"You didn't get there on your own"

Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than business does. But Republicans think that money earned by passive activity should be taxed at a lower rate than money earned by working or by producing a good or service.

So think about that.

No, WE recognize that it's not just rich people like Mitt Romney who benefit from capital gains, and unlike leftists, WE don't think that the poor and middle class with 401k accounts should be penalized just to score points during an election.

So think about THAT.
Those who profit off it benefit more.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

This is as it should be. Big trucks cause more damage to the roads than passenger vehicles. They weigh in the neighborhood of 80,000 pounds, causing the highways to require thicker and stronger designs, bridges to be more sturdy etc. They make profit by using the roadways. Why shouldn't they pay more to use the roadways?

No one said they should or shouldn't. Point is, they ARE paying for their use of the roads, and have no need to "thank" the government for them as though it was some generous donation made to their business.
And they often end up paying more.

Ever paid commercial truck apportionment, tolls, fees and/or commercial real estate taxes?

Next red herring, anyone?

I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.

What is it you want Mac? Big tears because you started a business? Wasn't it your choice? Did you not reap the rewards that you thought were yours because you started a business?

Damn man. If you are a successful business man, quit whining.

Oh and btw, you need a better HR department. I read where your employees were ripping you off. Fire the HR manager and start over. Or is the HR manager YOU?

I could be wrong, but I think what he wants is for dipshits like you and Obama to stop acting like the effort he put into building his business was no great shakes, and like you and Obama contributed just as much, and are just as entitled - if not more entitled - to the profits from that business.

And I don't think there's anything "whining" about saying, "Where the fuck do you get off taking credit for my work?" There IS, however, a large element of whining in "How dare you object to supporting other people?" which is such a constant and popular theme with Obama and his worshippers. I also find a lot of whining in Obama's new line, to which his worshippers are fervently rallying, of "How dare you think YOU'VE accomplished anything, you arrogant, conceited plebian? We did everything for you, and you just got lucky."

well talk about extemist views.

I have no interest in talking about your view, thanks.
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


No the hell with that...most of us like businesses...You liberals should move and start that utopia of your own..see how long you last:lol:
Business provides jobs and generates tax revenue which keeps government running which keeps politicians in power.

Government should thank businesses for everything they have stuffed in their pockets over the years.

How dare the President mock the backbone of this country.
Shame on him...:mad:
The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


No the hell with that...most of us like businesses...You liberals should move and start that utopia of your own..see how long you last:lol:

The hell with what?

Liberals started this government. Got everything essentially up and running.

I'd like to see a country started by businesses.

It'd be kind of fun..it's never been done.

We can see how well "proprietary" material works when you are trying to establish a workable government.
I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to the success of my business. But I want to thank appropriately, so I need to know just how much you contributed. Shall I send a mere thank you card or did you contribute enough for a gift basket thank you?

Fuck a basket, I demand PROFIT-SHARING!!!

And yet a forward-thinking, intelligent CEO would include some form of profit-sharing with his or her employees....

Operative words... :bang3:
O hai. Fox News truncated the President's remarks and then went screaming apeshit based on their misquotation instead of what he actually said? I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Here's the full context *probably AGAIN* of what he ACTUALLY said.

Gee. It sounds so much more logical (and actually like the President) when you say it THAT WAY.

You know. The way he ACTUALLY SAID IT.

I'm sure YOU think it sounds wonderful now matter how it's quoted, because Obama said it, and because you're a leftist retard.

Unfortunately for your little plan, your allegedly "ignored" context makes it sound no better whatsoever to anyone who's ever accomplished a damned thing in life besides cash a check.

It still says, "You need to 'give back' more, because you're not contributing enough to compensate for all the effort everyone else put into your lucky break."

is that the only way you know how to converse with people?

No, but how I communicate with intelligent people bears no relation whatsoever to talking to BDPoop . . . or you, for that matter.
I'm sure YOU think it sounds wonderful now matter how it's quoted, because Obama said it, and because you're a leftist retard.

Unfortunately for your little plan, your allegedly "ignored" context makes it sound no better whatsoever to anyone who's ever accomplished a damned thing in life besides cash a check.

It still says, "You need to 'give back' more, because you're not contributing enough to compensate for all the effort everyone else put into your lucky break."

is that the only way you know how to converse with people?

Yeah, she thinks we're her clients and want to be told how naughty and worthless we are.

Mistress Cecile is pretty pathetic that way

Customers? Maybe YOU charge for your sex life, but please don't project that onto others.

Furthermore, please don't flatter yourself that you and your leftist retard buddies would EVER qualify to be part of my personal life under any circumstances.

And finally, I don't give a rat's ass if you WANT to be told how stupid and worthless you are. You NEED to be told, and if you can't handle it without whining and bringing people's personal lives into it, then I suggest you take your sniveling, thin-skinned little ass somewhere else. Political message boards are for grown-ups, not school children looking for someone to "enhance their self-esteem".

But I do thank you for, as always, demonstrating to everyone how "tolerant" the left REALLY is. Respecting free lifestyle choices only applies to the good little slaves on the Democrat plantation, obviously. Not but what I would expect from people who shout for "gay rights", but gaybait their enemies at the drop of a hat. Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal. Stupid hypocrisy, thy name is Jillian. :eusa_hand:

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


I certainly think that he could have worded it better. In my opinion, it laves a lot of room for the dishonest conservative talking heads to lie and misrepresent his statement. While they are not his "target market" so to speak, it gives his opposition a rallying point.

It's interesting how the leftists started out this thread applauding Obama's statement while interpreting it EXACTLY the way conservatives do. It's only after pages of getting their asses beaten like meringues that they SUDDENLY realize that Obama didn't really mean it "that way".

Good luck with that tactic. I expect it'll be as successful as applauding him was.
I got this one binky.

As a former truck driver..most of that cost gets spread to the consumer.

It's a theory called "Spreading the Cost".


The fact that businesses have to adjust their prices to accommodate the taxes they pay for the services you want them to thank government for in no way changes the fact that they ARE paying taxes for those services, and thus owe government no thanks at all.

Businesses are free to start a country of their own..you know..if they are so unhappy.


They DID. THIS one. And I see no reason why they should leave it to greedy, freeloading sacks of shit like you just because you've decided you want it and they haven't done anything to deserve their success.

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