everyone else put into your lucky break."

is that the only way you know how to converse with people?

Yeah, she thinks we're her clients and want to be told how naughty and worthless we are.

Mistress Cecile is pretty pathetic that way
O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

If I have a business I didn't build that?

What the fuck does that mean? Is Bam Bam saying that people give buildings away to be used as businesses?

If I paid for a building to be built then yes I built it because without my money it wouldn't have happened now would it?

Let me ask you sheep this?

Whose money funded my business? I didn't take any government guaranteed loans. I am personally responsible for every dollar I borrowed and every lease I took out for equipment.
Which of you did any of that for me?

Were any of you working with me when I had to do 50K in code upgrades so as to open? Did you help pay for the code upgrades?

Where would you have been if our business failed? Would you have given us room and board?

What risk did anyone else in "society" take when I opened my business?

None that's what and now you greedy fucks want more of the rewards I made happen.

Seems Bam Bam doesn't understand the difference between working together and paying people to do work.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Borrowing money from a bank is "on the tit of the government"? My God, you get dumber every time you talk.
Attacking small business was a tactical mistake for Dear Leader. I know he is just waging class warfare as he always does, but this will hurt him a lot more than the Bainther® movement is hurting Romney.

He's evidently put his chips down on the fact that there are more who don't own businesses than those who do. So, it's "you're just as important to the success of the business as your boss, even if you're a part time janitor."

Ping! Another vote. Easy as pie.

Wait a minute.

You borrowed money?

What the fuck.

You borrowed money?

Don't fucking tell me you went to a bank and borrowed money.

Why didn't you have the cash on hand?

Or heck..why didn't you just get the materials on your own.

That's so freaking typical.

Borrowing money..gosh. On the tit of the government.

So disappointing.

Nope, not just banks but venture-capitalist groups like Bain Capital made much of the wealth in America possible. The government had little to do with it.

The only thing government did for my business was set up road-blocks for fuck's sake.

Obama has his head up his ass cuz he walked right into that one....and so did you. Lol.

these are fast becoming not just the stupidest comments (not picking on you personally, pretty much all of you rightwingers have entirely and completely lost your minds) in history, but if we allowed these lower middle class white bagger bigots to run things, the country would be done very very quickly...

It is being dismantled now, and getting these dumb baggers to believe this garbage is why we are always fighting each other, well that and they hate people that dont look exactly like them...

Yet another "I have nothing real to say to refute this, so I'll just dismiss it as 'dumb' and hope no one notices" leftist. ::yawn::
tea party


god, if they only knew why their agenda was the opposite of the actual history they think they are repeating

If only you could actually PROVE that their agenda is the opposite of history, rather than just claiming it is and hoping no one will call your bluff.
Attacking small business was a tactical mistake for Dear Leader. I know he is just waging class warfare as he always does, but this will hurt him a lot more than the Bainther® movement is hurting Romney.

yep, and they tell us obama is Brilliant..
Oh god, this is great entertainment, reading these idiots.

I wonder if there is a reality tv show in this, maybe a camera crew follows an adult, i.e. liberal, as he or she goes to known bagger areas and asks them questions, the answers would be hysterical...


I dont know if I have time, overseeing 52 employees does take a little bit of my time, but hell, I would rather be in show biz anyway!

"Oh, God, listening to all these people making substantial arguments that I can't refute is SOO funny, and I sure hope no one asks me to explain WHY it's funny, and they just assume it's because I know something lofty and meaningful that I haven't mentioned!"

Say something useful, or shut the fuck up. You're wasting space with this whole "You're so stupid, but I'm MUCH too busy to explain why" schtick, and it's not fooling anyone. Even the other leftist idiots think you're a dolt, whether they'll admit it or not.
If I had a dime for every time a poster uses the word communism on these boards I would put those millions into a saving account in the Cayman Islands. If I had to pay a dime for every poster that I felt knew what communism meant I would still have my millions. It's understandable, schools probably steered clear of the entire topic, why make the five O'clock news trying to teach a course in comparative economic systesms? It seems to mean all sorts of things to posters, but what? I have met people from the USSR and they didn't seem to know what Marx was talking about, they only knew and believed that which USSR practiced was communism. It's usage today seems to have boiled down to, it's what Democrats do, and has no relationship to what Karl Marx advocated.

Well, the fact that you just referred to it as an "economic system" is a clear indication that you too do not know what it means.

The first thing people don't understand is that there are economic systems (ie Capitalism, Socialism, etc.) and political systems (ie Republics, Dictatorships, etc.).

Communism is neither - it is a blanket term the US leaders started using in the early 1900's to describe nations that were politically a dictatorship and economically Marxists/Socialists. You can be a Republic or Democracy that votes for voluntary Socialism economically. That is NOT Communism. But when you are FORCED by a dictator (or small faction of power) into Marxism or Socialism, that is Communism.

And that is why Communism is the proper term to describe today's liberal. Because they want to FORCE the rest of America into their Marxist/Socialist ideology. Today's liberal is so radical, they are Communism in it's purest form.

Asking US leaders to define communism is similar to asking posters to define communism. Better and more accurate definitions might be found by asking political scientists, perhaps those that teach subjects like comparative economic systems, and even better than that, to read what Marx had to say about the political and economic facets of his system.
Did Marx believe that a dictators would force capitalistic nations into communism? How was that transfer to take place? What was the political system that Marx envisioned for his system? I'll ask you another question one that I have asked numerous times, can you name a nation that has or is now practicing Marxian communism? And still another question, if our founders were liberals and used liberal ideas in the Constitution does that make the founders communists? They certainly advocated a political system that was pretty radical for its time and based on liberal ideas.
I gather anarchy is the next step.

Only to simplistic dumbfucks who can't see any middle ground between all-intrusive government and no government at all.

Take a bow, simplistic dumbfuck! :clap2:

Well, without da gubmint, Obama would be working at McDonalds.... he's not the most impressive man mentally. So of course he thinks gubmint is the bees knees.
Tell me the last time that a Union started a company and generated profits so they could hire workers, never happenede. Tell me the last time Obama started a company that made a profit so he would hire workers. Obama is a loser and has been and now that the truth is out he ain't doing so well. By By Obama in 2012.

another bigot racist moron....

well, thanks to liberal sciency types you can post on the internet too :clap2:

No one has mentioned race but you, numbfuck, which would make YOU the only bigot and racist around here at the moment.

Sadly, you're far from being the only moron. Lots of other leftists here who qualify for that.
boy, you bigot baggers ought to rethink posting at all anymore, every single word you say is either completely ignorant or just an outright lie

or, is it possible you have no clue how this nation was built, when, etc. ?

i guess it is possible

HateUSA apparently thinks the word "bigot" means "someone who says things I don't like, but am too stupid to argue with".
Tell me the last time that a Union started a company and generated profits so they could hire workers, never happenede. Tell me the last time Obama started a company that made a profit so he would hire workers. Obama is a loser and has been and now that the truth is out he ain't doing so well. By By Obama in 2012.

another bigot racist moron....

well, thanks to liberal sciency types you can post on the internet too :clap2:

No one has mentioned race but you, numbfuck, which would make YOU the only bigot and racist around here at the moment.

Sadly, you're far from being the only moron. Lots of other leftists here who qualify for that.

Race card = "I got nutt'n"
And if you want to be on your own...we will penalize you for it.

We don't rise or fall on all issues.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous fallacies of Obama.....

Damn, you must really be retarded. Try this: Buy a large section of raw land and build your own business - including all infrastructure. Build and pay for your own defense, transportation (roads/highways/ports/shipping), education, research & development, energy, police, courts, etc. without help from anyone else - including the government.

There is much more, but surely you get the drift by now. Good luck...

They never will. They just can't see where both govt and business can be good for each other. The interstate sytem was built for trucks to move products more efficeintly than having to stop in every town and go where the road led instead of a direct route.

Moonbat, the Interstate system was built by Eisenhower for national defense, moving troops and supplies more efficiently. It had ZERO to do with moving trade goods, that was and is an ancillary benefit.
I gather anarchy is the next step.

THIS is a great insight into the liberal non mind.

They think freedom means chaos!


ANY TIME you hear a lib talk about freedom (unless it about himself).

I mean if it's about himself, freedom is fine, BUT FOR ANYONE ELSE, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE THAT DISAGREE WITH THE LIBERAL! Why the horror! :eek:

You can't let those people be free! Do what they want! Decide for themselves! Why, it would be utter chaos.

That is what liberals really think. It's indicative of their ignorance and their paranoia.

Leftists only want the freedom to take drugs, abort babies, and camp in parks for months on end. Everything else should be micro-managed by the government (federal for preference, but they'll accept lower governments in a pinch).
end capital gains tax, take very penny over $10 million in inheritance, ending the walton/walmart family's terrorism on our country...

. . . And you'll still be a broke, punk-ass loser. No amount of misery spread to other people is going to make your life any less of a shit sandwich, so get over it.
What on earth are the insane rightists whining about – no one gets anywhere on his own; business owners are products of public education and graduates of public colleges and universities.

Without government there’d be no modern business, no employees to work in those businesses, and no consumers to patronize those businesses.

Any ‘argument’ otherwise is ignorant idiocy.

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